Chapters 3.1 and 3.2

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What is chlorophyll?

A green pigment found in the chloroplasts of plants, algae, and some bacteria. Different types of chlorophyll absorb different wavelengths of light, transforming the light energy into chemical energy through photosynthesis. Unabsorbed wavelengths get reflected by the plant's pigments, and our eyes detect these as the plant's color.

What is an anaerobic process?

A process that does not require oxygen but however, this process produces far less ATP than that is produced with oxygen.

What is an aerobic process?

A process that requires oxygen to take place. Cellular respiration is an aerobic process.

How do CAM plants works?

CAM plants (jade plants or pineapples), plants that only open up their stomata at night, and carbon dioxide comes in an makes malic acid that they store in vacuoles inside of the cell. During the daytime they close stomata to not lose/use water, take CO2 from malic acid and use in the calvin cycle to make sugars.

Explain why cellular respiration is an exothermic reaction. Cite evidence from the graph shown in Figure 3 to support your explanation.

Cellular respiration is an exothermic reaction because it releases more energy than it absorbs. The graph shows this because the product has less energy to give off heat.

How does cellular respiration maintain homeostasis?

Cellular respiration releases energy to carry out. cell processes and helps maintain body temperature.

Which colors of light are absorbed, and which colors are reflected by most plants?

Chlorophyll mainly absorbs violet, blue and red light, reflecting lighter blue, green and yellow light.

How do C4 plants work?

Corn, nutgrass and tumbleweed; stomata open in daytime. They take carbon dioxide and use enzymes to make a 4 carbon molecules that moves to cells (bundle sheath cells) inside of the leaf and introduce carbon dioxide into the calvin cycles. Create a chemical out of carbon dioxide and introduce into the calvin cycle. Only seen usually in areas that are really, really warm.


Dis-shaped sacs inside of the inner membrane that contain pigment molecules called chlorophyll.

What is fuel?

Fuel is any material that reacts that reacts to release energy to be used for work. Not all fuels are alike. They have many different chemical structures.

Summarize evidence that bonds are broken and new bonds are formed in glycolysis.

Glucose is 6 carbons than we break that down to 2 groups of 3 carbons (pyruvate).

What is chlorphyll's least favor color for plants?

Green, because they reflect green light but mainly absorb blue and red.

How would you expect the abundance of C3 plants to change as regions around the world become warmer and drier?

In hot dry conditions, C3 plants will go through the process of photorespiration. Occurs when we do not have enough carbon dioxide so oxygen can jump into the carbon cycle and using rubisco forms an inactive chemical. C3 plants (because G3P is a 3 carbon molecule) don't get anything out of photorespiration.


Organisms that capture light energy and covert it to chemical energy, energy in the forms of chemical bonds in sugar molecules, to carry out cell processes within the plant. Plants are examples of producers because they use sunlight to produce glucose.

Compare the inputs and outputs for chemosynthesis and for photosynthesis.

Photosynthesis and chemosynthesis are both processes by which organisms produce food; photosynthesis is powered by sunlight while chemosynthesis runs on chemical energy. The inputs for photosynthesis are carbon dioxide, water, sunlight and enzymes while the inputs for chemosynthesis are carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, and oxide. The outputs of photosynthesis are chemical energy of glucose and oxygen while the outputs of chemosynthesis are glucose, sulfur and water.

Describe the transformation of energy as it is transferred from the sun to the panda.

Plants convert energy from the sun in high-energy sugars (chemical energy). As a panda eats the leaves of a plant, it converts the chemical energy into heat and kinetic energy.

Discuss with a partner why it would be beneficial to human survival to have plants on a planet where oxygen levels are low and carbon dioxide levels are high

Plants remove carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by using it for photosynthesis, the process of photosynthesis produces more oxygen which will increase oxygen levels in the atmosphere.

Imagine you are colonizing another planet, and you want to grow plants there as a food source. What do you need to bring, and what questions would you ask about the planet in order to refine your list?

Plants would need Carbon dioxide, sunlight and water.

CAM plants?

Succulents, cacti, bromeliads and orchids; stomata open at night

How does the kreb cycle promote the electron transport chain?

