Chapter 5 Med Term

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A primary function of sebum is: a. protection against infection. b. hair growth. c. tissue repair. d. scar development. e. excoriation.


Burns that damage only the epidermis are classified as: a. first-degree. b. crustations. c. third-degree. d. vesicular. e. second-degree.


Lentigo is a(n): a. small brown macule on the skin, usually caused by sun exposure. b. pyogenic infection of the skin. c. inflammation of cellular tissue. d. lesion due to impaired circulation. e. excessive hair growth.


Match the combining forms with their meanings. a. cutane/o b. hidr/o c. hydr/o d. ichthy/o e. kerat/o f. lip/o g. melan/o h. myc/o i. onych/o j. pil/o k. py/o l. scler/o m. seb/o n. squam/o o. xer/o Skin -


The abbreviation for ointment is: a. ung. b. subcu. c. gtt. d. omt. e. oit.


The prefix dia- means: a. through, across. b. flow. c. loose. d. without. e. abnormal.


The prefix homo- means a. same. b. different. c. normal. d. abnormal. e. through.


Which abbreviation refers to a diagnosis? a. IMP b. DIA c. DS d. DIAG e. ASI


Which agents are used to kill mites and lice? a. Antiparasitics b. Anesthetics c. Antihistamines d. Keratolytics e. Corticosteroids


Which is a type of fungal infection of the skin commonly called ringworm? a. Tinea b. Pemphigus c. Eczema d. Scabies e. Ecchymosis


Which procedure, in which cells are destroyed by exposing them to light, is usually used to treat cancer and actinic keratosis? a. Photodynamic therapy b. Cryosurgery c. Fulguration d. Debridement e. Chemabrasion


Which skin test identifies suspected allergens by placing a small quantity of the suspected allergen on a lightly scratched area of the skin? a. Prick b. Photodynamic c. Patch d. Intradermal e. Culture and sensitivity


Which term means transplantation of healthy tissue from one person to another person? a. Allograft b. Autograft c. Synthetic d. Xenograft e. Heterograft


Use adip/o to build a word that means hernia containing fat:


Use adip/o to build a word that means resembling fat


A carbuncle is a(n): a. fungal infection. b. pyogenic infection. c. skin ulceration. d. abrasion. e. benign tumor.


A localized collection of pus at the site of infection is: a. cellulitis. b. abscess. c. acne. d. eschar. e. purpura.


An intradermal test that produces a skin reaction in sensitive patients is used to identify: a. malignant tumors. b. suspected allergens. c. infections. d. bacteria. e. cysts.


Exocrine glands secrete substances: a. directly into the bloodstream. b. through ducts to an outer body surface. c. by absorption through cell membranes. d. into capillaries. e. into vascular tissue.


Match the combining forms with their meanings. a. cutane/o b. hidr/o c. hydr/o d. ichthy/o e. kerat/o f. lip/o g. melan/o h. myc/o i. onych/o j. pil/o k. py/o l. scler/o m. seb/o n. squam/o o. xer/o Sweat -


Skin is relatively waterproof because of: a. skin oil. b. keratin. c. sweat. d. lunula. e. strata.


The CF cutane/o means: a. cut. b. skin. c. callous. d. nail. e. hair.


The basal layer includes special cells called: a. adipocytes. b. melanocytes. c. lymphocytes. d. adenocytes. e. dermocytes.


The growth area of the nail is the: a. nail body. b. lunula. c. nail bed. d. cuticle. e. nail tip.


The suffix -logist means: a. study of. b. specialist in the study of. c. specialty. d. treatment of skin. e. therapy.


The term metastasis means the tumor: a. is localized. b. cells travel to remote regions of the body. c. is cancerous but localized. d. is benign. e. spreads within an organ only.


The visible part of the hair is called the: a. hair follicle. b. hair shaft. c. papilla. d. hair root. e. capillary.


Trichopathy is a disease of the: a. epidermis. b. hair. c. skin. d. fingernails. e. sweat glands.


