Chapter 4:Buddhism

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a buddha, expected to appear on earth in the future


a circular design containing deities, geometrical forms, symbols and so on that represents totality, the self, and the universe


a popular bodhisattava of compassion in mahayana


a sacred text, especially one said to record the words of the buddha


a shrine, ususally in the shape of a dome, used to mark buddhist relics or sacred sites


a state of deep awareness, the result of intensive meditation


a tibetan buddhist teacher

_____refers to impermanence, or constant change


in theravada, a _______ has practiced monastic disicplines and reached nirvana, the ideal


amitabha buddha

buddha of the western paradise, a bliss-body buddha in mahayana

Sutras are believed to be direct teachings of the buddha himself; however, this cannot be known for certain

buddhas teachings were not written down


community of monks and nuns

Jataka Tales-collection of buddhist folktales

compared to aesops fable


compassion, empathy


constant rebirth and attendant suffering


diamond scepter used in tibetan and other types of buddhist ritual, symbolizing compassion


doctrine that there is no soul or permanent essence in people and things




focusing of the mind


impermanence, constant change


in chan and zen buddhism, a question that cannot be answered logically

judo/pure land

in japan, daily repetition at the moment of death was though o ensure the believers rebirth in the western paradise -focus on devotion


in mahayana, a person of deep compassion, especially one who does not enter nirvana but is constantly reborn to help others


in theravada, a person who has practice monastic disciplines and reached nirvana, the ideal


in zen, the enlightened awareness


mahayana notion of empitness, meaning that universe is the empty of permanent reality

zen is derived from a word referring to one of the steps in the eightfold path, whose meaning is


two of the most important languages through which the teaching of the buddha have been orally transmitted

pali and sankrit

once a person reaches nirvana

rebirth is finished

one of the three jewels,_____ is the community of monks and nuns



sum total of the buddhist teaching about how to view the world and how to properly live


symbolic hand gesture

in tibetan buddhism, on of the most important collections of sacred writings, the ______, exceeds four thousand works and comprises commentaries on scripture and treatises on awide variety of disciplines such as medecine, logic, and grammar



three baskets, or collections of buddhist texts


three bodies of the buddha- the dharmakaya (cosmic buddha nature), the nirmanakaya (historical buddhas), and the sambhogakaya (celestial buddhas)

therevada Buddhism

tipitaka: three baskets make up the pli canon, or collection of buddhas teachings (vinaya sutra, abhidhamma -small raft -stupas: a shrine in the shape of a throne


totality of buddhist teaching

____ refers to the three bodies of the buddha--- the cosmic buddha nature, the celestial buddhas, and the historical buddhas


The three basketbals, or collections, of buddhist texts is known as





-Heavenly terrace: this school attempted to catergorize all the teaching oft he buddha and present them in a meaningful way, as a kind of aldder of steps leading to full enlightment

Second Nobule Truth: Suffering Comes from Desire

-Suffering comes from wanting what we cannot have and from never being satisfied with what we do have -some desires are simply "wants" cultivated by society

Third Noble Truth: To End Suffering, End Desire

-any kind of attachment will bring inevitable suffering -many modern cultures strain to achieve imaginable desire, emphasizing individual legal and moral rights, competetion, and succsess

First Noble Truth: to Live is to Suffer

-birth is attended with pain, decay is painful, disease is painful, death is painful -to live means to experience anxiety, loss, and sometimes ever anguish

Vajrayana Buddhism

-famous for elaborate ritual -vehicle of the diamond or lighting bolt -a combination of indian mahayana buddhism blended with tibetan shamanism -vajra: the diamond scepter used in tibetan and other types of buddhist ritual, symbolizing compassion

Fourth Noble Truth: Release from Suffering is possible and can be attained by following the noble Eightfold path

-goal of buddhism is nirvana -nirvana seems to mean to "blow out" or "cool" suggesting the fires of desire have been extinguished


-satori- awareness of the unity of oneself with the rest of the universe -comes from the seventh step of eghtfold path- meditation -koan: a question that can not be answered logically

Mahayana Buddhism

-shunyata: doctrine that all reality is empty -bodhisattva (Enlightened being) embodies compassion -Large raft -tathata, or "thatness"- when two elements come together in an unexpected way


-thought of as an ideal human being whom other humans beings should imitate -practical minded and concentrated on what was useful rather than what he considered speculative -how to minimize suffering and how to attain inner peace


-true word or word of truth--utilized sacred chants called mantras

______ refers to "enlightment being" in mahayana, a person of deep compassion, especially one who does not enter nirvana but is constantly reborn to help others; a heavenly being of compassion


According to buddha, his teaching must be

Experienced in order to be worthwile

the work of the American architect__________, which popularized the use of large windows and natural stone, demonstrates the global influence of zen buddhist principles in design

Frank Lloyd wright

Influential vimalakirti sutra, which teaches that it is possible to live a devout buddhist life without necessarily becoming a monk, a central to the literature of________ buddhism


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