Chapter 6: The Human Body

अब Quizwiz के साथ अपने होमवर्क और परीक्षाओं को एस करें!

what is inspiratory reserve volume?

deepest breath you can take after a normal breath

what is respriation?

exchange of O2 and CO2 in alveoli & tissues of body


eye socket bones

what is residual volume?

gas that remains in the lungs to keep them open

where do leg muscles attach to the femur at?

greater/lesser trochanter

the fibula is on which side of the leg?


Midsagittal (Midline)

left and right equal halves

what is expiratory reserve volume?

maximum amount of air you can forcibly breathe out after a normal breath

Which side of the forearm is the ulna on


what are the bones that connect the wrist to fingers called and how many are there?

metacarpals; 5

what is ventilation?

movement of air in and out of the lungs

what is diffusion in the body?

passive process where molecules move from a higher concentration to lower concentration

what are the finger bones called


how are the right and left pubis connected?

pubic symphysis

what bones make up the pelvis?

sacrum, coxae, coccyx

what is a hypoxic drive

stimulus to breathe due to low levels of O2 in the body

what are the two largest bones in the foot?

talus and calcaneus

what bone makes up the ankle joint?

talus bone connects the tiba & fibula together

what is the primary reason for breathing?

to lower CO2 levels

How many bones in the thoracic spine


how many phalanges make up the toes?


How many bones does a face have?

14 bones

How many bones in the human body?


How many bones in the spinal column?

33 bones

How many bones in the Coccyx


How many bones in the Sacrum


How many bones in the lumbar spine


What is the normal RHR?

60-100 BPM

How many bones in the cervical spine


Normal respiratory ranges (adult, child, infant)

Adult: 12-20 breaths/min Child: 12-40 breaths/min Infant: 30-60 breaths/min

Articular Caritlage

Allows for ends of bones to glide easily

Appendicular Skeleton

Arms & legs and connecting points


Cheek bones


Connects bone to bone


Connects muscle to bone

Which side of the forearm is the radius on


Coronal Plane (Frontal)

Divides body into front & back Cuts through the ears

Sagittal Plane (Lateral)

Divides body into left and right Cuts through chest

Transverse Plane (Axial)

Divides body into top and bottom (Hula hoop)

Two types of circulation in the body

Systemic and pulmonary

3 Bones that make up the shoulder girdle

Scapula, humerus, clavicle

Axial Skeleton

Skull --> Coccyx; includes vertebral column; doesn't include limbs

Ball & Socket Joint

allows for rotation & bending

what is tidal volume?

amount of air inhaled and exhaled in a single breath

what is stroke volume?

amount of blood moved by 1 beat

what is cardiac output?

amount of blood moved in 1 minute

the tibia is one which side of the leg?


what bone makes up most of the heel?


What are the wrist bones called?


what is pulmonary ciruclation?

carries deoxygenated blood from the RV towards both lungs via the Pulmonary Veins and brings oxygenated blood back to the left atrium via Pulmonary Veins

what is systemic circulation

carries oxygenated blood from LV to upper/lower body via Aorta, brings deoxygenated blood back to the right atrium via Inferior/Superior Vena Cava

Hinge joint

Flexion & extension

Hole in the base of skull

Foramen magnum

What is smooth muscle?

Found in blood vessels and intestines

Equation for Cardiac output

HR x SV = CO

Joint Capsule

Holds bone ends together; fibrous sac made of CT

Topographical Anatomy

ID superficial landmarks of the body

Synovial Membrane

Inner lining of joint capsule

Maxillae Bones

Jaw bones

Sacroiliac Joint

Joint surrounded by tough, thick ligaments; little mobility


Limited motion, bone held together by fibrous tissue

What is skeletal muscle?

Main muscle mass of body, attaches to skeleton

4 main bones of skull

Occiput Frontal Bone Parietal Bone Temporal Bones

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