chapter 2- values and attitude

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Ajzen's Theory of Planned Behavior

-attitude toward the behavior: degree to which a person has a favorable or unfavorable evaluation of the behavior in question -subjective norm: social factor representing the perceived social pressure for or against the behavior -perceived behavioral control: perceived ease or difficulty of performing the behavior, assumed to reflect past experience and anticipated obstacles

how can job satisfaction be used to reduce employee turnover?

-hire people who fit the organization's culture -spend time fostering employee engagement -hire selectively -provide effective on boarding (on boarding programs) -recognize and reward high performers

be familiar with the tips for "creating your own sense of engagement"

-know your job and what is expected of you -speak up when you have appropriate opportunities -ask for frequent feedback -work on developing mindfulness -avoid coworkers who are actively disengaged -take charge of your health -revisit the big picture -challenge yourself -take a break -do something for yourself

Five Predominant Models of Job Satisfaction

-need fulfillment: understand and meet employees' needs -met expectations: meet employees' expectations about what they will receive from the job -value attainment: structure the job and its rewards to match employees values -equity: monitor employees' perceptions of fairness and interact with them so they feel fairly treated -dispositional/genetic components: hire employees with an appropriate disposition

how is job satisfaction related to organizational-level outcomes?

-positive association -accounting/financial performance -customer service/satisfaction (spillover effect)

how can managers foster positive POS?

-treat employees fairly -avoid political behavior -provide job security -empower employees -reduce stressors with the work environment -eliminate abusive supervision -fulfill the psychological contract

Schwartz's value theory

1. first bi-polar dimension: self-transcendence and self-enhancement self-transcendence: concern for the welfare of others self-enhancement: pursuit of one's own interests 2. second bi-polar dimension: openness to change and conservation openness to change: self-directed independence conservation: conformity

How can managers reduct CWB?

1. hire individuals who are less prone to engage in counterproductive behavior. cognitive ability is associated with many measures of success, personality tests are also relevant 2. design jobs that promote satisfaction, and root out and eliminate managers who treat others in an abusive manner 3. respond quickly and appropriately if an employee does engage in CWBs, defining the specific behaviors that are unacceptable and the requirements for acceptable behavior

how does perceived organizational support impact employees by the way of the "norm of reciprocity"

employees are willing to work hard and commit when they are treated favorably for their contribution and values -favorable treatment must be voluntary -more likely to reciprocate with hard work and dedication when our employee treats us well

counterproductive work behavior (CWB)

harms other employees, the organization as a whole, and/or organizational stakeholders such as customers and shareholders -represents negative work-related outcomes (bullying, theft, backstabbing, gossip, drug and alcohol abuse)

organizational citizenship behavior

individual behavior that is discretionary, not directly or explicitly recognized by the formal reward system, and that in the aggregate promotes the effective functioning of the organization -OCBs are voluntary -OCBs help work groups and the organization to effectively achieve goals

Organizational commitment. What are general practices that improve commitment?

organizational commitment: the extent to which an individual identifies with an organization and commits to its goals -general practices: 1. hire people whose personal values align with the organization 2. make sure that management does not breach its psychological contracts 3. treat employees fairly and foster trust between managers and employees

what is psychological contract? What happens when a company breaches the psychological contract?

psychological contract: an individual's perception about the reciprocal exchange between him or herself and another party -company breaches the psychological contract leads to... low organizational commitment, job satisfaction, and performance and greater intentions to quit

What is telecommuting? best practices for implementing telecommuting

telecommuting: allows employees to do all or some of their work from home, using advanced telecommunications technology and internet tools to send work electronically from home to the office, and vice versa -best practices ---assess the readiness of both people and jobs for telecommuting ---ensure employees have the proper technology and support and that the communications network is secure ---establish clear expectations about the goals of the program and how it will work ---evaluate the programs effectiveness with regular and fair assessments of employee performance ---make it a priority to establish trust on both sides (avoid micromanaging)

perceived organizational support (POS)

the extent to which employees believe their organization values their contributions and genuinely cares about their well-being

what are the four core feelings constituting employee engagement?

urgency, intensity, focus, and enthusiasm

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