Chapter 4

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d. use a command-and-control style.

27. Some researchers contend that male leaders, in contrast to female leaders, are more inclined to a. manage by rewards. b. rely on interpersonal skills. c. practice participative leadership. d. use a command-and-control style.

c. emotional support, friendliness, and trust.

1. The consideration dimension of leadership behavior includes how well the leader creates an environment of a. heavy concern for financial controls. b. carefully controlled work procedures. c. emotional support, friendliness, and trust. d. careful concern for organizational productivity.

a. encourages subordinates to voice their opinion.

10. Manufacturing director Tyler engages in management openness when he a. encourages subordinates to voice their opinion. b. informs subordinates of his career plans. c. publishes salary data on the intranet. d. freely criticizes subordinates when they make a mistake.

b. satisfy their higher-level needs.

11. An important way of inspiring people is to a. satisfy their lower-level needs. b. satisfy their higher-level needs. c. implement tight control mechanisms. d. implement loose control mechanisms.

b. give frequent encouragement and praise.

12. A direct way of being a supportive leader is to a. provide considerable structure to group members. b. give frequent encouragement and praise. c. engage heavily in goal setting. d. establish the right values and principles.

d. contribute to the welfare of individuals and the organization.

13. A top leader is supposed to help promote values and principles that a. encourage employees to compete against one another. b. line up squarely with company advertising. c. create a public image of harmony. d. contribute to the welfare of individuals and the organization.

a. work on the behalf of group members to help them achieve their goals.

14. The major thrust of the servant leader is to a. work on the behalf of group members to help them achieve their goals. b. act humble yet search for individual glory. c. think first in terms of the stockholder. d. place self-interest before service.

b. servant

15. A(n) ____ type of leader is most likely to play the role of the Good Samaritan. a. autocratic b. servant c. consensus d. team

a. receive feedback from those who work with and for them.

16. A key part of 360-degree feedback is for leaders to a. receive feedback from those who work with and for them. b. use a circular form for evaluating others. c. receive both positive and negative feedback almost daily. d. receive a little feedback almost every workday.

d. Encourage workers to give and receive feedback anyway they choose.

17. Suggestions for making better use of 360-degree feedback do not include which one of the following? a. Focus on business goals and strategy. b. Use feedback dimensions that reflect important aspects of leadership. c. Create action plans based on the feedback. d. Encourage workers to give and receive feedback anyway they choose.

b. participative style in general.

18. The generally accepted leadership style in the modern organization is the a. micromanagement style. b. participative style in general. c. democratic form of participative style. d. autocratic style.

a. confers with the group before making a decision.

19. A consultative leader a. confers with the group before making a decision. b. consults reference sources before making a decision. c. turns over decision-making authority to the group. d. takes a vote before reaching a decision.

a. emphasize work scheduling and assigning tasks.

2. A leader who scored high on initiating structure would a. emphasize work scheduling and assigning tasks. b. disregard the feelings of team members. c. emphasize listening and personal warmth. d. strive to keep the group informed.

b. competent and intelligent people.

20. Participative management is likely to work the best with a. employees in a large bureaucracy. b. competent and intelligent people. c. shy and nonassertive employees. d. employees in small, entrepreneurial firms.

a. experienced role ambiguity.

21. A study with Norwegian workers found that when employees reported to a manager with a laissez-faire leadership style, they a. experienced role ambiguity. b. believed the manager did not grant them enough freedom. c. enjoyed the structure and close guidance. d. worked quite hard to avoid being disciplined.

b. 9, 1 Controlling.

22. As a leader, department manager Anna is highly concerned about results, and has little concern for people. Her Managerial Grid style is labeled a. 1, 9 Accommodating. b. 9, 1 Controlling. c. 1, 1 Indifferent. d. 9, 9 Sound.

b. contribute and commit.

23. According to the Leadership Grid system, the most effective leadership style is a. balance and compromise. b. contribute and commit. c. prescribe and guide. d. status quo.

d. sensible risk taking.

24. A pronounced characteristic of an entrepreneurial leader is a. a reliance on others to take the big risks. b. a preference for taking huge risks. c. a cautious attitude toward taking risks. d. sensible risk taking.

a. have high enthusiasm and creativity.

25. An entrepreneurial leader is most likely to a. have high enthusiasm and creativity. b. have a moderate achievement drive. c. be calm and deliberate when an opportunity arises. d. work smoothly within a bureaucracy.

b. thrive on hierarchy and routine.

26. An entrepreneurial leader is least likely to a. have a strong achievement drive and sensible risk taking. b. thrive on hierarchy and routine. c. act quickly when opportunity arises. d. have a visionary perspective combined with tenacity.

c. both sexes were perceived about the same in overall effectiveness.

28. A large research study about sex differences in effectiveness between men and women leaders found that a. men were perceived to be much more effective than women. b. women were perceived to be much more effective than men. c. both sexes were perceived about the same in overall effectiveness. d. experienced women were more effective than experienced men.

d. women were rated higher on relationship-oriented leadership skills.

29. A large research study about sex differences in effectiveness between men and women leaders found that a. men were rated high on relationship-oriented skills. b. men were rated lower on orientation toward strategic planning and organizational vision. c. women were rated lower on orientation toward production and obtaining results. d. women were rated higher on relationship-oriented leadership skills.

c. live up to expectations set for them.

3. In the Pygmalion effect, group members a. rebel against high expectations. b. respond only to verbal signals. c. live up to expectations set for them. d. become uncomfortable when placed under heavy pressure.

a. several different styles in one week.

30. A study with 3,000 executives revealed that leaders who obtain the best results typically use a. several different styles in one week. b. the style recommended by the board. c. the style recommended by the group members. d. whatever style matches the latest management fad.

d. concentrate on the strengths of her direct reports.

4. Division manager Cassandra wants to get the most out of her direct reports. A. good strategy would be for her to a. establish penalties for her direct reports who display weaknesses. b. teach her direct reports new strengths. c. focus on patching up the weaknesses of her direct reports.. d. concentrate on the strengths of her direct reports.

a. is the most important part of a leader's job.

5. Former business executive Larry Bossidy believes that execution a. is the most important part of a leader's job. b. is the responsibility of managers, not leaders. c. should take place before vision formulation. d. should be done mostly by managers of staff units.

c. micromanagement.

6. If hands-on guidance is carried to the extreme, it can result in a. team-management. b. rapid skill-development of the group member. c. micromanagement. d. alignment of people.

a. performance feedback

7. Without appropriate ____, the leader can rarely influence the actions of group members. a. performance feedback b. vision formulation c. customer focus d. risk taking and a bias for action

a. stop and think about why they are doing or not doing something.

8. The purpose of a tough question by a leader is to help the person or group a. stop and think about why they are doing or not doing something. b. understand that they deserve to be punished. c. overcome a loss in self-confidence. d. realize how much they have to learn.

d. pull together for a higher purpose.

9. When workers are aligned, they tend to a. oppose many management policies. b. work at cross-purposes with each other. c. follow directions without question. d. pull together for a higher purpose.

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