Chapter 4

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The leadership grid portrays 5 major leadership management. PP-Pg 4

1) Authority compliance 9-1, 2)Country club Management 1,9, 3) Impoverished Mgmt 1,1, 4) Middle of the road Mgmt 5,5, 5) Team mgmt-9,9

Blake and Moutons Leadership grid was designed to explain how leaders help organizations to reach their purposes through two factors:

1) Concern for production, and 2) concern for people

The Research at Univ of Michigan identified two types of leadership behaviors:

1) Employee Orientation and 2) Production Orientation

In the Ohio State Studies, Researchers found that follower's responses on the questionnaire clustered around two general types of leader behaviors:

1) Initiating Structure, 2) Consideration

Initiating Structure behaviors and Consideration behaviors identified by the LBDQ-XII represent this core of the behavioral approach 1____ & 2)_______

1) Leaders provide structure for followers and 2) they nurture them.

Name the 3 Studies conducted on behavioral Perspective

1) Ohio State university (1940's) by Stogdills, 2) Univ of Michigan, and 3) Blake and Mouton's Leadership Grid

Criticism of the Behavioral approach PG 147-148

1) One criticism is that researchers have not been able to establish a consistent link between task and relationship behaviors and outcomes such as morale, job satisfaction, and productivity.

In addition to the 5 major styles described in the Leadership grid, Blake and his colleagues have identified two other behaviors that incorporate multiple aspects of the grid.

1) Paternalism/Maternalism 1,9; 9,1 and 2) Opportunism

Researchers studying the behavioral approach determine that leadership is composed of two general kinds of behaviors - Name the two:

1) Task Behaviors and 2) Relationship behaviors

In the leadership grip, each of the axes is drawn as a 9-point scale on which a score of ___ represents minimum concern, and ____ represents maximum concern

1, 9

Criticism of the Behavioral approach (cont-2) PG 147-148

Another criticism of the behavioral approach is that is implies that the most effective leadership style is the high-high style. This is in questions since certain situation may require different leadership style.

Criticism of the Behavioral approach (cont-3) PG 147-148

Another criticism of the behavioral approach is that most of the research done has come come a U.S. perspective, reflecting the norms & values of U.S. Culture -- different cultures prefer different leadership styles than those favored by current U.S. mgmt practices.

Employee Orientation (Michigan Study) is very similar to the cluster of behaviors identified as _________ in the Ohio State Studies


Behavioral approach Perspective

Emphasizes the behavior of the leader - What leaders do and how they act

Past Review: Skills Approach

Emphasizes the leaders capabilities.

Past Review: Trait Approach

Emphasizes the personality characteristics of the leader

Participants of the Ohio State Studies - LBDQ were:

Hundreds of people in 1) Educational, 2) Military, and 3) Industrial settings

As in the Ohio State Studies...researchers treated employee orientation and production orientations as _____________ orientations (as Initiating and Consideration in the Ohio studies were considered independent of each other.


Production Orientations parallels the _____ structure behavior cluster found in the Ohio State Studies Pg. 139


Ohio State Studies - Six years later, (Stogdill-1963) pubished a shortened version of the LBDQ called ____________. It became the most widely used instrument in leadership studies.


In the Ohio State Studies, a questionnaire composed of 150 questions was formulated called _____________________

Leadership Behavior Description Questionnaire (LBDQ)

This Study was conducted by having followers complete questionnaires about their leaders - to identify the number of times their leaders engaged in certain types of behaviors.

Ohio State Studies

Overall, How does the behavioral approach work? Pg. 145

Overall, the behavioral approach offers a means of assessing the behaviors of leaders. It reminds leaders that their impact on others occurs through the tasks they perform as well as in the relationships they create.

Concern for People (Grid)

Refers how a leader attends to the people in the org who are trying to achieve its goals, ie.building org commitment and trust, promoting worth, providing good working conditions, promoting good social relations, etc.

Concern for Production (Grid)

Refers to how a leader is concerned with achieving organizational tasks - ie. attention to policy decisions, new product development, process issues, workload, sales volume, etc., whatever the org is seeking to accomplish.

The central purpose of the behavior approach is to explain how leaders combine _______ and _______ to influence followers in their efforts to reach a goal.

