CHD 604 Final

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Older adults do not have a higher incidence of mental disorders than younger adults.


Older widows typically adjust better than younger widows.


Today, it is more accepted to view sexual orientation as a continuum from exclusive male-female relations to exclusive same-sex relations.


Women experience about twice the rate of bone loss as men.


Older women are more likely to have arthritis; but less likely to have hearing problems than are older men.


Important things about grief

1) Grieve appropriately and don't let anyone tell you how to grieve, 2) Make sure your grief gives way to moving on with your life in spite of your loss (would this person want you to stop living life just because they died?), 3) The goal is to reach acceptance or you can get stuck in permanent grief.

What are John Gottman's seven main principles that determine whether a marriage will work? p451

1. establish love maps 2. nurture fondness and admiration 3. turn toward each other instead of away 4. let your partner influence you 5. solve solvable conflicts 6. overcome gridlock 7. create shared meaning

Tell in order Elisabeth Kübler-Ross's 5 stages of the behavior and thinking of dying people. (Note: always recognize individual differences of skipping stages and/or moving through stages slightly out-of-order)

1st: denial 2nd: anger 3rd: bargaining 4th: depression 5th: acceptance 1) Not everyone goes through all five stages and 2) Not everyone goes through these stages in the same order.

In one estimate, almost 2/3 of college freshman women (62%) report having been date raped or having experienced an attempted date rape at least once.

2/3 or 62%

An estimated _____% percent of individuals who become alcoholics are believed to have a genetic predisposition for it.

50 to 60

It is recommended that premarital education begin approximately when before the wedding?

6 months to a year before the wedding.

What is the average life expectancy for individuals born today in the United States?


The "oldest old" are above what age?


In a recent review of research on children's conceptions of death, it was concluded that typically children probably do not view death as universal and irreversible until about what age?


________ is a virus that destroys the body's immune system.


Marcia's: Foreclosure

Acceptance of values and goals feom authority figures. people in this state have never experienced an identity crisis, however, they have prematurely established an identity. For instance, a person who chooses to follow along with the religious beliefs of their parents without exploring any other religious beliefs is in a state of foreclosure. Foreclosure is a status with no exploration and an identity has been achieved. Think of foreclosing on a house. When you foreclose on a house you give up and no longer try. When you foreclose on an identity you don't put any effort into exploring your options and you settle.

Results from the "Sex in America" survey suggested that

Americans' sexual lives are more conservative than previously believed.


An individuals behavioral style and characteristic way of emotionally responding

Juanita and Sam have been married for 2 years. Which of the following is likely to be LEAST important in their relationship? a. passion b. loyalty c. physical attraction d. romance

B. loyalty

bulimia nervosa

Binge eating followed by compensatory measures to prevent weight gain. (induced vomiting, laxatives, & diuretics)

Difference between crowds and cliques

Cliques are small groups of 2-12 peers, usually same sex and age. Cliques can be defined by common activities or simply by friendships. Cliques promote the development of close friendships, facilitating intimacy. ... Crowds are different than cliques; they are larger groups defined by reputation and stereotypes ("jocks" "druggies"

Marcia's: Identity Achievement

Commitment to self chosen values and occupations this is a state of having decided on an identity and having done it after careful consideration and exploration of options.

The idea that "Religion can serve as a meaning system through which the bereaved can reframe their loss" is supported by

Crystal Park's research on chronic stress and religious experiences.

Tom and Sue have been married for over 30 years. Which of the following is likely to be LEAST important in their relationship? (p. 498) a. loyalty b. security c. mutual interests d. passion

D. passion

Marcia's: Moratorium

Exploring alternative values and goals people in this state have begun to experiment but they are still weighing their options and have not yet achieved (or decided on) an identity. These are people in college who have not yet declared a major but are taking all the general education courses and exploring what they may want to do with the rest of their lives which will determine what to eventually major in. They are considered in an identity crisis.

What are the steps toward a more creative life as identified by Csikszentmihalyi? (see pp. 424, 431)

First step, cultivating your curiosity and interest. -try to be surprised by something every day -try to surprise at least one person every day -write down each day these things -when something sparks your interest, follow it. -wake up with a specific goal -spend time in a setting that stimulates your creativity.

According to Jean Piaget, around age 11, the fourth and final stage of cognitive development, the _____ stage, begins.

