Chapter 8 Questions
What is the HR Reserve (HRR) Method?
(aka Karvonen method) is a method establishing training intensity based on the difference between a client's predicted maximal HR and their resting HR.
According to the public health guidelines on physical activity, the 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans recommend how much time spent each week doing physical activity?
1. Adults should accumulate 2 hr and 30 min (150 minutes) of moderate-intensity aerobic activity (ie. brisk walking) every week 2. 1 hr and 15 min (75 minutes) of bigorous-intensity aerobic activity (ie. jogging or running) every week or an equivalent mix of moderate- and vigorous-intensity aerobic activity
What is required to calculate VO2R?
1. Calculation of VO2max 2. Equation... Target VO2r = [(VO2max - VO2rest) x desired intensity] + VO2rest *VO2mas can be estimated using a submaximal test or directly measured and VO2rest is usually always predicted (1 MET or 3.5 mL O2/kg x min)
What are the 5 components to health-related physical fitness?
1. Cardiorespiratory fitness 2. Muscular strength 3. Muscular endurance 4. Flexibility 5. Body composition *Programs should be designed w/intent of improving each component. Cardiorespiratory should be top priority when designing program*
How should CPTs begin each training session w/new clients?
1. Explain benefits gained from each new exercise/activity introduced. 2. Follow w/demo of each new exercise 3. Emphasize proper technique and safety 4. Lastly, observe client perform each new exercise to ensure proper form and technique
What are the two types of warm-ups?
1. General warm-up (ie. walking on treadmill or cycling before weight training) 2. Specific warm-up (ie. body weight squats or pushups before weight training)
What is the purpose of the warm-up period?
1. Increase HR and respiration rates 2. Increase tissue temperature 3. Psychologically prepare the individual for higher training intensities
The initial exercise prescription should be designed to meet what?
1. Initial fitness lvl. of client 2. Fitness assessment results 3. Whether client has any signs of risk factors or health limitations to exercise
What are the three criteria that must be met for an activity or exercise to be considered "aerobic" exercise?
1. It should be rhythmic in nature 2. It should use large muscle groups 3. It should be continuous in nature
What are some of the cardiovascular responses to exercise?
1. Linear increases HR & BP 2. Increased stroke volume (up to 40-60% of max) 3. After it plateaus, increased cardiac output from average resting values (5 L/min --> 20 -40 L/min) occurs during intense exercise
What are the (7) methods for prescribing exercise intensity?
1. Peak VO2 method 2. VO2 Reserve method 3. Peak metabolic equivalent (MET) method 4. Peak max HR (MHR) method 5. HR Reserve (HRR) method 6. Ratings of perceived exertion method 7. Talk test method
What is the overarching goal of a cool-down?
1. Reduce HR and breathing rates 2. Gradually cool body temp 3. Return muscles to their optimal length-tension relationships 4. Prevent venous pooling of blood in lower extremities -- which may cause dizziness or possible fainting 5. Restore physiologic systems close to baseline
What are some examples of modes of exercise recommened to improve cardiorespiratory fitness (5)?
1. Running or jogging 2. Walking 3. Exercising on cardio equipment 4. Swimming 5. Cycling (indoors or outdoors)
What will be included in the warm-up for strength level client?
1. SMR: 30 sec each muscle 2. Active-isolated stretching: 1-2 sec., 5-10 reps each muscle 3. Cardiorespiratory exercise: 5-10 min 1. & 2. - as determined tight or overactive
What will be included in the warm-up for power level client?
1. SMR: 30 sec each muscle 2. dynamic stretching: 10 reps each side (can be performed in a circuit format - performing one exercise after the other - eliminating need for additional cardiorespiratory warm-up activities)
What will be included in the warm-up for stabilization level client?
1. SMR: 30 sec each muscle 2. static stretching: 30 sec each muscle 3. cardiorespiratory exercise: 5-10 min 1. & 2. - must understand these techniques and activities prior to doing cardiorespiratory portion of warm-up
What happens if a client was unable to reach the predicted zone two during stage II cardiorespiratory training workout?
