Chapter 23

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Soviet atomic bomb

In 1949, the Soviet Union tested its first atomic bomb, ending the American monopoly of the weapon.

Truman doctrine

President Harry S. Truman's program announced in 1947 of aid to European countries—particularly Greece and Turkey—threatened by communism.

American officials used anti-communist sentiment to investigate political dissenters and to otherwise widen their powers.


Anti-Communism was used by the U.S. leaders to - quash political dissidence. - limit organized labor. - impose social and sexual morality. - all of the above.

all of the above.

Which of the following was not a dramatic feature of the 1948 presidential election? - lively debate between supporters and critics of the Korean War -the "Dixiecrat" revolt of disaffected southern Democrats - the left-wing Progressive Party campaign of ex-vice president Henry Wallace - the unexpected victory of President Truman over Republican challenger Thomas Dewey

lively debate between supporters and critics of the Korean War

In 1949, the containment policy suffered a major setback in the form of

the "loss" of China to communism.

The June 1947 United States foreign-policy initiative that envisioned a New Deal for Europe, and pledged billions of dollars to finance European economic recovery was

the Marshall Plan.

In 1950, a serious challenge to the containment policy occurred with

the invasion of South Korea.

"Containment" in the context of post-World War II international diplomacy on the part of the United States referred to

the policy by which the United States committed itself to preventing any further expansion of Soviet power.

Dennis v. U.S., 1951

was a United States Supreme Court case involving Eugene Dennis, general secretary of the Communist Party USA, which found that Dennis did not have a right under the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States to exercise free speech, publication and assembly, if that exercise was in furtherance of a conspiracy to overthrow the government.

Which of the following was not a contributing factor behind the rise of the Cold War? - Soviet resentment over American intervention in parts of Europe - American resentment over Soviet intervention in parts of Europe - anxiety in both the United States and the Soviet Union over the nuclear capacity of each other - Churchill's call for the construction of a great wall between East and West Germany

Churchill's call for the construction of a great wall between East and West Germany

Army-McCarthy Hearings (1954); subsequent Senate censure of McCarthy

Congressional hearings called by Senator Joseph McCarthy's to accuse members of the army of communist ties. In this widely televised spectacle, McCarthy finally went too far for public approval. The hearings exposed the Senator's extremism and led to his eventual disgrace.

George Kennan's long telegram

February 1946

Who was the person who sent the Long Telegram from Moscow in 1946 that lay the foundation for what became known as the policy of "containment"?

George F. Kennan

Which of the following series of events is listed in proper sequence?

George Kennan's Long Telegram; unveiling of Truman Doctrine; start of Korean War; founding of Warsaw Pact

loyalty review system

In 1947, less than two weeks after announcing the Truman Doctrine, the president established a loyalty review system in which government employees were required to demonstrate their patriotism without being allowed to confront accusers or, in some cases, knowing the charges against them.

To Secure These Rights

In October 1947, a Commission on Civil Rights appointed by the president issued To Secure These Rights, one of the most devastating indictments ever published of racial inequality in America.

In the context of postwar Civil Rights, what major-league baseball player joined the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1947 and by so doing challenged the longstanding exclusion of black players from major-league baseball?

Jackie Robinson

Who was the United States senator from Wisconsin who announced in February 1950 that he had a list of 205 communists working for the State Department, and whose name later entered the political vocabulary as a shorthand for character assassination, guilt by association, and abuse of power in the name of anti-communism?

Joseph R. McCarthy

The 1950 National Security Council manifesto that called for a permanent military build-up to enable the United States to pursue a global crusade against communism, describing the Cold War as an epic struggle between "the idea of freedom" and the "idea of slavery under the grim oligarchy of the Kremlin" was


What was the name of the American Federation of Labor (AFL) and Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) campaign to bring unionization to the South, by which more than 200 labor organizations entered the region in an effort to organize workers?

Operation Dixie

Two outspoken critics of the domestic anticommunist crusade were

Paul Robeson and W. E. B. Du Bois.

Which is not true of the Korean War (1950-1953)? - Over 33,000 Americans died in Korea; an estimated 1 million Korean soldiers and 2 million civilians died, along with hundreds of thousands of Chinese troops. - General Douglas MacArthur launched a daring counterattack at Inchon, behind North Korean lines, in September 1950. - In 1953, armistice was agreed to which restored the prewar status quo. - President Truman acknowledged and accepted General MacArthur's push toward the Chinese border and his threat to use nuclear weapons against the Chinese.

President Truman acknowledged and accepted General MacArthur's push toward the Chinese border and his threat to use nuclear weapons against the Chinese.

