Chapter 23 US History

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Which of the following accurately depicts one of the uses of anticommunism?

Businesses resisted government regulatory efforts as "socialism."

What obstacle did Harry Truman face when he assumed the presidency following the death of Franklin Roosevelt in April 1945?

Harry Truman had absolutely no experience in foreign policy, the most important qualification at this point in American history.

In the 1950s, what did the term "totalitarianism" describe?

America's enemies in the Cold War

What was so ironic about Dean Acheson's speech to the Delta Council in 1947?

Acheson praised the president's defense of democratic institutions in a place that did not know democracy.

How did Truman respond to Joseph Stalin's blockade around Berlin?

He ordered an airlift.

Which of the following happened right after World War II?

The United States emerged as the world's greatest power because it had the most powerful air force and navy.

How did the Freedom Train suggest the meaning of freedom remained controversial?

The Wagner Act, the law guaranteeing workers' right to form unions, was removed from inclusion in the documents display.

How was Truman's national health insurance plan defeated?

It was painted as socialist.

Who were the "Dixiecrats"?

southern Democrats who walked out of the 1948 convention to form the "States' Rights Democratic Party"

What was the result of the Korean War?

Korea remained divided along the thirty-eighth parallel.

Which statement about the Korean conflict is correct?

The United Nations authorized the use of force to repel the North Koreans.

Along with freedom, which was the other concept the United States used to mobilize support at home and abroad?


Civil rights initiatives after 1948

waned, given widespread American sentiment that any criticism of American society smacked of "disloyalty."

What reason did the Hollywood Ten give for not cooperating with the HUAC hearings?

They felt the hearings were a violation of the First Amendment.

In 1949, Mao Zedong

won the Chinese Civil War and created the People's Republic of China.

The McCarran-Walter Act

authorized the deportation of communists, including naturalized citizens.

Senator Joseph McCarthy claimed to have a list of communists working for the U.S. State Department. Why did the Republican Party initially support McCarthy's actions?

because he was an effective weapon against the Truman administration

Which of the following became an incentive for reconsidering what it meant to be American?


The McCarran-Walter Act

gave continuity to the quota-based immigration system.

Starting in the 1950s, the government asked federal employees to demonstrate their patriotism. This was especially true for those who were suspected of being disloyal. Along with this group, what other minority was specifically targeted by the government?

gays and lesbians

What type of faith did Oscar Handlin believe Americans should reaffirm?

in believing that all men could become Americans

What did the Soviet Union claim to provide to all its citizens?

social and economic rights

What did the McCarran-Walter Act of 1952 permit?

the revocation of U.S. citizenship if deemed necessary

Who was the general who led the counterattack at Inchon during the Korean War?

Douglas MacArthur

Which of the following statements about the Cold War's impact on American life are true?

The Cold War contributed to the dismantling of segregation.

How did black organizations employ the language of the Cold War?

They noted how the Russians could use racism to damage America's image abroad, given its hypocrisy about the meaning of "freedom" at home.

The impact of the Cold War on the civil rights movement

included government action against black leaders.

The policy of "containment" can best be described as

preventing the spread of communism worldwide.

After World War II, the only nation that could rival the United States was

the Soviet Union.

On what topic did Henry A. Wallace significantly differ from Truman?

waging the Cold War

What helped Harry Truman win reelection?

He revived New Deal rhetoric.

Why did nearly 5 million workers walk off their jobs over the course of 1946?

The removal of price controls resulted in a drop in workers' real income.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

protected people against arbitrary governments.

Which of the following events occurred after Truman's 1947 speech to Congress?

A precedent was set to create military alliances against the Soviet Union.

Why did the United States back away from pressuring its European allies to grant self-government to colonies in Asia and Africa?

American diplomats valued nations like France more highly for their alliance in the European Cold War.

Which of the following describes Oscar Handlin's denunciation?

He believed the McCarran-Walter Act assumed there were different degrees of American citizenship.

Why was it inevitable that the United States and the Soviet Union would eventually come into conflict after the war ended?

Historically, both nations had never shared long-term interests or values.

How did the Soviet focus on social and economic rights in the Cold War human rights debate affect American attitudes?

In the climate of anticommunist hysteria, it prompted many Americans to condemn these rights as a first step to socialism.

Why did southern Democrats fear losing their position in the Democratic Party following its national convention of 1948?

Party liberals under the leadership of Hubert Humphrey had added a strong civil rights plank to the party platform.