1. Use the HR client was able to reach as their "85%" 2. Take 9% off this number to get lower end of the client's readjusted zone. EXAMPLE: - predicted HR @ 85%: 150 bpm - actual HR now considered "85% HRmax": 145 bpm - 9% x 145 = 13 / 145 - 13 = 132bmp is 76% of HRmax NOTE: a. If client got into the readjusted zone two, and then reaching the zones was fine, work slowly to increase the client's time in this zone b. If client's HR goes above predicted zone, and he/she still can recover back to zone one at the end, add a couple bpm to the zone and then work on increasing the time.
Each exercise training session should include what (3) phases?
1. Warm-up phase 2. Conditioning phase 3. Cool-down phase
At rest, what percent of circulating blood reaches skeletal muscle?
What is the most commonly used formula for estimating HRmax?
220 - age (Was never intended to be used as an instrument for designing cardiorespiratory fitness programs b/c max HR varies among indv. of the same age -- can produce results + or - 10 to 12 bpm off the actual max HR.
What is the frequency for improved fitness levels?
3-5 days/week @ higher intensities
What is the recommended frequency of activity for improved fitness levels?
3-5 days/week at higher intensities
What is one metabolic equivalent (MET) equal to?
3.5 mL O2/kg x min or quivalent of average resting metabolic rate (RMR) for adults
What relative training intensity does ACSM recommend?
40 or 50% - 85% of VO2r or HRR, where 50% of Vo2r or HRR was the threshold intensity for training most adults, and 40% Vor or HRR was threshold for training deconditioned indv.
What is the sufficient time for a cardiorespiratory cool-down period?
5-10 minutes
How long does the cardiorespiratory portion of a warm-up typically last?
5-10 minutes @ low-moderate intensity level
What is the formula for ratings of perceived exertion (RPE)?
6- to 20- point scale
During intense vigorous exercise, what percent of circulating blood reaches skeletal muscle?
80-85% of cardiac output
What is the rating of perceived exertion (RPE) method?
A technique used to express or validate how hard a client feels he or she is working during exercise. When using the RPE, the person is subjectively rating the perceived difficulty of exercise. Based on the physical sensations a person experiences during physical activity, including increased HR, increased respiration rate, increased sweating and muscle fatigue.
The 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans represent the most current and comprehensive set of guidelines published by the US government to date to help who?
Americans aged 6 and older (improve their health thru appropriate physical activity and exercise)
Why is it impractical for CPTs to accurately measure VO2max?
B/c it requires clients to perform cardiorespiratory exercise @ max effort and sophisticated equipment to monitor client's ventilation response (O2 consumed and CO2 expired)
What are the benefits of doing warm-ups?
BENEFIT - EFFECT 1. Increase HR & respiratory rate - Increase CR system's capacity to perform work, increase blood flow to active muscles, increase O2 exchange capacity 2. Increased Tissue Temperature - Increase rate of muscle contraction, increase efficiency of opposite muscle contraction and relaxation, increase metabolic rate, increase soft tissue extensibility 3. Increased Psychological Preparation for Bouts of Exercise - Increase mental readiness of individual
Where is blood shunted during exercise?
Blood is shunted away from major organs to skin to promote heat loss
What is one of the strongest predictors of morbidity and mortality?
Cardiorespiratory a. poor cardio = ⬆️ risk of premature death (especially CVD b. ⬆️ cardio = ⬇️ risk of premature death (especially CVD)
What is one of the most important components of health-related physical fitness?
Cardiorespiratory fitness
How should clients start when in stage 1 of cardiorespiratory training?
Clients should start slowly and gradually work up to 30-60 minutes of continuous exercise in zone one. Warm-up: 5-10 min Workout: 30-60 min Cool-down: 5-10 min
What is one of the most reliable predictors of death and disability?
Engaging in regular, sustained physical activity over one's life span.
What component of exercise prescription is often overlooked or not considered more seriously?
What is the recommended frequency of activity?
Everyday of the week, for small quantities of time
What principle should always be used when giving exercise training recommendations (ie. cardiorespiratory exercise)?
FITTE Principle
What is one of the most common errors made by CPTs during planning & implementation of cardiorespiratory programs?
Failure to consider "rate of progression" - important for client to achieve fitness/health goals b/c efficient & effective, also helps to prevent injury.
What does FITTE stand for?
Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type, Enjoyment
What is linearly related during dynamic exercise?
HR and oxygen uptake
How is intensity established & monitored (applied to cardiorespiratory exercise)?
