Chapter 4: Seeking Selfhood
A procedure that helps an individual shut off the outside world and bypass the censor we call the brain, enabling the person to see, experience and learn from an intuitive, feeling, unconscious nature.
Attempt to preserve their own images (both positive and negative) of themselves and therefore elicit feedback that verifies or confirms their own self-perceptions (both positive and negative).
self-serving attributional bias
Beliefs that glorify the self or conceive of the self as causing the good outcomes that came our way.
Occurs when we fail to aknowledge or accept certain aspects of ourselves. We then feel these qualities are foreign to us and we project them onto others, whom we then dislike.
spotlight effect
Overestimate how prominent our own behavior, appearance, and emotions are to others.
mnemonic neglect
Poor recall (or forgetting) of negative feedback that is inconsistent with core aspects of the self concept.
Significance of an ability traditionally valued by society is lessened.
Tendency to perceive our experiences in a manner consistent of our self concepts.
body image
The awareness of my body.
The extent to which one's individual self-beliefs are clearly and confidently defined, internally consistent and stable.
The extent to which one's self-concept is comprised of many differentiated self-aspects.
The overall image or awareness we have of ourselves.
The personal evaluation of ourselves and the associated feelings of worth.
minority stress
The psychological and social stress associated with minority status.
The self I see myself to be.
ideal self
The self I'd like to be.
feared self
The self that would result if you don't succeed.
social self
The ways I feel others see me.
core of self-concept
Those aspects of ourselves we regard as very important to us.
To trivialize threatening information by making behavior seem less important.
Try to get positive feedback that affirms their own ideas about their positive qualities.