Chapter 21

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The Road to War

-1931 Japan invaded Manchuria in northern China and moved farther into China 1939 with massacres Adolf Hitler and followers in Germany on campaign to control all of Europe with Rhineland invasion 1936 Benito Mussolini and Italy invaded and conquered Ethiopia General Francisco Franco lead uprising and establish fastest government in 1939 Hitler annexed Austria and Sudetenland 1938 then took rest of country Nazis stripped German Jews of citizenship and send them to concentration camps camps FDR and Britain and France pressured to agree to Hitler's demands to prevent war like British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain

Birth of the Civil Rights Movement

-1942 public police survey saw mass majority of whites believed blacks for satisfied with social and economic conditions birth of civil rights movement with upset leader a Philip Randolph calling for march on Washington demanded national anti-lynching law and end to segregation and called racism pro Hitler and funded brotherhood of sleeping car protectors FDR afraid of March and issued executive order 8802 blaming discrimination in the fence jobs in establishing fair employment practices commission to monitor complaints but had no enforcement powers and hearings expose pattern of racial exclusion and wanting only whites for skilled jobs and collards for unskilled jobs FEPC got black workers jobs in industrial plants and shipyard with Southern California with special buses to bring black workers to plants with 1944 1 million in manufacturing jobs

An American Dilemma

-1944 and American dilemma account of US racist and passed by sweetest social scientists gunner my drawer with portrait of new racism was routed in laws and politics and social behavior and economies admiration of American creed with believe in equality and justice an equal opportunity and freedom with warmaking Americans more aware of racial any quality view of American values in American racial policies shared by Frederick Douglass NWEB Du Bois identified national racial problem with solution of federal government outlying discrimination and appeal to American principles with liberal position on race relations 1945 racial justice became part of liberal left agenda with full employment and civil liberties and expansion of new deal welfare state want for racial discrimination to be controlled need on war with anti-lynching legislation and equal workplace opportunities and desegregation housing and schools and expanding Social Security programs for domestic and agricultural workers

Asian-Americans in Wartime

-50,000+ Asian Americans find an army Congress in 1943 ended exclusion of Chinese because Ally and war and large scale in flux decrease in Chinese racism because helping against Japanese and many Chinese leaving ethnic ghettos and fighting with whites Saul Pacific war of Japan versus US as race war with propaganda depicting Americans a self indulgent and unpopular with ethnic and racial diversity US hatred of Japan increased and propaganda betrayed Japanese a sub human and band aggression on tyrannical rule or 70% of Japanese American population in California with 1/3 of them being foreign born and 2/3 of being American born with the latter deeply integrated into American culture viewed Japanese Americans are spies but nice to Italian and German Americans

The Nature of the War

-Atomic bomb first ruthless civilian targets and 2/5 of deaths in World War II civilian because Germany killing inferior races and bombed London while allies bombed Dresden and Tokyo war propaganda dehumanize Japanese to most Americans public doubts after John Hersey's 1948 Hiroshima with graphic accounts from civilian population

The Dawn of the Atomic Age

-August 6, 1945 atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima Japan causing many buildings to fall and immediately killing seven do you thousand but death toll increase because radiation August 9 atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki Japan killing 70,000 and Soviet union declared war on Japan and then a week later Japan surrendered use of atomic bomb controversial but Truman afraid of cost of American invasion Japan somewhat agree to and war of Emperor Hirohito remained on throne Japan economy NAV devastated by World War II

The Bracero Program

-Before World War II segregation import reservations and Mexicans force back to Mexico and Asians barred from becoming citizens bro Carrio program between Mexican and American government sprite tens of thousands of contract labor is to US in agricultural and domestic jobs in lasted until 1964 and Barack O's supposed to get decent housing and wage but because no citizenship couldn't make unions New opportunities for second generation Mexican Americans with many from barrios joining army and fight alongside whites new public participation and increased income especially for women Rosita the riveter on West Coast and celebrated as patriotic mothers by government new Chicano culture with Mexican and American cultures and increase in interest that marriage is because people were learning English

