Chapter 6 Chemistry

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In going from top to bottom of any group, each element has ____ more occupied energy levels than the element above it?

1 more occupied energy level

What is the s-block

1. Alkali metals all end in s¹ 2. Alkaline earth metals all end in s² 3. really should include He, but it fits better later. a) He has the properties of the noble gases. 4. S-block have the s orbital shape 5. s¹ and s² have 1/2 (1 and 2) valance electrons 6. # OF SHAPES (ORBITALS: 1 7. MAX ELECTRONS (TOTAL I SUBSHELL): 2 8. STARTS AT ENERGY LEVEL: 1 (end at 7) 9. Each row (or period) is the energy level of s and p orbitals 10. group 1 elements have partial filled s orbitals containing one valance electron and electron configurations ending in s¹ 11. group 2 elements have completely filled s orbitals containing two valance electrons and electron configurations ending in s² 12. because s orbitals hold 2 electrons at most, the s-block spans two groups

State the atomic number, number of electrons in each energy level, electron configuration, number of electrons probably gained or lost, the number of electrons after loss or gain, and the charge on the ion for the element: Na

1. Atomic number: 11 2. Number of electrons in each energy level: 2, 8,1 3. Electron configuration: 1s²2s²2p⁶3s¹ 4. number of electrons probally lost or gained: lost 1 5. number of electrons left after loss or gain: 10 6. charge on ion: +1

State the atomic number, number of electrons in each energy level, electron configuration, number of electrons probably gained or lost, the number of electrons after loss or gain, and the charge on the ion for the element: Al

1. Atomic number: 13 2. Number of electrons in each energy level: 2, 8,3 3. Electron configuration: 1s²2s²2p⁶3s²3p¹ 4. number of electrons probally lost or gained: loses 3 5. number of electrons left after loss or gain: 10 6. charge on ion: +3

State the atomic number, number of electrons in each energy level, electron configuration, number of electrons probably gained or lost, the number of electrons after loss or gain, and the charge on the ion for the element: S

1. Atomic number: 16 2. Number of electrons in each energy level: 2, 8, 6 3. Electron configuration: 1s²2s²2p⁶3s²3p⁴ 4. number of electrons probally lost or gained: gain 2 5. number of electrons left after loss or gain: 18 6. charge on ion: -2

State the atomic number, number of electrons in each energy level, electron configuration, number of electrons probably gained or lost, the number of electrons after loss or gain, and the charge on the ion for the element: Cl

1. Atomic number: 17 2. Number of electrons in each energy level: 2, 8, 7 3. Electron configuration: 1s²2s²2p⁶3s²3p⁵ 4. number of electrons probally lost or gained: gain 1 5. number of electrons left after loss or gain: 18 6. charge on ion: -1

State the atomic number, number of electrons in each energy level, electron configuration, number of electrons probably gained or lost, the number of electrons after loss or gain, and the charge on the ion for the element: K

1. Atomic number: 19 2. Number of electrons in each energy level: 2, 8,8,1 3. Electron configuration: 1s²2s²2p⁶3s²3p⁶4s¹ 4. number of electrons probally lost or gained: lose 1 5. number of electrons left after loss or gain: 18 6. charge on ion: +1

State the atomic number, number of electrons in each energy level, electron configuration, number of electrons probably gained or lost, the number of electrons after loss or gain, and the charge on the ion for the element: Ca

1. Atomic number: 20 2. Number of electrons in each energy level: 2, 8,8, 2 3. Electron configuration: 1s²2s²2p⁶3s²3p⁶4s² 4. number of electrons probally lost or gained: lose 2 5. number of electrons left after loss or gain: 18 6. charge on ion: +2

State the atomic number, number of electrons in each energy level, electron configuration, number of electrons probably gained or lost, the number of electrons after loss or gain, and the charge on the ion for the element: Br

1. Atomic number: 35 2. Number of electrons in each energy level: 2, 8, 18, 7 3. Electron configuration: 1s²2s²2p⁶3s²3p⁶4s²3d¹⁰4p⁵ 4. number of electrons probally lost or gained: gain 1 5. number of electrons left after loss or gain: 36 6. charge on ion: -1

