Chapter 5 Quiz

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"Anointed One." The ideal future king of Israel promised by God through the prophets. The Greek translation is "christ"

What were three of the benefits that the world enjoyed under the Pax Romana?

-political state of the world was stable -travel throughout the empire was easy -the system of currency and laws was consistent

What truths can be determined from the Books of Maccabees?

1. "Israel" is the faithful remnant 2. The saints who die will rise again to an eternal reward 3. Martyrdom is preferable to apostasy 4. God Judges his people as a father judges his children 5. It is good and wise to pray for the dead

What were four things the Pharisees did to separate themselves from the rest of pagan society?

1. Wore broad phylacteries 2. Wore conspicuous fringes 3. Scrupulous about keeping the Sabbath 4. Observed dietary laws

From what two major deficiencies would the new Temple suffer?

1. Wouldn't be as great as Solomons $$ 2. No Ark of the Covenant

How old was Alexander the Great when he died, and from what did he die?

32 y/o from fever

When Nebuchadnezzar had had enough of rebellious Jerusalem, he came and destroyed it. When did this happen?

587 BC


A Jewish sect that believed in accommodating Judaism to modern life. They held most of the positions of power in the priesthood. Sadducees did not believe in the resurrection and denied the existence of angels and spirits


A Jewish sect that believed in keeping separate from the Gentiles. They followed the Law of Moses strictly and added many traditional interpretations and regulations of their own


A district of Israel whose population was not deported with the rest of the kingdom


A great prophet who stood up to official persecution to bring God's word to the people of Judah. He saw his people being carried off to captivity in Babylon captivity, but he predicted that God would gather the remnant of his flock from the four corners of the world. He also foresaw a time when God would make a "new covenant" with his people


A king of Judah who destroyed all his father Hezekiah's reforms and persecuted the worshipers of the True God. After many disasters, he repented and turned back to God


A language closely related to Hebrew that was spoken throughout the Middle East. After the Exile, most Jews probably spoke Aramaic as their everyday language


A priest who led the returned exiles in Jerusalem, and who put together the standard edition of the Old Testament scriptures


A priest who touched off the Jewish revolt against Antiochus IV. He was the father of Judas Maccabeus


A reforming king of Judah who returned the people to the worship of the True God. During his reign the Book of the Law was found in the Temple, where it might have been hidden during Manasseh's persecutions


A state of final purification after death and before entrance into heaven for those who died in God's friendship but were only imperfectly purified. God's people knew their prayers were efficacious for the dead even in the time of the Maccabees


A wealthy Jew who persuaded the Persian king to make him governor of the province that included Jerusalem. He rebuilt the city's defenses

Herod the Great

A wickedly ambitious king who took over the government of Palestine with the support of the Romans. He was an Edomite, but he portrayed himself as a Jew returned from exile

What does "Hellenized" mean?

Adopting of Greek culture and ideas after Alexander the Great's conquests

Who conquered most of the known world of that time?

Alexander the Great

What important edict did Cyrus issue in the first year of his reign?

Allowed the Jews to return to Judah (only 10% left)

What notorious king began the persecution of Jews who refused to convert to Greek forms of worship?

Antiochus IV

Which high priest declared himself king?


What brings the history of the northern kingdom of Israel to an end, and when does this happen?

Assyrian conquests (722 BC)

How do the Assyrians ensure that there will be no further trouble from the Israelites, and what people emerges from this strategy?

Brought Assyrians into Israeli worship God of Israel as territorial deity but must obey Assyrian God—Intermarry

What did Antiochus IV do to the Jewish and Samaritan temples?

Converted them to temples for Zeus—Desecrated them

How did the Sadducees plan to ensure the Jewish religion would survive?

Cooperating with the Gentiles

The Book of ____________ was key to the reforms of King ___________

Deuteronomy; Josiah

What is the promise that was unfulfilled at this time in history?

Did not have wealth or land

As Ezra became the moral leader of the Jews, what were some of the things he did?

Edited OT Books—Taught the Law—Led return to Judah from Babylon

Where did the remnant of Judah flee after the leading citizens had been deported to Babylon?


Who edited the standard version of the Torah after the return from exile?


Why was Ezra so adamant about the people not taking pagan wives?

For the success of the restoration

What was the outcome for many of the poor citizens of Jerusalem who escaped their slavery in Babylon?

Forced to sell themselves back into slavery

What good came out of the Israelites losing everything they held dear?