Black Internationalism

-Black radicals wanted to quality four countries like African and Caribbean with new Garvey is in pan African congresses they were five 1919 to 1945 with black intellectuals Nelson colonial rule of Africa and wanted to establish unity among African people many US leaders like WEB Du Bois and Paul Robeson helped future leaders lake can you answer and Nakoma and as a qua outlook linking plate of black Americans to people of color worldwide and racism originated with slavery and trade and free Africa from colonial rule would lead to better USC quality World War II stimulated link of racism in US with colonialism with 1942 Pittsburgh courier publishing columns on events in India and China and Robson founded council of African affairs

"The Most Terrible Weapon"

-December 1944 Hitler launched a surprise attack in France publishing allied forces back to in battle of bulge with 70,000 dead and assault failed American troops cross Rhine River and enter Germany and Hitler killed him self and Soviet union entered Berlin May 8 VE day ended the war against Germany and US moved to Japan reconquer Guam then landed in Philippines 1944FDR1 1944 election against Thomas see do we in fourth term but died of a stroke April 1945 in Harry S Truman became president and was then informed about secret Tomic bomb developed by Albert Einstein with E equals MC squared and uranium causing massive atomic reaction Einstein flood 1939 Germany and Mabon because Germany developing one 1940 FDR authorize Manhattan project of secret development of atomic bomb

Toward an American Century

-Different parties united by wanting prosperity the American century 1941 Henry Lucy believed Americans must embrace role of being dominant power in the world and must take opportunity to share economic industrial products in American ideals with other cultures and people many envisioned US as American model for other countries Lucy's essay Pro imperialism with opposition of liberals and left Henry Wallace responsive the price of free world victory and became FDR's running mate 1940 election and predicted World War II would usher in country of common man in the world would have international correspondence with government humanizing capitalism to end poverty and hunger and illiteracy

Patriotic Assimilation

-Discredit of racial and ethnic inequality because Nazis and pluralist view of America now part of rhetoric and new belief that all American should enjoy freedom equality end of World War II New immigrants now excepted melting pot with different ethnic areas moving in together from urban ethnic neighborhoods patriotic assimilation with FDR promoting diversity government and private agencies promoting Americanism as equality and against Nazis rewriting of history with racial and ethnic toleration always being a part of history 0W I highlighted every groups contribution to American life and some called prejudice for an import biological and social scientist abandon link of race and intelligence Ruth Benedict 1942 race and racism claims racism was travesty to scientific knowledge and Ashley Montagu man's most dangerous myth the fallacy of race 1942 racism and nativism viewed as psychological disorder and loss respectability outside of south Hollywood movies portrayed different races in films with Air Force and this is the army and that's hand intolerance still present with many business circles excluding Jews and government preventing many Jews from coming in during war patriotic assimilation mainly only for European whites

Japanese-American Internment

-Exaggerated fears of Japanese invasion in West Coast as many whites wanted to get Japanese American property FDR 1942 issued executive order 9066 relocating all Japanese people on the West Coast with 110,000 moving to Campos far from home it didn't apply to 40% of Japanese population in Hawaii because I need a Japanese American labor Japanese American and trim and justified Japanese aggression against US for racism in turn is suffering quasimilitary discipline in camps and lived in horse stables and shocks and barracks with wake up time at 6:45 in MESSHALL's and guards patrolling camp and shitty medical facilities some decorated homes and had Activities and clubs no court hearing and due process and rights of hobbies corpus press mostly supported internment camps and in Congress only Robert have to smoke out groups like communist party and N a a CP either supported or stayed silent 1944 Perimeter Sue versus United States supreme court denied appeal of Fred Korematsu who had been arrested for refusing a tournament and just as you go black said policy applying to Japanese people only and based on race was not racist government market war bonds to Japanese internees and have a loyalty program wanting Japanese Americans to swear allegiance to government some men sent to prison or for refusing draft but 20,000 Japanese join army from camps 1944 sono Asado in on the town on Broadway with brother fighting in Pacific and father in internment camps campaign for acknowledgment of injustices done to Japanese Americans with Congress apologize in 1988 and President Bill Clinton giving cream at the zoo presidential medal of freedom

