Chapter Test 3 Athropology

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Gene flow and genetic drift work

work in opposite ways

The process by which inheritable (genetic) traits are passed along to offspring because they made the parents better suited to their environment enabling them to survive or thrive to produce more offspring (eg. the white moths/black moths, white tree bark/black tree bark) is

Natural Selection

The observation of some phenomenon followed by a hypothesis, experimentation, testing of theories, and descriptions of findings is called

The scientific method

Human brains are 25 percent of their eventual weight ______.

at birth

When someone has been to war and returns with symptoms of PTSD, causing the person to develop anxiety and eventually high blood pressure and stomach ulcers, this illustrates ____________

biological processes

The biocultural paradigm emphasizes that human behavior is determined by

both our biology and our environment

A culture-bound syndrome

is a mental illness that is unique to a culture

Neuroplasticity is

the flexibility of the brain

A phenotype is

the visible characteristic of an individual

Psychological anthropology grew out of the culture and personality school developed by Ruth Benedict and her associates.


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