Chapter 7 Legal Dimensions-Nursing The point

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While a client admitted to the medical-surgical unit is in the radiology department, a visitor claiming to be the client's cousin arrives on the medical-surgical unit and asks the nurse to provide a brief outline of the client's illness. Which response by the nurse would be most appropriate, both legally and professionally?

"I cannot give you that information due to client confidentiality." Explanation: Sharing a client's information without the client's consent is an invasion of privacy. The nurse should not give out the information even if the visitor provides proof of a relationship without the client's consent. It is inappropriate to call the client to ask for permission. The nurse claiming to be busy and offering to talk later does not address the issue but only delays it, perhaps leading the visitor to assume that the nurse will disclose information then.

Which statement made by the nurse providing care to a group of clients indicates that the nurse requires further education regarding negligence?

"I don't need to assess distal pulses on a client after a femoral arteriography." Explanation: Distal pulses should be checked immediately after a femoral arteriography; therefore, the nurse is negligent for checking three hours after the procedure. Fresh fruit may contain bacteria and further compromise a client with neutropenia. The Allen test confirms that there is proper circulation to the hand before drawing an ABG. The nurse checks breath sounds at least every 8 hours for adventitious sounds that may indicate aspiration.

Which statements made by a nurse would indicate to a nurse manager that the nurse requires further training? Select all that apply.

"If I make a mistake, I will not tell anyone." "I will have the supervisor fill out the incident report when I make an error." Explanation: Nurses should report errors and mistakes and complete incident reports themselves, not have supervisors do it. Documentation should be accurate, factual, complete, and timely. Nurses are accountable for any designated task. The nursing plan is part of the client's permanent record.

A client being discharged from the hospital asks the nurse, "When I go visit my family out of state, should I take my living will with me, or do I need a new one for that state?" Which is the most appropriate response by the nurse?

"Take it with you. It is recognized universally in the United States." Explanation: A separate or different advance directive is not needed for each state; an advance directive can be used in any state, regardless of where it was created. The nurse should advise the client to take it when travelling out of state. The client should not assume that the family knows the client's wishes; the whole purpose of having an advance directive is to avoid the ambiguity and potential confusion that making such assumptions can cause. Other hospitals may not know who to contact to request a copy of the advance directive; therefore, it would be much safer for the client to take a copy of it while travelling.

While teaching about advance care planning, which fact is important for the nurse to share with a client who has been diagnosed with a terminal illness?

A durable power of attorney for health care appoints an agent the person trusts to make decisions. Explanation: Advance directives can minimize difficulties by allowing people to state in advance what their choices would be for health care if certain circumstances arise. A durable power of attorney for health care appoints an agent the person trusts to make decisions in the event of subsequent incapacity. Living wills provide specific instructions about the kinds of health care that should be provided or foregone in particular situations. In the United States, the Patient Self-Determination Act of 1990 requires all hospitals to inform patients about advance directives. Advance directives do not have to be completed prior to hospitalization in order to be valid.

Which is an example of an unintentional tort?

A nurse gives the client a medication, and the client has an adverse reaction to it. Explanation: An unintentional tort occurs when the nurse does not intend harm, but harm occurs (e.g., the nurse administers a medication and the client has an adverse reaction to it). The other three responses are intentional torts.

Which nursing student would most likely be held liable for negligence?

A nursing student administers medication to a resident while working as an unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) at a local nursing home. Explanation: The nursing student who administers medication to a resident while working as an unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) at a local nursing home is performing a task outside the scope of the job responsibilities of a UAP. The other options demonstrate legally defensible actions by the nursing student.

Which process evaluates and recognizes educational programs as having met certain standards?

Accreditation Explanation: Accreditation is the process by which an educational program is evaluated and recognized as having met certain standards. Credentialing refers to ways in which professional competence is ensured and maintained. Licensure is the process by which a state determines that a candidate meets certain minimum requirements to practice in the profession—and grants that person the license to do so. Certification is the process by which a person who has met certain criteria established by a nongovernmental association is granted recognition in a specified practice area.

The nurse manager is using voluntary standards as a guideline for developing policies on the unit. What voluntary standards are available for the nurse to use? Select all that apply.

American Nurses Association Standards of Practice Professional standards for certification of individual nurses in general practice Process of certification Explanation: Voluntary standards in nursing would include the American Nurses Association (ANA) Standards of Practice, the process of certification, and professional standards for certification of individual nurses in general practice. State nurse practice acts are not an example of voluntary standards in nursing. Rules and regulations of nursing are not examples of voluntary standards in nursing

Which action constitutes battery?

An older adult client refuses an intramuscular injection, but the nurse administers it. Explanation: If the client refuses a procedure or medication and the nurse proceeds with it, it is battery. Threatening to touch a client without consent is assault. Discussing a client within earshot of others is an invasion of privacy. Keeping a client against the client's wishes, regardless of health status, is false imprisonment.

An RN enters a client's room and observes the unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) forcefully pushing a client down on the bed. The client starts crying and informs the UAP of the need to go to the bathroom. What action is the RN witnessing that should be immediately reported to the supervisor?