The energy carried by the NADH and FADH2 molecules produced in the Krebs cycle is used to make ATP.

How does alternating between light-dependent and light-independent reactions help the cell conserve energy and matter?

The energy that enters the chloroplasts as sunlight becomes stored as chemical energy in organic compounds (glucose). During the independent reaction energy from ATP, a molecule made during the light dependent reaction, helps combine carbon molecules from carbon dioxide to form glucose.

How is the Krebs cycle a bridge between the energy in sugars and energy-carrying molecules?

The function of the Krebs cycle is to complete the breakdown of glucose started in glycolysis and fuel the production of ATP.

What are the main functions of light-dependent reactions?

The main functions of the light-dependent reactions are to capture and transfer energy. Light energy is captured and transferred in the thylakoid membrane by two groups of molecules called photosystem II and photosystem I.

What is chloroplast used for?

The organelle of which light absorption and photosynthesis take place within a plant.

How are enzymes involved in the process of photosynthesis?

The photosynthesis reaction is catalyzed by the enzyme known as Rubisco. This enzyme is believed to be the most abundant protein in the world, given that it is present in all plants that undergo photosynthesis.

What is photosynthesis?

The process by which a cell captures energy in sunlight and uses it to make high-energy sugar molecules.

What is chemosynthesis?

The process of using chemical energy to make sugars from carbon dioxide for energy storage. Like plants that rely on photosynthesis, chemosynthetic organisms make their own food, but the raw materials differ.

What is cellular respiration?

The process that releases chemical energy from sugars and other carbon-based molecules to. make ATP when oxygen is present.

How do organisms thrive in deep oceans and dark caves that do not directly receive sunlight?

The very hot water found near cracks in the ocean floor, called hydrothermal vents, is one such environment. These vents release chemical compounds such as hydrogen sulfide (H2 S) that serve as an energy source. Hydrothermal vents support a dense ecosystem made up of organisms completely dependent on the chemicals coming out of the sea floor.

How many ATP molecules are produced from glycolysis and the main steps of cellular respiration?

Together, glycolysis and cellular respiration produce up to 38 ATP molecules for every glucose molecule. 2 ATP molecules from glycolysis. 2 ATP molecules from the kreb cycle and 34 ATP molecules from the electron transport chain.

Explain how energy is transferred from the bonds of food molecules to cellular processes.

We take chemical energy of glucose and transfers to the chemical energy ATP

Cite evidence to support the claim that bonds are broken and new bonds are formed in each stage of cellular respiration.

When it breaks down it is removed from the cell then new bonds are made

Think about light as a form of energy and answer the following questions: What do you think might happen if visible light were blocked from Earth? How would photosynthesis be impacted?

Without enough light, a plant cannot perform photosynthesis very quickly - even if there is plenty of water and carbon dioxide and a suitable temperature. Increasing the light intensity increases the rate of photosynthesis, until some other factor - a limiting factor - becomes in short supply. Plants would produce limited oxygen and glucose.

How do plants transform energy from sunlight into chemical energy stored in the chemical bonds of sugar molecules?

happen? Chloroplasts in cells are like solar-powered chemical factories. They transfer light energy to energy-carrying molecules called ATP and NADPH. Cells use these molecules as energy currency for cell processes. In plant cells, they are used to convert carbon dioxide into sugars.

What is the role of the organism in this model of cellular respiration?

heterotroph (consumer)

What are C3 plants?

rice, wheat, oat, soybean, cotton, most trees and lawn grasse; stomata open in daytime

How does the electron transport chain work?

Proteins inside the inner membrane of the mitochondrion take high-energy electrons from NADH and FADH2. High-energy electrons travel from protein to protein in the electron transport chain. The proteins use energy from the electrons to pump hydrogen ions across the inner membrane to produce a gradient, just as in photosynthesis. The hydrogen ions build up in the intermembrane space . Like in photosynthesis, the flow of hydrogen ions is used to make ATP. Hydrogen ions diffuse through a protein channel in the inner membrane of the mitochondrion. The channel is part of the ATP synthase enzyme. ATP synthase adds phosphate groups to ADP to make ATP molecules. Oxygen picks up electrons and hydrogen ions to form water. The water molecules are given off as a waste product.