Formal operational "understands through hypothetical thinking and scientific reasoning"

hormone replacement therapy and side effects

HRT augments the declining levels of the reproductive hormone production by the ovaries HRT consists of various forms of estrogen and progestin Side effects include increased risk of stroke

Erikson's ages and stages for adolescents and adults

Identity vs Role Confusion- 10 to 20s-Adolescents explore their sense of self by exploring roles and arrive at a positive path to follow in life. If not they become confused about who they are. Intimacy vs Isolation - 20s to 30s-Young adults face the developmental task of forming intimate relationships; if not, isolation will result Generativity vs Stagnation- 40s and 50s-Primary concern is helping younger generation to develop and lead useful lives. The feeling of not helping is stagnation Integrity vs Despair-60s-Reflection on the past; if review is good, integrity is achieved. If not, despair.

Note that while cognitive mechanics (speed, accuracy, attention, visual and motor memory, discrimination, comparison, categorization skills) may decline in old age, cognitive pragmatics (reading, writing, language comprehension, educational qualifications, professional skills, knowledge about self, life skills, coping, mastering life) may actually improve, at least until individuals become very old.

In other words, even though older adults process information more slowly, they often perform just as well as their younger counterparts in information-processing tasks. (pp. 542-543)

anorexia nervosa

Intense fear of gaining weight, distorted perception of shape & size. Need to maintain low BMI

Religiousness has been associated with what benefits?

Lower rate of depression, lower rate of hypertension, longevity.

Why are males more likely than females to succeed in completing suicide?

Males use more lethal means, such as guns, wheres females are more likely to cut their wrists or overdose on sleeping pills

Older adults have more contentment than extreme emotional highs or lows.

More contentment

Which family relationships tend to be the closest in adulthood? a. father and son b. mother and son c. father and daughter d. mother and daughter

Mother and daughter

Marcia's: Identity Diffusion

No firm committements to values and goals people in this state have not found an identity and they have not put effort into exploration of identities. They may have experienced identity crisis but were unable to resolve it.

What are the five big personality traits identified by Costa and McCrae?

Openness Conscientiousness Extraversion Agreeableness Neuroticism Hint: OCEAN

Active euthanasia (also called assisted suicide) is legal only in the U. S. states of ___ , ___, ____, ___, and ___.

Oregon, Washington, Montana, New Mexico, and Vermont

passion (be able to identify/define/recognize)

Passion is physical and sexual attraction to another strong and barely controllable emotion. Passion is present in infatuation, fatuous, and consummate love; however, it is low or absent in affectionate love

Factors at age 50 that were linked with being in the "happy-well" group at age 75 to 80 years of age included being well-educated, having a stable marriage, being forgiving.

Regular exercise, maintaining a normal weight, being well-educated, a stable marriage, being future-oriented, being empathetic, being thankful and forgiving, being active, and having good coping skills

Religion and spirituality seem to have positive impacts (pp. 565-566).

Research concludes that stronger spiritual/religious orientation were more likely to live longer. higher levels of spirituality also leads to more resiliency in the face of stressful and difficult circumstances increased self-esteem, life satisfaction, and optimism

In general, why are 40-year-olds better problem solvers than 20-year-olds?

Research found that the ability to solve such practical problems improved through the forties and fifties as individuals accumulated practical experience.

Kitty is having difficulty coping with the death of her 3-month-old son who appeared healthy but stopped breathing for no apparent reason. What was the likely cause of the baby's death? Note that the risk of this type death can be significantly reduced by following "back to sleep" guidelines, meaning that the baby is placed on his/her back to sleep.


Why is life expectancy for women longer than for men?

Tend to take better care of themselves More likely to seek medical care women engage in fewer high risky lifestyle behaviors men more likely to smoke and drink, so more men die from smoking-related illness

What has happened involving the average age of merarche in the US since the mid-nineteenth century?

The average age of menarche has declined Average age for the pubertal sequence to begin is between 10 to 13.5 for boys and 9 to 15 for girls

top-dog phenomenon

The circumstance of moving from the top position in elementary school to the lowest position in middle or junior high school

glass ceiling

The invisible barrier to career advancement that prevents women and ethnic minorities from holding managerial or executive jobs regardless of their accomplishments and merits is known as:

personal fable

The part of adolescent egocentrism that involves an adolescent's sense of uniqueness and invincibility (or invulnerability). i.e. 13-yo says "No one understands me, particularly my parents. They have no idea what I am feeling" adolescents crafts a story about the self that is filled with fantasy.