Battery Explanation: The UAP is engaging in battery, which is an assault that is carried out and includes willful, angry, and violent or negligent touching of another person's body or clothes or anything attached to (or held by) that other person. Assault is a threat or an attempt to make bodily contact with another person without that person's consent. Fraud is willful and purposeful misrepresentation that could cause, or has caused, loss or harm to a person or property. Defamation of character is an intentional tort in which one party makes derogatory remarks about another that harm the other party's reputation.

A nurse working in a coronary care unit resuscitates a client who had expressed wishes not to be resuscitated. Which tort has the nurse committed?

Battery Explanation: The nurse has committed battery by unlawfully carrying out a procedure that the client had refused. Battery is an assault and includes negligent touching of another person's body or clothes or anything attached to or held by that other person. Assault is the threat of touching another person without the person's consent. Defamation of character in spoken words is called slander. Libel is defamation of character in written words.

The nurse is providing care to a client who had orthopedic surgery. The nurse has medicated the client for pain. However, the client reports that the pain is unrelieved. The nurse takes no further action regarding assessment and intervention for the client's pain. The nurse does not notify the surgeon regarding the client's pain. The nurse's failure to take further action represents which element of liability in this case?

Breach of duty Explanation: Breach of duty is the failure to assess, intervene, or notify the health care provider regarding the client's condition. It does not meet the expected standard of care. Duty refers to an obligation to use due care and is defined by the standard of care appropriate for the nurse-client relationship. Causation is when the failure to meet the standard of care caused injury. Damages are the harm or injury to the client.

Nurses practicing in a critical care unit must acquire specialized skills and knowledge to provide care to the critically ill client. These nurses can validate this specialty competence through what process?

Certification Explanation: Certification validates specialty knowledge, experience, and clinical judgment. A nurse in a critical care unit having specialized skills and knowledge to provide care would be an example of certification. Licensure is a specialized form of credentialing based on laws passed by a state legislature. Licensure endorses entry-level competence. Legal accreditation is granted to educational programs by state agencies endorsing the approval of the program's design and mission to meet the needs of state requirements. Litigation is not a method for validation.

A client is scheduled for a colonoscopy. The nurse realizes immediately after administering medications to induce conscious sedation that the client has not signed the informed consent. If the nurse has the client sign the informed consent at this point, which element of informed consent would be violated?

Competence Explanation: The client under conscious sedation would not be considered competent to make a decision to undergo an invasive procedure such as a colonoscopy. Disclosure ensures that the following information has been given to the client: the nature of the treatment, possible alternative treatments, and potential risks and benefits of the treatment. Comprehension is met when the client demonstrates understanding by describing in the client's own words to what he is consenting. The client's consent must be given voluntarily.

A nurse assesses a client with psychotic symptoms and determines that the client needs vest restraints. However, the client asks the nurse not to put on vest restraints. What would be the best nursing action?

Contact the physician and obtain necessary orders. Explanation: If a nurse feels that a client needs to be restrained, the nurse should inform the physician and obtain necessary orders. The nurse should also discuss this with the client's family members and ask their opinion. The nurse should not sedate the client and then restrain him, as the nurse could be charged with battery if there is restraint without orders. Applying a wrist restraint instead of a vest restraint is like compromising with the client, which is unethical.

A client states that the client's recent fall was caused by his scheduled antihypertensive medications being mistakenly administered by two different nurses, an event that is disputed by both of the nurses identified by the client. Which measure should the nurses prioritize when anticipating that legal action may follow?

Document the client's claims and the events surrounding the alleged incident. Explanation: It is imperative for nurses to carefully and accurately document assessment findings and the nursing care that they provide, especially when legal action is anticipated. This thorough and accurate assessment should precede consultation with the legal department, the state board of nursing, and colleagues.

In some cases, the act of providing nursing care in unexpected situations is covered by the Good Samaritan laws. Which nursing action would most likely be covered by these laws?

Emergency care for a choking victim in a restaurant Explanation: Good Samaritan laws are designed to protect health practitioners when they give aid to people in emergency situations in which the practitioner is off duty, such as providing emergency care to a choking victim in a restaurant. The other examples listed are not situations covered by the Good Samaritan law.

When talking with family over dinner, the nurse shares about a client with infertility at the hospital, identifying the person by name. Which tort has the nurse committed?

Invasion of privacy Explanation: Invasion of privacy involves a breach in keeping client information confidential. Slander is oral defamation of character. Assault is a threat or attempt to make bodily contact with another person without that person's consent. Fraud is willful and purposeful misrepresentation that could cause, or has caused, loss or harm to a person or property.

A client informs the nurse that the client wants to discontinue treatment and go home. Later, the nurse finds the client dressed to leave. Which action should the nurse take in this situation?

