Chapter 5 intro to teaching

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Three types of curriculum

1. Formal- planned subjects; Ex: science, math 2. Extra Curriculum- learning experiences that extend beyond the core of the students formal studies; may not be considered extra to some people; Ex: athletics, band, cheer, debate; Many say these enhance team skills 3. Hidden Curriculum- deals with attitudes, beliefs, values, and behaviors; can either support or undermine the formal curriculum; are sports valued more than arts? does the community support the school? ex: Student learn to give teacher what he/she wants for grade or approval, schools reward compliant behavior rather than personal initiative

What is curriculum?

All the organized and intended experiences of the student for which the school accepts responsibility

2015 Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)

Authority for school performance and accountability to local districts and states. Keeps the existing annual testing requirements in reading and math. Requires that states act to improve the lowest performing schools. Allows more local control to set goals, determine school ratings and decide remedial measures. Still held accountable, but states make plan, tests not only determiner

Problem Solving

Awareness of the conditions, procedures, or steps taken to solve a problem and ability to implement them. Ex: put puzzle together, solve science/math prob, solve more complex mental/social prob emphasis on process of reaching a solution

Elementary and Secondary Education Act

Enacted in 1965 by Lyndon B. Johnson in response to his war against poverty= "full educational opportunity" should be "our first national goal"

Critical Thinking

Evaluating the worth of ideas, opinions, or evidence before making a decision or judgement. Ways teachers can get students to think critically: -Test hypothesis: ex: will it sink or float? -Questioning techniques: ask why 5 times -Probing: ask more than yes/no, ex: could you explain, tell me more, provide ex

Why is curriculum a controversial issue?

Everyone has an opinion. Teacher is at the center of the process, a lot of other factors contribute- textbooks, professional organization, federal government, state govt/state reform-teacher is at center of it all

Active learning

Learning by doing Stats/Techniques: -Notecard mix-up: write answers anon. on notecard, switch with others 2+ times, share with class, anon so no one feels left out -Guided note taking: Teacher gives a packet or something to help when students take notes; ex: intro to teaching -Planted questions: Teacher gives a question to a student to ask to the class ahead of time, if they want to get a certain point across

What is standards-based reform?

One way to increase academic excellence; Each state has identified what the students should know and be able to do at what grade level. Two types (?): 1. Content Standards: the subject specific knowledge and skills; lower level, broad 2. Common Core State Standards: Knowledge and skills students should have in k-12 experience from each state

2002 No Child Left Behind Act

Required state wide accountability to determine the progress of schools-testing, academic reporting, teacher qualifications, and funding Reading/L.A. and math scores as measure of progress All students would be at or above grade level COMPLAINTS: too much testing, even special needs report scores, everything based on scores

Flipped Classroom

Students view content before class, possibly via videos teacher make. Benefit: being able to work on problems or case studies during class with help from teacher Disadvantage: does everyone have technology to access outside of class? Do students actually do it? Cant ask teacher a question.

Cooperative learning

Students working together Three characteristics: Group goals, individual accountability, equal opportunity for success Learning strats: -Jigsaw: each student becomes an expert on one topic by working with groups with the same topic, go back to home team and teach topic, whole class assess on topics -Group investigation: students work in small groups using co-op inquiry, group discussion and projects, students form groups, groups choose subtopics from a unit, break into tasks and prepare group reports -Think-Pair-Share: Students think by self on topic, pair with another student to discuss, then share thoughts with whole class

Interdisciplinary curriculum

Teaching subjects within various disciplines. teachers work with other teachers to approach a subject; ex: health teacher teach no smoking, math teachers do no smoking stats, or do these ideas within your health class

What is the concern with standardization?

Using standardized test results to determine a teacher's, school's and/or administrators' effectiveness

Writing across the curriculum

Using writing in all content areas to enhance learning writing improves learning Ex: music students write own ballads, Social studies students write on school issues, students in science class may write a futuristic headline and story, math students write own story probs, art students write scripts for cartoon strip, journals and learning logs

Differentiated Instruction

Varying instruction Strats: -Stations: teacher set up different spots in the room where students work on task. -Challenge based learning: students presented with a real world problem to be solved, big ideas and questions -Project Based Learning: places students in active role of solving real world problems, rigorous PBL -Choice Boards: students are able to select an assignmeht or given an option as to what type of activity they want to do -Flipped Classroom: Students view content before class, work on problems or case study during class with teachers help

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