Chapter 5 - The Enlightenment and the American Revolution (1700-1800)

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Edward Jenner

In the 1700s this scientist expanded European knowledge by developing a vaccine against smallpox, a disease whose path of death spanned the centuries.


In the 1700s, other _____________ expanded European knowledge.

• Mercantilist

What kind of policies did Britain apply to its colonies in an attempt to strengthen its own economy by exporting more than it imported?

The Scientific Revolution

What led to a revolution of thinking known as The Enlightenment?

• That people have the right "to alter or to abolish" unjust governments—

What other idea of Locke's did the Declaration include? What is another important point in the Declaration?

Joseph II

(r. 1765 - 1790) Son of Maria Theresa. He inherited the Hapsburg throne in Austria. He was the most radical of the enlightened despots. He was an eager student of the Enlightenment, and he traveled in disguise among his subjects to learn their problems.

George Washington

A Virginia planter and soldier and leader of The Continental Army.

John Adams

A participant of the Continental Congress who was a radical yet fair minded Massachusetts lawyer, who had defended the British soldiers involved in the Boston Massacre in their trail.

British soldiers in Boston opened fire on a crowd that was pelting them with stones and snowballs. The colonists called the death of five protestors the Boston Massacre.

A series of violent clashes intensified the colonist's anger. What happened in March 1770? What was it called?

• Servants, pets • For it's superficiality • Upper class and the growing middle class

Also in rococo art, portrait painters showed noble subjects in charming rural settings, surrounded by happy __________ and _______. Why was this style criticized by the philosophes? However who was in it's audience?

Robinson Crusoe

An English novelist named Daniel Defoe wrote this popular story, about a sailor shipwrecked on a tropical island. This novel is still well known today.

Stamp Act

An act passed in 1765, which imposed taxes on items such as newspapers and pamphlets.

Social Contract

An agreement by which they gave up their freedom for an organized society.

Baron de Montesquieu

An early influential thinker who studied the governments of Europe, from Italy to England. He also thought that the government powers should be divided among three branches. He read about ancient and medieval Europe, and learned about Chinese and Native American cultures. His sharp criticism of absolute monarchy would open doors for later debate.

Classical music

An elegant style of music that followed in the transition of musics and arts. Ballets and opera (plays to set music) were performed at royal courts, and opera houses sprang up from Italy to England.

George Frideric Handel

Another of the towering musical figures of the era. He was a German-born composer, but spent much of his life in England. There, he wrote Water Music and other pieces for King George I, as well as more than 30 operas. His most celebrated work, the Messiah, combines instruments and voices and is often performed at Christmas and Easter.

• Philadelphia • John Adams and George Washington

As tensions increased, fighting spread. Finally, representatives from each colony gathered in _______________ and met in a Continental Congress to decide what action to take. Among the participants were ____________ and ________________.

To change the general way of thinking by explaining ideas on topics such as government, philosophy, and religion.

As the editor of the Encyclopedia, Diderot did more than just compile articles. What was his purpose? How?

• Because the British had a large number of trained soldiers, a huge fleet, and greater resources.

At first, why did the American cause look bleak?

• July 4, 1776

Aware of the risks involved, when did American leaders adopt the Declaration?

• Afford

Before this era, only the social elite could ________ to commission musicians to play for them. However, in the mid-1700s, the growing middle class could finally __________ to pay for concerts to be performed publicly.

• colonies • Boston, New York, and Philadelphia

By 1750, a string of prosperous __________ stretched along the eastern cost of North America. They were part of Britain's growing empire. Which colonial cities were busy commercial centers that linked North America to the West Indies, Africa, and Europe? Colonial shipyards produced many vessels for this trade.

• Middle-class readers liked stories about their own times told in straightforward prose.

By the 1700s, literature developed new forms and a wider audience. What resulted in the outpouring of novels?

The Enlightenment

By the early 1700s, European thinkers felt that nothing was beyond reach of the human mind. Through the use of reason, insisted these thinkers, people and governments could solve every social, political, and economic problem. In essence, these writers, scholars, and philosophers felt they could change the world. What was this period called?

• villages • change • War and political upheaval, as well as changing economic conditions

By the late 1700s, however, radical ideas about equality and social justice finally seeped into peasant __________. While some peasants eagerly sought to topple the old order, others resisted efforts to bring about ________. In the 1800s, what 2 things would transform peasant life in Europe?