Let the client go after signing a document stating that the client is going against medical advice. Explanation: If a client wishes to go before the client's medical treatment is finished, the nurse should have the client sign a document indicating personal responsibility for leaving against medical advice. The nurse should not restrain the client, as it would make the nurse liable for legal action. The nurse may call the physician and get the discharge paper signed, but this is not appropriate. The nurse should not warn the client that the client will be denied health care in the future, because it is the client's right to access the health care facility whenever needed.

A nurse is called to a deposition for a malpractice charge that has resulted in the death of a client. As the chart is reviewed, the prosecuting attorney questions the nurse about several defaming comments written in the medical record about the client. What charges can be filed against the nurse due to these comments?

Libel Explanation: Libel is damaging statements written and read by others. Because defaming comments were written in the chart, libel charges could be appropriate. Malpractice is negligence in performing or failing to perform expected duties of one's profession. Slander is oral defamation of character. Negligence is performing an action a reasonable person would not perform or failing to perform an action that a reasonable person would perform, resulting in harm to another.

A new graduate wants to be knowledgeable about state-mandated rules to better practice within the scope of nursing. What are the best resources for this nurse to research? Select all that apply.

Nurse practice acts Nursing educational requirements Composition and disciplinary authority of board of nursing Explanation: Examples of state-mandated rules would include nurse practice acts, nursing educational requirements, and composition and disciplinary authority of boards of nursing. Delegation trees, medication administration, and Medicare and Medicaid provision for reimbursement of nursing services are not examples of state-mandated rules.

Nurse practice acts are examples of which type of laws?

Statutory laws Explanation: Nurse practice acts are statutory laws. Statutory laws must be in keeping with both the federal constitution and the state constitution. Constitutional law refers to rights carved out in the federal and state constitutions. The majority of this body of law has developed from state and federal supreme court rulings, which interpret their respective constitutions and ensure that the laws passed by the legislature do not violate constitutional limits. Administrative law is the body of law that governs the activities of administrative agencies of government. Common law is the body of English law as adopted and modified separately by the different states of the U.S. and by the federal government and is in contrast with statutory law.

A nurse and the facility have been named as defendants in a malpractice lawsuit. In addition to the nurse's attorney, whom else would be appropriate for the nurse to talk with about the case?

The agency's risk manager Explanation: A nurse who is named a defendant should work closely with an attorney while preparing the defense. With the exception of the nurse's attorney and the agency's risk manager, the nurse should not discuss the case with anyone, including anyone at the agency, the plaintiff, the plaintiff's lawyer, anyone testifying for the plaintiff, or reporters.

Which situation violates an element of informed consent?

The nurse says, "You have to sign this before we can do the surgery." Explanation: The elements of informed consent are disclosure, comprehension, competence, and voluntariness. Telling the client that the surgery cannot be done until the form has been signed could be interpreted as coercion. The nurse's signature on the form indicates witness that the client or surrogate signed the paper. The nurse can answer questions about the surgery (within scope of practice) prior to the client signing the form. The client who is aware that there are no guarantees is informed.

A physician is called to see a client with angina. During the visit the physician advises the nurse to decrease the dosage of atenolol to 12.5 mg. However, because the physician is late for another visit, the physician requests that the nurse write down the order for the physician. What should be the appropriate nursing action in this situation?

The nurse should ask the physician to come back and write the order. Explanation: The nurse should ask the physician to come back and write down the order. Nurses are discouraged from following any verbal orders, except in an emergency. The nurse should never write an order on a physician's behalf because this is a wrong practice. The client should be informed about the change of medications, but this is not an appropriate action. The nurse should not leave the work for a later time, because the nurse may forget it.

Nurses complete incident reports as dictated by the agency protocol. What is the primary reason nurses fill out an incident report?

To improve quality of care Explanation: The primary reason to fill out an incident report is to improve the quality of care. Incident reports are not designed to be a means for disciplinary action. Incident reports are designed to identify actual or potential risks that can be addressed to improve quality of care. Incident reports are not intended to initiate litigation or document everyday occurrences.

When the nurse informs a client's employer of the client's autoimmune deficiency disease, the nurse is committing the tort of:

invasion of privacy. Explanation: Nurses have access to information recorded in the medical record, shared or observed through care or interactions with the client's friends and family, and obtained through access to the client's body. A loss of privacy occurs if others obtain unauthorized information about someone from a nurse. Assault and battery refer to verbal and physical actions that are not described in this scenario. Details revealed as described here do not reflect a breach of the contract between nurse and client.

A nurse is overheard in the hospital cafeteria making false, derogatory comments about a client. The nurse is guilty of:

slander. Explanation: Slander is oral defamation of character. Libel is written defamation of character. Assault is a threat or attempt to make bodily contact with another person without that person's consent. Invasion of privacy involves a breach in keeping client information confidential.

Which scenario is an example of certification?

A nurse who demonstrates advanced expertise in a content area of nursing through special testing Explanation: Certification is a voluntary process whereby a person who has met criteria established by a nongovernmental association is granted special recognition in a specified practice area. Licensure is granted by the state to a graduate of a nursing education program who passes NCLEX-RN. Accreditation is a voluntary process by which a nursing education program is recognized as having met certain standards by the NLN Commission for Nursing Education Accreditation and/or the American Association of Colleges of Nursing. The Joint Commission can also accredit health care agencies.