An Economic Bll of Rights

-FDR 1944 called for economic bill of rights wanting to expand bill of rights power to secure full employment and good income and medical care and education and good homes for all Americans 1944 Henry Wallace replaced by Henry as Truman as vice president Congress never in acted economic bill of rights but 1944 many veterans got benefits like education and unemployment checks the serviceman's readjustment act or G.I. Bill of rights wanted to prevent increased unemployment and economic disruption after World War I in 1949 many in college and many with home mortgages and 1945 for employment bill pushed by civil rights organizations and religious groups within required federal government increased spending and create jobs in past 1946 but eliminated promised job creation commitment

Business and the War

-FDR helped with production with low interest loans and tax concessions and contracts with guaranteed profits to big businesses and 200 industrial companies 1/2 of corporate assets and increase production of war technology through assembly lines in new products like synthetic rubber and government research helped radars and jet engines and computers new industrial centers and West Coast became focus of military industrial production with billions of dollars in Seattle and Portland and San Francisco and California Los Angeles second largest manufacturing center and many moved to California for jobs south changed with new industrial employment but still poor when world war two ended with sharks with no plumbing and big cities were Houston and New Orleans south mostly rely on agriculture and mining and lumber and oil

The War in the Pacific

-Seems in evitable US for defeat axis powers because industrial superiority Japan occupied French Indochina and 1940 to Concord but Burma and Siam and Dutch East Indies because Indonesian oil also Concord Guam and Philippines and many other Pacific Islands largest American military surrender with Japanese forcing American and Filipino troops to lay down arms many died and prisoner of war camp and disease and starvation battle of Atlantic Germans sink allied Nabel merchant ships May 1942 battle of Coral Sea American navy stopped Japanese from hurting Australia and America hurt Japanese Navy in battle of Midway Island because discovered Japanese code destroyed for Japanese aircraft carriers

"The Way of Life of Free Men"

-1942 to 1943 national resources in planning board and RPB had blueprint for peace and full employment and increase welfare state and increase standard of living a new bill of rights including social security system and guaranteed healthcare and housing and jobs liberals shifting from reform and capitalism and now relying on the government spending for full employment and social welfare and mass consumption report reflected economist John Maynard Keynes with government spending for economic growth and RPB got funding out by Congress

The United Nations

-1944 conference Dunbarton Oaks develop structure for united nation UN with General assembly and security council with each member having equal voice and world peace canal five permanent members China and Soviet union and US and France and Britain in 1945 adopted US charter outlawed force threat to settle international disputes July U.S. Senate indoors charter only to Cine members against join me when

Good Neighbors

-FDR not very involved with international relations and departure from foreign policy 1933 FDR exchange ambassadors with Soviet union good neighbor policy formalized by FDR and created by Hoover gave US right to intervene with international fair is in Latin American countries US troops with Drew from Haiti and Nicaragua 1930s in Cuba repealed Platt amendment but FDR supported director is like monastic Samosa in Nicaragua and Rafael Trujillo Molina in Dominican republic and Fulgencio Batista in Cuba FDR administration wanted to counter German influence in Latin America by expanding American culture with Nelson Rockefeller sending American ballet caravan and NBC symphony orchestra on tours

The Office of War Information

-Office of war information 0W I create a 1942 wanted to mobilize public opinion with liberal Democrats and wanted to help explain purpose of war two American people besides getting back at Japan which was getting rid of fascism used radio and film and press try to avoid World War I hysteria drew on American traditions with torches of liberty and description of world as for free and a half slaves and Oh WI promoting FDR's definition of freedom and promoted new deal ideas and Congress eliminated most of its funding

Pearl Harbour

-US new Japan would attack Pacific but not no location December 7, 1941 Japanese Plains bomb Pearl Harbor in Hawaii wanting to hurt American naval power and Pacific and take their oil resources and become dominant power and Pacific 2000 American servicemen killed and 187 aircraft and 18 evil vessels destroyed but no aircraft carriers destroyed theory FDR knew of a talk did nothing but no evidence December Congress voted 388 to one vote to declare war on Japan except Jeanette Rankin of Montana then Germany declared war on US