Vaseline is a brand name for a(n): a. antibiotic. b. ointment. c. injectable. d. elixir. e. antifungal.


What is the medical term for freckle? a. Comedo b. Macule c. Bulla d. Papule e. Wheal


What is the term for bedsores? a. Impetigo b. Pressure ulcers c. Tinea corporis d. Ecchymoses e. Tinea barbae


Which agents are used to control inflammation, redness, and itching caused by allergic skin reactions? a. Protectives b. Antihistamines c. Keratolytics d. Antiseptics e. Antiparasitics


Which cells produce black pigment? a. Lipocytes b. Melanocytes c. Adipocytes d. Leukocytes e. Chondrocytes


Which medications destroy the outer layer of skin? a. Corticosteroids b. Keratolytics c. Antipruritics d. Parasiticides e. Anesthetics


Which procedure uses liquid nitrogen to destroy abnormal tissue, such as warts, tumors, or infected tissue? a. Fulguration b. Cryosurgery c. Debridement d. Dermabrasion e. Photosensitizing


Which type of anesthetic blocks sensation of pain by numbing the skin layers? a. General b. Topical c. Epidural d. Local e. Spinal


Damaged tissue following a severe burn is called: a. sciatica. b. hystopathologic. c. eschar. d. ecchymosis. e. a vesicle.


Match the combining forms with their meanings. a. cutane/o b. hidr/o c. hydr/o d. ichthy/o e. kerat/o f. lip/o g. melan/o h. myc/o i. onych/o j. pil/o k. py/o l. scler/o m. seb/o n. squam/o o. xer/o Water -


Plantar warts, or verrucae, are caused by: a. several fungal species. b. handling certain reptiles. c. viruses. d. poor hygiene. e. pressure from ill-fitting shoes.


The CF ichthy/o means: a. horny. b. hard. c. dry, scaly. d. sweat. e. fungus.


The CF pil/o means: a. nipple. b. dry. c. hair. d. skin. e. nail.


The CF trich/o means: a. nail. b. fungus. c. hair. d. three. e. tripod.


The CF ungu/o means: a. hand. b. hair. c. nail. d. skin. e. finger.


The abbreviation bx means: a. breast radiograph. b. second-degree burn. c. biopsy. d. cross-graft. e. autograft.


The combining form (CF) onych/o means: a. hand. b. hair. c. nail. d. skin. e. finger.


The prefix an- means: a. in, not. b. without. c. without, not. d. below. e. upon.


Which condition is a hyperpigmentation of the skin characterized by yellowish-brown patches or spots? a. Comedo b. Ecchymosis c. Chloasma d. Alopecia e. Pemphigus


Which is the first line of defense against the invasion of pathogens? a. Nail body b. Melanocytes c. Skin d. Adipose tissue e. Subcutaneous tissue


Which procedure destroys tissue using a high-frequency electric current? a. Debridement b. Dermabrasion c. Fulguration d. Photodynamic therapy e. Sensitization


Which term is a contagious disease transmitted by the itch mite? a. Vitiligo b. Trichopathy c. Scabies d. Comedo e. Psoriasis


Which term means an inflammatory skin disease characterized by isolated pustules that become crusted and rupture? a. Hirsutism b. Pemphigus c. Impetigo d. Chloasma e. Psoriasis


Which term means excessive sweating? a. Hyperhydrosis b. Hyperhydria c. Hyperhidrosis d. Hydrosis e. Anhidria


Which type of skin graft is produced from collagen fibers? a. Allograft b. Autograft c. Synthetic d. Xenograft e. Heterograft


Build a word that means treatment with cold:


A wheal is also called a(n): a. pustule. b. polyp. c. ulcer. d. hive. e. wart.


Dermatomycosis is a: a. shedding of the epidermis. b. skin discoloration. c. thickened, horny skin growth. d. fungal infection of the skin. e. condition of dried sebum in an excretory duct of the skin.