A nurse fails to communicate a change in the client's condition to the physician. Which element related to proving malpractice has been met?

Breach of duty Explanation: Failing to communicate a change in the client's condition reflects a breach of duty. Duty describes the relationship between the person and the person being sued. Nurses have a duty to care for their clients. The existence of a duty is rarely an issue in a malpractice suit. The action or lack of action must be proven as the cause of the injury. Damages refer to the injury sustained by the client.

The nurse is preparing to administer a prescribed medication and notes the dosage is well above the suggested therapeutic range. Which action should the nurse take?

Call the provider to clarify the medication prescription. Explanation: Nurse practice acts report that nurses are responsible for their own actions regardless of the provider's written prescription. As such, the nurse should call the provider to clarify the medication prescription, because it is out of the suggested therapeutic range. Medication reconciliation is the process of comparing home medications with prescriptions on the medical record. Although reconciliation should be done, the nurse has a legal duty to clarify the prescription. Documenting the occurrence in the client's medical record does not ensure client safety. Filling out an incident report and holding the medication is not addressing the incorrect dosage.

A client on a surgical unit asks for the nurse's opinion of the surgeon. The nurse says that the surgeon is rude and that the surgeon's clients always end up with infections. The nurse is at risk of being accused of which?

Slander Explanation: Slander involves words communicated verbally to a third party that harm or injure the personal or professional reputation of another person. Libel involves words communicated in writing to a third party that harm or injure the personal or professional reputation of another person. Negligence is performing an act that a reasonably prudent person under similar circumstances would not do or, conversely, failing to perform an act that a reasonably prudent person under similar circumstances would do. Assault a threat or an attempt to make bodily contact with another person without that person's consent.

A nurse witnesses a traffic accident and dresses the open wounds sustained by a child. Later, in the hospital, the child develops complications from an infection in the wound. The family holds the nurse responsible for the complications and attempts to file a lawsuit. Which statement is true regarding how the Good Samaritan law applies to this case?

The Good Samaritan law will provide legal immunity to the nurse. Explanation: The Good Samaritan laws provide legal immunity to passersby who provide emergency first aid to victims of accidents. Therefore, the law is applicable to the nurse in this scenario; moreover, Good Samaritan laws apply to those who do not accept any compensation for services provided. The law is equally applicable to everyone but does not provide absolute exemption from prosecution in cases of negligence. Paramedics, ambulance personnel, physicians, and nurses who stop to provide assistance are still held to a higher standard of care because they have training above and beyond that of average lay people. In cases of gross negligence, health care workers may be charged with a criminal offense.

While at a coworker's house, a nurse discusses with the coworker a client whom the nurse suspects of physically abusing the client's child. The next day, the client is moved to another nursing unit after a surgical procedure and comes under the care of the coworker, who is also a nurse. The coworker confronts the client about the alleged physical abuse. The client is shocked and angered by the accusation and denies it categorically. What would be the charge if the client were to file a suit?

The first nurse could be charged with slander. Explanation: Slander is a character attack uttered orally in the presence of others. Injury is considered to occur because the derogatory remarks attack a person's character and good name. In this case, the first nurse (and possibly the second, depending on context) could be charged with slander. If the defamation had been written, it would be libel. Even though the discussion took place offsite and during off-duty hours and both nurses are involved in the client's care, the defamatory remarks could constitute slander.

A client is unhappy with the health care provided and informs the nurse that the client is leaving the facility. The client has not been discharged by the physician. The nurse finds that the client has dressed and is ready to go. What should the nurse's action be in this situation?

The nurse should call and inform the nursing supervisor of the situation. Explanation: The nurse should call and inform the nursing supervisor of the situation. The client should be made to sign the document stating that the client is responsible for the client's own actions. The nurse cannot restrain the client because that would be false imprisonment. Likewise, the nurse cannot overlook the incident because there is a responsibility for client care. Additionally, the nurse cannot warn the client that the client will not be allowed to come back to the hospital because it is the client's right to access health care whenever required.

A client is in a persistent vegetative state. The client has no immediate family and is a ward of the state. Under these circumstances, who will speak on this client's behalf?

A surrogate decision maker Explanation: Infants, young children, people with severe cognitive impairment or who are incapacitated, and people in a persistent vegetative state or coma do not have the capacity to participate in decision-making about their health care. For such people, a surrogate decision maker must be legally designated to act on their behalf. The surrogate decision maker may be any one of the individuals listed in the other answers, if properly identified by the hospital authorities.

A nurse confides in a nurse friend, "I never report minor incidents. The charge nurse always wants a variance report filled out and they take so much time." Which responses by the friend are indicated? Select all that apply.

"Having documentation might keep you out of trouble someday." "Reporting helps us fix problems that result in danger to clients." Explanation: Incident or variance reports serve as a tool for trending to identify risk and avoid it in the future. Having correct documentation is very beneficial if error or injuries lead to litigation. Simply documenting problems in a client chart is not enough, as they may apply to more than just that client and may be overlooked. Injury is not always immediately obvious. Variance reports should not be used punitively.