State the atomic number, number of electrons in each energy level, electron configuration, number of electrons probably gained or lost, the number of electrons after loss or gain, and the charge on the ion for the element: Sr

1. Atomic number: 38 2. Number of electrons in each energy level: 2, 8,18, 8, 2 3. Electron configuration: 1s²2s²2p⁶3s²3p⁶4s²3d¹⁰4p⁶5s² 4. number of electrons probally lost or gained: lose 2 5. number of electrons left after loss or gain: 36 6. charge on ion: +2

State the atomic number, number of electrons in each energy level, electron configuration, number of electrons probably gained or lost, the number of electrons after loss or gain, and the charge on the ion for the element: I

1. Atomic number: 53 2. Number of electrons in each energy level: 2, 8, 18, 18, 7 3. Electron configuration: 1s²2s²2p⁶3s²3p⁶4s²3d¹⁰4p⁶5s²4d¹⁰5p⁵ 4. number of electrons probally lost or gained: gain 1 5. number of electrons left after loss or gain: 54 6. charge on ion: -1

State the atomic number, number of electrons in each energy level, electron configuration, number of electrons probably gained or lost, the number of electrons after loss or gain, and the charge on the ion for the element: N

1. Atomic number: 7 2. Number of electrons in each energy level: 2, 5 3. Electron configuration: 1s²2s²2p³ 4. number of electrons probally lost or gained: gain 3 5. number of electrons left after loss or gain: 10 6. charge on ion: -3

State the atomic number, number of electrons in each energy level, electron configuration, number of electrons probably gained or lost, the number of electrons after loss or gain, and the charge on the ion for the element: O

1. Atomic number: 8 2. Number of electrons in each energy level: 2, 6 3. Electron configuration: 1s²2s²2p⁴ 4. number of electrons probally lost or gained: gain 2 5. number of electrons left after loss or gain: 10 6. charge on ion: -2

State the atomic number, number of electrons in each energy level, electron configuration, number of electrons probably gained or lost, the number of electrons after loss or gain, and the charge on the ion for the element: F

1. Atomic number: 9 2. Number of electrons in each energy level: 2, 7 3. Electron configuration: 1s²2s²2p⁵ 4. number of electrons probally lost or gained: gain 1 5. number of electrons left after loss or gain: 10 6. charge on ion: -1

What is the p-block

1. Each row (or period) is the energy level of s and p orbitals 2. hols up to 6 electrons and can be turned into different ways 3. # OF SHAPES (ORBITALS): 3 4. MAX ELECTRONS (TOTAL IN SUBSHELL): 6 5. STARTS AT ENERGY LEVEL: 2 (end at 7) 6. comprised of groups 13 and 18, contains elements with filled or partially filled p orbitals 7. There are no p-block elements in period 1 because the p sublevel does not exist for the first principal energy level a) the first p-block element is boron, in the second period 8. the p-block spans six groups because the three p orbitals can hold a maximum of six electrons 9. The group 18 elements (noble gases) are unique members of the p-block a) their atoms are so stable that they undergo virtually no chemical reactions b) the electron configurations of the first four noble gas elements c) both the s and p orbitals corresponding to the period's principal energy level are completely filled d) this arrangement of electrons results in an unusually stable atomic structure e) together, the s- and p-blocks comprise the representative elements

What is the d-block

1. Elements that have d-orbital 2. Can hold up to 10 electrons in each shell 3. d⁵ and d¹⁰ have an s¹ above them a) there is no d⁴ or d⁹ because it is too unstable so for elements that are in d⁴ or d⁹, it will always be _s¹_d¹⁰ or _s¹d⁵ 4. # OF SHAPES (ORBITALS): 5 5. MAX ELECTRONS (TOTAL IN SUBSHELL): 10 6. STARTS AT ENERGY LEVEL: 3 (end at 6) 7. d orbitals fill up after previous energy level, so first d is 3d even though it's in row 4 8. contains the transition metals and is the largest of the blocks a) although there are a number of exceptions, d-block elements are usually characterized by a filled outermost s orbital of energy level and filled or partially filled d orbital b) as you move across a period, electrons filled the d orbital 9. the five d orbitals can hold a total of ten electrons thus the d-block spans ten groups on the periodic table 10. La and Ac are a part of d block

What are the trends with the atomic size on the periodic table? What is the atomic radius?