Match the combining forms with their meanings. a. cutane/o b. hidr/o c. hydr/o d. ichthy/o e. kerat/o f. lip/o g. melan/o h. myc/o i. onych/o j. pil/o k. py/o l. scler/o m. seb/o n. squam/o o. xer/o Dry, scaly -


Novocain is a brand name for a(n): a. antiparasitic. b. antifungal. c. corticosteroid. d. topical anesthetic. e. keratolytic.


Petroleum jelly is commonly used to: a. inhibit growth of bacteria. b. shed the outer layer of skin. c. kill parasites. d. soothe inflamed skin. e. inhibit allergic reactions.


Pruritus of the hands indicates: a. a skin condition that turns the hands blue. b. excessive sweating of the hands. c. an inflammatory condition of the hands. d. itching of the hands. e. inflammation and swelling of the hands near the nails.


Sebaceous glands are also known as: a. sweat glands. b. sudoriferous glands. c. stratum corneum. d. oil glands. e. endocrine glands.


The CF for fat is: a. sudor/o. b. kerat/o. c. squam/o. d. steat/o. e. seb/o.


The medical procedure used to treat acne scarring by removing outer layers of the skin is called: a. debridement. b. cryosurgery. c. fulguration. d. chemical peel. e. photosensitizing.


What is the term for a small slit or cracklike sore that extends into the dermis? a. Bulla b. Wheal c. Vesicle d. Fissure e. Papule


What term means a surgical procedure to remove necrotized tissue from a wound? a. Cryosurgery b. Fulguration c. Dermabrasion d. Debridement e. Chemical peel


Which is a hard protein found in the epidermis? a. Sebum b. Pus c. Cerumen d. Keratin e. Melanin


Which is the deepest layer of the epidermis? a. Corium b. Stratum corneum c. Subcutaneous d. Basal layer e. Sebaceous


Which pair of terms contains synonyms? a. Xeroderma—Scleroderma b. Onychoma—Adenoma c. Scleroderma—Ichthyosis d. Diaphoresis—Sudoresis e. Pruritus—Psoriasis


Which procedure uses wire brushes or sandpaper to scrape away the epidermis? a. Peel b. Debridement c. Fulguration d. Dermabrasion e. Photosensitizer


Which skin barrier protects from cancer-causing UV radiation? a. Keratin b. Stratum corneum c. Keratosis d. Melanin e. Corium


Which skin test identifies suspected allergens by subcutaneously injecting small amounts of extracts of the suspected allergens and observing the skin for a subsequent reaction? a. Prick b. Scratch c. Patch d. Intradermal e. Culture and sensitivity


Which term means extreme sensitivity to sensory stimuli? a. Erythema b. Excoriation c. Ecchymosis d. Hyperesthesia e. Psoriasis


Which term means milk-white patches on the skin? a. Pediculosis b. Petechiae c. Urticaria d. Vitiligo e. Eczema


Which term means unnatural paleness or absence of color in the skin? a. Pigmentation b. Erythema c. Lentigo d. Pallor e. Vitiligo


Which topically applied agents inhibit growth of bacteria? a. Keratolytics b. Protectives c. Antihistamines d. Antiseptics e. Corticosteroids


Which type of biopsy removes elevated lesions using a surgical blade? a. Frozen section b. Needle c. Punch d. Shave e. Graft


Which type of skin graft comes from a foreign donor (usually a pig)? a. Allograft b. Autograft c. Synthetic d. Xenograft e. Homograft


Build a word that means inflammation of the skin:


Build a word that means specialist in the study of skin (disease):


Use -logist to build a word that means specialist in the study of skin (diseases):


Use dermat/o to build a word that means abnormal condition of the skin:


A skin graft taken from one part of the body and placed on another part of the patient's body is a(n): a. allograft. b. homograft. c. xenograft. d. heterograft. e. autograft.


