chapter 9

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A strong desire to achieve task-related goals as a means of expressing personality is known as _____. A. status striving B. accomplishment striving C. value striving D. curiosity E. power striving


A(n) _____ situation is an situation in which two people have only just met. A. differential exposure B. zero acquaintance C. locus of control D. ethnocentric E. uncertainty avoidance


According to longitudinal studies, the two Big Five dimensions most dependent on genes are: A. conscientiousness and extraversion. B. extraversion and openness. C. agreeableness and openness. D. openness and conscientiousness. E. neuroticism and agreeableness.


Extraverted people prioritize _____. A. status striving B. communion striving C. accomplishment striving D. value striving E. attainment striving


People who are _____ have a built-in desire to finish work tasks, channel a high proportion of their efforts toward those tasks, and work harder and longer on task assignments. A. accomplishment strivers B. communion strivers C. status strivers D. value strivers E. power strivers


Solina is very uncomfortable because she received a larger bonus than other members of her work group. She is most likely from a ______ culture. A. collectivistic B. uncertain C. feminine D. short-term oriented E. global


Agreeable people prioritize _____. A. status striving B. communion striving C. accomplishment striving D. attainment striving E. power striving


Dawson is a famous carpenter in Oregon. Though rugged, Dawson is good at carpentry and electrical work. According to the RIASEC model, the _____ type of personality dimension best describes Dawson. A. enterprising B. realistic C. artistic D. conventional E. investigative


Personality is a collection of multiple _____. A. abilities B. traits C. aptitudes D. emotions E. capacities


_____ focus on "getting along," not necessarily "getting ahead." A. Conscientious people B. Agreeable people C. Neurotic people D. Diligent people E. Extraverts


_____ reflects a strong desire to obtain power and influence within a social structure as a means of expressing personality. A. Accomplishment striving B. Status striving C. Fellowship striving D. Attainment striving E. Communion striving


A dispositional tendency to experience pleasant, engaging moods such as enthusiasm, excitement, and elations refers to _____. A. neuroticism B. agreeableness C. positive affectivity D. conflict avoidance E. status striving


Unicoi Inc., a Brazilian sports manufacturer, is known as a company that focuses on improving its customers' quality of life. In the context of the Hofstede's dimensions, the cultural dimension _____ best describes Unicoi Inc. A. individualism B. uncertainty avoidance C. femininity D. high power distance E. short-term orientation


When a fight broke out between two workers at Leo Motors, James the manager, decided to walk away and let the situation resolve on its own. In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, the personality dimension _____ best describes James. A. neuroticism B. extraversion C. agreeableness D. openness to experience E. conscientiousness


Which of the following is not a "dimension" of the big five taxonomy? A. Conscientiousness B. Extraversion C. Locus of control D. Openness to experience E. Neuroticism


Which of these dimensions in the Big Five taxonomy is associated with the trait adjectives kind, cooperative, sympathetic, and warm? A. Conscientiousness B. Extraversion C. Agreeableness D. Openness E. Neuroticism


_____, who are more energetic and outgoing, are perceived to be more "leader like." A. Neurotics B. Hysteric individuals C. Extraverts D. Callous people E. Agreeable people


Hofstede's research found that a culture high on _____ accepts the fact that authority is usually distributed unequally within organizations. A. collectivism B. uncertainty avoidance C. masculinity D. power distance E. short-term orientation


Connor, a trainer at T&R Inc., preaches the company's policy of prudence to all his new trainees. In the context of the Hofstede's dimensions, the cultural value followed in T&R Inc. is an example of _____. A. collectivism B. low power distance C. masculinity D. high uncertainty avoidance E. long-term orientation


Extraverted people tend to be high in: A. neuroticism. B. agreeableness. C. status striving. D. conflict avoidance. E. positive affectivity.


In the Big Five taxonomy, the personality dimension _____ is more likely to be valuable in jobs that require high levels of creativity. A. neuroticism B. extraversion C. agreeableness D. conscientiousness E. openness to experience


In the context of Hofstede's dimensions, the cultural dimension _____ stresses on values such as respect for tradition and fulfilling obligations. A. individualism B. high power distance C. masculinity D. low uncertainty avoidance E. short-term orientation


Myers-Briggs Type Indicator evaluates individuals on the basis of all of these types of preferences except: A. judging versus perceiving. B. sensing versus intuition. C. extraversion versus introversion. D. thinking versus feeling. E. short-term versus long-term orientation.