1. First problem: where do you start measuring from> a) the electron cloud doesn't have a definite edge b) they get around this by measuring more than 1 atom at a time c) ATOMIC SIZE: how closely an atom lies to a neighboring atom d) because the nature of the neighboring atom can vary from one substance to another, the size of the atom itself also tends to vary somewhat from substance to substance 2. IT IS IMPORTANT TO MEASURE 2 ATOMS OF THE SAME ELEMENT BECAUSE DIFFERENT ELEMENTS HAVE DIFFERENT SIZES a) it also has to be the same isotope 3. Measuring the distance between the nuclei of the bonded atoms 4. ATOMIC RADIUS: HALF THE DISTANCE BETWEEN 2 NUCLEI OF DIATOMIC MOLECULE

What is the configuration for ions

1. IONS ALWAYS HAVE THE NOBLE GAS CONFIGURATION 2. Na is: 1s²2s²2p⁶3s¹ and it forms a 1+ ion: 1s²2s²2p⁶ a) same configuration as neon b) ends up with a +1 charge cause it has 11 protons but only 10 electrons now 3. Metals form ions with the configuration of the noble gas before them (row above them)-THEY LOSE ELECTRONS 4. Non-metals form ions by gaining electrons to achieve noble gas configuration a) they end up with the configuration of the noble gas after them 5. Metal ions-the noble gas right before them 6. For nonmetal-it is the noble gas that is after it

What are isoelectronic ions? What is the size of them?

1. Iso-means the same 2. Isoelectronic ions have the same number of electrons 3. Al³⁺ Mg²⁺ Na¹⁺ Ne F¹⁻ O²⁻ and N³⁻ have the same number of electrons. They all have 10 electrons a) Al had 13 and they lost 3 b) Mg had 12 and they lost 2 c) Ne has 10 and remained the same d) Na had 11 and lost 1 e) N had 7 and gained 3 f) F had 9 and gained 1 g) O had 8 and gained 2 4. They all have the configuration 1s²2s²2p⁶ 5. Positive ions that have more protons would be smaller 6. THE ION WHO GAINS THE MOST ELECTRONS WILL BE THE LARGEST AND THE ION THAT LOSES THE MOST WILL BE THE SMALLEST

What are the different kinds of groups of elements in the periodic table

1. Metals 2. nonmetals 3. metaloids

Are elements more chemically similar to elements in the same periods or groups of them? What are valence electrons?

1. elements are more chemically similar to elements in the same group because they will share the same number of valence electrons 2. VALENCE ELECTRONS: electrons in the highest principal energy level of an atom 2. Each of the group 1 elements has one electron in its highest energy level; thus each element has one valence electron a) the group 1 elements have similar chemical properties because they all have the same number of valence electrons 3. ATOMS IN THE SAME GROUP HAVE SIMILAR CHEMICAL PROPERTIES BECAUSE THEY HAVE THE SAME NUMBER OF VALENCE ELECTRONS 4. Each column in groups 1, 2, and 13 to 18 on the periodic table has its own valence electron configuration a) elements in group 1 has one valence electrons b) group 2 elements have two valence electrons c) group 13 elements have 3 valence electrons d) groups 14 elements have four e) group 15 have five f) group 16 have 6 g) group 17 have 7 h) group 18 has 8, with the exception of helium, which has only two valence electrons 5. The energy level of an element's valence electrons indicates the period on the periodic table in which it is found

What is the trend in the 2nd ionization energy

1. for the elements that reach a filled or half filled orbital by removing 2 electrons, 2ND IONIZATION ENERGY IS LOWER THAN EXPECTED a) still higher than the first ionization energy, but not double 2. true for s² 3. alkaline earth metals form 2+ ions

What is the driving force for atoms?