How would producers that carry out chemosynthesis differ from photosynthetic producers as a possible food source?

Autotrophs that perform chemosynthesis do not use energy from the sun to produce food. Instead, they make food using energy from chemical reactions, often combining hydrogen sulfide or methane with oxygen.

How does the Calvin cycle act as a bridge between carbon in the atmosphere and carbon-based molecules in the food you eat?

Carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere by plants for photosynthesis. The carbon is incorporated into sugars and other carbon-based molecules that are eaten by other organisms. Might happen when it is really, really hot because the stomata is closed and cannot get carbon dioxide in.

Place these systems in order from largest to smallest, beginning with Earth, and explain your reasoning: tree, biosphere, plant cell, chloroplast, leaf

Earth, biosphere, tree, leaf, plant cell, chloroplast. Biospheres is a layer of the Earth's surface, trees are an example of a living organism that exists within the biosphere. Leaves are apart of trees and plant cells exist in lives. Organelles have a specific function in a cell and chloroplast is an organelle.

How can plants be be classified by the way their photosynthetic pathways are adapted to environmental conditions?

Most plants are C3 and C4 plants, which open their stomata during the day, losing most of the water taken up by the

The balanced chemical equation for cellular respiration is below. How does this equation represent the law of conservation of matter—that matter cannot be created or destroyed?_______

There are equal numbers of atoms on each side of the equation.

Think about light as a form of energy and answer the following questions: What are radio waves used for?

Radio waves are a type of electromagnetic radiation best-known for their use in communication technologies, such as television, mobile phones and radios. These devices receive radio waves and convert them to mechanical vibrations in the speaker to create sound waves. They are used in standard broadcast radio and television, shortwave radio, navigation and air-traffic control, cellular telephony, and even remote-controlled toys. (For a fuller treatment, see electromagnetic radiation: Radio waves.)

What are the inputs and out put of cellular respiration?

The inputs are C6 H12O6 + 6O2, and the outputs are 6CO2 + 6H2 O + heat + ATP. The inputs and outputs are pretty much the opposite of photosynthesis.

Identify inputs and outputs for this system. How can the data help scientists understand the relationship between plants and the environment?

The inputs for photosynthesis are carbon dioxide and water. Sunlight and enzymes must be present for the reaction to take place as well. The outputs for the process are oxygen and glucose. Plants require carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to enable photosynthesis and produce oxygen to be produced in the atmosphere and provide a stable environment for human existence. Plant cells use glucose to form complex carbohydrates such as starch and cellulose for growth and maintenance.

How does this equation represent the law of conservation of energy—that energy cannot be created or destroyed? Consider the role of photosynthesis in your answer.

The law of conservation of energy is connected to photosynthesis because in order for the carbon dioxide and water to be turned into glucose and oxygen there must be sunlight energy going into the plant. It takes energy for the oxygen to be released but the energy never goes away.

How do light-dependent reactions work?

Water and light go into thylakoid membrane and powers the movement of an electron through an electron transport chain. The electron goes through proteins, carrier proteins and eventually goes to NADPH. Water is split into oxygen that diffuses out of the cell, the oxygen we breathe and the leftover hydrogen ions that have lost electron. The electron moves through the transport chain, powered by light and the electron moves throughout the proteins, the electron pumps protons to the inside of the granum. Protons eventually move through ATP synthase to make another ATP. Overall, light independent, makes NADPH and ATP, sits in the stroma and moves to the calvin cycle.

How doe the krebs cycle work?

A 3-carbon pyruvate molecule is split into a 2-carbon molecule and a carbon dioxide molecule, which is given off as waste. High-energy electrons are transferred to NAD+ , forming a molecule of NADH. The NADH moves to the second stage of cellular respiration, the electron transport chain. A molecule called coenzyme A bonds to the 2-carbon molecule, forming an intermediate molecule. The 2-carbon part of the intermediate molecule is added to a 4-carbon molecule to form the 6-carbon molecule called citric acid. The citric acid molecule is broken down by an enzyme, and a 5-carbon molecule is formed. A molecule of NADH is made, which moves out of the Krebs cycle. A molecule of carbon dioxide is given off as a waste product. The 5-carbon molecule is broken down by an enzyme. A 4-carbon molecule, a molecule of NADH, and one ATP are formed. Carbon dioxide is given off as a waste product. rearranged Enzymes rearrange the 4-carbon molecule, releasing high-energy electrons. Molecules of NADH and FADH2 , another electron carrier, are made. They leave the Krebs cycle, and the 4-carbon molecule remains. All the carbon atoms in glucose eventually end up as carbon dioxide, a waste product expelled from the cell. The role of the electron carriers NADH and FADH2 is to transfer electrons to the electron transport chain in the next stage of respiration. The transferred electrons will fuel the formation of ATP.