• diverse and ethnic • government • discussion • Britain

By the mid-1700s, the colonies were home to diverse __________ and __________ groups. Social distinctions were more blurred than in Europe, although wealthy landowners and merchants dominated ____________ and society. In politics, as in much else, there was a good deal of free __________. Colonists felt entitled to the rights of English citizens, and their colonial assemblies exercised much control over local ______. Many also had an increasing sense of their destiny separate from _________.

• torture, tolerance • rights, serfdom • power • expanded

Catherine abolished _________ and established religious __________ In her lands. She granted nobles a charter of _______ and criticized the institution of __________. Still, just like Frederick in Prussia, Catherine didn't intend to give up _________. In the end, her main political contribution to Russia proved to be an ____________ empire.

The Boston Tea Party

December 16, 1773, a handful of colonists hurled a cargo of recently arrived British tea into the harbor to protest a tax on tea.

• They read Diderot's Encyclopedia, but also small, inexpensive phamplets that printers churned out on a broad range of issues. • Reform

Enlightenment ideas spread quickly through many levels of society. What did educated people all over Europe eagerly read? More and more, what did people see was necessary in order to achieve a just society?

• Enlightenment • They drew back and stopped experimenting.

Even some absolute monarchs experimented with _____________ ideas. Although, what did they do when changes threatened the established way of doing things?

• Traditional beliefs and customs in the light of reason. • They found them flawed.

Everywhere, what did thinkers examine? What did they find about them?

Frederick the Great or Frederick II

Exerted extremely tight control over his subjects during his reign of king of Prussia from 1740 to 1786. Still, he saw himself as the "first servant of the state," with a duty to work for the common good.

Treaty of Utrecht

France gave Nova Scotia and Newfoundland to Britain.

• Enlightened Reform • Monarchy

Fredrick's religious tolerance and also his disdain for torture showed his genuine belief in _____________ __________. In the end however, Frederick desired a stronger ___________ and more power for himself.


French thinkers who focused on economic reforms. They based their thinking on natural laws. They also claimed that their rational economic system was based on the natural laws of economics.

• Freedom to European countries and reformers in Latin America. • copied • Europe

From the start, what was the new republic a symbol of? The Constitution would be _________ or adapted by many lands throughout the world. Where did the Enlightenment ideas that had inspired American colonists brought changes in ___________ too.

• "the king's friends" • Assert his leadership • disastrous

Gradually, who did George find seats in Parliament for? Then, with their help, what did he begin to do? What would many of his polices prove, however?

Valley Forge

Hard times continued, and in the brutal winter of 1777-1778, Continental troops at ________ ________ suffered from cold, hunger, and disease. Throughout this crisis and others, Washington was patient, courageous, and determined. He held the ragged army together.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

He believed that people in their natural state were basically good. He believed in the "general will" of the people. This natural innocence, he felt, was corrupted by the evils of society, especially the unequal distribution of property. He put his ideas in The Social Contract.


In the age of Louis XIV, courtly art and architecture were either in the Greek and Roman tradition or in a grand ornate style. These paintings were huge, colorful, and full of excitement. They glorified historic battles or the lives of saints. Such works matched the grandeur of European courts at that time.

Thomas Jefferson

He was from Virginia and was the principal author of the Declaration of Independence.


He worked for years to produce a 28-volume set of books called the Encyclopedia.

• He reorganized the government's civil service and simplified laws. • He tolerated religious differences, welcoming victims of religious persecution. • "In my kingdom, everyone can go to heaven in his own fashion."

How did Frederick the Great make the Prussian Government more efficient? What did Frederick also tolerate? What did Frederick say about his kingdom?

Hobbes said that people were naturally cruel, greedy, and selfish. He believe that if they were not strictly controlled, they would fight, rob, and oppress one another. Because of those beliefs, he said that only a government like an absolute monarchy could impose order and compel obedience. On the other hand, Locke said that people were basically reasonable and moral and he said they should have natural rights. Because of this, he rejected absolute monarchy and said that a government should have limited power, and that the people should have the power.

How did Hobbes and Locke differ in their views on the role of government?

• They disguised their ideas in works of fiction.

How did philosophes and writers like Montesquieu and Voltaire avoid censorship?