1. full energy levels require a lot of energy to remove their electrons 2. noble gases have full orbitals 3. atoms behave in ways to achieve noble gas configuration- receive the same number of valence electrons as the closest noble gas 4. They will also give up electrons at almost half filled so it can be half filled

What is the heaviest noble gas? What is the heaviest alkaline earth metal? What are the 3 lightest members of the noble gases?

1. radon for noble gases 2. radium for alkaline earth metals 3. helium, neon, and argon in that order are the lightest noble gases

What is the overall trend for atomic size, ionic size, and shielding effect across the periodic table?

1. the atomic size increases a) it increases going from right to left on the periods b) it increases going down the group 2. the shielding effect is constant a) going across periods 3. ionic size increases a) it increases from right to left

What determines ionization energy

1. the greater the nuclear charge, the greater Ionization energy a) the more electrons you have- the greater the nuclear charge-the more ionization energy needed to remove b) the noble gases have high ionization energy 2. the greater distance from the nucleus decreases ionization energy a) less shielding sense distance is greater so less ionization needed 3. filled and half filled orbitals have lower energy so achieving them is easier, lower ionization energy 4. shielding effect: a) more electrons between protons and valance shell- the lower ionization-easier to take electrons b) more shield equals less ionization energy c) lessening the shielding means that there is a higher ionization energy d) all electrons in the same energy level have the same degree of shielding e) the electron on the outer most energy level has to look through all of the other energy levels to see the nucleus f) second electron has some shielding, if it is in the same period

What is the F-block

1. the inner transition elements a) its elements are characterized by a filled or partially filled outermost s orbital and a filled or partially filled 4f and 5f orbitals b) the electrons of the f sublevel do not fill their orbitals in a predictable manner 2. # OF SHAPES (ORBITALS): 7 3. MAX ELECTRONS (TOTAL IN SUBSHELL): 14 4. STARTS AT ENERGY LEVEL: 4 (end at 5) a) f orbitals start filling at 4f (6 energy level) 5. Holds up to 14 electrons a) because there are seven f orbitals holding up to a maximum of 14 electrons, the f-block spans 14 columns of the periodic table

How can you tell the number of valence electrons in an atom?

1. use the roman numerals above each group 2. the valence shells can only hold 8 electrons at most

What is the trends in the 3rd ionization energy?

1. using the same logic s²p¹ atoms have a low 3rd ionization energy 2. atoms in the aluminum family form 3+ ions 3. 2nd ionization energy and 3rd ionization energy are always higher than 1st ionization energy

Which of these elements would have the lowest ionization energy? a) Be b) Br c) Ba d) Bi


Who first published the classification of the elements that is the basis of our periodic table today?

Dmitri Mendeleev 1. In 1869, Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev demonstrated a conection between atomic mass nd the properties of elements a) mendeleev noticed that when the elements were ordered by increasing atomic mass, there was a periodic pattern in their properties b) by arranging the elements in order of increasing atomic mass into columns with similar properties, Mendeleev organized the elements into a periodic table 2. Mendeleev's table became widely accepted because he predicted the existence and properties of undiscovered elements that were later found a) Mendeleev left blank spaces in the able where he thought the undiscovered elements should go b) by noting trends in the properties of known elements, he was able to predict the properties of the yet to be discovered elements scandium, gallium, and germanium

What is electronegativity? How fair is the sharing that happens in it?

ELECTRONEGATIVITY: THE TENDENCY FOR AN ATOM TO ATTRACT ELECTRONS TO ITSELF WHEN IT IS CHEMICALLY COMBINED WITH ANOTHER ELEMENT a) indicates the relative ability of an element's atoms to attract electrons in a chemical bond b) when elements combine chemically, this is the ability for one atom to attract the other atom's electrons 1. not equal because the elements with a higher electron infinity will be more likely to gain other electrons 2 Big electronegativty means it pulls the electron towards it 3. the atoms with large negative electron affinity have larger electronegativity 4. Electronegativity values are expressed in terms of a numerical alue of 3.98 or less 5. the units of electronegativity are arbitrary units called PAULINGS, named after American scientist Linus Pauling 6. Fluorine is the most electronegative element, with a value of 3.98 and cesium and francium are the least electronegative elements, with values of 0.79 and 0.70 respectively 7. In a chemical bond, the atom with the greater electronegativity more strongly attracts the bond's electrons a) because the noble gases form very few compounds, they do not have electronegativity values 8. Halogens are going to have the highest electronegativity because they are still trying to attract one electron to have a full valence shell a) noble gases already have a full valence shell

