Chapter 24 questions

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Where does most nutrient reabsorption occur?


Which structure is the collecting duct?


Where does filtration exclusively occur in the kidney?

across the filtration membrane in the renal corpuscle

The ability to form concentrated urine depends on the functions of

both the distal convoluted tubule and the collecting duct

What physiological process occurs at the structure labeled "2"?


Identify the structure labeled "6."

renal column

The cavity of the kidney that receives urine from the calyces is called the

renal pelvis

The urethral lining consists of:

stratified squamous epithelium near the external urethral orifice

If you have to urinate, but have to "hold it" until you can find a bathroom, what structure are you "holding it" with?

the external urethral sphincter

Which of the following descriptions best matches the term "renal papilla"?

tip of the medullary pyramid

The ureters and urinary bladder are lined by ________ epithelium.


Identify the structure labeled "10."


Urine is temporarily stored in the

urinary bladder

Each of the following organs is part of the urinary system

-urinary bladder -kidney -urethra -ureter

In French, it's "faire de pipi," in Spanish, it's "hacer pipí," in English, it's "I have to pee." What's the medical term for this universal urge to pass urine?


When the level of ADH (antidiuretic hormone) decreases,

more urine is produced and the osmolarity of the urine decreases

The functional unit of the kidney is the


Countercurrent multiplication takes place in the

nephron loop

The U-shaped segment of the nephron is the

nephron loop

Each of the following is a normal constituent of urine except


The filtrate first passes from the glomerular capsule to the

proximal convoluted tubule

The primary function of the proximal convoluted tubule is

reabsorbing nutrients

Which of the following descriptions best matches the term nephron loop?

relies on countercurrent multiplication enables production of hypertonic urine creates high NaCl concentration in the renal medulla

Triangular or conical structures located in the renal medulla are called

renal pyramids

Regarding kidney function, in ________, solutes are transported from the peritubular fluid across the tubular epithelium into the tubular fluid.


Which blood vessel(s) deliver(s) blood to the glomerulus?

afferent arteriole

As diffusion takes place across the dialysis membrane, which of the following diffuse(s) into the bloodstream?

bicarbonate ions

Renal columns are

bundles of tissue that extend between pyramids from the cortex

Which of the following is not a function of the urinary system?

excretes excess albumin molecules

The outermost layer of the kidney is the

fibrous capsule

One mechanism the kidney uses to raise systemic blood pressure is to

increase secretion of renin by the juxtaglomerular complex

Nephrons located close to the medulla with long nephron loops are called

juxtamedullary nephrons

Name the major excretory organs of the urinary system. (Module 24.1A)


Major calyces are

large tributaries of the renal pelvis

All of the following are true of the kidneys except that they are

located partly within the pelvic cavity

The left kidney lies ________ to the right kidney.

slightly superior

The thick ascending limb of the nephron loop actively pumps what substances into the peritubular fluid?

sodium and chloride ions

During the micturition reflex,

stimulation of stretch receptors in the bladder wall sends impulses to the sacral cord

Which of the following is greater?

the concentration of solute in the filtrate at the bottom of the nephron loop

The ________ is a capillary plexus that parallels the nephron loop.

vasa recta

Regarding kidney function, in reabsorption,

water and solutes are transported from the tubular fluid, across the tubular, epithelium, and into the peritubular fluid

The area of the urinary bladder bounded by the openings of the two ureters and the urethra is called the


The most abundant waste solute in urine is


Urine is eliminated from the body through the


In response to increased levels of aldosterone, the kidneys produce

urine with a lower concentration of sodium ions

The renal sinus is

an internal cavity lined by the fibrous capsule

The afferent arteriole in the kidney

carries blood to the glomerulus

Urine passes, in the order given, through which of the following structures?

collecting duct, renal pelvis, ureter, bladder, urethra

Variable secretion of potassium and hydrogen ions is a specific function of which renal structure?

collecting system

The detrusor muscle

compresses the urinary bladder and expels urine through the urethra

Eighty-five percent of nephrons in the human kidney are located in the ________ and have short nephron loops.


Chloride ion is reabsorbed in the thick ascending limb by

cotransport with Na ions

The DCT secretes hydrogen ions in exchange for sodium ions by the process of


Blood leaves the glomerulus through a blood vessel called the

efferent arteriole

Which of the following descriptions best matches the term calyx?

final urine enters here

The amount of filtrate produced by the kidneys each minute is called the

glomerular filtration rate

The process of filtration occurs at the


Increased sympathetic tone can do all of the following except

increase the glomerular filtration rate

Antidiuretic hormone

increases the permeability of the collecting ducts to water

The ________ delivers urine to a minor calyx.

papillary duct

Substances secreted by the distal convoluted tubule include

penicillin hydrogen potassium ions creatinine.

The efferent arteriole of a nephron divides to form a network of capillaries within the cortex called the ________ capillaries.


Tubular reabsorption involves all of the following except


A healthy adult typically produces ________ of urine per day.

1200 mL

Approximately ________ liters of glomerular filtrate enter glomerular capsules each day.


Put the following urinary structures in order as urine is produced and eliminated from the body 1) liver 2) urinary bladder 3) kidney 4) ureter 5) urethra


The following is a list of the blood vessels that carry blood to the kidney. 1. afferent arteriole 2. arcuate artery 3. interlobar artery 4. renal artery 5. glomerulus 6. cortical radiate artery 7. efferent arteriole 8. peritubular capillary What is the proper order in which blood passes through these vessels?

4, 3, 2, 6, 1, 5, 7, 8

As the filtrate passes through the renal tubules, approximately what percentage is reabsorbed and returned to the circulation?


What percentage of nutrients (glucose, amino acids, etc.) is reabsorbed in the PCT?


________ nephrons are essential to water conservation and the production of concentrated urine.


Which event does not occur in the distal convoluted tubule?

Osmosis pulls water out of the tubular fluid and into the peritubular fluid

Which nervous system structure(s) inhibits micturition by relaxing the detrusor and contracting the internal urethral sphincter?

Stretch receptor impulses activate sympathetic outflow

Which statement regarding the kidneys is false?

The right kidney lies slightly superior to the left kidney

A glomerulus is

a knot of capillaries within the renal corpuscle

The mechanism for producing concentrated urine involves

a properly functioning nephron loop aquaporins being inserted into the membranes of the collecting duct cells a high concentration of NaCl in the fluid surrounding the collecting ducts the secretion of antidiuretic hormone (ADH).

Autoregulation of the rate of glomerular filtration has which of the following properties?

depends on changes in the efferent arteriole depends on changes in the mesangial cells depends on changes in the afferent arteriole

Contraction of which structure compresses the urinary bladder and expels its contents into the urethra?

detrusor muscle

The portion of the nephron that empties into the collecting duct is the

distal convoluted tubule

Peristaltic contractions, beginning at the renal pelvis, sweep along the ureter, forcing urine toward the urinary bladder. In a normal, healthy person, how often do these contractions occur?

every 30 seconds or so

The prominent indentation on the medial surface of the kidney is the


The glomerular capsule and the glomerulus make up the

renal corpuscle

Identify the structure labeled "8."

renal papilla

Identify the structure labeled "9."

renal pelvis

The expanded beginning of the ureter connects to the

renal pelvis

Identify the structure labeled "5."

renal pyramid

What structures enter and exit the kidney at the hilum?

the renal artery and renal nerves enter; the renal vein and ureter exit at the hilum

Urine is carried to the urinary bladder by

the ureters

What is the function of the vasa recta?

to collect and transport water and solutes within the renal medulla in association with the juxtamedullary nephron

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