Chapter 22 Quiz

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9. Which of the following was a result of the Ottoman loss of monopoly over the Indian trade?

A) Direct carriage of eastern goods to ports in the West implied loss of revenues in taxes in Muslim trading centers.

2. What was the principle of succession within the Ottoman Empire?

A) Like earlier Islamic dynasties, the Ottoman Empire lacked a principle of succession.

8. Which of the following was NOT one of the social reforms of Akbar?

A) Prostitution was eliminated in his realm.

What ruling approach and general policies allowed his grandson Akbar to establish a durable empire?

Akbar's social policies and administrative genius made it possible to establish the foundations of a lasting dominion in the subcontinent. He pursued a policy of reconciliation and cooperation with the Hindu princes and the Hundu majority of the population of his realm. He encouraged intermarriage between the Mughal aristocracy and the families of the Hindu Rajput rulers. Akbar also abolished the much-hates jizya that earlier Muslim rulers had levied on Hindu unbelievers. He promoted Hindus to the highest ranks in the government, ended a long standing ban on the building of new Hindu temples, and ordered Mulsims to respect cows, which the Hindu majority viewed as sacred. (More on page 511)

For what are Akbar's successors most remembered?

Akbar's successors are most remembered for their reigns in Mughal India reached the peak of its splendor.

What origins defined the founders of all of these dynasties?

All three of the empires originated from Turkic-speaking nomadic groups in central Asia.

10. Which of the following statements concerning the reigns of Jahangir and Shah Jahan is most accurate?

B) India became, in the reigns of Akbar's successors, one of the major overseas centers for European traders.

5. Which of the following represents a difference between the Safavid and Ottoman economies?

B) The Safavid market economy was more constricted than that of the Ottomans.

Who founded the Mughal dynasty?


What European empire did the Ottomans conquer at the beginning of this era?


7. Which of the following is an accomplishment of Babur?

C) He wrote one of the great histories of India.

1. Mehmed I of the Ottoman Empire was responsible for

C) reunifying the empire following the Timurid invasions.

6. The Ottoman Empire halted the advance of Shi'ism and the Safavids at the critical battle of


What roles did coffeehouses serve?

Coffeehouses served the role of the social life of the capital, as men gathered there to drink, smoke tobacco, gossip, do business, and play chess.

What city became the capital of the Ottoman empire?


3. Which of the following was a cause for the decline of the Ottoman Empire?

D) Oppressive demands of local officials caused the peasantry to abandon their holdings and flee.

5. Akbar considered his new religion, the _________, which blended elements of many faiths with which he was familiar, as the long-term key to his efforts to reconcile Hindus and Muslims.


4. The Safavid family had its origins in the 14th century in a family devoted to what variant of Islam?

E) Sufi

What commodity did European merchants want most from Mughal India?

European merchants wanted to exchange with a variety of Indian manufacturers for cotton textiles.

What happened to women's rights in the Mughal empire over time?

Even though the position improved through the years for women in the Mughal court, women in the rest of Indian society declined. Child marriage gew more popular, and the age limit was lowered. Widow remarriage among Hindus nearly died out. Seclussion was more and more strictly enforced for upper caset women, both Hindu and Muslim.

10. In August of 1514, the Ottoman Empire dealt the Safavids a severe setback at the battle of Lepanto.


3. The later Safavid shahs played down claims to divinity that had been set forth under Ismâ'il and ceased claiming descent from one of the Shi'a imams.


4. The Safavid economy was generally more market-oriented than that of the Ottomans because of their sponsorship of Portuguese trade.


7. Jahangir's wife, Nur Jahan, believed that all women should be submissive and confine their activities to the home.


8. The best-known architectural work of the Mughal world was the Hagia Sophia church, which fused the Hindu love of ornament with the Islamic genius for domes and arches.


Who supposedly were Babur's ancestors?

He traced his descent on one side from the Mongol khans.

8. Although the later Safavid shahs played down claims to divinity that had been set forth under Ismâ'il and his predecessors, they continued to claim descent from one of the Shi'a _______, or successors of Ali.


Compare the overall rights and roles of both elite and ordinary women in Islamic societies to other early modern era societies.

In both the Ottoman and Safavid empires, women had to face legal and social disadvantages compared to those in other civilized areas. Women were subordinate to their fathers and husbands within the family, and they seldom had political or religious power, and they had surprisingly meager outlets for artistic or scholarly expression. (More on page 509)

What countries cover most of this area today?

Iran and southern Iraq

How were the Islamic civilizations' responses to Europe partially responsible for their demise?