Match the combining forms with their meanings. a. cutane/o b. hidr/o c. hydr/o d. ichthy/o e. kerat/o f. lip/o g. melan/o h. myc/o i. onych/o j. pil/o k. py/o l. scler/o m. seb/o n. squam/o o. xer/o Horny tissue, hard, cornea -


Pediculosis is skin infestation caused by: a. fleas. b. mosquitos. c. ticks. d. red bugs. e. lice.


Skin is also called: a. corium. b. ductules. c. capillaries. d. glandular. e. integument.


The CF for fungus (plural fungi) is: a. trich/o. b. unguin/o. c. squam/o. d. xen/o. e. myc/o.


The CF xer/o means: a. foreign, strange. b. hardening. c. horny. d. absence. e. dry.


The prefix sub- means: a. below. b. abnormal. c. obsessive. d. upon. e. under, below.


The suffix -cyte means: a. skin. b. tissue. c. hair. d. nail. e. cell.


The term alopecia means: a. dry skin. b. blisters. c. oily skin. d. itching. e. baldness.


Which glands produce sweat? a. Sebaceous b. Papillary c. Porous d. Ductless e. Sudoriferous


Which laboratory test grows a colony of bacteria removed from an infected site and determines effective antibiotics for treatment? a. Allergy b. Intradermal c. Patch d. Scratch e. Culture and sensitivity


Which term is another term for blackhead? a. Melanoma b. Chloasma c. Pemphigus d. Petechia e. Comedo


Alopecia is also known as chloasma.


Antiseptics are subcutaneously injected drugs used to inhibit bacterial growth.


Claritin is a brand name for an antifungal medication.


Eschar material commonly contains pus.


Frozen section biopsy is used to diagnose warts.


Match the combining forms with their meanings. a. cutane/o b. hidr/o c. hydr/o d. ichthy/o e. kerat/o f. lip/o g. melan/o h. myc/o i. onych/o j. pil/o k. py/o l. scler/o m. seb/o n. squam/o o. xer/o Fat -


Photodynamic therapy is used primarily to lighten the skin.


Verruca is also known as a pimple.


Match the combining forms with their meanings. a. cutane/o b. hidr/o c. hydr/o d. ichthy/o e. kerat/o f. lip/o g. melan/o h. myc/o i. onych/o j. pil/o k. py/o l. scler/o m. seb/o n. squam/o o. xer/o Black -


Match the combining forms with their meanings. a. cutane/o b. hidr/o c. hydr/o d. ichthy/o e. kerat/o f. lip/o g. melan/o h. myc/o i. onych/o j. pil/o k. py/o l. scler/o m. seb/o n. squam/o o. xer/o Fungus -


Build a word that means abnormal condition of sweat(ing):


Match the combining forms with their meanings. a. cutane/o b. hidr/o c. hydr/o d. ichthy/o e. kerat/o f. lip/o g. melan/o h. myc/o i. onych/o j. pil/o k. py/o l. scler/o m. seb/o n. squam/o o. xer/o Nail -


Match the combining forms with their meanings. a. cutane/o b. hidr/o c. hydr/o d. ichthy/o e. kerat/o f. lip/o g. melan/o h. myc/o i. onych/o j. pil/o k. py/o l. scler/o m. seb/o n. squam/o o. xer/o Hair -


Match the combining forms with their meanings. a. cutane/o b. hidr/o c. hydr/o d. ichthy/o e. kerat/o f. lip/o g. melan/o h. myc/o i. onych/o j. pil/o k. py/o l. scler/o m. seb/o n. squam/o o. xer/o Pus -


Match the combining forms with their meanings. a. cutane/o b. hidr/o c. hydr/o d. ichthy/o e. kerat/o f. lip/o g. melan/o h. myc/o i. onych/o j. pil/o k. py/o l. scler/o m. seb/o n. squam/o o. xer/o Hardening, sclera (white of the eye) -


Use lip/o to build a word that means fat cell:


Match the combining forms with their meanings. a. cutane/o b. hidr/o c. hydr/o d. ichthy/o e. kerat/o f. lip/o g. melan/o h. myc/o i. onych/o j. pil/o k. py/o l. scler/o m. seb/o n. squam/o o. xer/o Sebum -


