Chapter 7: Med-Aide

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What happens when an individual has a bladder infection?

He or she is more prone to recurring infections

What are the signs and symptoms of potassium depletion?

Confusion, lethargy, muscle weakness, and heart irregularities

What does the kidney function do?

Clean the blood and filter waste products into the urine

What does water tend to follow?


What is dehydration?

The reduction of fluid between the cells

What is the capacity of the bladder?

250 - 500 ml or more before signaling a need to urinate

What is the average fluid intake for an adult?

2500 ml in 24 hours

What does the body produces?

300 ml water

How much does the body reabsorbs?

97-99 percent of water and dissolved substances back into the blood that was filtered through the kidneys

What do kidney's release?

A hormone involved in red blood cell production

What happens when the bladder is full of urine?

A message is sent to the spinal cord informing that it needs to be emptied

What is benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH)?

A non-malignant, non-inflammatory enlargement of the prostate

What is the perfect home for bacteria that causes bladder infections?

A partially emptied bladder

What do secretions allow?

Allows the nephrons to add to the filtrate substances the body does not need, which now looks like urine

How is creatine measured?

As an indicator of kidney function

Urinary incontinence is caused by what?

By poor muscle tone, poor blood circulation, damaged bladder or urethra, urinary tract infection, confusion, neurological changes, and some medications

What do alpha-adrenergic blockers do?

Block receptors in the smooth muscle of the bladder and prostate, causing them to relax

Fluid in the body is distributed into what three compartments?

Blood (5 percent), between cells (15-30 percent), and inside cells (50-60 percent)

What do the kidney's control and how?

Blood pressure by adjusting the amount of fluid excreted into the urine

What are the treatments for BPH?

Can be relieved with medication, but surgery is often needed

What should the medication aide must be alert on?

Changes in urination, urine pattern, or the resident's ability to urinate

What do cholinergic cause?

Contractions of the bladder to relieve urinary retention

What are some of the other methods of excretion?

Diarrhea, vomiting, difficulty breathing or excessive sweating, there is often a change in urination that should be reported

What are the warning signs for dehydration?

Dry mouth, cracked lips, sunken eyes, and dark urine

The kidneys actively reabsorb what substances?

Glucose, water, and electrolytes

Where are the kidneys located?

Each side of the spinal column just above the waist

What are the causes of dehydration?

Excessive vomiting, diarrhea, or pyloric (stomach) obstruction

What are the symptoms of renal failure?

Fatigue, weakness, edema, cough, difficulty breathing, excessive urination, confusion, and decreased level of consciousness

What urethra is shorter, male or female?

Female (it's about 3 cm long)

What are the factors increasing risks of UTI?

Female, urinary stasis: stagnation or normal urine flow, sexual activity, catheterization, and institutionalization: living in a facility

What do nephrons do?

Filter waste products from the blood

What are the three processes that the urine formation occurs through?

Filtration, reabsorption, and secretion

What are the side effects of diuretics?

Fluid and electrolyte imbalance, potassium depletion, dehydration, weakness, lethargy, and low blood pressure

Where is the control for emptying your bladder?

In the brain, which tells the bladder sphincters to relax, allowing the bladder to empty

What do diuretics do?

Increase urine excretion; they work on different chemicals and parts of the nephron

What are the causes of edema?

Increased permeability of capillaries where excess fluid leaks out into the tissues (may include burns, deficiencies in vitamins B and C, and heart or kidney disease)

What is urinary tract infection (UTI)?

Infection of one or more structures in the urinary system

What can incontinence lead to?

Infection, skin breakdown and emotional upsets

How do kidney's work?

Kidney's work as an overflow mechanism to maintain optimal fluid balance

Most of the liquid portion of the blood is filtered through where?


What do the ureters lead from?

Lead from each kidney to the bladder and transport urine from the kidneys into the bladder

What can BPH lead to?

Lead to urethral obstruction, blocking the flow of urine

What do minerals do?

Maintaining proper fluid balance in the body (such as sodium and potassium)

What urethra is longer, male or female?

Male (it's about 20 cm long and passes through the donut-shaped prostate gland)

What are the treatments for urinary incontinence?

Medications, bladder retraining programs, fluids, and/or surgery

What gender is more common to have a BPH?

Men (over the age of 50)

When does reabsorption occur?

Occurs as the filtrate passes through the nephron

What are the symptoms of UTI?

Odor, cloudy urine, incontinence, frequency, chills, and burning, pain with urination

What do each kidneys contain?

One million nephrons

What do antiandrogens do?

Reduce the size of the prostate; can cause fetal damage if handled by pregnant women

What do antispasmodics/anticholinergics do?

Reduce the strength of bladder contractions and increase bladder capacity

What do the kidney's do?

Regulate fluid and electrolyte balance, blood pressure, and pH, and remove waste products such as ammonia and creatinine

What do beta blockers do?

Relax muscles of the bladder and reduce the number of contractions

What do analgesics do?

Relive pain or burning associated with an infection of the bladder

What should the medication aide do if they notice changes in urination, urine patter, or the resident's ability to urinate?

Report any changes to the person providing direction and monitoring

Electrolytes are often what?

Salt compounds

What are the side effects of antibiotics?

Stomach distress, drowsiness, dizziness, rash, allergic reactions, diarrhea, photosensitivity, nausea, and vomiting

What does the bladder act as?

Storage bag for urine

What is edema?

The expansion of fluid between the cells

What happens when a bladder infection is left untreated?

The infection can travel up to the kidney, causing a kidney infection

What is urinary incontinence?

The involuntary passing of urine out of the body

What are the age-related changes?

The kidneys reduce in size and weight, working nephrons decrease, decrease in blood flow also decreases filtering efficiency, loss of muscle tone in the bladder, and pelvic muscles makes it more difficult to hold large amounts of urine in the bladder

What is filtrate?

The liquid in the kidneys

Where does blood passes through?

The nephrons via filtration with blood pressure as the force

Who is more likely to receive a UTI, female or male?

Women are more likely to get bladder infections because the female urethra is shorter and close to the vagina and rectum

What do antibiotics do?

Treat infection; nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea are common side effects

What does the urinary system consists of?

Two kidneys, two ureters, a bladder and a urethra

Where does urine leave the body through?


What are BPH symptoms?

Urinary frequency, dribbling, UTIs, nocturia - urination at night, Dysuria - painful urination, interference with urine flow, and erectile dysfunction

The kidneys refuse to reabsorb what harmful substances?

Waste products of metabolism

What do antigout drugs do?

Work on the kidney by promoting excretion of the waste product uric acid (gout is a buildup of uric acid in a joint that causes severe pain, warmth, redness, and swelling)

What can be life-threatening for a bladder infection?

When the infection travels up into the blood, causing a blood infection (sepsis)

When does filtration occur?

When there is the movement of a substance from a high concentration area to a low concentration area, aided by a force

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