Which of these elements has the largest electronegativity? a) F b) Br c) Cl d) I


Which of these elements would have the smallest atoms? a) Cl b) I c) F d) Br


What are nonmetals

GENERALLY NON LUSTROUS, POOR CONDUCTORS OF ELECTRICITY a) generally gases or brittle, dull-looking solids 1. Some are gases (O,N, F, Cl), some are brittle solids (S), one is a fuming dark red liquid (Br) a) this is the only group that contains all 3 states of matter 2. Group 7A: Halogens a) salt former - any metals that bonds with a halogen is automatically called a salt b) like the group 1 and group 2 elements, the halogens are often a part of compounds 3. Group 8A: noble gases a) barely react in nature- sometimes in lab conditions b) least reactive elements c) all of the other elements are trying to reach noble gas configuration d) extremely unreactive group and are used in lasers, a variety of light bulbs, and neon signs 4. Occupy the upper right side of the periodic table 5. the most abundant elements in the human body is the nonmetal oxygen, which constitutes 65% of the body mass

What is the group and periodic trend for electronegativity?

GROUP TREND: 1. the further down a group, the father the electron is away, and the more electrons an atom has 2. more willing to share 3. low electronegativity PERIODIC TREND: 1. metals are at the left end of the table a) they let their electrons go easily b) low electronegativity 2. At the right end are the nonmetals a) they want more electrons b) try to take them away from others c) high electronegativity

What are the group trends for atomic size/atomic radius? What are the period trends?

GROUP TRENDS: 1. As we go down group, the atoms get bigger 2. each atom has another energy level, so the atoms get bigger a) the atom is adding energy levels 3. The nuclear charge increases and the electrons are dded to orbitals corresponding to successively higher principal energy levels a) however, the increased nuclear charge dos not pull the outer electrons toward the nucleus to make the atom smaller 4. Moving down a group, the outermost orbital increases in size along with the increasing principal energy level; thus the atom becomes larger a) the larger orbital means that the outer electrons are farther from the nucleus b) this increased distance offsets the pull of the increased nuclear charge c) also as additional orbitals between the nucleus and the outer electrons are occupied, these electrons shield the outer electrons from the nucleus PERIOD TRENDS: 1. they experience the same level of shields across the period because they are in the same energy level 2. Ar has 7 more electrons than Na so it can pull the electron much closer 3. From left to right, the elements get smaller and smaller 4. In the same period, the elements get smaller because there is a gain on the number of protons that pull the valence electrons closer, but the same amount of shielding effect occurs 5. AS YOU GO LEFT TO RIGHT A PERIOD, THE RADIUS GETS SMALLER a) they electrons are the same distance from the nucleus but there are more protons b) it is caused by the increasing positive charge in the nucleus and the fact that the principal energy level within a period remains the same c) each successive element has one additional proton and electron, and each additional electron is added to orbitals corresponding to the same principal energy level d) moving across a period, no additional electrons come between the valence electrons and the nucleus, thus the valence electrons are not shielded from the increased nuclear charge, which pulls the outermost electrons closer to the nucleus 6. Electrons are in the same energy level 7. More of a nuclear charge 8. Outermost electrons are closer 9. Overall trend is still a decrease in size across energy levels a) there is a slight increase in size in the 4th energy level because you have to fit 4 subshells and it causes a slight increase for a little bit

what are the group and periodic trends for ion size?

