Chapter 29

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The rate of infiltration depends on

the characteristics of the soil

Greenhouse gases are beneficial because _____. A) they trap heat under Earth's atmosphere B) they block the sun's rays from reaching Earth C) they are not important, only harmful D) they form clouds that provide rainwater


Steam is an example of which part of the water cycle? A) Evaporation B) Precipitation C) Condensation D) Ground absorption


Transpiration is the process that occurs when _____. A) plants lose water through their leaves B) water is absorbed into the ground C) humans absorb water by breathing D) water vapor is converted to a liquid state


What is overharvesting? A) Harvesting organisms faster than their populations can recover B) Not harvesting enough organisms to keep populations in check C) None are correct D) Harvesting more fish than can be sold at market E) Harvesting crops before they are ready


What is the role of plants in the carbon cycle? A) Plants take in carbon dioxide through photosynthesis. B) Plants decompose carbon dioxide into carbon and oxygen molecules during photosynthesis. C) Plants let out carbon dioxide through photosynthesis. D) Plants convert carbon dioxide to carbonic acid during photosynthesis.


What is the single greatest threat to biodiversity? A) Human alteration of habitats B) None are correct C) Invasive species D) Global climate change E) Overharvesting


When you encounter conduction such as when you feel the hot sand beneath your feet at the beach, what is the process that is actually occurring? A) heat is transferred from the sand to your feet through vibrating molecules in your feet B) heat is transferred through a current taking place between the ground and your feet C) heat is transferred from the warmer air above to your feet below D) heat is transferred through infrared radiation from the Sun to the ground


Which of the following is NOT true about the water cycle? A) By the end of the water cycle, water always ends up exactly where it started. B) It involves water changing phase. C) It involves steps such as precipitation and evaporation. D) It is a natural cycle on Earth.


Which planet in the solar system has the strongest greenhouse effect? A) Venus B) Earth C) Mars D) Mercury


Why are people so concerned about the greenhouse effect? A) The concentration of greenhouse gases is currently too high. B) The concentration of greenhouse gases is currently too low. C) Sea levels will likely decrease with a warmer climate. D) Cars will become too warm in the summer.


If you were to boil water in a pot on the stove, you would notice bubbles. What form of heat transfer is taking place? A) radiation B) convection C) osmosis D) conduction


What are the three main parts of the water cycle? A) Evaporation,condensation and cloud formation B) Evaporation, condensation and precipitation C) Precipitation, in infiltration and condensation D) Absorption, in infiltration and transpiration


What is one reason for the increase in concentration of greenhouse gas in the atmosphere? A) Plants are creating too much oxygen through photosynthesis. B) Fossil fuels are continually being burned. C) There is too much driving in the summer. D) There are stronger hurricanes.


Which of the following is NOT a major greenhouse gas? A) Methane B) Neon C) Water vapor D) Carbon dioxide


Which of the following statements is true about greenhouse gases? A) They trap heat on Earth making it hospitable B) All are correct C) They are beneficial in the right concentrations D) They are harmful when concentrations are too high


Without greenhouse gases, the temperature of the Earth would be about: A) 150 degrees Fahrenheit B) 0 degrees Fahrenheit C) 18 degrees Fahrenheit D) -18 degrees Fahrenheit


_____ is the movement of soil particles by water, and _____ is when they are left in a new place. A) Precipitation, evaporation B) Erosion, deposition C) Evaporation, precipitation D) Deposition, erosion


Carbon sink

Body that can store CO2

How does carbon cycle through the biosphere? A) Plants give carbon dioxide to animals through cellular respiration. B) Plants convert carbon dioxide to oxygen, which other animals use to grow and repair. C) Plants convert carbon dioxide to sugar and other animals feed on plants. D) Animals release oxygen that plants in turn use to make more carbon dioxide.


How is carbon returned from the biosphere to the Earth? A) Ocean currents compress carbonic acid back into gaseous carbon, which is eventually assimilated into the seafloor. B) Living things convert carbon into oxygen and thus recycle carbon in this way. C) Living things die and their remains are eventually compressed into soil, rock, and fossil fuels over millions of years. D) Living things release carbon only as carbon dioxide when they die, which contributes to climate change.


How much 'new' water is made through the processes of the water cycle? A) A small amount, about 3-4% B) About half, 50% C) None: all water is recycled D) About 25%


If you feel the warmth of the Sun on your face, this is an example of which process of energy transfer? A) conduction B) osmosis C) radiation D) convection


What is the average increase in global temperature since the late 1800s? A) 2 degrees Celsius B) 9 degrees Celsius C) 1 degree Celsius D) 3 degrees Celsius


What is the greenhouse effect? A) Any process that makes the Earth colder than it would normally be. B) The emitting of the sun's heat from the atmosphere of a planet by gases in that atmosphere C) The trapping of the sun's heat in the atmosphere of a planet by gases in that atmosphere D) Any process that makes the Earth warmer than it would normally be.