Task and relationships behaviors

Criticism of the Behavioral approach (cont) PG 147-148

The Behavioral approach has failed to find a universal style of leadership that could be effective in almost every situation.

How is the Behavioral Approach Applied PG 149

This approach can be applied easily in ongoing leadership settings -- managers are continually engaged in task and relationship behaviors. By assessing their own behaviors, managers can determine how they are coming across to others and how they could change their behaviors to be more effective.

University of Michigan Studies

This study gave special attention to the impact of leadership behavior on performance of small groups.

Opportunism (Blake& Mouton's Grid)

This style of leadership (from Blake & Moutons grid) refers to a leader who uses any combination of the basic five styles for the purpose of personal advancement or gain, to gain personal advantage, putting self interest ahead of priorities. These leaders can be described as ruthless, cunning, and self-motivated, and even strategic.

Paternalism/Maternalism 1,9 & 9,1 (Blake& Mouton's Grid)

This style of leadership (from Blake & Moutons grid) uses both 1,9 and 9,1 but does integrate the two. This is the benevolent dictator who acts graciously but does so for the purpose of goal accomplishment. These leaders are often described as fatherly and motherly toward their followers. These leaders reward loyalty and obedience while punishing noncompliance.

Team Management 9,9 (Blake& Mouton's Grid)

This style of leadership from Blake & Moutons grid), 9,9 places a strong emphasis on both tasks and interpersonal relationships

Impoverished Mgmt, 1,1 (Blake& Mouton's Grid)

This style of leadership from Blake & Moutons grid, 1,1, This style of leadership is unconcerned with both task and interpersonal relationships. This leader is uninvolved and withdrawn, has little contact with followers and can be described as indifferent, resigned, and apathetic.

Country Club Mgmt 1,9 (Blake& Mouton's Grid)

This style of leadership from Blake & Moutons grid, 1,9, ---represents a low concern for task accomplishment and a high concern for interpersonal relationships. 1,9 leaders stress the attitudes and feelings of people, making sure the personal/social needs are met. They try to create positive climate by being agreeable, eager to help, and comforting.

Middle of the Road Mgmt 5,5 (Blake& Mouton's Grid)

This style of leadership from Blake & Moutons grid, 5,5 this style of leadership have intermediate concern for the task and and intermediate concern for the people. They arrive at an equilibrium. They avoid conflicts and prefers the middle ground.

Authority Compliance 9,1 (Blake& Mouton's Grid)

This style of leadership from Blake & Moutons grid, 9, 1 ---places heavy emphasis on task & job requirements and less emphasis on people. This style is result driven, and people are regarded as tools that end. The leader is often seen as controlling, demanding, hard driving, and overpowering.

Task Behaviors

This type of behavior facilitate goal accomplishment: they help group members to achieve their objective

Relationship Behaviors

This type of behavior help followers feel comfortable with themselves, with each other, and with the situation in which they find themselves.

Strengths of the behavioral approach Pg. 146

Whenever leadership occurs, the leader is acting out both task and relationship behaviors; the key to being an effective leader often rests on how the leader balances these two behaviors. Together they form the core of the leadership process.

Initiating Structure behaviors (Ohio State Studies)

are behaviors, including such acts as organizing work, giving structure both work context, defining role responsibilities, and scheduling work activities. (Leaders provide structure for subordinates)

Consideration behaviors (Ohio State Studies)

are relationship behaviors and include building camaraderie, respect, trust, and liking between leaders and followers. (Leaders nurture subordinates)

In the Leadership Grip, the Vertical axis represents the leaders,

concern for people. (Read Pg 140-141 for details)

In the Leadership Grip, the horizontal axis represents the leaders,

concern for results (Pg 141 in Text and pg 4 in PP)

The Ohio State studies viewed these two behaviors as

distinct and independent. For ex a leader can high in initiating structure and high or low in task behavior

Employee Orientation (Michigan study)

is the behavior of leaders who approach followers with a strong human relations emphasis. They take an interest in workers as human beings, value their individuality, and give special attention to their personal needs.

Production Orientation (Michigan Study)

leadership behavior that stresses the technical and production aspects of a job. Workers are viewed as a means for getting work accomplished.

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