Chapters 7-9 Activity Questions

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Which bodies of water does the Panama Canal link?

Pacific and Atlantic oceans

What physical feature in Argentina and Uruguay creates good areas for raising cattle?


Why is biodiversity protection so important in Central America?

Plant and animal species become depleted and we need them for survival and support

What items in the photograph could pose a threat to see animals?

Plastic bags and plastic chair

Just got the order of events beginning which changes in the atmospheric pressure systems that lead to the impact caused by El Nino

Pressure over West is if it increases, pressure over eastern Pacific drops, when's change, reverse is equal lateral ocean currents, climate changes

How does its location in the tropics affect the climate in Central America and the Caribbean?

Prevailing winds gives us high temperatures

What cause you think the servers maybe promoting

Protecting beaches, oceans, and wildlife

Describe the migration of rural workers the urban areas in terms of both push factors in perfect

Pulled in because of jobs pushed away because there sometimes too many people and it's not safe

How did physical features affects human development?

Since it's cold I can limit or agriculture and determine where we build our houses and settlements. Volcanoes Hobart going to fertilizing the soil with their ash

Why is soil erosion and decline such an issue in Central America and the Caribbean?

Slash and burn techniques will kill the quarries which will kill the fish.

Nomadic and semi nomadic people

Small population based in northern Mexico, on the inland plateau, and in the mountains

Nomadic and semi nomadic people

Some agriculture but not highly developed

Nomadic and semi nomadic people

Some still live in their traditional homelands in the western region of Mexico

What influenced Mexico's political and social structures?

Spain gave them their government and religion

What major challenges would builders of the Panama Canal have face?

Terrain and disease

Why do you think this area of tectonic activity is called the ring of fire?

That is where most of the volcanoes are

Write a paragraph explaining how environmentally friendly policies could improve life in Mexico City

The Plan Verde (Green Plan), the Mexico Coty Climate Action (funding renewable energy), and sustainable housing

How does Mexican society and culture reflect the country's colonial past?

The Spanish culture and the indigenous people add to the culture of Mexico

What might be one effect of the loss of biodiversity in Central America?

The cycle of life

What challenges has rural-to-urban migration created for the government of Mexico City?

The have no access to water and lack of infrastructure

Describe the importance of designs and images to the Kuna people

The relation between designs and images lives at the corner of the Kuna theory of personhood

Why South America one of the worlds culturally diverse areas?

Their coaches got stronger the Spaniards in Portugal conquer South America. They brought slaves, African-American cultures

In what way my Central America position as a land bridge linking two continents affect its biodiversity?

There be a lot of animals and they would mix

How would the US economic downturns affect the pull of workers to the US?

There would be lack of employment

What circumstances might make environmental protection of the Amazon rain forest a low priority for some Latin American countries?

They get more land to build houses factories etc.

What advantages did horses get Spanish invaders in the Americas?

They were a lot faster on horseback, or use for war, and were used to carry things

What conditions might've led to the Heritian revolt against France?

They're trying to free themselves from European rule an end slavery

Which climate zones are above 6,000 ft?

Tierra Fría and Tierra Helada

Iour South America is Rivers important for economic development?

Transportation of goods and people

What landforms are found in the areas where the majority of indigenous people live?

Tropical rain forest in the Andes mountains

In what ways have the populations of the Andy's region become dependent on their environment?

Water, agriculture, llamas, and Alpacas

How might the migration of workers from rural areas to large cities negatively impact rural areas?

We don't have a lot of workers to produce things, they're losing their most educated people

How is a growing population and increased urbanization related to soil erosion?

We have to cut down trees to build more houses and we need more food because the D4 station and causes soil erosion

Why is Monaco to still practice even those negative impacts are known?

We need the food source, it's a cheap easy way to grow things and sell them

Which coast of Mexico experiences the most industrial contamination

West Coast

How might increasing elevation affect the type of resources found in each vertical climate zone?

Depending on the type of food, we can't grow a lot of crops


Descendants still live in the area surrounding their former empire, maintain their culture, speak ancestral language is, and practice cultural traditions

Why my geographers use the term pre-Columbian when studying cultures?

Distinguish indigenous culture, influence

Describe how the exchange of food left a lasting imprint in the Americas and Europe

Dome stictaed animals (livestock) were brought to America. Potatoes were brought to Europe which caused a famine

Name the bodies of water that border the islands of the Caribbean

Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean Sea, and Atlantic Ocean

What economic factors of help maintain an unequal distribution of wealth in Central America and the Caribbean?

Hacienda System is a poor providing labor

Why does urban growth and industrialization create environmental problems in South America?

Have to cut down trees in order to build everything

Why do you think Benito Juarez is considered a hero to Mexicans?

He brought great changes to Mexico ("The Reform") from 1858-1872

What political party did Vincente Fox oppose and when did it regain power?

He opposed the Partidio Revolucionario Institucional (PRI). PRI regained power in 2012


Higher security

How are government in Mexico address and environmental issues?

How old, education, and working together to and D4 station. They are also making new regulation to support forms

Why do devoid and Jensen are you ever taking agricultural sector is best for Haitian development?

If a girl on food it will and malnutrition, we can eat, and rely on her other countries for our food

Wire Mexico's resources in jeopardy?