GROUP TRENDS: 1. adding energy level a) as you move down a group, an ion's outer electrons are i orbitals corresponding to higher principal energy levels, resulting in a gradual increase in ionic size b) thus the ionic size of both positive and negative ions increase as you most down a group 2. ions get bigger as you go down PERIODIC TRENDS: 1. across the period, nuclear charge increases so the ion size gets smaller/decreases a) there is a energy level change 2. energy level charges between anions and cations a) cations give up an energy level when they get up there electrons-makes them smaller than the anions 3. the elements on the left side of the periodic table form smaller positive ions and the elements on the right side of the table form larger negative ions a) beginning in group 15 or 16, the size of the much larger negative ions also gradually decrease

What is the group and periodic trends in the ionization energy?

GROUP TRENDS: 1. as you go down a group first ionization decreases because the electron is farther away and there is more shielding a) this decrease in energy occurs because atomic size increases as you move down the group b) less energy is required to remove the valence electrons farther from the nucleus PERIODIC TRENDS: 1. all the atoms in the same period have the same energy level 2. same shielding 3. but an increasing nuclear charge a) the increased nuclear charge of each successive element produces an increased hold on the valence electrons 4. so ionization energy generally increases from left to right a) however, the increase in energy does not occur smoothly b) for each element there is an ionization for which the required energy increases dramatically c) the increase in ionization energy shows that atoms hold onto their inner core electrons much more strongly than they hold onto their valence electrons 5. exceptions are for full and 1/2 full orbitals a) p⁶ and d⁵ for example b) deciding if you give up or gain electrons to get to that state OVERALL TRENDS: 1. Helium has a greater ionization energy than Hydrogen a) same shielding b) greater nuclear charge c) helium has +2 charge instead of +1 cause it has 2 protons 2. Lithium has lower ionization energy than hydrogen a) more shielding b) further away c) distance outweighs greater nuclear charge's impact 3. Beryllium has a higher ionization energy than lithium a) same shielding because they are in the same period b) there is a greater nuclear charge so ionization energy is higher 4. Boron has lower ionization energy than beryllium a) same shielding b) greater nuclear charge c) by removing an electron, we make the s orbital half filled d) it is more stable to be half filled so it gives up valence electrons more easily 5. Oxygen breaks the pattern, because removing an electron leaves 1/2 filled p orbitals and makes it more stable a) IONIZATION ENERGY DROPS FOR EVERY ELEMENT THAT CAN BE HALF FILLED 6. neon has a lower Ionization energy than helium a) both are full, but neon has more shielding b) greater distance c) this makes helium have a lower ionization energy 7. Sodium has a lower ionization energy than lithium a) both are s b) sodium has more shielding c) a greater distance 8. EVERY TIME YO ADD AN ENERGY LEVEL-THE IONIZATION ENERGY WILL DROP A LOT 9. EVERY TIME THE ELEMENT IS HALF FILLED, IT WILL DROP A LITTLE IN IONIZATION ENERGY 10. THE LOWER THE IONIZATION ENERGY THE GREATER THE SHIELDING

Which of the following elements should have the highest ionization energy? a) K b) Na c) Cs d) H


What are metalioids

HAVE PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF BOTH METALS AND NONMETALS a) aka: semimetals 1. Division between metal and nonmetal a) this group of elements have bot metal and nonmetal properties 2. Heavy, stair-step line a) Metalioids border the line 4. Aluminium is the only metal on the line that is considered a metal 3. Properties of metalioids are intermediate between metals and nonmetals a) can be good conductors 4. METALOIDS INCLUDE: a) boron b) silicon c) germanium d) arsenic e) antimony f) tellurium g) polonium h) astatine

What are the 3 influences on atomic size? What is the shielding effect

INFLUENCED BY 3 FACTORS: 1. energy level a) higher energy levels are further away and makes the atom larger 2. charge on the nucleus: a) more charge pulls electrons in closer and makes them smaller 3. Shielding effect: a) the electrons act as a shield between the protons in the nucleus and the valence electrons b) the more energy levels, the bigger the atom is c) the positive charge of the nucleus can't hold on as tightly because all of the electrons are in the way blocking it d) INNER ELECTRONS ACT AS SHIELDS BETWEEN PROTONS IN THE NUCLEUS AND THE VALENCE ELECTRONS

What are the trends in ionic size? What is a cation and an anion? What is an ion?w