• United • trade • Ireland • Great Britain

In 1707, England and Wales were ________ with Scotland to become the United Kingdom of Great Britain. Free ________ with Scotland created a larger market for farmers and manufacturers. __________ had come under English control during the 1600s. It was formally united with _________ ________ in 1801.

George III

In 1760, this man began a 60-year reign. He was born in England unlike his grandfather and father. He spoke English and loved Britain.

French and Indian War and the Seven Years' War

In 1763, these 2 wars brought Britain all of French Canada.

The Second Continental Congress

In 1776, who took a momentous step and voted to declare independence from Britain?

• Revolution

In 1789, a __________ in France toppled the monarchy in the name of liberty and equality. Before long, other Europeans would take up the cry for freedom as well.

• The supreme law of the land, which means it became the nation's fundamental law. • For more than 200 years.

In 1789, what did the Constitution become? How long has this remarkable document endured?

• War in Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts • The Revolutionary War, or the American Revolution

In April 1775, what did the ongoing tension between the colonists and the British explode into? What was this known as?

• Maria Theresa • An Enlightened Despot • Because she worked to improve peasant's way of life.

In Austria, Hapsburg empress __________ ___________ ruled as an absolute monarch. Although she didn't push for reforms, what is she considered to be by some historians? Why?

Navigation Acts

In the 1600s, Parliament passed these acts to regulate colonial trade and manufacturing. For the most part, however, these acts were not rigorously enforced. Therefore, activities like smuggling were common and not considered crimes by the colonists.

• That reform was necessary • accepted • absolutism

In the courts of Europe that became enlivened, what did philosophes hope to convince the ruling classes of? Some monarchs __________ Enlightenment ideas. Others still practiced ___________, a political doctrine in which a monarch had seemingly unlimited power.


In this popular novel written by Samuel Richardson, he used a series of letters to tell a story about a servant girl. This technique was adopted by other authors of the period.

Two Treatises of Government

In what did John Locke argue that people formed governments to protect their natural rights?

• modernize • religious equality • censorship

Joseph continued the work of Maria Theresa, who had begun to ___________ Austria's government. Despite opposition, what did Joseph support for Protestants and Jews in his Catholic empire? He ended ___________ by allowing a free press and attempted to bring the Catholic Church under rotal control.

• monasteries • support • serfdom, but like many of his other reforms, however, this measure was canceled after his death.

Joseph sold the property of many _________ that were not involved in education or care of the sick and used the proceeds to ________ those that were. What did Joseph even abolish?


Long works of prose fiction.


Many Americans ___________ to fight for either side.

Thomas Paine and Marquis de Lafayette, who were leading figures of the American and French Revolutions.

Many reformers and revolutionaries later adopted Rousseau's views. Who were two people who did this?

Persian Letters

Montesquieu used two fictional Persian travelers, named Usbek and Rica, to mock French society.

• untouched • They remained what they had always been— peasants living in small rural villages. • serfdom • slowly

Most Europeans were ____________ by either courtly or middle-class culture. What did they remain? What still existed throughout Europe despite advances in Western Europe? Their culture, based on centuries-old traditions, changed __________.


On the eve of the American Revolution, __________ was a formidable foe whose power stretched throughout the world. In addition, an ambitious new ruler sought to expand the powers of the monarchy.

James Madison

One of the nation's leaders who gathered in Philadelphia to redraft the articles of the new constitution.

Benjamin Franklin

One of the nation's leaders who gathered in Philadelphia to rewrite the weak articles of confederation.

Johann Sebastian Bach

One of the towering musical figures of the era. He was a devout German Lutheran, and he wrote sonatas for violin and harpsichord.


One third of American colonists were this, and they supported Britain.

Declatory Act

Parliament passed this act when they repealed the Stamp Act in 1766, but then passed an act that said it had complete authority over the colonists.


Required government regulation of the economy to achieve a favorable balance of trade.


Restricting access to ideas and information.

Natural right

Rights that belonged to all humans from birth. Included the right to life, liberty, and property.

Natural law

Rules discoverable by reason, govern scientific forces such as gravity and magnetism. Used by reformers to better understand social, economic, and political problems.

Madame Geoffrin

She ran one of the most respected salons. In her home on the Rue St. Honoré, she brought together the brightest and most talented people of her day. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart played at her salons. Diderot was a regular at her weekly dinners for philosophers and poets.

Popular Sovereignty

States that all government power comes from the people, and which is also an important point in the Declaration.

