chapter 3

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11. A book entitled A Guide to Treatments that Work was published in _____ and represented a significant step in the _____. A. 1960; humanistic psychotherapy movement. B. 1990; prescription privileges movement. C. 1998; evidence-based practice movement. D. 2005; psychotherapy via videoconferencing.


30. The first list of empirically supported treatments was published in _____. A. 1905 B. 1935 C. 1965 D. 1995


23. We can say that cybertherapy generally appears to work A. about as well as in-person forms of psychotherapy. B. far worse than in-person forms of psychotherapy. C. far better than in-person forms of psychotherapy. D. We cannot compare cybertherapy and in-person psychotherapy because no studies exist on this topic.


28. When psychotherapy outcome researchers seek clients on whom to conduct psychotherapy in a study, they typically seek clients who A. are "textbook cases" of the diagnosis the therapy intends to treat. B. are simultaneously taking medication for their psychological problems. C. have advanced knowledge about psychological disorders. D. have previous experience as "test subjects" in clinical research.


*6. The size and scope of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual have _____ since its inception in the 1950s. A. vastly decreased B. vastly increased C. stayed about the same D. demonstrated no real pattern


10. An example of a manualized psychotherapy with empirical evidence for its efficacy is A. exposure and response prevention for bulimia. B. exposure and response prevention for obsessive compulsive disorder. C. dialectical behavior therapy for depression. D. dialectical behavior therapy for antisocial personality disorder.


18. According to surveys of psychologists in private practice (e.g., Murphy et al., 1998), managed care companies have A. generally had a positive impact on the quality of psychotherapy they provide. B. exerted too much control over clinical decisions. C. had no effect on confidentiality issues. D. all of the above


19. Which of the following is true? A. Most health insurance and managed care companies will pay for psychotherapy whether or not the therapist assigns a DSM diagnosis to the client. B. Recent surveys of psychologists have indicated that the way a client is diagnosed is affected by the client's method of payment. C. all of the above D. none of the above


27. In 1952, _____ made the (now disproven) claim that there was no proof that psychotherapy was efficacious. A. Dianne Chambless B. Hans Eysenck C. John Watson D. Lightner Witmer


4. Advocates for prescription privileges for clinical psychologists cite _____ as support for their argument. A. an excess of psychiatrists, especially in rural areas B. convenience for clients C. all of the above D. none of the above


1. Currently, _____ have passed legislation that grants prescription privileges to appropriately trained psychologists. A. all 50 states B. 31states C. 2 states D. no states


12. Evidence-based practice has also been referred to as _____ treatments. A. empirically validated B. empirically supported C. all of the above D. none of the above


13. The term "evidence-based practice" includes A. the psychological treatment for a disorder. B. factors related to the people providing and receiving the psychological service. C. all of the above D. none of the above


14. Advantages of the emergence of manualized therapies with empirical support include A. an increase in unique, idiosyncratic forms of therapy created by individual psychotherapists. B. increased reliance on the clinical judgment of each psychotherapist. C. the establishment of minimal levels of competence for the field. D. all of the above


15. Disadvantages of the emergence of manualized therapies with empirical support include A. threats to the relationship or alliance between therapist and client. B. the fact that many clients have complicated problems that don't easily fit into diagnostic categories. C. all of the above D. none of the above


16. Some studies of manualized therapy have found that therapists who demonstrate flexibility while using a manual A. produce better client outcomes. B. are more successful in getting clients engaged in therapy. C. all of the above D. none of the above


17. Payment for psychotherapy by health insurance companies has A. decreased since the earliest days of psychotherapy. B. remained constant throughout the history of psychotherapy. C. increased since the earliest days of psychotherapy. D. not yet occurred, but is expected to begin within the next decade.


2. Patrick DeLeon, Morgan Sammons, and Robert McGrath are best known as advocates A. for evidence-based psychotherapies. B. for computer-based psychotherapies. C. for prescription privileges for clinical psychologists. D. against evidence-based psychotherapies.


21. The use of technology, particularly the Internet, by clinical psychologists is often referred to as _____. A. conference therapy B. digi-assessment C. cybertherapy D. tech-psych


24. Which of the following forms of technology has/have been used by clinical psychologists to treat clients? A. virtual reality techniques in which phobic clients are exposed to feared objects B. computer-based self-instructional programs that complement face-to-face, in-person treatments. C. all of the above D. none of the above


31. Psychologists in private practice have described managed care as A. having a negative impact on their practices. B. having a negative impact on the quality of therapy they provide. C. all of the above D. none of the above


5. Opponents of prescription privileges for clinical psychologists cite _____ as support for their argument. A. the need for further training during or after graduate school B. the possibility that the practice of psychotherapy would decline C. all of the above D. none of the above


8. When criticizing the DSM-5 for being overly broad in their definitions of mental disorders, many researchers point to _____ as an example of overpathologizing everyday experiences and behaviors. A. premenstrual dysphoric disorder B. binge eating disorder C. Both of the above. D. Neither of the above.


20. Recent surveys of psychologists have indicated that compared to a client paying out-of-pocket, an identical client paying via managed care is more likely to receive a DSM diagnosis if the client's symptoms are A. related to inattention/hyperactivity or social phobia. B. related to depression or anxiety. C. clearly below diagnosable levels. D. all of the above


22. Which of the following forms of technology has/have been used by clinical psychologists to treat clients? A. handheld electronic communication devices (e.g., iPhones, Blackberries) B. websites C. videoconferencing (e.g., Skype) D. all of the above


25. Guidelines regarding the use of new technologies by clinical psychologists include which of the following? A. Obtain informed consent from clients about the services they may receive, the technologies that may be used to provide them, and the confidentiality of the communication. B. Ensure client confidentiality as much as possible by using encryption or similar methods. C. Be knowledgeable about emergency resources in any community from which your clients may seek services. D. all of the above


26. According to Cummings (2007), _____% of prescriptions written for psychoactive medications come from primary care physicians. A. under 10 B. 30 C. 50 D. over 80


29. In which of the following states do clinical psychologists currently have prescription privileges? A. Missouri and Illinois B. New York and California C. Oregon and Nevada D. Louisiana and New Mexico


3. Advocates for prescription privileges for clinical psychologists have often made the argument that other non-physicians such as _____, have already been granted some prescription privileges. A. dentists B. advance practice nurses C. podiatrists D. all of the above


7. The climb in mental disorder rates is known as A. overdiagnosis B. diagnostic expansion C. diagnostic inflation D. All of the above.


9 2012 research by Cosgrove and Krimsky found that _____% of psychiatrists contributing to the DSM-5 had financial ties to pharmaceutical companies. A. 4 B. 17 C. 52 D. 69


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