Which of the following is NOT related to global climate change? A) More intense storms B) Drought C) All are connected to global climate change D) Changes in precipitation E) Increased rate of species extinctions


How does the ocean function as a carbon sink

CO2 comes into conatct with the ocean. It is converted into carbonic acid. The carbonic acid can converted back into CO2 if needed

What are the GHG

CO2, Methane, water vapor, Nitrous Oxide, Flourinated gases

Cloud formation is an example of condensation because _____. A) liquid water is converted into its gaseous state B) liquid water falls as rain, sleet, snow, or ice C) water is absorbed into the ground D) water vapor condenses around particles in the atmosphere


How are humans changing the carbon cycle? A) Humans are adding carbon dioxide, which is spurring the growth of new plants and marine species. B) Humans are taking away carbon dioxide too quickly, causing a decrease in ocean acidification. C) Humans are taking away too much carbon dioxide and the ocean has to convert bicarbonate back to carbon dioxide to compensate. D) Humans are adding more carbon dioxide to the atmosphere than the biosphere and oceans can manage.


Runoff occurs when: A) the atmosphere is saturated with water. B) a soil is too porous. C) it goes for too long without raining. D) the ground is saturated with water.


What is the problem with the ocean acting as a carbon sink for excess carbon dioxide emissions? A) Carbon dioxide is increasing the temperature of the ocean due to exothermic reactions with water. B) Carbon dioxide is converted to free radical oxygen molecules, which cause DNA damage to marine species. C) Carbon dioxide is toxic for marine plants and is destroying ocean ecosystems. D) Carbon dioxide is converted into carbonic acid, leading to ocean acidi cation.


What main energy transfer process occurs when a volcano erupts when hot lava appears at the surface? A) conduction B) radiaiton C) osmosis D) convection


What one factor below would cause a stronger sea breeze on a beach during the day when convection is taking place? A) small humidity difference between land and ocean B) small temperature difference between land and ocean C) no change in temperature between land and ocean D) large temperature difference between land and ocean


Which greenhouse gas is mostly responsible for human-caused global warming? A) Nitrogen B) Methane C) Water Vapor D) Carbon dioxide


Which of the following is NOT a greenhouse gas? A) Water vapor B) Carbon dioxide C) Methane D) Oxygen


Which statement is NOT true about evaporation? A) It is the phase change of water from liquid to gas. B) It moves water from the planet's surface into the atmosphere. C) It is part of the water cycle. D) It is the phase change of water from gas to liquid.


How are permeability and porosity different? A) Permeability is a property of water, while porosity is a property of soil. B) Porosity is a property of water, while permeability is a property of soil. C) Permeability depends on how much space exists between soil particles, while porosity depends on how easily water can move through the soil. D) They're essentially the same. E) Porosity depends on how much space exists between soil particles, while permeability depends on how easily water can move through the soil.


Why is deforestation harmful to biodiversity? A) It removes a source of carbon dioxide intake B) It removes trees that will take a long time to regrow C) It removes habitat that wildlife depend on D) It increases land erosion E) All are correct


Describe the Greenhouse Effect

E from the sun in the form of visible and UV light arrives at the earth and enters the atmosphere. That radiation is absorbed by the surface of earth and other objects. The E is re-emitted by the earth's surface as infrared light which cannot pass through the atmosphere like UV can. It get trapped and absorbed by the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Later the greenhouse gases get released and some go into space and some return to earth and warms the planet.

Benefits of runoff

Helps water travel to different locations, picks of sediment and nutrients and disperses it

What are the effects of too much GHG

Increase temp, stronger storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, and higher sea levels b/c polar caps melt which leads organisms losing of habitat and people moving further inland

When precipitation hits the ground, what two options does it have

Infiltration or runoff


Involves the movements of fluid or air

What role do GHG play for our planet

Need it to warm the planet. It becomes a problem if there is too much or too little

Describe the carbon cycle

Normal processes like breathing and geological activities release CO2. Trees/plants take in CO2 during photosynthesis. Oceans absorb some. Animals eat plants and die. Decompose-rs destroy any remains and return it to the soil. Over millions of years, those materials in the soil will become rock and compressed into fossil fuels like coal and oil.


Occurs when surface water enters the soil


Plants losing water through its leaves

What are the characteristics of soil what effect infiltration rate

Porosity- amt of water absorbed and permeability- how fast can water be absorbed

How does runoff cause erosion

Sediment travels and acts as sandpaper and causes erosion to the land

What are the con of runoff

Takes away nutrients from plants/animals that need it in the case of deforestation. Can pick up chemicals and pollutants and put them into other bodies of water

What is the carbon cycle

The carbon cycle describes how carbon molecules move between the living and nonliving world.


The layer of the earth where water is present

What problem happens in the ocean when there is too much CO2 in the atmosphere

Too much carbonic acids production which increases the acidity of the ocean causing the death of many marine life


Transfer of E through physical contact of a warmer object to a cooler object


Water could absorb into the ground or into plants

What are the unofficical other part of the water cycle

What happens after water has fallen. Runoff, groundwater, and transpiration

What is deposition and how does runoff play a hand in it

When nutrients are carried from one place to another. In runoff, the water is the one transports that nutrients

Ocean acidification

When the ocean becomes acidic


When water flows along the surface into lakes, rovers, and streams

Three phases of water cycle

evaporation, condensation, precipitation

Water cycle aka

hydrologic cycle

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