The Fifth Freedom

-Underwater advertising counsel private companies promoted patriotism well putting their brand on World War II many messages of definition of freedom through advertisement and suggested FDR forget fifth freedom of free enterprise many rationing consumer items but more goods available 1944 making with freedom of choice if only government liberated Corporation from Ctrl consumer goodbye increased

Mexican-American Rights

-Zoot suit riot 1943 soldiers and policeman attacked Mexican American youth in Los Angeles many Mexican Americans complained about discrimination before fair employment practices commission because no low paying jobs to whites and they were being paid more and getting better jobs 1943 Texas pass Caucasian race equal privileges resolution setting all continents were united against Nazis and said all white people including Mexicans deserve equal treatment but discrimination continued especially against blacks

Freedom from Want

-Freedom of want initially meant international trade and later meant protecting standard of living of American worker and farmer and promise no depression after war Norman Rockwell's for freedom as hard as it is accompanying them and freedom from want to have a poet Carlos hello son Filipino poet and wrote of inspiring hope and freedom for migrant workers and canary laborers and victims of segregation like eating and going to school and opportunities in the US

The War in Europe

-Grand alliance of Britain and Sophie at Union and US with Churchhill installing and after you're her wanted to defeat Nazi Germany stolen had gold control in Eastern Europe and Churchhill wanted Britain to make it out of Warren after your wanted international order Soviet union and runs a fight with Hitler and wanted Ally to talk on English channel to confront German soldiers in France but across channel invasion 1944 in Churchhill wanted to invade in north Africa to hurt axis powers 1942 Britain in America invaded north Africa and 1943 force German army to surrender American and Britain destroyers and planes hurt German submarines not many American troops 1944 in Germany compared to Pacific and July 1943 American and British forces invaded Cicely uprising in Rome over through Mussolini's governments 1944 and Germany occupied most of Italy DJ June 6, 1940 for 200,000 American and British and Canadian soldiers under Dwight D Eisenhower landed in Normandie in weeks cause Germans to retreat and Paris was liberated 1941 invasion struggle between Germany and Soviet union and Nazis in Russia and launched seizure of Stalin guard in Russia near Volga River but Russians with US supplies around them and force them to surrender devastating Hitler's forces 13.6 million German casualties and 10 casualties caused by Russians many millions of polls and 20 million Russians both civilians and soldiers died because starvation and disease and massacres Hitler embarked on final solution of getting rid of undesirables like slobs and homosexuals and juice and gypsies Nazi death camps called the holocaust

Toward Intervention

-Many Americans desperate to stay out of World War II Congress 1940 sold arms to Britain for cash and military retirement but FDR didn't go very far because presidential election coming up those like Ford who didn't want to intervene in Europe formed America first committee FDR announced third term candidacy for president because World War II made things unstable and Republicans nominated Wendell Wilkie but campaigns were similar in FDR one and promise US would provide help to Britain and China 1941 Congress passed lend lease act giving military aid to countries like Britain and China and Soviet union and gave them billions and FDR froze Japanese assets with US basically ending trade like oil to Japan many Americans wanted to mobilize for war and had slogans informed free world Association with refugees from Germany and other European countries to bring US against Hitler freedom house for 1941 and had exclusive membership and sponsored fight for freedom rally 1941

The Road to Serfdom

-Many believed economic planning was threat of liberty the road to serfdom 1944 Friedrich a Hayek claiming that government efforts to direct economy were threats to individual liberty and planning leads to dictatorship insisted no person or group could have enough power to efficiently direct economy and free market was much more effective not advocate of laissez-faire and endorsed minimum wage and most maximum wage our laws and wanting all people to have minimum and criticized conservatives for social hierarchy and authoritarian government lead foundation for modern conservatism

