Chapter 29: Kingdom Fungi

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What type of cells are fungi?


fungi as decomposers

-absorb nutrients from organic waste -relase H2O, CO2, and mineral components

fungal diseases in plants

-dutch elm disease -chesnut blight -smuts and rust

fungal diseases in humans

-ringworm -athletes foot -yeast infections

What is the optimum pH for most species?

5.6, some tolerate 2-9


The branching, threadlike tubes that make up the bodies of multicellular fungi, some are coenocytic, some divide by septa, & forms the mycellium


an elongated multinucleated giant cell

Where are fungi found?

anywhere organic material is available, concentrated salt and sugar solutions

4 main phyla of fungi

chytridiomycota, zygomycota, ascomycota, basidiomycota Fungi not fit for these phyla are classified as glomermycota


classified as zygomycetes, are opportunistic pathogens that penetrate and infect animal cells with their long threadlike polar tubes


cross walls that divide hyphae into individual cells

mychorrhizal fungi

decompose organic material in soil, benefit plants by increasing their absorptive surface area


eukaryotic heterotrophs that secrete digestive enzymes onto their food source and then absorb the predigested food, characterized by their cell walls that contain chitin

Phylum Zygomycetes

form a haploid thallus that produces both asexual and sexual zygospores. Have hyphae that are coenocytic. septa form to separate the hyphae from reproductive structures


fusion of nuclei

Glomeromycetes group

have coenocytic hyphae, reproduce asexually with large, multinucleates spores called blastospores symbionts that form intracellular associations called mycorrhizae with the root of plants

Mold vegetative body plan consists of mostly


Germination of spore step one

hyphae emerges


include animals, fungi, and several groups of protists

Phylum Ascomycetes

include most yeasts, powdery mildews, most of the blue-green, pink, and brown molds, cup fugi and edible morels and truffles. Referred to as sac fungi because their sexual spores are produced in microscopic sacs called asci. fruiting body callled ascocarp hyphae usually have septa but cytoplasm is continuous from one cell compartment to another.

Phylum Basidiomycetes

include mushrooms, puffballs, and bracket fungi. Called club fugi due to club shaped basidia which is produced in gills. each basidium is an enlarged hyphal cell that undergoes meiosis to form 4 basidiospores.


mass of hyphae

2 main types of fungi

molds and yeasts

Phylum chytridiomycota

most primitive, previously classified as protists. Only fungi to produce flagellate cells at some stage in their life cycle. Reproduce both sexually and asexually. Parasites and decomposers that caused 200+ species of amphibians to go extinct

reproduction of fungi

most use spores usually produced on specialized aerial hypae that can form fruiting bodys

Germination of spore step three

mycellium degrades complex organic compounds to small organic molecules

Germination of spore step two

mycellium infiltrates growth medium


process when fungi of two different mating types meet and their hyphae fuse


produces by aerial hyphae that germinate when they land in a suitable spot


symbiotic association between a phototroph and a fungus, reproduce mainly asexually photo: green algae fungus: ascomycete or basidiomycete


unicellular with a round or oval shape, widley distributed in soil, leaves, fruit and cured meats, on/in our bodies, and important to humans

Yeasts are __ fungi, and molds are __ fungi

unicellular, filamentous

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