HR, power output (watts), or calcluating a % of max oxygen consumption (VO2rmax) or oxygen uptake reserve (VO2r)
Sedentary client's, clients w/medical or health limitations, or those w/limited exercise experience may require how much of their workout time dedicated to the warm-up?
Half or more initially
What is a common method to establish exercise training intensity once VO2max is determined?
Have clients exercise @ a % of their VO2max
If a client has never exercised before and is in stage 1 of cardiorespiratory training, what should you do?
Have them start in zone 1 for only 5 min or reduce HR% to general health activity recommendations (SEE TABLE 8.6 PG. 209)
How does stage II of cardiorespiratory training help within the strength level of training in OPT model?
Helps increase the cardiorespiratory capacity needed for the workout styles in the strength level
How do you know if a client is ready to progress to stage II of cardiorespiratory training?
If a client can maintain zone one HR for at least 30 min. 2-3 times per week. (may take client 2-3 months to meed this demand)
How does stage I of cardiorespiratory training help within the stabilization level of training in OPT model?
It help better meet the muscular endurance demands of the stabilization level
What is stage II of cardiorespiratory training designed for?
It is designed for clients with low-to-moderate cardiorespiratory fitness levels who are ready to begin training at higher intensity levels. Focusing on increasing the workload (speed, incline, level) in a way that will help the client alter HR in and out of zone one and two.
Why is cardiorespiratory fitness important?
It is important to health and wellness, & engaging in normal activities of daily living (ADL's)
What is the talk test method?
It used to be an informal method used to gauge exercise training intensity during exercise. That when a client reached a point at which they are not able to carry on a simple conversation during exercise cuz breathing too hard, then they are probably exercising at too high of an intensity lvl.
What intensity range does moderate exercise typically represent?
Less than 60% VO2r, which is enough of a demand to increase HR & respiratory rate, but does not cause exhaustion or breathlessness for the average untrained healthy adult (aka. individual should be able to talk comfortably during exercise).
What is the peak maximal heart rate (MHR) method?
Measuring a client's actual max HR is impractical b/c requires testing clients at max capacity, formulas are used instead.
What duration and intensity level should warm-up be performed?
Moderate (as you don't want client to fatigue before workout portion beings)
What is equal to "somewhat hard" (12-14) on the 6-20 Borg scale?
Moderate-intensity activity
When can clients perform the warm-up before the session w/the fitness professional?
Once client has demonstrated complete understanding of technique necessary for self-myofascial release, static stretching, and operation of cardiorespiratory equipment
When are clients ready to orient themselves to the cardiorespiratory segment of their warm-up?
Once client understands the techniques & activities associated w/warm-up period (ie. self myofascial release and static stretching)
What is the most common and universally accepted method of establishing exercise training intensity?
Selecting a predetermined training or target heart rate (THR) based on a given percentage of oxygen consumption
Exercise training programs should be designed to meet what?
Specific needs and goals of the individual client
During what stage of cardiorespiratory training is interval training introduced?
Stage II
What tests have become popular for CPTs to estimate VO2max?
Submaximal tests
What is the heart rate reserve (HRR) method defined as?
THR = [(HRmax - HRrest) x desired intensity] + HRrest
What is the formula for peak heart rate (HR)
Target HR (THR) = HRmax x % intensity desired
What is the formula for peak MET x (% MET)?
Target MET = [(VO2max)/3.5 mL/kg x min] x % intensity desired
What is the formula for Peak VO2?
Target VO2 = VO2max x intensity desired
What is the formula for VO2 Reserve (VO2r)?
Target VO2r = [(VO2max - VO2rest) x intensity desired] + VOrest2
What is the formula for heart rate reserve (HRR)?
Target hear rate (THR) = [(HRmax - HRrest) x % intensity desired] + HRrest
What is the most important part of interval training (stage II)?
That a client recovers back to zone one between the intervals
What is the formula for the talk test?
The ability to speak during activity can identify exercise intensity and ventilatory threshold
What is the VO2max?
The max amount of oxygen that an individual can use during intense exercise
What should a client's subjective rating be based on when doing an RPE?
The overall feelings of how hard the client is working, including an overall sense of fatigue and not just isolated areas of the body.
Cardiorespiratory training falls under what principle?
The principle of specificity
How many cardiorespiratory training stages are there and what are they?