Forgot pagan gods—Turn back to God

According to Isaiah, what unlikely place would be made glorious "in a later time"?


How did King Manasseh begin his reign?

He was seen as wicked by the people and created idols and altars for false gods

How did Herod establish his rule in Jerusalem?

He went to Rome and purchased/bribed his way to becoming king of the Jews

When we study history, what is the word that we use to describe Greek culture and civilization, and from where does it come?


What is the name of Ahaz's son, and why does he appear to be the one to fulfill Isaiah's prophecy?

Hezekiah—The faithful looking for the Lord's Anointed expected him to be born a virgin

Often King David is credited for writing the Book of Psalms. How likely is it that King David wrote Psalm 137? Explain.

Impossible to write 150 psalms—137 about Bab. Exile after David's time


In Isaiah, the small number out of all God's people who will return to Jerusalem after the coming exile. The idea was so important to Isaiah that he named one of his children A-___________-Shall-Return.

Why did people have mixed reactions toward rebuilding the Temple?

Wouldn't be as great as Solomon's—No Ark of the Covenant

What is the prophecy that Isaiah gives to wicked King Ahaz?

Young woman (virgin) will have baby—name Immanuel (God is with us) (Hezekiah)

Why was Herod called "the Great"?

because his reign was so prosperous in comparison with those of his successors (Pax Romana)

Who was known as the great reformer?


By this time, what is all that is left of David's kingdom?


Which of Matthias' sons was the most talented soldier?

Judas Maccabeus

Which of the priest's sons became famous for his military victories?

Judas Maccabeus

What does the Jewish Feast of Hanukkah celebrate?

Judas Maccabeus and brothers gained victories against pagan armies over 3 years—Purify and rededicate temple

What did some of the Jews at this time believe happened after death?

Judgement/Resurrection of the dead

What are some examples of the new persecution that broke out against the Jews under Antiochus?

Killed if defy Hellenistic views


King of Babylon who finally conquered Judah and carried the best families off to exile in Babylon

From what tribe did Aristobulus come from?

Levite (Not a descendant of David)

During this period of history, Greece was a very loose confederation of city-states who were fiercely independent and often fought among themselves. Who brought them together?


How did Jewish culture flourish during the time of the Exile?

Many OT books were edited in their final forms @ this time—Read about God's conditional love

What were some of the crimes of King Manasseh?

Massacred innocent people and persecuted God's worshippers—Child sacrifice and paganism

What loyal priest led the resistance to the persecution?


What surprising title is given to Cyrus in the book of Isaiah?

Messiah/Anointed One

Why did the Jews begin to call their religion "Judaism"?

Named after Judah

How much did Nehemiah take for his salary as governor?



One of the northern tribes in Galilee not deported with the rest of Israel


One of the northern tribes in Galilee not deported with the rest of Israel


One who dies for the sake of faith in God. Greek for "witness"

According to 1 Maccabees, who deserves the name of "Israel"?

Only the faithful


Originally a member of the tribe of Judah, but used from the Exile on to refer to any inhabitant of the old territory of Judah, including the remnants of the tribes of Benjamin and Levi. In a religious sense, it came to mean anyone who was committed to the Temple, including those who were scattered through other parts of the world

The main religious problem in Jerusalem during the time of the Prophet Nehemiah was not _________ , but rather __________ . This was manifested by what?

Pagan worship; Hypocrisy

Why did Hezekiah destroy the bronze serpent?

People started to worship it

Which Jewish sect encouraged all Jews to imitate the ritual purity of the priests in Jerusalem?


Which group of scholars decided it would be best to separate themselves from the Gentiles?


After some time, the kingdom was once again divided between which two powerful factions?

Pharisees and Sadducees

What were some of the advances being made during this time in Greek culture?

Philosophy, art, poetry, and sculpting

What important Christian doctrines are described in 2 Maccabees 12: 40-45?

Pray for the dead

Why was it understandable that the Pharisees would want to keep themselves separated from the pagans?

Read OT stories of intermarrying w/ other cultures and the repercussions

How did Josiah react when he found out Judah was to be punished by God?

Read the book of Deuteronomy to the people and followed the 10 commandments

What two great things does Cyrus of Persia do for the exiled Jews?

Rebuilt the temple—Remnant

What are some of the distinctive marks of Isaiah's preaching?


In a word, what did God really want from his people?


What did God desire from the Israelites at the time of Zechariah?


What were the people called who did not believe in the resurrection of the dead?