If we're digging stuff up the machines cannot cause climate change

What are the pull factors influencing migration to Mexico City? How are these different from the push factors that bring people to the city?

Industrial Jobs. Push forces=rural land policies.

Which sector is the photo depicting?


Have South America's abundant natural resources contributed to its economic development?

Iron, timber, gold,Silver, and oil

How did South America is rugged landscape both attracted and isolated people?

Isolated because of the mountains looking at the track people because of the rich soil from the ash

Why does Mexico have few major rivers and natural lakes?

It does because it has a dry climate

Explain how the environmental impact your Nino could have negative economic effects on countries

It will affect farming and fishing because the fish will die

How might the continued D4 station and clearing of the Amazon rain forest have a direct effect on your life?

It would affect the earths climate, it becomes hotter

How did the culture and history of Central America and the Caribbean might have affect different diseases had not been transmitted you're in the Columbian exchange

It would be a lot more indigenous people, less Irish immigrant, and no coffee

What are you thing makes a stronger argument collier or Jensen?

Jensen had a better argument because they talked about how it can lead to self-reliance

In what way could the pollution shown being effective rapid urbanization? Explain

Lack of proper waste disposal

How does climate affect human activities in Mexico?

Less water for agriculture

According to Colyer, why is the garment industry in ideal market opportunity for Haiti?

Low wages, transport, and duty-free, quota free


Mestizos in the region trace their ancestry to this group

How was Mexico's place in the global economy changed over time?

Mexico was a cultural leader, however it is still trying to create an economy that will benefit all Mexicans. The Spaniards owned Mexico because they wanted to natural resources. Mexico overthrew Spain now they have high-tech industries as well as natural resources

How is so that America is physical geography influence is population patterns?

Most of them live in urban areas on the coast

Unregulated land use

Must have a license to use land

How does the climate affects human activities in South America?

Negative affect on agriculture and fission

On which tectonic plate is Mexico located?

North American Plate


One of the earliest and larges indigenous civilizations in Mexico

What factors contributed to the decline of soil fertility with the practice of monoculture?

Or use of all the nutrients in the soil and disrupts the natural cycle of the soil

Describe some of the motive design seen in the photo. What are the clues that suggest the most picture or an intended to be so to tourist?

Our parrots and the words are in English

Which thread affect the large area of land in Mexico?


Why is the Mexican plateau considered the heartland of Mexico?

A lot of food is grown there and that is where most of the people live (Mexico City)

What factors have shaped Mexico's population patterns?

78% of Mexico's people live in cities, in the past they lived in missions, and internal migration

What are the pull factors drawing Mexican citizens to the US?

Access to better education and health care; economic activities

How do human activities impact Mexico's environment?

Air pollution coming from industries, water pollution, and toxic water

What factors other than population do you think contribute to the mission levels of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide?

Air pollution from industries and cars

What features of the land shown in the four signify the deforestation has taken place?

All the trees are cut down

How does the destruction of rain forest affect biodiversity?

Animals will not live there

How did growing human need affect resources and the environment in Central America and the Caribbean?

D4 station, pollution, and soil erosion

What did Bolivia lose as a result of the war of the Pacific?

Bolivia because landlocked lost AMaconda desert to chili

How are the policies of Perrone similar to those of chavez?

Both had nationalistic in beliefs


Brutally conquered by Spanish conquistador Cortes and his men


Built some huge stone cities but I've been in there before the arrival of the first Spanish explorers

What is the name of the most dominant mountain range in Central America the rents from north to south?

Central Highlands

Explain how efforts by grassroots organizations can lead to positive change in environmental issues?

Clean up parties and have fun raisers to clean up trash

What countries in South America have large African population's?

Columbia, Venezuela, Diana, and Surname

How did coloniam influence the history and government of Central America and the Caribbean?

Conflicts in Europe, diseases, slavery, history, and government

What other factors contributed to soil erosion in Central America in the Caribbean?

Construction of hotels and other structures

What territory did Spain lose due to the treaty of Paris in 1898?

Cuba, Guam, and Puerto Rico

How is the management of fours and agricultural resources impacted the environment in South America?

D4 station, farming, industries, and cattle ranching


Enlarge cities

How are central American rivers and lakes important to the human systems of the area?

Food, energy, hydroelectric power, cleaning and drinking water, irrigation and transportation

Poor sanitation

Gather clean up groups

What may happen to the rain forest of land clearing continues unchecked?

Rain forest would lose a lot of species

What generalize Asian can you make about the location of agroforestry and shifting cultivation in South America?

Rain forest, in the Amazon basin

Have migration in rapid growth affected the population of Central America and the Caribbean?

Religion, lifestyle, and close

How are the traditions and beliefs of indigenous peoples, African, and European shape society and culture in Central America and the Caribbean?

Religions, art, Lysol, and clothes combine with other cultures

Why are the majority of Central America's people concentrated in the Central Highlands?

Rich soil, good natural resources, rainfall, and colder climates

What can you conclude about DA gone Rivera from this biograpical information?

Rivera's political believes were often reflected on his artwork


Ruled over central Mexico from what is now Mexico City

What economic sector employs the most women in Mexico?


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