• monopolized

The British also ___________ the slave trade in Spanish America, which brought enormous wealth to British merchants.

federal republic

The Constitution created this, and it had power divided between the federal, or national government and the states.

The Wealth of Nations

The author is Adam Smith. In this influential work, he argued that the free market should be allowed to regulate business activity. He tried to show how manufacturing, trade, wages, profits, and economic growth were all linked to the market forces of supply and demand.

An attack on public morals. The pope threatened to excommunicate Roman Catholics who bought or read the volumes.

The critics raised an outcry. What did the French government say that the Encyclopedia attacked? What did the pope threaten to do to Roman Catholics who bought or read the volumes?

Catherine the Great or Catherine II

The empress of Russia, who read the works of the philosophes and exchanged letters with Voltaire and Diderot. She also believed in the Enlightenment ideas of equality and liberty.


The most famous of the philosophes. He used biting wit as a weapon to expose the abuses of his day. He targeted corrupt officials and idle aristocrats. With his pen, he battled inequality, injustice, and superstition. He detested slave trade and deplored religious prejudice.

• Baroque, rococo

The new Enlightenment ideals led composers and musicians to develop new forms of music. There was also a transition in music, as well as art, from the __________ style to _________.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

The young musical genius who played for the guests of Madame Geoffrin. As a young boy, he astonished royalty with his musical talent. Although his life was relatively short, he composed more than 600 pieces of music. Many of his pieces embraced the spirit of the Enlightenment. He was a child prodigy who gained instant celebrity status as a composer and performer. His brilliant operas, graceful symphonies, and moving religious music helped define the new style of composition. He died in poverty at the age of 35, but he produced an enormous amount of music during his lifetime. His musical legacy still thrives today.

The Battle of Saratoga

This battle was the first turning point in the war, in 1777, when the Americans triumphed over the British. This victory persuaded France to join the Americas against its old rival, Britain.

Sugar Act

To increase taxes paid by colonists, Parliament passed this act in 1764, which imposed import taxes.

Treaty of Paris

Two years later after the battle at Yorktown, Virginia, American, British, and French diplomats signed this, ending the war.

Treaty of Paris

Two years later after the battle at Yorktown, Virginia, American, British, and French diplomats signed this, ending the war. In this treaty, Britain recognized the independence of the United States of America.

Declaration of Independence

Was a document written by Thomas Jefferson that reflects John Locke's ideas of the government's obligation to protect the people's natural rights to "life, liberty, and property."

• The Seven Years' War and the French and Indian War in North America. • Pay for these wars

What 2 wars had drained the British treasury? What did King George III and his advisors think that the colonists should help do?

• Location placed England in a position to control trade. In the 1500s and 1600s, English merchants sent ships across the world's oceans and planted outposts in the West Indies, North America, and India. From these tiny settlements, England would build a global empire. • England offered a climate favorable to business and commerce and put fewer restrictions on trade than some of its neighbors. • In the 1700s, Britain was generally on the winning side in European conflicts. • England's territory expanded closer to home as well.

What are 4 reasons for Britain's rise to global prominence?

Their resilient dedication to attaining independence.

What can the Americans' victory be attributed to?

• The colonists' grievances against Britain • Because the king had trampled the colonist's natural rights.

What did Jefferson carefully detail about the colonists in Britain? Why did Jefferson argue that the colonists had the right to rebel against the king and set up a new government that would protect them?

• A Continental Army • George Washington

What did The Congress set up after the Revolutionary War started? Who was in command of it?

• British victories, but the colonists were determined to fight at any cost.

What did many battles end in?

• They worked to create alliances within the colonies. • A number of Native American groups sided with the British, while others saw potential advantages in supporting the colonists' cause. • Freedom

What did the British do to counteract the advantages of the Colonists? Who did the Native American groups side with? Additionally, what did the British offer to any enslaved people who were willing to fight the colonists?

• A federal public • The separation of powers among the legislative, executive, and judicial branches, an idea borrowed directly from Montesquieu. • Checks and balances on the other branches.

What did the Constitution create? What was a central feature of the new federal government? Within that structure, what was each branch of government provided with?

• It created the most progressive government of its day.

What did the Constitution of the United States create?

• Desperately needed supplies, trained soldiers, and French warships. • The Netherlands and Spain

What did the alliance between the Americans and the French bring to the Americas? Spurred by the French example, which two countries added their support to the Americans.