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

Proposed to stimulate freer trade among the participants, creating an enormous market for American goods and investment.

Race relations in the United States were a major ideological concern, and even an embarrassment, for American leaders during the Cold War.


Republicans swept the congressional elections of 1946 to control both houses of Congress for the first time since the 1920s.


The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) quietly subsidized artists it considered useful in the "cultural Cold War."



The United States commitment to preventing any further expansion of Soviet power.


This 1950 manifesto described the Cold War as an epic struggle between "the idea of freedom" and the "idea of slavery under the grim oligarchy of the Kremlin." At stake in the world conflict, it insisted, was nothing less than "the survival of the free world." One of the most important policy statements of the early Cold War, NSC-68 helped to spur a dramatic increase in American military spending.

Marshall Plan

U.S. program for the reconstruction of post-World War II Europe through massive aid to former enemy nations as well as allies; proposed by General George C. Marshall in 1947

''Militant Liberty''

Under the code name "Militant Liberty," national security agencies encouraged Hollywood to produce anticommunist movies.

Which of the following was not a key provision of the 1947 Taft-Hartley Act? - Workers cannot go on strike to support striking workers at other establishments. - Union membership cannot be made a condition of employment. - Unions cannot discriminate on the basis of race. - Avowed communists cannot serve as union officials.

Unions cannot discriminate on the basis of race.

Which of the following was not a common target of the anticommunist crusade? - New Deal liberalism - laissez-faire conservatism - the labor movement - civil rights efforts

laissez-faire conservatism

The Truman administration responded to the Soviet blockade of West Berlin by

leading efforts to break the blockade by airlifting supplies to the city.

In June 1948, when the United States, Britain, and France introduced a separate currency in their zones of control in the city of Berlin, the Soviet Union responded with

the Berlin Blockade.

President Harry S. Truman's program that focused on improving the social safety net and raising the standard of living of ordinary Americans—calling on Congress to increase the middle wage, enact a program of national health insurance, and expand public housing, social security, and aid to education—was

the Fair Deal.

What was the 1947 law that sought to reverse gains made by organized labor in the preceding decade, and authorized the president to suspend strikes by ordering an 80-day cooling-off period, banned sympathy strikes and secondary boycotts, outlawed the closed shop, and authorized states to pass "right to work" laws?

the Taft-Hartley Act

The 1948 United Nations-approved document that called for a range of rights to be enjoyed by people everywhere, including freedom of speech and religion, as well as social and economic entitlements, including the right to an adequate standard of living, access to adequate housing, education, and medical care was called

the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Which of the following was not a step toward racial equality in postwar America? - the signing of Jackie Robinson to the Brooklyn Dodgers - the desegregation of the armed forces - the defeat of Operation Dixie - the release of the Commission on Civil Rights report, To Secure These Rights

the defeat of Operation Dixie

George Kennan was

the originator of the containment policy.

House Un-American Activities Committee

(HUAC) committee formed in the House of Representatives in the 1930s to investigate radical groups in the United States; it later came to focus on the threat of communism in the United States during World War II and the Cold War

Launching of Freedom Train


Soviet Blockade of Berlin; launching of airlift


Truman wins surprise reelection in four-way contest


CIO expulsion of left-wing leaders, unions


Lifting of Soviet Blockade


Alger Hiss convicted, sentenced to prison


Truman relieves MacArthur of Korean command


Election of Dwight D. Eisenhower to presidency


Launching of Operation Wetback


Establishment of Warsaw Pact



According to the theory of totalitarianism, there was no room for individual rights or alternative values in a country and therefore could never change from within.

North Atlantic Treaty Organization

Alliance founded in 1949 by ten western European nations, the United States, and Canada to deter Soviet expansion in Europe.

''hearts and minds''

Among other things, the Cold War was an ideological struggle, a battle, in a popular phrase of the 1950s, for the "hearts and minds" of people throughout the world.


As the historian Henry Steele Commager argued in a 1947 magazine article, the anticommunist crusade promoted a new definition of loyalty— conformity.

the Fair Deal

Domestic reform proposals of the Truman administration; included civil rights legislation, national health insurance, and repeal of the Taft-Hartley Act, but only extensions of some New Deal programs were enacted.

The United Nations committee that drafted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was led by

Eleanor Roosevelt.

Alger Hiss, an editor at Time magazine, accused Whittaker Chambers, a high-ranking State Department official, of giving him secret government documents to pass along to the Soviet Union.


Although the United States was instrumental in the rebuilding of German industry, it did not significantly contribute to similar efforts in Japan.


Comprised of the United States, Canada, and ten western European nations, the Warsaw Pact was launched as a collective deterrent against Soviet aggression.