Action has been taken against a nurse's license based on a claim that the nurse acted outside of nursing's scope of practice. The nurse's attorney determines that the nurse needs more education about the purpose of the board of nursing when the nurse makes which statement?

"The rules made by the board of nursing don't reflect my practice." Explanation: A nurse's practice should reflect the rules of the board of nursing rather than vice versa. Boards of nursing are established by state legislation through the state's nurse practice act and exist to protect the public. These rules help to keep unlicensed people from practicing nursing.

A nurse from the postanesthesia care unit (PACU) transports a client in the elevator with a nurse from the intensive care unit (ICU). There are staff members and visitors in the elevator as well. Which response from the ICU nurse is appropriate when the PACU nurse begins the report?

"Wait and give me a report in the room at the bedside." Explanation: It is appropriate for the ICU nurse to ask the PACU nurse to wait to give a report at the bedside. Discussing client information in the elevator with family or other workers violates client confidentiality and must be avoided. This also prevents discussions even in the presence of family members. If the report is left on the foot of the bed others may be able to see information. The electronic health record (EHR) is not the place to obtain transfer information so this would not be appropriate.

The client being admitted to the oncology unit conveys wishes regarding resuscitation in the event of cardiopulmonary arrest. The nurse advises the client that it would be in the client's best interest to obtain which document?

A living will Explanation: A living will is an advance directive that specifies the type of medical treatment clients do or do not want to receive should they be unable to speak for themselves in a terminal or otherwise unconscious condition. A will is a legal document detailing how to dispose of one's assets and belongings upon death. Proof of health care power of attorney and a proxy directive are documents identifying another person to legally make health care decisions for the client. In this case the client is stating the client's own decisions in advance of potential incapacitation.

During a nursing shift, which events warrant completion of an incident report? Select all that apply.

An intravenous antibiotic was administered 2 hours late because the IV site infiltrated. A visitor slipped and fell in the hallway, but was not injured. A client falls while being transferred from the bed to the chair. Explanation: An incident report is a written account of an unusual, potentially injurious event involving a client, employee, or visitor. Late administration of medication is considered a medication error and is potentially injurious to the client. A visitor fall and a client fall are both reportable situations. A client crying following a diagnosis of cancer could be expected, and a nurse delegating appropriate care to a UAP is not reportable. Therefore, these actions do not require an incident report to be filed.

Having recently completed a specialty nursing program in neonatal care, a nurse is now preparing to leave the medical unit and begin providing care in the hospital's neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). The nurse has completed which process of credentialing?

Certification Explanation: The process of certification involves the attainment and validation of specialized nursing knowledge and skills. Certification is often necessary to ensure that the nursing care provided in specialized and high-acuity settings is safe and appropriate. Accreditation is the process by which an educational program, rather than an individual nurse, is identified as meeting standards. The process of licensure involves the determination that a nurse meets minimum requirements to practice but not necessarily that the nurse has the specialized knowledge that is necessary for some care settings. Validation is not a specific aspect of the process of credentialing.

A client has asked that a nurse witness the signing of the client's will. What should the nurse do prior to witnessing this signature? Select all that apply.

Check to see whether state laws allow the nurse to witness this signature. Assess the client's state of mind. Review the client's medical record. Talk to the client about why the client is signing the will now. Explanation: Rules regulating wills vary from state to state. The nurse should be sure that the client is of sound mind and not under the influence of mind-altering drugs. There is no requirement that beneficiaries leave the room. The nurse should know why the client is signing the will now to assess for possible coercion.

The nurse is providing care to a client whose condition has progressively declined. The nurse assesses and makes appropriate interventions as well as notifies the health care provider. Despite the nurse's efforts, the client expires. What element of liability has the nurse demonstrated?

Duty Explanation: Duty refers to an obligation to use due care. The nurse assessed the client and made appropriate interventions and notifications. Breach of duty is the failure to meet the standard of care. An example of breach of duty would be not performing assessments, appropriate interventions, and notifications of the health care provider. Causation is when the breach of duty caused the injury. An example of causation would be failure to perform assessment and appropriate interventions when providing client care, and this caused injury to the client. Damages are the harm or injury that occurred to the client. In this situation, it would be the death of the client.

A nurse who obtains a license to practice nursing through self-misrepresentation is guilty of what tort?

Fraud Explanation: Fraud is willful and purposeful misrepresentation that could cause, or has caused, loss or harm to a person or property. A nurse obtaining a license to practice through misrepresentation is committing fraud. Assault is a threat or an attempt to make bodily contact with another person without that person's consent. Slander is one form of defamation of character. Defamation of character is an intentional tort in which one party makes derogatory remarks about another, remarks that harm the other party's reputation. Slander is spoken defamation of character; libel is written defamation.

During the orientation to the hospital, the staff development educator discusses unit and institutional-based policies. What is the source of the practice rules that result in unit and institutional-based policies?

