chapter 8 nutrition

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people who eat little/no animal products should take a vitamin __________ supplement


the body is able to make vitamin ______________ when skin cells are exposed to the sun's ultraviolet radiation


vitamin _______ is necessary for the metabolism of the mineral calcium and phosphorus and the production and maintenance of healthy bones


what are some signs and symptoms of a vitamin b-6 deficiency?

anemia, convulsions, dermatitis

vitamin e

antioxidant defense

what protects cells by giving up electrons to radicals


cells require vitamin ___________ to make coenzymes that participate in a variety of cell processes, including the transfer of CH3 groups in the metabolism of folate


megaloblastic anemia can result from a deficiency of which vitamins

b-12, folate

what is the primary function of vitamin K?

blood clotting


blood formation

Vitamin D

bone health

is the second leading cause of death in the United States


the condition that arises when one over consumes foods and/or supplements containing beta-carotene is called


the yellow-organs pigments in fruits and vegetables are called ___________


who is least at risk for developing vitamin A deficiency

children who like vegetables

by reading the nutrition facts panel, you can determine how much _________ are in most packaged foods

cholesterol, saturated fat, total fat, trans fat

in order to make phospholipids and acetylcholine, the body needs the vitamin called


what is an ion or small molecule that regulates a chemical reaction


pantothenic acid is a component of

coenzyme A

which of the following is true about coenzymes

cofactor, regulates a chemical reaction

a fibrous protein that gives strength to connective tissue


which of the following are functions of vitamin c

collagen synthesis, immune system functioning

many american consume less than the recommended amounts of vitamins

d, e, and choline

which dietary habits can result in a reduction of cancer risk?

drinking adequate fluids, increased intake of fruits and vegetables, eating a variety of nutritious foods

when should the consumption of vitamin A supplements be avoid?

during pregnancy

niacin participates in which of the following

energy metabolism


energy metabolism

Cancer causation is a complex process. No single factor usual

environmental exposures, genetic makeup, lifestyle practices

true or false: scientific studies show that taking vitamin C is an effective way to prevent the common cold


which of the following are risk factors for cancer?

family history, using tobacco, aging

______________ - soluble vitamins are more readily stored in the body than _______________ - soluble vitamins

fat, water

what is a symptom of a riboflavin deficiency


in the body, pantothenic acid is important

fatty acid production, energy metabolism

liver, legumes, broccoli, and orange juice are all good sources of


which vitamin cannot be used when vitamin B-12 unavailable?


which of the food groups provide the highest levels of vitamin c in the body

fruits and vegetables

which of the following best describes how an antioxidant works

gives up electrons to radicals

infants whose skins have developed an orange or yellowing hue most likely have eaten a lot of baby food containing

green beans, winter squash, carrots

when consumed in high doses, vitamins often

have druglike effects in the body, cause unpleasant side effects

the protein in red blood cells that transports oxygen is called


what is the name of the protein in RBCs that transports oxygen


which foods are sources of vitamin D

herring, milk, salmon

vitamin A

immune function

during infancy, adolescence, and pregnancy, a person's vitamin needs _____________


presently there ________ much scientific information that supports claims that megadoses of vitamins can treat or prevent disease

is not

a vitamin A deficient person's epithelial cells produce too much of the protein _________, making their skin rough and bumpy


the american cancer society recommends you do the following to reduce cancer risk

maintain a healthy weight, limit alcohol consumption, become physically active

a disease has ________________ when cancer spreads to other tissues


which foods are good sources of vitamin D

milk, salmon, herring

which statement about vitamins is most true

more is not always better

symptoms of osteomalacia include

muscle weakness, soft, weakness

spina bifida and anencephaly are both ___________ ___________ defects that can occur when a pregnant woman does not receive enough folate

neural tube

although not used currently as a medication, which vitamin was previously used to lower blood cholesterol levels


the situation that arises when retinol is unavailable and one becomes unable to see in dim light is called ________________ __________________

night blindness

appropriate treatment for scurvy

oranges and lemons

the adult form of rickets i called


the "4 Ds," dermatitis, diarrhea, dementia, and death are all signs of ________, a niacin deficiency disease


people who lack intrinsic factor and thus cannot absorb Vitamin B-12 develop the disease called

pernicious anemia

the consumption of which foods can prevent or delay the development of certain cancers?


what are some major food sources of vitamin B-12

poultry, meat, milk

when are the body's requirements for vitamins highest

pregnancy, adolescence, infancy

which of the following are signs of Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome?

staggering gait, distorted thought processes, abnormal eye movements

because there is not a lot of vitamin D in our food, our bodies must get ______________ exposure in order to make vitamin D


what are some signs of scurvy

swollen gums, bruised skin, loose teeth

an agent that causes birth defects is called a ____________


the amount of sun exposure you need to make sufficient vitamin D depends on

the season, your skin color, your geographic location, the time of day

true or false: a symptom of a mild riboflavin deficiency is to become fatigued easily


why might a single nutrient have no effect on the treatment of chronic disease?

various factors influence the development and treatment of chronic diseases, complex disease do not have simple causes that can be treated with nutrients

collagen synthesis, antioxidant activity, and assistance in immune system functioning are all functions of which vitamin?

vitamin C

plant oils such as sunflower, safflower, canola, and olive oils, as well as margarine and salad dressing are rich food sources of:

vitamin E

shellfish, poultry, meat, and eggs are all good sources of which vitamin?

vitamin b-12

since this vitamin is only found in animal products, people who eat little/no meat should take a ___________ supplement

vitamin b-12

the use of which vitamin supplement has been associated with an an increased risk of prostate cancer and hemorrhagic stroke

vitamin e

which of the following are examples of vitamins that many American adults don't receive enough of

vitamin e and D

folate, vitamin b-12, and vitamin c are all examples of __________ - soluble vitamins


the B vitamins and vitamin C are __________ vitamins


rank in order the sequence of events in the digestion and absorption of vitamin b12

1. hydrochloric acid separates b-12 from animal protein 2. the stomach secretes intrinsic factor 3. b-12 binds to intrinsic factor 4. the IF/B-12 complex enters the cells and the complex breaks apart 5. b-12 binds to a carrier molecule for transport in the blood

rank the sequence of steps involved in the role of vitamin A in the visual cycle

1. in the dark, retinal binds to opsin to from rhodopsin 2. light activates rhodopsin, causing it to change shape 3. activated rhodopsin stimulates rod cell changes that result in vision 4. retinal detaches from opsin

what roles does vitamin D play in the body?

production of bones, maintenance of bones, metabolism of calcium

what are the best ways to detect cancer in its early stages?

regular health check ups, various screening methods

which of the following are water-soluble vitamins?

riboflavin, vitamin b-6, niacin

___________ is a deficiency disease characterized by inadequate vitamin d levels. Children with this disease have bones that are soft and misshapen


the ________________ _____________ is the primary site of vitamin absorption

small intestine

where does vitamin c occur

small intestine

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