ION: an atom or a bonded group of atoms that has a positive or negative charge a) formed by atoms gaining or losing one or more electrons b) this causes a change in the atom's net charge 1. CATIONS form by LOSING electrons a) positive ions b) cations are smaller than the atom they came from because they give up energy level c) the electron lost from the atom will almost always be a valence electrons d) the loss of a valence electron can leave a completely empty outer orbital, which results in a smaller radius e) the electrostatic repulsion between the now-fewer number of remaining electrons decreases and as a result, they experience a greater nuclear charge allowing these remaining electrons to be pulled closer to the positively charged nucleus 2. METALS FORM CATIONS a) metal atoms are bigger than metal ions 3. cations of representative elements have noble gas configurations a) these are columns 1, 2, and 13 who will give up valence electrons so it will have the same configuration as the noble gases 4. ANIONS form by GAINING electrons a) negatively charged ions b) anions are bigger than the atom they came from c) they are making the energy level bigger d) when atoms gain electrons and form negatively charged ions, they become larger e) the addition of an electron to an atom increases the electrostatic repulsion between the atom's outer electrons, forcing them to move farther apart f) the increased distance between the outer electrons results in a larger radius 5. NONMETALS FORM ANIONS a) anions of representative elements have noble gas configurations b) columns 14-17 c) carbon can be a anion or a cations 6. NOBLE GASES ARE STABLE AND DO NOT MAKE CATIONS OR ANIONS

What is ionization energy? What are the trends in ionization energy? What is the equation that illustrates ionization energy and what does each symbol represent?

IONIZATION ENERGY: the amount of energy required to completely removed an electron from a gaseous atom a) removed one electron and it gives the atom a positive charge 1. CATION: +1 ion 2. The energy required to remove the first electron is called the FIRST IONIZATION ENERGY 3. The SECOND IONIZATION ENERGY is the energy required to remove the second electron a) always greater than the first ionization energy b) it requires more energy to remove all 2 electrons at the same time 4. the THIRD IONIZATION ENERGY is the energy required to remove a third electron a) greater than 1st or 2nd ionization b) not triple c) requires more energy to remove all 3 electrons at the same time 5. Equation: M + ionization energy → M⁺ + e⁻ a) M: the metal element b) M⁺: the metal because a positively charged ion c) e⁻: the metal leaves an electron that goes to form an anion with another atom 6. Think of ionization energy as an indication of how strongly an atom's nucleus holds onto its valence electrons a) a high ionization energy value indicates the atom has a strong hold on its electrons b) atoms with large ionization energy values are less likely to form positive ions c) likewise, a low ionization energy value indicates an atom loses an outer electron easily d) such atoms are likely to form positive ions

Which of these elements would have the largest atoms a) N b) Ne c) B d) Li


What are metals?

METALS: ELEMENTS THAT ARE GENERALLY SHINY WHEN SMOOTH AND CLEAN, SOLID AT ROOM TEMPERATURE, AND GOOD CONDUCTORS OF HEAT AND ELECTRICITY 1. Most of the elements on the periodic table are metals 2. Group 1A: Alkali Metals a) most reactive metals b) they have 1 valence electrons c) this includes all elements in group 1 besides hydrogen d) because they are so reactive, alkali metals usually exist as compounds with other elements 3. Group 2A: alkaline earth metals a) 2 valence electrons b) highly reactive 4. Transition Metals and inner transition metals: Group b a) the transition elements are divided into transition metals and inner transition metals b) the two sets of inner transition metals, knowns as the lanthanide series and the actinide series are located along the bottom of the periodic table c) the rest of the elements in groups 3 to 12 make up the transition metals d) elements from the lanthanide series are used extensively as phosphors, substances that emit light when struck by electrons e) multiple number of valence electrons f) multiple charges possible 5. ALL METALS ARE SOLIDS AT ROOM TEMPERATURE EXCEPT MERCURY 6. Most metals are malleable and ductile, meaning that they can be pounded into thin sheets and drawn into wires, respectively

What is Octet Rule?