What is activation energy and what is an. exothermic reaction?

Activation energy is the energy needed to start a chemical reaction. An exothermic reaction releases more energy than it absorbs. Cellular respiration is an exothermic reaction.

What is the relationship between the inputs and outputs of photosynthesis and cellular respiration?

Almost all energy for living things comes from photosynthesis, either directly or indirectly. Producers absorb light energy from the sun and transform it using photosynthesis to a usable form of energy, or food. This energy is then passed from producers to consumers. Although only producers carry out photosynthesis, both producers and consumers carry out cellular respiration. Photosynthesis stores energy from sunlight as chemical energy. In contrast, cellular respiration releases stored energy as ATP and heat. Photosynthesis includes the absorption. of sunlight and production of sugars while cellular respiration is the breakdown of sugars and ATP production.

What is a stomata?

An opening for where land plants exchange gases through openings. Carbon dioxide enters and oxygen exits through these openings. At the same time, water that has been absorbed through the plant roots transpires, or is given off as water vapor through the open stomata. So the stomata play an important role in regulating the input of CO2 and the output of oxygen as part of photosynthesis, as well as overall water loss. It is found in the flower petals, stems and leaves. Instead, the stomata open and close in response to homeostatic mechanisms in the plant. This helps the plant conserve water when water availability is limited. In general, plants lose water fastest during intense sunlight, especially when the temperature is warm, or when the air is dry, or in windy conditions. Most plants close their stomata at night.

What is a consumer?

An organism that obtains energy and nutrients required for cell processes and growth by feeding and digesting other organisms. Panda's are examples of consumers because they eat plants.

What is the role of anaerobic respiration in organisms? What is their role in ecosystems?

Anaerobic respiration is the type of respiration through which cells can break down sugars to generate energy in the absence of oxygen. ... However, some organisms have evolved to use other final electron acceptors, and as such, can perform respiration without oxygen.

How are organic materials developed?

Ancient plants and animals that died decomposed and were buried under soil, rock, and sometimes sea water. These organisms decomposed into organic materials that contain unused stored energy. Over millions of years, heat and pressure transformed these remains into the fossil fuels we use today. Chemical bonds must be broken for the stored energy to be released.

What organisms use Photosynthesis and why is it important?

Both plant cells and animals cells use sugars made by photosynthesis as an energy source. Photosynthesis is important because it helps to regulate the Earth's environment by producing the oxygen we need to breathe and by removing carbon dioxide from the Earth's atmosphere. Photosynthesis is important to life on earth and all organisms depend on the process.

What is the process of cellular respiration?

Explain why cellular respiration is an exothermic reaction. Cite evidence from the graph shown in Figure 3 to support your explanation.

What role does the mitochondria have in cellular respiration?

Mitochondria release the chemical energy required to make ATP. Both plant and animal cells contain mitochondria, because both plants and animals carry out cellular respiration.

Identify the inputs and outputs for both stages of photosynthesis. Specify for both energy and matter.

In the light-dependent reactions that occur in the thylakoids sunlight that enters the chloroplasts as energy, goes through photosystems I and II, and is converted into chemical energy such as ATP and NADPH Water is split to get electrons, protons and oxygen. Light and water are used to create oxygen. This is shown in the diagram with the arrows pointing toward the light-dependent reaction labeled H20 and light energy that result in oxygen and ATP and NADPH, the energy carrying molecules, on the other side of the reaction. The light independent reaction happens at the same time in chloroplast specifically in the stroma which is the area outside of the thylakoids. As shown by the diagram, In light independent reactions, otherwise known as the calvin cycle, ATP and NADPH is used to convert carbon dioxide into high energy sugar such as glucose. After being used in the light independent reactions, ADP and NADPH becomes NADP+ ,because Hydrogen ions transport back to the thylakoids. The arrows show that NADP+ and ADP move towards light dependent reactions. In light independent reactions there is no direct light required.

