Chapter 9 Teaching

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(A)singing the "ABC" song


(B) placing magnetic alphabet shapes on a refrigerator door and identifying them

(B) visual

(C)creating letter shapes with the fingers

(C) kinethetic-tactile

why do some teachers use differentiated instruction?

A teacher can provide options for learning a topic or skill

Individual Education Programs (IEP)

A written educational plan developed for a specific student with disabilities

programs to help english language learners include

Bilingual programs and ESL

who makes up the team that develops an IEP for a student?

Child's parents, teachers, special education teacher, and school counselor

gifeted and talented learners

Gifted refers to excel academically. Talented is outstanding skills in other areas

multiple intelligences

Howard Gardner's theory that individuals have a broad range of types of intelligence

identify three strategies classroom teachers use to help english language learners.

Limtited English Profeciciency (LEP), not strong speaking in english. English llanguage learners (ELL), learn engliish while mastering other classes.

learners with special needs include

a broad range of physical, mental, socail, and behavioral challeneges that impact learning

self-paced learners

a form of learning that allows students to move to the next learning task as soon as they master the previous one


a popilar racial, national, or cultural group, including that group's customs, beliefs, values, and often language and religion

special needs

abroad range of physical, mental, special, and behavioral challeneges that impact learning

How does a school enviornment that treats diversity as an asset prepare students for the workplace

based on stereotypes

how are pull-out programs used in gifted education?

can provide advanced learning and opportunities to work and socialize with other gifted students

cultural diversity in the U.S. comes from

classroom comes as one society

limited english proficiency (LEP)

describes students who are not proficient in english

learning term

differences in learning based on abilities, interests, or experiences

special education

educational settings that provide adapted programs, extra staff, and specialized equipment or learning enviornments or materials to help students with special needs to learn

two groups of exceptional learners are:

gifted and talented

auditory learners learn best when

hearing or listening to information

with all the learning styles and multiple intelligences, one of the biggest concerns today is:

how to help all students learn effectively

tapping individual learning strengths has benefits that include the following:

improve student's attitude toward learning and are more likely to connect to the material


in teaching, modifications to the enviornment, learning strategies, or materials that are madeto help students with particular special needs to succeed in the classroom

diversity can enrich learning by

learning about another culture

which two multiple intelligence areas are most closely linked to success in core school subjects

logical-mathematical and intrapersonal

in meeting the needs of students with disabilities, schools may use various educational placements or combinations of them which include rhe following:

mainstreaming, inclusion, and special education

what is the difference between mainstreaming and inclusionprograms?

mainstreaming, students are placed in one or more classes based on ability. Inclusion, is requirement that the student will benefit from class

what do magnet schools emphasize

organized to emphasize a particular subject area

auditory learners

people who learn best by hearing or listening to information

kinesthetic-tactile learners

people who learn best by performing hands-on or physical activities

visual learners

people who learn best in information is presented in a way that they can see

kinesthetic-tactile learners learn best when

performing hands on activities


placing students with special needs into a regular classroom


placing students with special needs who show the ability to keep up with the curriculum in a regular class


preconceived generalizations about certain groups of people

learning styles

preferred methods of absorbing and processing information

pull-out programs

programs that allow students to leave the regular classroom for certain periods of the day for additional instruction to meet their particular needs

teachers can meet the needs of diverse learners by

providing guidelines for learning and identifying

options for supporting the gifted and talented included:

providing in-class enrichment, using slef-paced learnering, skipping a grade, attending special schools, providing pull-out programs, participating in extracurricular programs and taking advance classes

magnet schools

schools designed to emphasize a particular subject area or area of talentand attract qualified students from throughout the school districts

visual learners learn best when


to help english language learners, teachers can:

speak clearly, printing assognments on the board, summarizing, demonstrating, giving step-by-step directions, and provide study guides emphasizing key points and vocabulary

exceptional learners

students who are gifted, talented, or have special needs, such as a disability, can benefit from programs matched to their abilitiesand potential

English language learners (ELL)

students who native language is not English and who are not yet proficient in the English language

how could analyzing an unperforming student's strengths using multiple intelligence theory help a teacher improve the student's learning?

teachers can expand their choices so that more learning styles and intelligences are included

differential instruction

teaching that incorporates learning options to better meet with specific learning related characteristics of individual students

what does the term learning diversity mean?

the difference in learning based on abilities, interest, or experiences

the purpose of an IEP

to help each student with special needs

gardners' theory of multiple intelligences has affected education by:

to take a broader view of intelligence

three learning styles

visual, auditory, kinesthetic-tactile

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