Of the Big Five, _____ is the easiest to judge in zero acquaintance situations. A. openness to experience B. conscientiousness C. agreeableness D. neuroticism E. extraversion


The Big Five dimension _____ is also called by its flip side: "Emotional Stability" or "Emotional Adjustment." A. conscientiousness B. extraversion C. agreeableness D. openness to experience E. neuroticism


The day before Jackson takes an important test in school, he shows a tendency to get `````nervous, moody and insecure. In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, the personality dimension _____ best describes Jackson. A. conscientiousness B. extraversion C. agreeableness D. openness to experience E. neuroticism


Which of the following is not a Hofstede's dimension of cultural values? A. Power distance B. Masculinity-femininity C. Individualism-collectivism D. Uncertainty avoidance E. Extraversion-introversion


Sam and Matilda are successful stock brokers working with Invest Right Broking. Before striking a deal with a company, Sam reviews the company's reports and past data. Matilda on the other hand buys stock based on speculation. According to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, the _____ type best describes Sam and the _____ type best describes Matilda. A. sensing; intuition B. perceiving; judging C. short-term; long-term D. feeling; thinking E. extraversion; introversion


The Big Five personality dimension that has the biggest influence on job performance is _____. A. conscientiousness B. extraversion C. agreeableness D. openness to experience E. neuroticism


The Chinese culture is a tight social framework in which people take care of the members of a broader in group and act loyal to it. In the context of Hofstede's dimensions, what is the personality dimension that you will use to describe the Chinese culture? A. Collectivism B. Uncertainty avoidance C. Masculinity D. Low power distance E. Short-term orientation


Exaggerating your responses to a personality test in a socially desirable fashion is called _____. A. ethnocentrism B. faking C. neuroticism D. creativity E. negative affectivity


The Big Five personality dimension _____ is a key driver of what's referred to as typical performance, which reflects performance in the routine conditions that surround daily job tasks. A. neuroticism B. conscientiousness C. extraversion D. openness to experience E. agreeableness


A culture high on _____ feels threatened by uncertain and ambiguous situations and relies on formal rules to create stability. A. collectivism B. power distance C. masculinity D. uncertainty avoidance E. short-term orientation


A dispositional tendency to experience unpleasant moods such as hostility, nervousness, and annoyance is called _____. A. zero acquaintance B. status striving C. accomplishment striving D. negative affectivity E. differential reactivity


In Hofstede's dimensions, a culture low on _____ tolerates ambiguous situations and values unusual ideas and behaviors. A. collectivism B. power distance C. masculinity D. uncertainty avoidance E. short-term orientation


In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, the personality dimension _____ is also called "inquisitiveness" or "intellectualness." A. conscientiousness B. extraversion C. agreeableness D. openness to experience E. neuroticism


Neuroticism is linked to a(n) _____ to stressors, meaning that neurotic people are less likely to believe they can cope with the stressors that they experience. A. status striving factor B. locus of control C. positive affectivity D. differential reactivity E. accomplishment striving factor


Melissa was reading her slam book from junior high, in which most of her friends described her as a dependable and reliable individual. In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, the personality dimension _____ best describes Melissa. A. conscientiousness B. openness to experience C. agreeableness D. introversion E. neuroticism


Rikey flunked the midterm and tells everyone it's the teacher's fault. He didn't study because he knew it was just a waste of time. After all, he knew the "teacher had it in for him." Rikey demonstrates a(an) ______. A. external locus of control B. internal locus of control C. high level of conscientiousness D. high level of extraversion E. low level of neuroticism


The scenario below is a review that some of the employees at The Pulse, an HR company, received after a 360 degree feedback. Jack, who was being considered for a promotion, was described as someone who is eager to learn and innovate. Alex was appreciated for his meticulous and organized work and was the one the team could depend on during crunch time. Isabelle's ability to be cooperative, accommodating, and sociable to customers who had grievances, was well acknowledged in the feedback. In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, the personality dimension _____ best describes Alex. A. conscientiousness B. extraversion C. agreeableness D. introversion E. neuroticism


Twin studies have shown that genetics has the most effect on which of the Big Fiver personality traits? A. Extraversion B. Conscientiousness C. Neroticism D. Openness to experience E. Agreeableness


Which of the following refers to the propensity to view one's own cultural values as "right" and those of other cultures as "wrong"? A. Ethnocentrism B. Neuroticism C. Extraversion D. Zero acquaintance E. Short-term orientation


Which of these given below asks applicants about their attitudes toward dishonesty, the desire to punish dishonesty, and confessions of past dishonesty? A. A clear purpose test B. Differential reactivity C. Positive affectivity D. A veiled purpose test E. A Big Five Inventory


_____ refers to the structures and propensities inside a person that explain his or her characteristic patterns of thought, emotion, and behavior. A. Personality B. Apophenia C. Ethnoburb D. Ethnocentrism E. Perception


______ examines cultural dimensions such as gender egalitarianism, performance orientation, and humane orientation. A. Project GLOBE B. Project HOFSTEDE C. Myers-Briggs D. CANOE E. RIASEC


The following review was made of some of the employees at The Pulse, an HR company, received after a 360 degree feedback. Jack, who was being considered for a promotion, was described as someone who is eager to learn and innovate. Alex was appreciated for his meticulous and organized work and was the one the team could depend on during crunch time. Isabelle's ability to be cooperative, accommodating, and sociable to customers who had grievances, was well acknowledged in the feedback. In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, the personality dimension _____ best describes Isabelle. A. conscientiousness B. extraversion C. intuition D. openness to experience E. neuroticism


The most appropriate use of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is: A. in the job satisfaction prediction context. B. in a team-building context. C. to gauge the commitment of employees across jobs. D. to predict the motivation of employees. E. to forecast the performance of employees across jobs.