STATES THAT ATOMS TEND TO GAIN, LOSE, OR SHARE ELECTRONS IN ORDER TO ACQUIRE A FULL SET OF EIGHT VALENCE ELECTRONS 1. this reinforces that the electron configuration of filled s and p orbitals of the same energy level (consisting of eight valence electrons) is unusually stable 2. the first period elements are an exception to the rule, as they are complete with only two valence electrons a) this is hydrogen and helium 3. the octet rule is useful for determining the type of ions likely to form a) elements on the right side of the periodic table tend to gain electrons in order to acquire the noble gas configuration; therefore, these elements tend to form negative ion b) in a similar manner, elements on the left side of the table tend to lose electrons and form positive ions

What is electron affinity? What are the trends in electron affinity?

THE ENERGY CHARGE ASSOCIATED WITH ADDING AN ELECTRON TO A GASEOUS ATOM a) ability for an element to keep its own electrons 1. Easiest to add to group 7A (halogens) a) they only need 1 more valence electron to get to a full shell 2. gets them to a full energy level- the noble gas configuration 3. INCREASES FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: atoms become smaller with greater nuclear charge a) in this case, ions will become larger 4. DECREASES AS WE DO DOWN A GROUP a) adding energy levels so there is more shielding

what is a period? How many are there in the periodic table?

a horizontal row in the periodic table. there are 7 periods

What is the name given to the group of elements that have the following valence shell electron configuration: a) s² b) s²p⁶ c) s²p⁵ d) s¹

a) alkaline earth metals b) noble gases c) halogens d) alkali metals

By what property did Mendeleev arrange the elements?

atomic mass

By what property did Moseley suggest that the periodic table be arranged?

atomic number 1. Mendeleev's table, however was not completel correct a) after several new elements were discovered and the aotmic masses of the known elements were more accurately determined, it becme apparent that several elements in his table were not in the correct order b) arranging the elements by mass resulted in several elements being placed in groups of elements with differing properties 2. the reason for this problem was determined by 1913 by English chemist Henry Mosley a) moseley discovered that atoms of each element contain a unique number of protons in their nuceli, the atomic number b) by arranging the elements in order of increasing atomic number, the problems with the order of the elements in the periodic table were solved. c) moseley's arrangement of elements by atomic number resulted in a clear periodic pattern of properties

In what type of orbitals are the actinide and lanthanide electrons found?

f-orbitals 1. Lanthanide series: in the periodic table, the f-block elements from period 6 that follow the element lanthanum 2. Actinide series: in the periodic table, the f-block elements from period 7 that follow the element actinium

What is noble gas configuration

however many electrons the nearest noble gas has

How are shielding effect and the size of the atomic radius related?

if the atomic radius increases, the shielding effect increases. a) the shielding effect affects the pull of the valence electrons

What is the overall trend for ionization energy, electronegativity and electron affinity across the periodic table?

ionization energy, electronegativty, and electron affinity INCREASES 1. they go up and over to the right

The elements with the largest atomic radii are located on the.....

lower-left of the periodic table

Generally speaking, which group has the highest first ionization energies? a) alkali metals b) halogens c) oxygen group d) noble gases

noble gases

What are the coinage elements?

the coinage elements are the nonradioactive metals in group 11 which are copper, silver, nickle, and gold

What are the transition elements

the elements in groups 3 to 12 aka the b group

How does an element's period number relate to the number of the energy level of its valence electrons

the energy level of an element's valence electrons indicates the period on the periodic table in which it is found

What is a coulombic attraction? What two factors determine the strength of the coulombic attraction?

the force of the attraction between positive and negative charges FACTORS: 1. the distances between the positive and negative charged particles 2. the amount of charged particles

What is periodic law?

the statement that there is a periodic repetition of the chemical and physical properties of the elements when they are arranged by increasing atomic number

What is a group (also called a family)? How many are there in the periodic table?

the vertical columns in the periodic table there are 18 groups

the size of atoms get bigger as you go down a group on the periodic table because...

there are more energy levels around the nucleus

As we move to the right on the periodic table, atoms get smaller because...

there are more protons in the nucleus

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