Chapters 16-19 Quiz Q/A

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When was the peak of the bison slaughter?


The Spanish American War was in


Which census first revealed that a majority of Americans were living in cities?


In the election of 1896, 130,000 black Louisianans voted. In 1900 the number was _____________.


What was the Open Door Policy?

A call for all western powers to have equal access to Chinese markets

What was the Lost Cause?

A glorification of the memory of the Confederacy and a romanticization of the Old South as a pastoral land with benevolent masters and happy slaves

Warren G. Harding won office by campaigning on which theme

A return to normalcy

What was Frederick Jackson Turner's "Frontier Thesis?"

American culture was forged by the struggle between civilized settlers and savage frontier life, giving it a democratic and hardworking spirit

Who advocated racial accomodationism?

Booker T. Washington

Which of these authors criticized Victorian era gender norms?

Charlotte Perkins Gilman & Kate Chopin

In the late nineteenth century, which American city had the largest meat processing industry?


Which city served as the most important railroad hub, connecting the East and the West?


The Board of Indian Commissioners

Chrstinanized American Indian Policy

As President Theodore Roosevelt transformed the American navy by emphasizing which of the following strategies?

Creating battleships and a "blue water" navy that would win battles against rival fleets

Women participated in the global influence of the United States in many ways, including as all of the following EXCEPT


What was the primary purpose of the failed Equal Rights Amendment?

Eliminate all legal distinctions based on sex

How did increased availability of consumer credit in the 1920s influence American expenditures?

Expenditures increased

Cowboys were paid well.


Married women could file homestead claims?


The 1920s fundamentally changed all American lives.


The KKK was only prominent in the South in the 1920s.


The Homestead Act granted official title to 160 acre plots of land after how many years of settlement?

Five years

Which of the following writers most effectively used photography in their work?

Ida B. Wells

________________, wrote an influential book, Southern Horrors: Lynch Law in All Its Phases and helped inspire the anti-lynching movement.

Ida B. Wells

Immigrant Americans tended to vote for which political party?

Immigrant voters were nearly equally divided in their party allegiance

How did progressive Democrats in the South seek to solve the problems of racial strife?

Legislating segregation

Which of the following describes the place of the labor movement during the 1920s?

Membership declined

Why did President Wilson authorize the invasion of Veracruz, Mexico?

Mexican forces mistakenly arrested American sailors

A vibrant homosexual culture developed during the 1920s in which American city?

New York

Theodore Roosevelt first gained fame as a trustbuster by attacking which monopoly in 1902?

Northern Securities

During the nineteenth century, American interests in the Middle East revolved around all of the following EXCEPT


Which ethnic group was most numerous among the Catholic bishops in the United States?


Which group received more land from the government?

Railroad companies

What legal principle was enshrined by the Supreme Court case Plessy v. Ferguson?

Separate but equal

At the turn of the century, the percentage of immigrants from which region decreased in relation to other regions?

Southern Europe

Fundamentalist Christianity coalesced around a series of ideas best articulated in a pamphlet commissioned by oil barons Lyman and Milton Stewart. What is the name of this pamphlet?

The Fundamentals

All of the following statements regarding the Guano Islands Act of 1856 are true EXCEPT

This legislation put Guano Islands on a path to statehood that later was rejected

What was the purpose of Western cattle drives?

To bring cattle to eastern markets, mostly through railroad hubs

What event convinced many Americans that reform was necessary?

Triangle Shirtwaist Fire

The political machine in New York City was run by?

William Tweed

How did railroads transform the American economy?

a. Created a new white color middle class of managers b. Inspired the development of organized labor to meet the needs of a permanent working class c. Increased the role of government in the economy d. all of the above - A

What tactics were used to disenfranchise black voters?

a. poll taxes b.literacy tests c.violence and intimidation d. all - d. all

Approximately what percent of early rodeo contestants were women?


The Teapot Dome Scandal sent several prominent members of the Harding administration to jail. The scandal involved the leasing of government land to what group?

oil companies

The Jungle was written about the


Which of the following was considered a problem of the Gilded Age?

unsanitary food production environmental destruction the onrush of foreign immigration -d. all

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