The principle of _____ suggests that "strong situations" have clear behavioral expectations, incentives, or instructions that make differences between individuals less important, whereas "weak situations" lack those cues. A. situation awareness B. situational strength C. situational prevention D. situational ethics E. situation specificity


Conscientious people prioritize: A. status striving. B. communion striving. C. accomplishment striving. D. curiosity. E. power striving.


Critical, selfish, and rude are opposite traits for which personality dimension of the Big Five? A. Conscientiousness B. Extraversion C. Agreeableness D. Callousness E. Neuroticism


Dallas, a project manager at Stars Inc., was the man behind the company's shift to a new culture that focused on being assertive with their clients. In the context of the Hofstede's dimensions, the cultural dimension _____ best describes Stars Inc. A. collectivism B. uncertainty avoidance C. masculinity D. low power distance E. short-term orientation


Neurotic people tend to: A. strive for status. B. be communion strivers. C. hold an external locus of control. D. exhibit enthusiastic and upbeat mood patterns. E. be extroverts.


Neuroticism is associated with a(n) _____ to stressors, meaning that neurotic people are more likely to appraise day-to-day situations as stressful. A. communion striving factor B. accomplishment striving factor C. differential exposure D. openness to experience E. locus of control


Personality traits are a function of both your: A. values and beliefs. B. beliefs and environment. C. environment and genes. D. genes and perceptions. E. culture and beliefs.


Rita can be described as an ambitious individual. She joined Atlas Corporation as a junior recruiter and wants to climb the corporate ladder to become a team leader in the future. She strives for power and influence at work. Having that goal in mind Rita storks hard to build up her reputation, makes time to interact with not only her manager but other managers as well, and lets everyone know how passionate she is about working at Atlas. In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, the personality dimension _____ best describes Rita. A. neuroticism B. agreeableness C. extraversion D. conscientiousness E. openness to experience


Tina's psychology curriculum required her to study an individual's personality type using the process of interviewing. She selected Darren, her brother's roommate, as her test subject. The highlighted points of her research were that Darren is a Law graduate, who is a musician in his spare time. He is an independent person who paid his way through Law school; his friends get annoyed with his impulsive behavior. According to the RIASEC model, Tina classified Darren under the _____ type of personality dimension. A. enterprising B. realistic C. artistic D. conventional E. investigative


This scenario describes a review that some of the employees at The Pulse, an HR company, received after a 360 degree feedback. Jack, who was being considered for a promotion, was described as someone who is eager to learn and innovate. Alex was appreciated for his meticulous and organized work and was the one the team could depend on during crunch time. Isabelle's ability to be cooperative, accommodating, and sociable to customers who had grievances, was well acknowledged in the feedback. In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, the personality dimension _____ best describes Jack. A. conscientiousness B. extraversion C. agreeableness D. openness to experience E. neuroticism


Together with cognitive ability, _____ is a key driver of creative thought, as smart and open people excel at the style of thinking demanded by creativity. A. conscientiousness B. extraversion C. agreeableness D. openness to experience E. neuroticism


_____ are defined as recurring regularities or trends in people's responses to their environment. A. Perceptions B. Values C. Short-term orientations D. Traits E. Beliefs


_____ are expressions of personality that influence behavior through preferences for certain environments and activities. A. Values B. Beliefs C. Tests D. Interests E. Ethics


_____ do not reference dishonesty explicitly but instead assess more general personality traits that are associated with dishonest acts. A. Clear purpose tests B. Differential reactivity C. Positive affectivity D. Veiled purpose tests E. Aptitude inventories


_____ reflects a strong desire to obtain acceptance in personal relationships as a means of expressing personality. A. Status striving B. Attainment striving C. Accomplishment striving D. Communion striving E. Power striving


_____ reflects whether people attribute the causes of events to themselves or to the external environment. A. Differential exposure B. Zero acquaintance C. Ethnocentrism D. Locus of control E. Differential reactivity


"Approaching tasks by planning and setting goals" describes the _____ type of Myers-Briggs indicator. A. perceiving B. introversion C. extraversion D. feeling E. judging


According to the RIASEC model, a(n) _____ person enjoys abstract, analytical, and theory-oriented tasks. A. enterprising B. realistic C. artistic D. conventional E. investigative


The Big Five dimension neuroticism is synonymous with _____. A. extraversion B. openness to experience C. conscientiousness D. collectivism E. negative affectivity


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