Erikson's developmental stages with approximate ages (know all 8 stages w/ ages)

Trust vs Mistrust- First year Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt- 1 to 3 Initiate vs guilt - 3 to 5 Industry vs Inferiority- 6 to Puberty Identity vs Role Confusion- 10 to 20s Intimacy vs Isolation - 20s to 30s Generativity vs Stagnation- 40s and 50s Integrity vs Despair-60s

Bill wants to know how he can prevent drug abuse by his adolescent son.

You would suggest that Bill have family dinners most nights of the week.

rite of passage

a ceremony or ritual that marks an individual's transition from one status to another. Most rites of passage focus on the transition to adult status.


a chronic condition that involves an extensive loss of bone tissue and is the main reason many older adults walk with a marked stoop. Women are especially vulnerable.

Parkinson disease

a chronic progressive disease characterized by muscle tremors, slowing of movement, and partial facial paralysis


a condition that occurs when an infant stops breathing, usually during the night and suddenly dies without an apparent cause. Remember "back to sleep"

the empty nest syndrome

a decrease in marital satisfaction that occurs after children leave home, because parents derive considerable satisfaction from their children.

terminal decline (p. 550)

a final aspect of health that is related to cognitive functioning in older adults this concept emphasizes that changes in cognitive functioning may be linked more to distance from death or cognition-related pathology than to the distance from birth.


a heightened state of pleasure experienced when we are engaged in mental and physical challenges that absorb us.


a larger group structure than a clique that is usually based on reputation; members may or may not spend much time together

advance directive

a living will

free-radical theory of aging

a microbiological theory of aging that states that people age because normal metabolic processed within their cells produce unstable oxygen molecules known as free radicals. These molecules ricochet around inside cells, damaging DNA and other cellular structures.

individuals suffering from bulimia nervosa typically fall within

a normal weight range (which makes it hard to detect)

James Marcia's identity statuses (identity diffusion, moratorium, etc.)

a person's place in these statuses reflects the degree to which that person has explored their options and made firm commitments mostly having to do with occupations, religions & political positions. 1. Foreclosure 2. Identity Diffusion 3. Moratorium 4. Identity Achievement


a program committed to making the end of life as free from pain, anxiety, and depression as possible. The goals of hospice contrast with those of a hospital, which are to cure disease and prolong life


a small group of about five or six individuals that may form among adolescents who engage in similar activities

Who is the most likely caregiver for Mrs. Downes, an 84-year-old frail elder? (p. 584) a. her daughter b. her sister c. her son d. her daughter-in-law

a. her daughter

crystallized intelligence

accumulated information and verbal skills, which increase in middle adulthood, according to Horn

imaginary audience

adolescent's belief that others are as interested in them as they themselves are, as well as attention-getting behavior motivated by a desire to be noticed, visible, and "on-stage" i.e an 8th grade boy might walk into class and think that all eyes are riveted on his spotty complexion.

What is the "triple jeopardy" faced by African American and Latino women when it comes to income and financial levels of support in the elder years?

ageism, sexism, and racism (see p. 588)

The fingernails becoming brittle is a sign of

aging for the average adult in middle adulthood.

Vaillant's research showed that at age 50, the best predictors of who would be dead at 75 or 80 years of age were __ and __.

alcohol abuse and smoking

romantic love

also called passionate love (eros) romantic love has strong sexual and infatuation components and often predominates early in love relationship

ethnic identity

an enduring, basic aspect of the self that includes a sense of membership in an ethnic group and the attidues and feelings related to that memebership.

According to Erik Erikson, what must individuals achieve before they can develop intimacy?

an identity (think back to Erikson's previous stage)

midlife consciousness

an increase in awareness, interests, and concern at midlife. This leads to midlife transition. with patterns of meaning identified in relationships with others, self, and spirit as well as challenges of loss, illness, and threats to relationships.

What is the leading chronic disorder, especially for women, during middle age?


Binge drinking would be most common among which of the following groups? a. College men staying at home b. College men staying in fraternity houses c. College women staying at home d. College women staying in fraternity houses

b. College men staying in fraternity houses


based on the concept that older adults have a reduced capacity and loss of functioning

Why is it more difficult to determine whether someone is dead now than it was 100 years ago?

because medical technology has made it possible to create differing definitions of death


becomes relevant when life tasks require a level of capacity beyond the current level of older adult's performance potential.

An individual's sexual orientation is most likely determined

by a combination of factors.