Labor in Wartime

-Many laborers wanted economic expansion and political democracy from World War II three sided agreement with laborers and government and business with union membership increased for industrial peace and stabilize war production 1944 Montgomery ward didn't follow pro union orders and army dealt with him union leaders mostly agreed not to strike unions became established 1940s with 15 million members new deal displeased with Congress being dominated by conservatives and Republicans and southern Democrats many agencies like CCC a national use administration gone but kept Social Security set taxes decreased on corporations more than FDR wanted some small walkouts

Women at Work

-Many women filling industrial jobs with O WI promotions and Hollywood films glorifying independent women Rosie the riveter a Norman Rockwell's magazine cover 1944 women 1/3 of civilian labor force women in clerical and service jobs with new opportunities in industrial professions and government positions and many in manufacturing first time married women and 30s outnumbered single female workers many women needed union push for equal pay and maternity leave many companies had dance to boost morale at work

Planning the Postwar World

-Meetings between allies after World War II with final big three conference at Potsdam July 1945 with Stalin and Truman and Churchhill later Clement Attley at Potsdam conference and establish military administration for Germany but Nazi leaders on trial for war crimes Eastern Europe became under Soviet unions influence

War in Europe

-Munich agreement 1938 Britain and France caved to Hitler but 1939 US proposed idea to oppose Germany's demands but many refused because Stalans communism Stalin signed nonaggression agreement with Hitler but September 1 Hitler invaded Poland leaving France and Britain to declare war Nazi blitz Craig or lightning war took over most of Poland and Scandinavia and Belgium and Netherlands June 14, 1940 German troops occupied Paris 1940 Germany and Italy and Japan made alliance called access Winston Churchill became Prime Minister 1940 Britain battle of Britain 1940 to 1941 German planes attacking cities like London but stopped by Royal Air Force and air attack ended

What the Negro Wants

-N aACP and American Jewish congress advocating laws to ban discrimination in employment and housing and many CIO unions making efforts to organize black workers for better jobs and AFL excluding black workers white southern politicians protecting white supremacy by believing freedom I meant shaping region without outside interference and resistance to desegregation after World War II rest of country race liberation became an issue with speaking openly about dramatic changes in many believed American democracy never really addressed slavery Smith versus all right 1944 Supreme Court outlawed all white primaries and Navy began allowing some blacks on white ships And begin ending segregation in army near end of war 1942 Wendell Wilke published one world claiming many non-white countries would play a massive role in post world war two era and attacked imperialism is at home with racism and segregation

Blacks and the War

-Nazi Germany cited America's race issues as proof of the racism in Washington segregated and black and white blood bank separate with Charles drew scientist challenging this practice and he change the handling of blood plasma it was against these policies second great migration 700,000 black migrants pouring out of south on liberty trains looking for jobs in north and west 1943 Detroit park by turned into race riot with 34 dead and I hate strike against promotion of black workers at aircraft engines lynching continued like Isaac's implants 1944


-Norman Rockwell the four freedoms paintings and became FDR's favorite statement of Allied Ames because embody the rights of man of every creed and every race wherever they live FDR State of the Union address January 6, 1941 Norman Rockwell born in 1894 New York City and moved with family to Vermont 1939 and influenced him to make ordinary people in his artwork like small-town America each painting focusing on situations like ordinary citizen speaking out town meeting and different religious groups of prayer and family at Thanksgiving and mother and father with a sleeping child before freedom's first appeared in Saturday evening post in 1943 and many letters of praise and touring four freedoms show with theatrics and parades encourage people to purchase war bonds and raise $133 million world war two mobilization increased with unemployment decreasing and many women join the workforce and many people moved government spending increased foundation of modern sun belt link of business and federal government militarized changes in disappearing boundaries because World War II but Japanese Americans put in internment camps and civil rights movement increased and women taking new jobs with men off at war but many women still wanted traditional gender/family roles

Peace, but Not Harmony

-Redistribution of world power was Japan and Germany devastated and Britain and France weekend and only US and Soviet gaining influence US became dominant world power so the union occupied Eastern Europe creating division solidifying Cold War August 19 41 FDR and Churchhill met for conference and issued Atlantic charter promising destruction of Nazi Tierney and open markets and people choosing their government and new deal extending everywhere because freedom from want and freedom from fear but not freedom of speech and freedom of religion because British had colonies try to highlight differences between Anglo American ideals and Nazism Maha Tana Gandhi wrote to FDR saying democracy hollow of racial segregation in US and Britain having their colonies


