Chapter 27 Directed Reading

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How often does Saturn rotate on its axis?

10 hours and 30 minutes

How long Jupiters orbital period?

12 years

How many moons does Uranus have?


How far is Saturn from the Sun?

28.5 years

How much more is Jupiters mass than Earths?


How many of Jupiters moons are the size of small planets?



5th planet from the sun


7th planet from the son


8th planet from the sun

How much of Jupiters atmosphere is composed of hydrogen and helium?


What is a planet with a deep and massive gaseous atmoshpere called?

A gas giant

Gas giant

A planet with a deep and massive gaseous atmoshpere

Asteroid belt

A ring of debris that separates the inner planets from the outer planets

What is the asteroid belt?

A ring of debris that separates the inner planets from the outer planets.

How long is the orbital period for Uranus?

Almost 84 years

How many of Uranus's moons have small rings?

At least 11

How long is Saturns orbital period?

At least 30

How many moons does Neptune have?

At least 8

How many moons does Jupiter have?

At least?

What does Saturn have that Jupiter has?

Bands of colored clouds

The name of NASA's sapcecraft that will orbiy Saturn for many gears to gather information about the planet and its moon?


What are the ring systems that the gas giant have made of?

Dust and and icy debris

What is the ring system the gas giant have made of?

Dust and icy debris

How often does Neptune rotate on its axis?

Every 16 hours

How often does Jupiter rotate on its axis?

Every 9 hours and 50 minutes

How do gas giants compare with the terreatrial planets?

Gas giants are larger and less dense

How do the gas giants compare with the terrestrial planets?

Gas giants are larger and less dense

What is Jupiters Great Red Spot?

Giant storm

How large is Titan, Saturns largest moon?

Half the size of Earth

Compared with the terreatrial plantes, the gas giants...

Have more gravity, which helps the retain gases

Compared with the terrestrial planets, the gas giants...

Have more gravity,which helps them retain gases.

What is the thick atmoshpere of the gas giants is made of?

Hydrogen and helium

What is the thick atmoshpere of the gas giants made up of?

Hyrdogen and helium

What do Jupiters high wind speeds tell scientists about the planets weather?

Internal heat effects weather more than heat from the sun

Why didnt Jupiter become a star?

It didnt have enough mass

Why is Uranus a difficult planet to study?

It is 3 billion km from the Sun

What is Saturn known for?

Its rings

What planet, like Saturn, is made up almost entirely of hydrogen and helium and has a rocky, iron core?


How do Jupiters bands form?

Jupiters rapid rotation

How does Jupiters large mass affect its interior temperature and pressure?

Makes temperature and pressure greater than Earths

What do Jupiters unique bands of orange, gray, blue and white indicate?

Mixture of gases

How long is Neptunes orbital period?

Nearly 164 years

How often does Uranus rotate?

Once every 17 hours

What are the planets farthest from the sun; Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, called?

Outer planets

How does Uranus's rotate with their axis?


Outer planets

Planets farthest from the sun; include Jupiter, Saturn, Urans, Neptune, and Pluto

How many rings does Neptune have?

Possibly four rings

What is the least dense planet in the solar system?


What does Uranus's blue-green color indicate that the atmoshpere may contain?

Significant amounts of methane, in addition to hydeogen and helium

Jupiters atmosphere is much like whose atmosphere?

The Sun

What is Pluto?

The smallest and usually most distant planet; differs from the other outer planets.

What planet is similar to Neptune in size and mass?


Who is the third largest planet in the solar system?


How was Neptunes existence predicted before the planet was actually discovered?

Uranus had an irregular orbit, cause by Neptunes gravity

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