Health care institution Explanation: The health care institution determines the unit and institutional policies. These policies may vary from institution to institution. Such policies may include clinical procedures, policies specific to the institution, and personnel and employment policies. Unit and institutional-based policies are not derived from federal legislation, state legislation, or the board of nursing.

An HIV-positive client discovers that the client's name is published in a research report on HIV care prepared by the client's nurse. The client is hurt and files a lawsuit against the nurse. Which offense has the nurse committed?

Invasion of privacy Explanation: The nurse has committed the tort of invasion of privacy. Personal names and identities should be concealed or obliterated in case studies or research work. Invasion of privacy is a type of intentional tort. Defamation is an act in which untrue information harms a person's reputation and is therefore not applicable here. Negligence is the harm that results because a person did not act reasonably.

A registered nurse who has an associate degree would like to obtain a baccalaureate degree in nursing. The nurse works full time and has several family obligations and would like to find a program that fits into that lifestyle. What is the nurse's priority question about an educational program?

Is the program accredited? Explanation: The most important consideration is whether the program is accredited. Unaccredited programs should be avoided. Cost is important and method of delivery may be very important to this student. They are not as important as whether the program is accredited. NCLEX pass rate is not important in this case as the nurse is already registered.

A client has a prescription for amoxicillin 500 mg P.O. every 8 hours. The nurse administers the medication via the intravenous route. Based on the nurse's action, the client develops complications and has an increased length of stay. The client files a lawsuit against the facility and the nurse. Which legal action has the nurse's attorney identified that meets the criteria for the client's lawsuit?

Malpractice Explanation: The facility and nurse could be charged with malpractice, which is failing to perform (or performing) an act that causes harm to a client. Administering the medication intravenously instead of orally as prescribed has caused harm to a client. Negligence is failing to perform care for a client. When a person threatens to touch a client without consent, it is assault, whereas battery is carrying out the implied threat (assault).

Which statement about laws governing the distribution of controlled substances is true?

Nurses are responsible for adhering to specific documentation about controlled substances. Explanation: Nurses have specific responsibilities regarding controlled substances, including specific documentation. Violation of controlled substances laws at the workplace is serious and a criminal act. Substance use is treatable, and the objective is to detect and treat the problem early. It does not matter where the nurse obtains the drugs; the nurse is still liable for personal actions.

A nurse is caring for a client following endotracheal intubation. Before applying soft wrist restraints to prevent the client from pulling out the endotracheal tube, what is the most appropriate action of the nurse?

Obtain a medical order. Explanation: Nurses must obtain a medical order before each and every instance in which they use restraints. Due to the severity of the client illness requiring endotracheal intubation, the client may not be able to provide a written consent. The client does not need to be sedated unless medically necessary, and although it is appropriate to notify the family, this is not the priority.

A nurse, while off-duty, tells the physiotherapist that a client who was admitted to the nursing unit contracted AIDS due to exposure to sex workers at the age of 18. The client discovers that the nurse has revealed the information to the physiotherapist. With what legal action could the nurse be charged?

Slander Explanation: The nurse can be charged with slander, which is a verbal attack on a person's character. Libel pertains to damaging written statements read by others. Both libel and slander are considered defamation of character-an intentional tort in which one party makes derogatory remarks about another that diminish the other party's reputation. To be found guilty of slander or libel, the statement must be proved false. Negligence and malpractice pertain to actions which are committed or omitted, thereby causing physical harm to a client.

Injuries related to lifting or transferring clients occur in the health care setting and may be considered a work-related injury. Which law was intended to reduce work-related injuries and illnesses?

The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 Explanation: The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 set legal standards in the United States in an effort to ensure safe and healthful working conditions for men and women. The Health Care Quality Improvement Act of 1986 was enacted to encourage health care practitioners to identify and discipline practitioners who engage in unprofessional conduct, and to restrict the ability of incompetent practitioners to move from state to state without disclosure of the practitioner's previous performance. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 protects employees from discrimination. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 prohibits discrimination against disabled people and requires covered entities to reasonably accommodate individuals who are protected by the Act.

What governing body has the authority to revoke or suspend a nurse's license?

The State Board of Nurse Examiners Explanation: The State Board of Nurse Examiners in the United States may revoke or suspend a nurse's license or registration. The employing health care institution may have submitted the paperwork regarding the allegation of the issue but does not suspend or revoke the nurse's license. The National League for Nursing is a national organization for faculty nurses and leaders in nurse education. The Supreme Court is the highest judicial court in a country or state. The Supreme Court does not rule on a nurse's license.

Which best exemplifies malpractice?

The nurse administers amoxicillin to a client with known allergies to penicillin. The client has a seizure with resulting respiratory arrest. Explanation: All elements of liability are in place for the scenario involving a nurse administering amoxicillin to a client with documented allergies to penicillin: the nurse had a duty and breached it by giving the medication (amoxicillin), which caused the client harm (seizures and respiratory arrest). The nurse is negligent when applying an ice pack without an order. The nurse assisting the client into bed used proper body mechanics, so the client fall is an accident even though harm occurred. Giving the wrong medication could be cause for malpractice, but in this case, the client was not harmed.