• "No taxation without representation." • They believed that because they had no representatives in Parliament, they shouldn't be taxed. • The Stamp Act

What did the colonists say when they protested? Why did they believe that being taxed was unfair? Which act did Parliament repeal in 1766?

• Other colonies rallied to oppose the British response.

What happened when Parliament passed harsh laws to punish Massachusetts for the destruction of the tea?

• The powers the crown had lost. • "George, be a king!" • Reassert power • Whig Domination • His own ministers • the cabinet system • his will

What was George eager to recover? What was George's mother's advice? What did George set out to do? What domination did George want to end? Who did he want to choose on his own? What did he want to dissolve? What did he make Parliament follow?

• The Articles of Confederation • Too weak to rule the new United States effectively. • In Philadelphia • George Washington, James Madison, and Benjamin Franklin.

What was the nation's first constitution? What did this first constitution prove to be? To address this problem, where did the nation's leaders gather once more? Who were the leaders among them?

• They lacked military resources, had little money to pay soldiers, and did not have a strategic plan. • Since the colonists were fighting on their own soil, they were familiar with its thick woods and inadequate roads, also they had a strong leader, George Washington, and their fierce determination to fight for their ideals of liberty.

What were the weaknesses of the Americans in The American Revolution(3)? What were some of the advantages that the colonists had(3)?

• 1762 • Implementing Enlightenment ideas • Limited

When did Catherine become empress? What did Catherine toy with? Early in her reign, she made some __________ reforms in law and government.

• During the hot summer of 1787 • A document that established a government run by the people, for the people.

When did the nation's leaders meet in secret to redraft the articles of the new constitution? What was a result of this meeting?

• "Our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor" to creating and protecting the United States of America.

When the American Leaders adopted the Declaration, what did they pledge?

Yorktown, Virginia

Where in 1781, the French fleet blockaded the Chesapeake Bay, which enabled Washington to force the surrender of a British army.

Yorktown, Virginia

Where in 1781, the French fleet blockaded the Chesapeake Bay, which enabled Washington to force the surrender of a British army. With this defeat, the British war effort crumbled.

• Voltaire • Someone who had "fought the united enemies of humankind: superstition, fanaticism, ignorance, trickery." • Equality and Liberty

Who did Catherine the Great praise? Who did she praise him as? What Enlightenment ideas did she believe in?

Leading thinkers of the day like Montesquieu and Voltaire. They denounced slavery, praised freedom of expression, and urged education for all. They attacked the divine-right theory and traditional religions.

Who did Diderot's Encyclopedia include articles from? What did these philosophes denounce in these articles? What did they attack?

• Locke, Montesquieu, and Rousseau • people • president • George Washington

Who did the Framers of the Constitution study and absorb the ideas of? They saw the government in terms of a social contract into which "We the ________ of the United States" entered. They provided not only for an elective legislature, but also for an elected _________ rather than a hereditary monarch. Who was the first president of the United States?

• Voltaire's, and then he invited several of the French intellectuals of the age to Prussia. • To reduce the use of torture and allow a free press. • Making the Prussian Government more efficient.

Whose work did Frederick the Great openly praise? What were some of his first acts as king? What were most of Fredrick's reforms directed at?

He supported it because he argued that a free market should be allowed to regulate business activity.

Why did Adam Smith support laissez-fairs?

The Bill of Rights

the first ten amendments to the Constitution that guarantee the rights of all US citizens. It recognized the idea that people had basic rights that the government must protect, such as freedom of religion, speech, and the press. Like the Constitution, it put the philosophes' Enlightenment ideas into practice.

• Flowers, pastel

In Rococo art, Furniture and tapestries featured delicate shells and __________, and more _________ colors were used.

The Scientific Revolution

In the 1500s and 1600s, this had transformed the way people in Europe looked at the world.


In the 1600s and 1700s, the arts evolved to meet changing tastes. As in earlier periods, artists and composers had to please their _________, the men and women who commissioned works from them or gave them jobs.

• Mercantilism. • They urged a policy of laissez faire. • They supported free trade. • They opposed tariffs.

- What did physiocrats reject? - Instead, what did they urge? - What else did physiocrats support? - What did they oppose?

• He was a strong supporter of laissez faire. • To protect society, administer justice, and provide public works. • Productive economies.