Build a word that means tumor (that is) black:


Match the combining forms with their meanings. a. cutane/o b. hidr/o c. hydr/o d. ichthy/o e. kerat/o f. lip/o g. melan/o h. myc/o i. onych/o j. pil/o k. py/o l. scler/o m. seb/o n. squam/o o. xer/o Scale -


Match the combining forms with their meanings. a. cutane/o b. hidr/o c. hydr/o d. ichthy/o e. kerat/o f. lip/o g. melan/o h. myc/o i. onych/o j. pil/o k. py/o l. scler/o m. seb/o n. squam/o o. xer/o Dry -


Build a word that means excision of a nail:


Use onych/o to build a word that means tumor of the nail(s):


Build a word that means softening of the nail(s):


Use onych/o to build a word that means softening of the nails:


Use onych/o to build a word that means abnormal condition of the nails caused by a fungus:


Build a word that means incision of a nail:


Use scler/o to build a word that means abnormal condition of hardening:


Build a word that means discharge or flow of sebum:


An abscess is a localized collection of pus at the site of an infection.


Corticosteroids are classified as anti-inflammatory drugs.


Dermatomycosis is any infection of the skin caused by fungi.


Frozen sections of tissue are commonly used to obtain a rapid diagnosis of a suspected malignancy.


Fulguration is also known as electrodesiccation.


If an abscess does not respond to treatment, it may require an incision to drain the pus.


Keratosis is a thickened area of the epidermis.


Protectives do not penetrate the skin or soften it; instead, they allow the natural healing process to occur.


Scabies is a contagious skin disease.


The scratch test is synonymous with the prick test.


The technical term for a blackhead is comedo.


Topically applied agents affect only the area to which they are applied.


Urticaria is characterized by eruption of pale red, elevated patches called wheals (hives).


Build a word that means disease of the hair:


Use trich/o to build a word that means disease of the hair:


Build a word that means transplantation of foreign or strange tissue (skin from a pig):


Build a word that means skin (that is) dry:


Localized collection of pus at site of infection -

a. abscess

Inflammatory disease of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles of the skin -

b. acne

Absence or loss of hair, called baldness -

c. alopecia

Dry sebum clogging a pore of the skin; called a blackhead


Form of intraepidermal carcinoma -

d. Bowen disease

Acute infection of the skin and subcutaneous tissue -

e. cellulitis

Pigmentary skin discolorations, usually occurring in yellowish-brown patches or spots

f. chloasma

Removal of necrosed tissue a wound by surgery, enzymes, or chemical agents

h. debridement

Use of wire brushes or sandpaper to scrape away the epidermis -

i. dermabrasion

Infection of the skin caused by fungi -

j. dermatomycosis

Hemorrhagic area of the skin; commonly called a bruise

k. ecchymosis

Chronic inflammatory skin condition characterized by erythema, papules, pustules, crusts, and scabs and accompanied by intense itching -

l. eczema

Redness of the skin caused by swelling of the capillaries -

m. erythema

Damaged tissue sloughed off from the skin's surface following a severe burn

n. eschar

Excessive growth on the skin -

o. hirsutism

Bacterial skin infection with pustules that become crusted and rupture -

p. impetigo

Intense itching -


Horny growth on the skin -

q. keratosis

Small brown macules, especially on the face and arms, caused by sun exposure, usually in older persons -

r. lentigo

Unnatural paleness in the skin -

s. pallor

Infestation with lice transmitted by personal contact or common use of brushes, combs, or headgear -

t. pediculosis

Minute, pinpoint hemorrhages under the skin -

u. petechia

Skin deterioration caused by prolonged pressure from lying in one position -

v. pressure ulcer

Contagious skin disease transmitted y the itch mite -

x. scabies

Localized loss of skin pigmentation characterized by milk-white patches -

y. vitiligo

Allergic reaction of skin characterized by elevated patches called hives -

z. urticaria

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