Legal safeguards are in place in the nursing practice to protect the nurse from exposure to legal risks as well as to protect the client from harm. What is an example(s) of legal safeguards for the nurse? Select all that apply.

The nurse confirms informed consent was give by the client to perform a procedure. The nurse educates the client about what to expect during the hospital stay. The nurse documents all client care in a timely manner. Explanation: Examples of legal safeguards for the nurse include the nurse confirming that informed consent was obtained from a client, the nurse educating the client about what to expect during the hospital stay, and the nurse documenting all client care in a timely manner. Legal safeguards for the nurse would not include the nurse executing health care provider's prescriptions without questioning them. Legal safeguards for the nurse would not include the nurse claiming management is responsible for inadequate staffing leading to negligence. Legal safeguards for the nurse would not include the health care provider being responsible for administration of a wrongly prescribed medication.

A family brings the client to the emergency department in an unconscious state with a head injury. The client requires surgery to remove a blood clot. What would be the appropriate nursing intervention in keeping with the policy of informed consent prior to a surgical procedure?

The nurse confirms that the client's family has signed the consent form. Explanation: The nurse should confirm that the client's family has signed the consent form. However, the health care provider is responsible for having the client, or in this case, the client's family sign consent. This client cannot sign the consent form because the client is not in an alert state and is unable to communicate. If the client is not in a condition to sign the consent form, a family member may sign the consent form on the client's behalf. Advance directives are written statements identifying a competent person's wishes concerning terminal care and are not applicable here. A living will is an instructive form of advance directive; that is, it is a written document that identifies a person's preferences regarding medical interventions to use in a terminal condition, irreversible coma, or persistent vegetative state with no hope of recovery.

A nurse enters a client's room and finds that the client is lying on the floor. The nurse makes the client comfortable on the bed and completes an examination. She informs the physician and the nursing supervisor about this incident and also completes an incident report. Which action by the nurse indicates correct knowledge of handling an incident report?

The nurse documents a complete description of the happenings in the client's records. Explanation: An incident report is a written account of an unusual, potentially injurious event involving a client, employee, or visitor. It is kept separate from the medical record. The incident report is a legal document and making a copy of it is not advisable. It should not be placed in the client's records; however, the nurse can mention the incident in the client's records without mentioning the incident report.

Which are areas of potential liability for the nurse? Select all that apply.

The nurse fails to document refusal by the client to ambulate following surgery. The nurse documents that the client's blood pressure has increased from 118/72 to 188/98 mm Hg and decides to retake the blood pressure in an hour. Explanation: Areas of potential liability would include failure to document refusal by the client to participate in the treatment regimen (such as ambulation after surgery) and failure to assess the client in a timely manner. Waiting an hour to reassess a significant elevation in blood pressure does not meet the standard of care. Reporting a client's adverse reaction to a medication, administering preoperative medication after the informed consent is signed, and documenting the client's response to education are nursing behaviors that meet the standard of care.

After reporting to work for a night shift, the nurse learns that the unit is understaffed because two RNs called out sick. As a result, each nurse on the unit must provide care for four acute clients in addition to the nurse's regular clients. Which statement is true for this nurse when working in understaffed circumstances?

The nurse is legally held to the same standards of care as when staffing levels are normal. Explanation: The claim of being overworked does not constitute a legal defense, and both the potential for liability and standards of care remain unchanged despite an increased client assignment. Although it is prudent to make all realistic attempts to fill the gaps in staffing, documenting these efforts does not change the nurse's legal position. A nurse has the right to refuse an unsafe client assignment but the nurse is not legally obliged to withhold care.

A nurse is writing a letter to a U.S. congressman to support the promotion of health care issues. Which guidelines would ensure a properly written letter? Select all that apply.

The nurse should state the purpose of the letter briefly and clearly in the first paragraph. The nurse should name the city and state where the nurse lives and votes. The nurse should restate exactly what the legislator should do at the end of the letter. Explanation: Writing a letter to a U.S. congressman should be in the format of a formal letter, stating the nurse's concerns in a way that best relays this information. The formal letter should state the purpose of the letter briefly and clearly in the first paragraph, state the city and state where the nurse lives and votes, and restate exactly what the legislator should do at the end of the letter. The nurse should cite specific examples from the workplace to support the position. The letter should be kept to one page. The letter should be addressed to one legislator only, not a group of individuals.

A client newly diagnosed with congestive heart failure has a prescription for digoxin. The nurse counts the heart rate before administration of the medication and obtains a heart rate of 51 beats per minute. Which action by the nurse demonstrates adherence to the standards of nursing care?

The nurse withholds the medication and notifies the health care practitioner. Explanation: Nurses are responsible for following the standards of care for their particular work area. A reasonably prudent nurse would withhold the medication and notify the health care practitioner. All other options put the client's safety at risk and would not be done by a reasonably prudent nurse.