Think back to the question about growing plants on another planet and answer the following questions: 1. What inputs would you need to provide in order for plants to carry out photosynthesis? 2. What are the outputs from plants that are needed for human survival?

Inputs needed are carbon dioxide, water, sunlight and enzymes for plants to carry out photosynthesis and the outputs needed for human survival are oxygen and glucose. Producers that carry out chemosynthesis differ from photosynthetic producers as a possible food source

Identify the inputs and outputs of glycolysis?

Inputs: Glucose, NAD+, ADP+Pi Outputs: Pyruvate, NADH, ATP

What is electromagnetic radiation?

Light is a form of energy known as electromagnetic radiation. The radiation travels in waves of various wavelengths. Plants absorb only visible light to use for photosynthesis. Even in the visible portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, not all wavelengths are absorbed by plants. Visible light consists of different wavelengths that correspond to different colors of light.

Think about light as a form of energy and answer the following questions: What are microwaves used for?

Microwaves are a form of electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths between 10−3 and 101 . They can cause water and fat molecules to vibrate so they are used for cooking in microwave ovens. They are used by mobile phones (produced from a transmitter chip and antenna) as well as WiFi. Microwaves are widely used in modern technology, for example in point-to-point communication links, wireless networks, microwave radio relay networks, radar, satellite and spacecraft communication, medical diathermy and cancer treatment, remote sensing, radio astronomy, particle accelerators, spectroscopy, industrial

How do your cells function without oxygen to keep cellular respiration going?

The cells in your body cannot store large amounts of oxygen for cellular respiration. The amount of oxygen that is provided by breathing is enough for your cells during normal activities. When you are doing high levels of activity, such as playing a game of basketball, your body cannot bring in enough oxygen for your cells, even though you breathe faster. The body then has to use the process of fermentation, it does not make ATP but it allows glycolysis to continue.

What is the role of fermentation?

The role of fermentation is simply to provide the process of glycolysis with a steady supply of NAD+ .. If you've ever felt your muscles "burn" during hard exercise, that is a result of fermentation. Lactic acid is a waste product of fermentation that builds up in muscle cells and causes that burning feeling. Once oxygen is available again, your cells return to using cellular respiration. The lactic acid is quickly broken down and removed from the cells.

How are glucose and ethanol similar in structure and function? How do they differ?

They are both carbon-based molecules.They both store energy in chemical bonds.They are both used as fuel.

How is the process of fuel combustion in a car engine similar to the way the cells in your body release energy stored in fuel?

They are both exothermic reactions because they are both releasing heat

How are the three pathways of photosynthesis similar in terms of carbon and the formation of carbon-based molecules?

They are used by the plant to store light in the day time.

What happens during glycolysis?

This process occurs in the cytoplasm of the cell. Glycolysis is an anaerobic process that uses a series of enzyme-catalyzed reactions to break glucose into two three-carbon molecules, called pyruvate. Mitochondria use the pyruvate molecules to fuel cellular respiration.

What is the second stage of photosynthesis?

This stage is known as light-independent reactions or the calvin cycle. The second stage of photosynthesis uses energy from the light-dependent reactions to make sugars. As the name for this stage implies, the light-independent reactions do not need sunlight. Have a five carbon molecule and carbon dioxide coming in. There is an enzyme called rubisco which attaches the one carbon molecule from carbon dioxide onto the five carbon molecule. It breaks into two, three carbon molecules and gets energy from ATP and NADPH and create G3P which is assembled quickly into glucose or sucrose or maltose. G3P takes carbon and makes it usable, can be released or reused to make more RUBP (the five carbon molecule). Without ATP, NADPH, or Carbon dioxide the process can shut down.

How do you think plant cells transfer energy from sunlight to the energy- carrying molecules ATP and NADPH?

When solar energy reaches plant cells and excites special chlorophyll molecules, they release a high-energy electron.

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