George Kennan was a Soviet spy working in the American embassy in Moscow.


Human rights and the notion of freedom were not a major focus of American leaders during the Cold War.


In Dennis v. United States, the Supreme Court ruled that the imprisonment of communist leaders violated the right of free expression.


Jackson Pollock's paintings were viewed as communistic by the CIA and defunded.


President Harry Truman was defeated by Thomas Dewey in the election of 1948.


The 1946 congressional elections marked a resounding triumph for Truman's Fair Deal program.


The term "iron curtain" was coined by President Harry Truman.


Under the Truman Doctrine, only those governments that respected the democratic rights of citizens and the sovereignty of other peoples could expect friendship and support from the United States.


The first hot war of the Cold War—beginning in June 1950—took place in


McCarran-Walter Act

Passed over President Harry S. Truman's veto, the law required registration of American Communist Party members, denied them passports, and allowed them to be detained as suspected subversives. - Passed by Congress in 1952, this law reaffirmed the quota system that had been established for each country in 1924

Taft-Hartley Act

Passed over President Harry Truman's veto, the law contained a number of provisions to weaken labor unions, including the banning of closed shops.

The young California congressman who first gained national prominence through his membership on the House Un-American Activities Committee was

Richard Nixon.

NSC-68 approved

September 1950

The "Dixiecrat" presidential ticket of 1948 was led by

Strom Thurmond.

As part of the cultural Cold War, the CIA secretly funded an array of overseas publications, conferences, publishing houses, concerts, art exhibits, and jazz performances.


By 1949, the world's largest country measured by land area (the Soviet Union), and the world's largest country by population (China) were both communist.


George Kennan's Long Telegram provided an early formulation of the policy of "containment."


In 1947, the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) launched hearings into communist influence in Hollywood, and, in consequence, actors, directors, and screenwriters were blacklisted or jailed.


In July 1948, President Harry S. Truman issued an executive order desegregating the armed forces.


In the atmosphere of the Cold War, the United States tended to define "human rights" in terms of political liberty, while the Soviet Union emphasized social and economic entitlements.


In the context of the Cold War, no matter how repressive a nation was, so long as it supported the United States it was counted as a member of the Free World.


The Democratic Party platform of 1948 was the most progressive in the party's history.


The Marshall plan sought to contain Soviet communism by promoting economic recovery and providing humanitarian aid.


The United States emerged from World War II as the world's greatest power; it had the world's most powerful navy and air force and accounted for half the world's manufacturing capacity.


The first confrontation of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union occurred in the Middle East in Iran.


The term totalitarianism originated in Europe between the world wars to describe aggressive, ideologically driven states that sought to subdue all civil society, including churches, unions, and other voluntary associations.


The words "under God" were added to the Pledge of Allegiance in the 1950s in response to Soviet opposition to organized religion and to "strengthen our national resistance to communism."


While the anticommunist hysteria of the postwar years came to be known as "McCarthyism," it arose well before Senator Joseph McCarthy entered the scene.


Army-McCarthy hearings

Televised U.S. Senate hearings in 1954 on Senator Joseph McCarthy's charges of disloyalty in the army; his tactics contributed to his censure by the Senate.

Hollywood Ten

Ten ''unfriendly witnesses'' who refused to answer questions at hearings questioning communist influence in Hollywood. They were charged with contempt of Congress and served jail terms of six months to a year.

Which was not a development of 1949? - The Soviet Union tested its first atomic bomb, and Mao Zedong emerged victorious in the long Chinese Civil War. - NATO was established. - Truman' s Berlin Airlift succeeded when Stalin lifted the blockade of West Berlin in May. - The Soviets formalized their own eastern European alliance, the Warsaw Pact.

The Soviets formalized their own eastern European alliance, the Warsaw Pact.

The Truman Doctrine, in March 1947,

asserted that the United States, as the leader of the "free world," must take up responsibility for supporting "freedom-loving peoples" wherever communism threatened them.

President Roosevelt replaces Henry Wallace with Harry S. Truman as running mate


Roosevelt's fourth reelection


Republicans gain control of Congress in midterm elections


House Un-American Activities Committee launches investigation of hollywood


National Security Council

A national security body immune from democratic oversight.

Death of Roosevelt

April 12, 1945 president died suddenly in Georgia, Truman assumed enormous responsibility and becomes president


Deep South delegates who walked out of the 1948 Democratic National Convention in protest of the party's support for civil rights legislation and later formed the States' Rights Democratic (Dixiecrat) Party, which nominated Strom Thurmond of South Carolina for president.

"Dixiecrats" nominated Hubert Humphrey for President in 1948.


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