-Some Americans like Hitler because some thought it would counter weight Soviet Union Forwarded business with Nazi Germany 1930s in US also trade with Japan and supply them with oil until 1941 many didn't want to enter works at Armes exporters in international bankers and passive spread to college campuses with many striking for peace and many ethnic groups moving away from entering conflicts in many group celebrated expansion of national power isolationism was 1930s Americans a desire to not enter for the complex 1935 Congress begin passing neutrality acts banning traveling ships and sale of arms to countries at war and wanted to avoid conflicts overseas and indirectly helped Franco's victory with Spanish Civil War with Nazi Germany's help

Indians during the War

-The 5000 served in American army Iroquois's believed US couldn't draft natives and declared war on axis themselves many natives left reservations for industrial jobs with any not returning after world war two ended with some veterans going to college because G.I. Bill

The Pull of Tradition

-Women working viewed as temporary necessity and advertisements portrayed women working as sacrifice not rights or independence many women lost jobs when war ended advertisers viewed family eye center of prosperity and freedom view with maternal abundance and family at center in homes with household appliances and consumer goods working women portrayed as dreaming of boyfriends and needed make up man and army wanted to return to traditional family

The Double-V

-World War II N aA CP increased to 500,000 members in Congress of radical equality core found in 1942 with interracial pacifists and meeting and fart and got reinstated black woman who was fired for entering bus before some white people 1942 Pittsburgh courier coined phrase Double Vie meaning victory over Germany and victory over segregation and black press pointed out failure with American ideas and black people to blacks freedom meant and to lynching and end of job discrimination and freedom from want

Blacks and Military Service

-World War II no blacks in Air Force and Marines and restricted black and let's do used to army and blacks in navy only waiters and cooks blacks in segregated army units and mostly non-combat tasks and many northern blacks had training in South and we're limited with some blacks having to give up their seats to Nazi prisoners of war on bus black southern veterans with G.I. Bill limited by local authorities with education only at segregated colleges in living in job training to low wage service jobs and restricted loans for farm purchase

Fighting for the Four Freedoms

-World War II remembered as good war mobilization of patriotic public opinion freedom had definition of wanting peace and security and toleration and became attached to connotation of first amendment view of bill of rights protecting against a tyrannical government and Defending American life and control rights 1943 Supreme Court allow Jehovah's Witnesses to not salute American flag in public schools protection for minorities

Mobilizing for War

-World war 2 50 million Americans drafted and 10 million in military and service through together many different Americans from different Regions and a racial backgrounds with many children of immigrants fighting alongside Americans who would been in the US much longer voluntary and Lisman and 1942 and heavily relied on draft FDR create a war production Board and war manpower commission and office of Price administration regulating labor and shipping an industry and fixing prices and federal jobs increase by four times as much and unemployment decreased those housing for war workers and many civilians forced into war production and many auto factories producing tanks and trucks and 1940 for one plane produced every five minutes national product increased 91,000,000,000 to 214000,000,000 government market in war bonds and withholding income tax from weekly paychecks now it would became Mass taxation

Yalta and Bretton Woods

-Yalta conference FDR Churchhill protested stones control of Baltic states Estonia Latvia and Lithuania and part of East pull into restore Russia's prewar borders with Donna green to enter war with Japan later and having non-communist in pro Soviet government of Poland and have free elections high watermark of American and Sophia cooperation Churchhill rejected making British colonies independent and had private deals with John to have southern Europe British and northern Europe Soviet Brettonwoods conference 45 nations represented July 1940 Ford to replace British pound with US dollar for international exchange of currency and reestablish dollar and GoldLink with $35 per ounce of gold created the world bank giving money to developing countries and rebuilding Europe and the national monetary fund preventing governments from D valuing their currency used to help their international trade Bretton Woods created post war S economic system with US as dominant world financial leader

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