- What was Adam Smith a strong supporter of? - However, what did Adam Smith feel that the government had a duty of? - What would Adam Smith's ideas help to shape in the 1800s and 1900s?

Immanuel Kant

A German philosopher best known for his work The Critique of Pure Reason. He was also one of the first to describe this era with the word "Enlightenment".

Adam Smith

A Scottish economist who in his work The Wealth of Nations, he argued that the free market should be allowed to regulate business activity. He also greatly admired the physiocrats.

The Social Contract

A book that stated that only freely elected governments should impose control on the people.

Franz Joseph Haydn

A composer who was one of his he most important figures in the development of classical music. He developed forms for the string quartet and symphony. He also had a close friendship with another composer, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.


A group of Enlightenment thinkers that applied the methods of science to understand and improve society. They believed that the use of reason could lead to reforms of government, law, and society. This group caused the flowering of Enlightenment thought in the 1700s that soon spread beyond France and even beyond Europe. Means philosophers.


A policy allowing business to operate with little or no government interference.

John Locke

A seventeenth-century English thinker who set forth ideas that were to become key to the Enlightenment. He believed that people were basically reasonable and moral. Also he believed in a limited government where the people hold the power. He wrote that people should have a natural right to overthrow a government that violates their rights.

Thomas Hobbes

A seventeenth-century English thinker who set forth ideas that were to become key to the Enlightenment. He believed that people were naturally cruel, greedy, and selfish. Also he believed in an absolute monarchy.

Mary Wollstonecraft

A well-known British social critic. She accepted that a women's first duty was to be a good mother, but felt that a women should be able to decide what was in her own interest without depending on her husband.

Enlightened Despots

Absolute rulers who used their power to bring about political and social change.

They would seek to meet that demand in order to gain profits.

Adam Smith said that wherever there was a demand for goods or services, what would suppliers seek to meet?

More than 4,000 copies. It helped to spread Enlightenment ideas throughout Europe and across the Atlantic Ocean to the Americas.

Despite the efforts to ban the Encyclopedia, how many copies were printed between 1751 and 1789? When translated into other languages, what did the Encyclopedia help spread?

• A society based on divine-right rule, a strict class system, and a belief in heavenly reward for earthly suffering.

During the Middle Ages, what did most Europeans accept without question(3)?

The Glorious Revolution. James II, an unpopular absolute monarch left the throne and fled to England in 1688.

During the time of Enlightenment, England experienced a shift in power known as what? What happened during this shift of power?

It encouraged people to use reason to try to understand social, political, and economic issues.

How did the Scientific Revolution lead to the Enlightenment?

Age of Reason

Ideas such as society based on divine-right rule, a strict class system, and a belief in heavenly reward for earthly suffering seemed unscientific and irrational.

The Spirit of the Laws. He discussed governments throughout history.

In 1748, what did Montesquieu publish? What did he discuss in it?

• The Social Contract • People's behavior, he felt that some controls were necessary, but that they should be minimal. Additionally, only governments that had been freely elected should impose these controls.

In 1762, what did Rousseau set forth his ideas about government and society in? What did he feel like society put too many limitations on?


Informal social gatherings at which writers, artists, philosophes, and others exchanged ideas about new literature, the arts, science, and philosophy.


This art moved away from religion and, was lighter, elegant, and charming. This art in salons was believed to encourage the imagination.

A Social Contract

To escape that "brutish" life, what did people enter into?

They set out to study human behavior and solve the problems of society.

Using the methods of the new science, what did reformers set out to do?

Voltaire greatly admired Britain's constitutional monarchy, although he thought an enlightened authoritarian ruler was better for France.

Voltaire admired Britain's governmental system. How did this influence his ideas about the government of France?


Voltaire's satirical novel, published in 1759, features a hero who travels across Europe and even to the Americas and the Middle East in search of "the best of all possible worlds." Voltaire slyly uses the tale to expose the corruption and hypocrisy of European society.

Scientific successes convinced educated Europeans of the power of human reason.

What convinced educated Europeans to accept the power of reason?

• A just society

What did Enlightenment thinkers teach that should ensure social justice and happiness in this world? But not everyone agreed with this idea of replacing values that existed, however.

That James II deserved to be dethroned for violating the rights of the English.

What did John Locke later write about James II?

He said that the best kind of government had limited power and was accepted by all citizens. Locke rejected absolute monarchy.