Why were American diplomats particularly dismayed that the Soviets had installed a procommunist government in Poland in 1945?

Stalin had promised Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt at Yalta that he would allow a democratic government in Poland.

Which of the following statements is true of the Fair Deal?

The Fair Deal included a provision to create a national health insurance program.

Why did the United States allow West Germany to become part of a defensive alliance less than ten years after the defeat of Nazi Germany?

The Soviet detonation of a nuclear bomb underlined the importance of a militarily united West.

Why was it unlikely that the Soviet Union was going to embark on a new military campaign in the years following World War II?

The communist nation had suffered more than 20 million casualties, along with immense devastation.

How had the political climate changed in the South during World War II and in the early Cold War years?

The number of African-Americans in the region that were registered to vote increased sevenfold.

Why did France and other European nations understand NATO as a form of double containment?

The pact would guard them against Soviet aggression as well as Germany's resurgence.

Why did American policymakers agree to spend billions of dollars on the economic recovery of Europe under the Marshall Plan?

They were afraid that otherwise, western European nations might fall under Soviet influence.

Why did anticommunist Harry Truman veto the McCarran-Walter Act?

Truman had become alarmed at the excesses of the anticommunist crusade.

During the Cold War, Americans

formed anticommunist groups who pressured public libraries to remove "un-American" books from their shelves.

To wage the cultural Cold War, the Central Intelligence Agency and Defense Department

funded artistic publications, concerts, performances, and exhibits.

The Berlin Blockade was

the Soviet Union's reaction to the establishment of a separate currency in the western occupied zones.

The Truman Doctrine assumed

the United States would provide aid to any anticommunist regime, even if it was not a democratic one.

The charges against which of the following organizations led to the downfall of Joseph McCarthy in 1954?

the army

In the aftermath of World War II

the majority of soldiers went back to work.

What were the Nuremberg trials?

trials in which German officials were prosecuted for crimes against humanity

Japan's constitution, which Americans had written, provided for the first time in Japanese history

women's suffrage.

The committee that drafted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was led by

Eleanor Roosevelt.

In 1948, the Progressive Party

advocated expanded social welfare programs.

The "Iron Curtain"

was a term used in reference to the division between the capitalist West and the communist East.

Before breaking the color barrier in Major League Baseball, Jackie Robinson did what?

He opposed segregated seating on a bus at Fort Hood, Texas.

Why did Harry Truman's loyalty review system target homosexuals working for the government?

Homosexuals were considered susceptible to blackmail and thought to be lacking the manly qualities necessary to fight communism.

Which of the following statements describes a sign that racial relations were changing after World War II?

In several episodes of his radio show, Superman fought against the Ku Klux Klan.

Assess the effects of the Marshall Plan.

It helped to jump-start the economies of western Europe.

According to some critics, how did the casting of the Cold War as a worldwide struggle between freedom and slavery have unfortunate consequences?

It made it difficult to discern legitimate postwar struggles for economic and political freedom from those simply motivated by American interests.

What led to Republican control of both houses of Congress in 1946?

Large numbers of middle-class voters voted Republican.

Who made a name for himself with the Alger Hiss spy case?

Richard Nixon

What country's inclusion in the "Free World" does the textbook portray as hypocritical?

South Africa

How did white supremacists take advantage of anticommunist rhetoric?

They charged African-American civil rights leaders with a communist agenda.

Operation Dixie was

a campaign hoping to eliminate anti-labor conservatives from the South.

Organized labor emerged as

a major supporter of the foreign policy of the Cold War.

President Truman's civil rights plan called for which of the following?

a permanent federal civil rights commission

Which statement accurately describes what NSC-68 called for?

a permanent military buildup to fight communism

Which of the following describes Operation Wetback?

a program launched by the government with the objective of finding illegal Mexican immigrants and deporting them

What was To Secure These Rights?

an indictment of racial inequality in America issued by the Commission on Civil Rights

National security agencies

encouraged Hollywood to produce anticommunist movies.

The Truman Doctrine

produced a language that helped Americans make sense of the Cold War.

In his Wheeling, West Virginia, speech of 1950, who did Joseph McCarthy claim had been infiltrated by communists?

the State Department

Operation Wetback

was a military operation that rounded up illegal aliens found in Mexican-American neighborhoods for deportation.

Joseph McCarthy

was an embarrassment to his party by 1954.

The Taft-Hartley Act

was vetoed by President Truman.

Besides failing to unionize the South, what other intended goal did Operation Dixie not meet?

weakening the political control of conservative Democrats in the South

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