Which Jewish sect denied any kind of resurrection of the body?


How do the Assyrians deal with the people of Israel?

Scattered Israelites and brought Assyrians into Israel to intermarry w/ the rest of the Israelites

What important discovery did the priests make during Josiah's reign?

Scroll/Book of Deuteronomy

Why do God's people suffer from time to time?

Show them they need to turn back to him

What were some of the abuses that were happening during the rule of Antiochus?

Sold position of high priest to highest bidder—converted temples to Greek god Zeus

What causes Manasseh to abandon his evil ways? What did he do after he repented?

The Assyrians take him—Threw out prostitutes and cults and pagan altars—Bring back Judaism—Reign longest

Alexander the Great

The Greek conqueror who spread his empire as far as India. Despite the empire's breakup after his death, his conquests spread Greek culture throughout the known world


The Greek rulers of the eastern part of Alexander's empire. Their territory included Palestine.

Judas Maccabeus

The Jewish General who led the revolt against Antiochus IV

John Hyrcanus

The Jewish high priest who conquered almost all the territory of the ancient Davidic kingdom and "Judaized" the whole country


The Jewish high priest who declared himself king in Jerusalem. He was a Levite, not a descendant of David


The Mountain on which the Samaritans had their temple to God


The Persian king who conquered Babylon and allowed the Jews to return to Jerusalem

Beyond the River

The Persian name for the province that included Judah

How did the Persians differ from the Babylonians in their style of ruling the peoples they conquered?

The Persians allowed them to worship their God—Go back to Judah from Babylon (Remnant)

Antiochus IV (Epiphanes)

The Seleucid king who tried to force Hellenism, including Greek religion, on his Jewish subjects


The collective name of Judas Maccabeus and his brothers, leaders of the Jewish revolt against Antiochus IV


The division of Herod the Great's kingdom among his four sons


The fashion of adopting Greek culture and ideas, popular all over the Middle East after Alexander's conquests


The great empire that conquered Babylon and freed the Jews from exile. The Persians allowed their subjects to keep their own customs, and the Jews prospered under Persian rule


The great imperial city to which the conquered people of Judah were taken captive by Nebuchadnezzar


The great prophet who guided the reforms of Hezekiah. His prophecies often refer to the coming of the Messiah

Holy of Holies

The inner sanctuary of the Temple. In the rebuilt Temple, it was empty; the Ark of the Covenant had been hidden


The mixed population that inhabited the old territory of Israel during the Exile. They were hostile to the returning exiles

What is the main theme of Isaiah's prophecy?

The people must repent or they will face destruction


The practice of traditional Jewish religion, defined in opposition to "Hellenism"


The reforming king of Judah who temporarily returned Judah to the pure worship of God

The word "Pharisee" comes from the Hebrew word "Perushim," which means _______________- .

The separated


The time the people of Judah spent as captives in Babylon


The time when the faithful people who have died will come back to eternal life

What did the Sadducees believe?

Their only books are the Torah—No life after death or resurrection—No angels or spirits

Isaiah correctly warns the people of the wrath that is to come if they do not repent. Why did the people have hope that God would never abandon them?

They knew that God's unconditional promise to David would never be broken

What happened when Manasseh was taken by the Assyrians?

They repented

What was unacceptable about the sacrifices that some people were making to God during this time?

They sacrificed worthless animals

How did most of the Jews respond to the news that they could return home?

They stayed in Babylon

Why is it good and wise to pray for the dead?

To get them out of purgatory into heaven

What was the Prophet Ezrah's dream?

To restore a purified Israel in the Promised Land

What is apostasy?

Turning away from the true religion

What is apostasy, and why would death be preferable to it?

Turning away from the true religion—Eternal life in Hell

How long did Nebuchadnezzar's empire last after he died?

Within 1 generation

When were many books of the Old Testament edited in their final forms?

Babylonian Exile—587 BC

What choice did John Hyrcanus offer all the non-Jewish residents in his territory?

Be circumcised (convert to Judaism) or leave

Who does Isaiah's prophecy really point to?

Jesus and Mary

What position did Antiochus IV sell to the highest bidder?

Jewish high priest

Which high priest successfully conquered all the Kingdom of Israel's former territory?

John Hyrcanus

Why was circumcision so important?

It meant you were taking on the whole Law of Moses w/ all its rituals and requirements

The initial efforts of the Maccabees were unorganized and had little chance for success. Why, then, did people join the resistance?

It was better to die than be unfaithful to God

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