What did John Locke talk about in Two Treatises of Government?

A Vindication of the Rights of Women. In it, she called for equal education for girls and boys. Only education, she argued, could give women the tools that they needed to participate equally with men on public life.

What did Mary Wollstonecraft publish in 1792?What did she discuss in it?

To divide the various functions and powers of the government among three branches: the legislative, executive, and judicial. He felt that each branch of government should be able to serve as a check on the other two, an idea that we call checks and balances. It would affect the Framers of the United States Constitution.

What did Montesquieu feel was the best way to protect liberty? What did he feel that each branch of government should be able to do. What would his ideas soon profoundly affect?

• The good of the community as a whole should be placed above individual interests. • Fan the flames of revolt

What did Rousseau say should be placed above individual interests? Rousseau has influenced political and social thinkers for more than 200 years. Woven through his work is a hatred of all forms of political and economic oppression. What would his bold ideas help in years to come?

That people were naturally cruel, greedy, and selfish. If not strictly controlled they would fight, rob, and oppress one another. He said that life in the "state of nature" —

What did Thomas Hobbes argue?


What did Thomas Hobbes outline his ideas in?

The upheavals of the English Civil War.

What did both Thomas Hobbes and John Locke live through?

• Enlightened Despots

What did those monarchs that did accept the new ideas of the Enlightenment become?

• Baroque

What kind of art was made in the age of Louis XIV?

• Rococo

What kind of art was made in the age of Louis XV? It was a much less formal lifestyle than Louis XIV. Architects and designers reflected this change by designing this style.

The philosophes would denounce slavery, praise freedom of expression, and urge education for all. They also attacked the divine-right theory and traditional religions.

What topics were addressed by the philosophes in their Encyclopedia articles?

He was skeptical the power of reason. He was enthusiastic about the Enlightenment. He believed that natural law could help explain aspects of humanity.

What was Kant skeptical of? What was he enthusiastic about though? What did he believe like many European philosophers?

He said a government has an obligation to the people that it governs. If a government fails its obligations or violates people's natural rights, the people have the right to overthrow the government.

What was the radical idea that Locke proposed at this time?

François-Marie Arouet. He said "My trade, is to say what I think.", and he did this throughout his long, controversial life.

What was the real name of Voltaire? What did he say?

• Reforms • France, across Europe, and beyond

What were proposed in Paris, France one evening that became the talk of the town the next day? Where did Enlightenment ideas flow through?

Voltaire criticized many things about French society and government, including the unjust legal system, press censorship, and the power and intolerance of the Catholic Church.

What were some of the things about French society that Voltaire criticized?

• In the 1600s. • When a group of noblewomen in Paris began inviting a few friends to their homes for poetry readings. • Middle-class citizens • Middle-class citizens would meet with the nobility on an equal footing

When did the Salon originate? How did the Salon start? By the 1700s, which class of women started holding salons? Eventually, who would meet to discuss the spread of Enlightenment ideas?

• Paris, France • It drew many intellectuals and others

Where was the heart of the Enlightenment? Who were the people that went there eager to debate new ideas?

Candide is best known today and is the basis of a Broadway musical first presented in 1956.

Which of Voltaire's works is best known today and is the basis of a musical?

• Germaine de Staël in France, Catharine Macaulay in Britain, and Mary Wollstonecraft. • Their arguments were ridiculed and often sharply condemned.

Which three women argued that women were being excluded from the Social Contract itself. How did people address their arguments?

The French Government and the Catholic Church. As a result, he was imprisoned and forced into exile. They were outlawed and even burned. He still defended the principle of freedom of speech.

Which two important figures did Voltaire's outspoken attacks offend? As a result what two things happened to him? What happened to his books? What did he still continue to defend?

• The government and church authorities • God • Censorship, they banned and burned books and imprisoned writers. They also restricted access to ideas and info.

Who (2) felt that they had a sacred duty to defend the old order? Who did they believe had set up the old order? To protect against the attacks of the Enlightenment, what did they wage a war of?

• Women, though philosophes said women had natural rights, their rights were limited to the areas of home and family. By the mid- to late- 1700s, a small but growing number of women protested this view.

Who did the Enlightenment slogan "free and equal" not apply to?

The leaders of the American Revolution, such as Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison.

Who would John Locke's idea one day influence? His idea of the right of revolution would also echo ideas across Europe and Latin America in the centuries that followed.

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