A student nurse is assisting an older adult client to ambulate following hip replacement surgery when the client falls and reinjures the hip. Who is potentially responsible for the injury to this client?

The student nurse, the nurse instructor, and the hospital Explanation: As a student nurse, you are responsible for your own acts, including any negligence that may result in client injury. A hospital may also be held liable for the negligence of a student nurse enrolled in a hospital-controlled program because the student is considered an employee of the hospital. The status of students enrolled in college and university programs is less clear, as is the liability of the educational institution in which they are enrolled and the health care agency offering a site for clinical practice. Nursing instructors may share responsibility for damages in the event of client injury if an assignment called for clinical skills beyond a student's competency, or the instructor failed to provide reasonable and prudent clinical supervision.

A nurse enters the client's room and finds the client lying on the floor experiencing a seizure. After stabilizing the client, the nurse informs the physician. The physician advises the nurse to prepare an incident report. What is the purpose of an incident report?

To evaluate the quality of care provided and assess the potential risks for injury to the client Explanation: An incident report is a written account of an unusual, potentially injurious event involving a client, employee, or visitor. Incident reports determine how to prevent hazardous situations and serve as a reference in case of future litigation. Accurate and detailed documentation often helps to prove that the nurse acted reasonably or appropriately in the circumstances. It may not always serve as a method of determining the nurse's fault in the incident. The document does not evaluate the immediate care provided to the client but states the actions taken.

Professional regulations and laws that govern nursing practice are in place for which reason?

To protect the safety of the public Explanation: Governing bodies, professional regulations, and laws are in place to protect the public by ensuring that nurses are accountable for safe, competent, and ethical nursing practice. The other options do not describe accurately the role and responsibility of the governing bodies and the regulations and laws of nursing.

A nurse is caring for a client who has undergone coronary angioplasty. The cardiac monitor is showing abnormal electrocardiogram waves, indicating atrial fibrillation. The nurse does not recognize the importance of the sign; as a result, the client's condition deteriorates and the client has to be taken up for an emergency procedure. Which describes the nurse's legal liability?

Tort Explanation: A tort is a cause of action in which one person asserts that a physical, emotional, or financial injury was a consequence of another person's actions or failure to act. A tort implies that one breached one's duty to another person. In this case, the nurse had a duty that was breached. A felony is a serious criminal offense, such as murder. Defamation is an act in which untrue information harms a person's reputation. Slander is a character attack uttered orally in the presence of others.

A client was admitted to a postoperative nursing unit after undergoing abdominal surgery. During this time, the nurse failed to recognize the significance of abdominal swelling, which significantly increased during the next 6 hours. Later, the client had to undergo emergency surgery. The lack of action on the nurse's part is liable for action. Which legal term describes the case?

Tort Explanation: A tort is a litigation in which one person asserts that a physical, emotional, or financial injury was a consequence of another person's actions or failure to act. The lack of action on the nurse's part indicates unintentional tort. A misdemeanor or felony would be an offense under criminal law, and neither is applicable in this case. Fraud is willful and purposeful misrepresentation that could cause, or has caused, loss or harm to a person or property.

Which are examples of a nurse appropriately protecting a client's privacy? Select all that apply.

With the client's permission, the nurse explains the client's diagnosis to the client's spouse. The nurse moves the client from the emergency department waiting room to a private area to collect assessment data. Explanation: To prevent invasion of privacy, all client information is considered confidential and private; this includes name and all identifiers (e.g., social security number, address, date of birth). With the client's permission, the nurse may share information with the client's spouse. A client should be taken to a private, soundproof area to collect data. Unnecessary exposure of a client's body, taking photos of a client, and questioning a client's social life when it does not affect care planning are examples of invasion of privacy.

Nurses are occasionally asked to witness a testator's (person who makes the will) signing of a will. Which guideline is true regarding a nurse's role in witnessing a testator's signature?

Witnesses to a signature do not need to read the will. Explanation: Witnesses to the signature on a will do not need to read it, but they should be sure the document being signed is a will and not some other document. Witnesses should watch the testator sign the will, and they should sign it in the presence of each other. A beneficiary to a will is not allowed to act as a witness in most states. Two or three witnesses are most commonly required on a will.

A legal document that states a client's health-related wishes — such as a preference for pain management if the client becomes terminally ill — and also allows the client's adult child to direct the client's care, is:

an advance directive. Explanation: Clients communicate their wishes to health care providers by verbally participating in health care decision making and by employing written documents called advance directives. A will is a legal document where one communicates wishes of how to dispose of personal effects and belongings upon one's death. The terms license and standard of care have no application in this scenario.

While riding in the elevator, a nurse discusses the HIV-positive status of a client with other colleagues. The nurse's action reflects:

invasion of privacy. Explanation: The nurse's action reflects an invasion of the client's privacy. Disclosing confidential information to an unauthorized third party subjects the nurse to liability for invasion of privacy, even if the information is true. Defamation of character includes false communication that results in injury to a person's reputation. Negligence is an act of omission or commission. Prevention of movement or unjustified retention of a person without consent may be false imprisonment.

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