There are 3 and uses the heart rate training zones... 1. ZONE ONE: 65-75% HR% / 12-13 RPE / ie. walking or jogging - recovery 2. ZONE TWO: 76-85% HR% / 14-16 RPE / ie. group exercise classes, spinning - lactate threshold 3. ZONE THREE: 86-95% HR% / 17-19 RPE / ie. sprinting - peak/interval
What happens if adults exceed 300 minutes a week of moderate-intensity activity or 150 minutes a week of vigorous-intensity activity?
They will gain even more health benefits
What is the purpose of stage training?
To ensure the cardiorespiratory training programs progress in an organized fashion to ensure continual adaption and to minimize the risk of over-training and injury.
What is stage I of cardiorespiratory training designed for?
To help improve cardiorespiratory fitness levels in apparently healthy sedentary clients using a THR of 65-75% of HRmax or approximately 12-13 RPE scale (zone 1).
What are MET values used for?
To relate exercise intensity with energy expenditure (ie. p.a. w/MET value of 4 - slow jogging - requires 4x energy that person consumes at rest)
True or False: If the mode of activity or exercise training program in general is not enjoyable to a client, it is highly likely that he or she will not adhere to the raining program and thus not achieve their personal health and fitness goals.
True or False: Individuals can achieve numerous health-related benefits from modest amounts of moderate-intensity exercise, and even greater benefits from vigorous-intensity exercise, or a combo of both.
True or False: Personal trainers should never use 220-age, or any other formula, as an absolute when determining HRmax.
True or False: Questions should be asked frequently to determine if adjustments need to be made following the first stage II workout for cardiorespiratory training?
True or False: Talk Test can help CPTs and clients monitor proper exercise intensity without having to rely onmeasuring HR or VO2max.
What is the traditional gold standard measurement for cardiorespiratory fitness?
VO2max or the max volume of oxygen per kilogram body weight/min
What is the now the preferred method to establish exercise training intensity according to American college of sports medicine?
VO2r (VO2 Reserve method)
What happens to plasma volume during prolonged exercise?
W/onset of exercise, & as exercise continues, plasma volume can decrease by 10-20%
What is an example of a stage II workout?
Warm-up (zone one): 5-10 min Workout: 1. 1 min interval in zone two (gradually increase HR up to zone two within that minute and maintain for remained of that minute) 2. Zone one for 3 min. 3. 1 min interval in zone two 4. Zone one for 3 min 5. 1 min interval in zone two Cool-down (zone one): 5-10 min
How should static stretching be used in warm-up vs. cool-down?
Warm-up: static stretching should only be used on areas assessments determined as tight/overactive (hold 20-30 sec) Cool-down: static stretching should be used to return muscles to normal resting lengths, focusing on major muscles used during workout
What does the cardiorespiratory portion of a warm-up consist of?
Whole-body, dynamic cardiovascular or muscle movements
Should flexibility training be included in the cool down period?
Yes! (effective @ restoring muscles back to optimal length-tension relationships & joint ROM. Includes corrective stretching)
Can warm-ups be modified?
Yes, based on client goals and/or objectives. Can either extend or reduce time allotted to warm-up or modify exercises based on warm-up or modify exercises based on known or suspected medical, health, or physical limitations.
Does RPE provide a good estimate of actual heart rate during physical activity?
Yes, if client reports their exertion ratings accurately
What intensity is generally required for improvements in overall fitness and conditioning?
higher intensities greater than 60% VO2max (combo of the two would also result in improved health)
If using the Talk Test Method to monitor training intensity during stage 1 of cardiorespiratory fitness, the client should be able to ____.
hold a conversation during the duration of the activity
What intensity is preferred for general health requirements?
moderate intensity (of less than 60%)
What should you always being an exercise program with?
movement assessments (ie. overhead squat and/or SL squat assessment)
NASM has reclassified the relative intensity of exercise in how many stages?
six incremental stages (from "very light" to maximal effort"), with a corresponding oxyen uptake reserve (VO2r) or HR reserve (HHRO) and rating of perceived exertion (RPE) at each progressive lvl.
There is a correlation between ___ , ___ , ___ , and ___ during both cycle ergometer and treadmill exercise.
talk test, VO2, ventilatory threshold, and HR
What are METs used to describe?
the energy cost of physical activity as multiples of resting metabolic rate