Islamic civilizations' responses to Europe were partially responsible for their demise because of their authority as well as their merchant and trading.

2. The Ottoman imperial armies were increasingly dominated by troops called __________, men who had been forcibly conscripted as adolescent boys in conquered territories.


Who were Janissaries?

Janissaries were the Ottoman infantry divisions that dominated Ottoman armies.

How were Jews and Christians treated under their rule?

Jews and Christians were treated well as they were under the protection of Ottoman rulers.

10. The victory of ______ I led to the reunification of the Ottoman Empire following the temporary setbacks caused by Timur's invasion.


Which occupations formed the elite classes in the Ottoman empire?

Military leaders as well as the Turkic cavalry formed the elite classes in the Ottoman empire.

6. The Muslim and Hindu warrior aristocracy that formed the core of the supporters of the _________ dynasty were, like their Ottoman and Safavid counterparts, granted villages for their support.


How and why did the Sikhs' beliefs change?

Mughal persecution let to ant-Muslim feeling.

9. _______, who were both local mosque officials and prayer leaders, were also supervised by and given some support from the Safavid state.


1. By the 1350s, the __________ had advanced from their strongholds in Asia Minor across the Bosporus into Europe.


What region did the Safavids conquer?


What legacy did its rulers leave on the city?

Rulers left a legacy to beautify the capital after Mehmed.

4. Like the Ottomans, the _______ arose from the struggles of rival Turkic groups in the wake of Timurid invasions, but they espoused the Shi'a variant of Islam.


7. Akbar legally prohibited _______, or the immolation of high-caste Hindu women on their husbands' funeral pyres.


What title did the Ottoman ruler adopt?


1. The Ottoman Janissaries were legally slaves, originally recruited from conquered territories as adolescents.


2. The real power of the Ottoman rulers persisted much longer than that of the Abbasids.


5. The Mughal emperor Akbar promoted Hindus to the highest ranks of his government, ended a longstanding ban on the building of new Hindu temples, and ordered Muslims to respect cows.


6. The rise of new religious sects like the Sikhs in northwest India further strained the declining resources of an imperial system that was clearly overextended.


9. The Mughal ruler Akbar pursued a policy of reconciliation and cooperation with the Hindu princes.


What general similarities did the Ottoman and Safavid dynasties share? Which had a stronger economy?

The Ottoman and Safavid dynasties both presided from their high thrones over opulent palace complexes crowded with servants and courtiers.. The Ottomans had a stronger economy.

What unique achievement is held by the Ottoman empire?

The Ottoman empire had been built on war and steady territorial expansion.

What Muslim sect did the Safavid dynasty promote? What was the title adopted by the Safavid leader?

The Safavid dynasty promoted the warfare sect, similar to the Ottomans. The Safavid leader adopted the title Abbas the Great.

What other achievements belong to the cultural legacy of the Ottoman empire?

The early Ottomans had written in Persian, and Arabic remained an important language for works on law and religion throughout the empire;s history. The Ottomans also achieved very important and skilled writings as in the fine arts.

What role did the government play in these occupations?

The government inspectors we're employed to ensure that standard weights and measures were used and to license the opening of new shops.

According to the chapter's conclusion, what major features were shared by the land and sea empires of this era?

The land and sea empires of this era shared similar features such as the issues and differences between Hindus and Muslims.

What technologies allowed the Muslim dynasties to rise to power?

The power vacuum left by the breakup of the mongols played a key role in the uprising of the Muslim empires as well as the devastion wrought by Timur's assaults on the Islamic hartlands of the Middle East and Muslim-ruled northern India.

What occupations comprised the relatively large "middle class" of the Ottoman empire?

The relatively large "middle class" consisted of merchants and artisans.

Which empire were these Muslim dynasties replacing?

These Muslim dynasties we're replacing the Mongol empire.

Why did Janissaries become powerful?

They became powerful because they controlled the artillery and firearms that became increasingly vital to Ottoman success in warefare with Christian and Muslim adversaries.

3. Day-to-day administration in the Ottoman Empire was carried out by a large bureaucracy headed by a grand ________.


What Muslim empire did the Safavids conflict with most (including at the battle of Chaldiran)?

What issue was its primary cause? What was the religious significance of the Safavids' defeat? The Safavids conflicted mostly with the Ottoman empire due to the Safavid success and the support their followers received in the ottoman border lands from Turkic-speaking peoples.

Who were the Sikhs?

a sect in the northwest India and early leaders who tried to bridge differences between Hindu and Muslim

Why did Europe consider the Ottoman empire the biggest threat of the three Muslim dynasties?

they were extremely skilled in their conquest and warfare.

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