An adult in middle age will do most POORLY on which of the following tasks? (Apply 473-475; pay particular attention to 1st paragraph under "Speed of Information Processing"—"...Middle-aged adults are slower to...") a. understanding verbal directions b. completing a crossword puzzle c. hitting the brakes when the light turns red (correct answer) d. lifting a box that weighs 20 pounds

c. hitting the brakes when the light turns red

divided attention

concentrating on more than one one activity at the same time

sandwich generation

couples who in middle adulthood must fulfill the needs of both their children and their aging parents

Which of these continues to increase in middle adulthood?

crystallized intelligence 40

Americans are generally

death avoiders and death deniers. (p. 598)

During early and late middle-age susceptibility to colds and allergies


Alzheimer disease is an example of


Early-maturing girls are more likely than late-maturing girls to be

depressed, become alcoholic and/or have an eating disorder

disenfranchised grief

describes an individual's grief over a deceased person that is a socially ambiguous loss and can't be openly mourned or supported. i.e. relationships that are not socially recognized like ex-spouse, hidden loss such as an abortion, or stigmatized deaths because of AIDS feelings typically cannot be publicly acknowledged

life review process

each person's life review is to some degree unique. Life review is prominent in Erikson's 8th stage Integrity vs. Despair. It involves looking back at one's life experiences, evaluating them, interpreting them, and often reinterpreting them. Set in motion by looking forward to death May be observed initially in stray and insignificant thoughts about oneself and one's life history. Can include sociocultural dimensions, interpersonal, relationship dimensions. Overall, might result in increased meaning of life and mastery, but it also might revive bitterness and negative thoughts.

What did Mary Carskadon and her colleagues conclude from their research of the sleep patterns of U.S. adolescents and school starting times?

early school starting times may be linked to negative outcomes for adolescents.

A decrease in what hormone is associated with menopause in women?



expert knowledge about the practical aspects of life that permits excellent judgement about important matters.

selective attention

focusing on a specific aspect of experience that is relevant while ignoring others that are irrelevant

Not having a partner is a major challenge for sexually interested older women (70 years or older).

for sexually interested older women (70 years or older).

styles of grandparents (fun-seeking, etc.) p501

formal fun-seeking distant

According to Victor Frankl, the three most distinct human qualities are freedom, responsibility, and _____.

freedom, responsibility, and spirituality

Older adults have better control over their emotions than younger adults.

have better control

Data from the Nun Study (p. 522)

have indicated positive emotions in early adulthood were linked to longevity; stimulating the brain with intellectual activity keeps neurons healthy and alive; idea density was linked with fewer incidences of mild cognitive impairment.

_____ is the most common chronic disorder in late adulthood.

heart conditions

The main causes of death in middle adulthood in the United States are ___ diseases.

heart disease and cancer

According to the cross-sectional study on self-esteem conducted by Robins and others (2002), which age groups have the highest self-esteem? (pp. 577-578)

higher in males; dropped in adolescence, increased through early and middle adulthood, then dropped in 70s. Older adults had higher self-esteem when they had a youthful identity and more positive personal experiences.

During middle age, the ability to hear ______ sounds declines first.


In the United States, the most widely recognized marker of entry into adulthood is

holding a permanent, full-time job

The second leading cause of death in adolescence ___.


affectionate love

in this type of love, also called companionate love, an individual desires to have the other person near and has a deep, caring affection for the other person

As we age, our level of spirituality typically increases, decreases, or remains the same? Which?


tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon (p. 545)

individuals can't retrieve familiar information but have the feeling that they should be able to retrieve it


inflammation of the joints that is accompanied by pain, stiffness, and movement problems; especially common in older adults

reminiscence therapy

involves discussing past activities and experiences with another individual or group therapy may include the use of photographs, familiar items, and video/audio recordings.

meaning-making coping.

involves drawing one beliefs, values, and goals to change the meaning of a stressful situation, esp in times of chronic stress such as when a loved one dies

As adults become older their age identity

is younger than their chronological age.

A man in his mid-forties is MOST likely to notice

joint stiffness

a person suffering from anorexia nervosa would have a weight less than _____% of what is considered normal for their age and height.

less than 85%

What impact does marriage seem to have on longevity of life?

live longer and healthier lives; less likely to develop a chronic health condition or risk of disease. Also married people tend to be feel less physically and emotionally stressed.

The average adult in middle adulthood

loses height and gains weight.

More than for previous generations, the baby boom generation in the United States places great emphasis on

maintaining a youthful physical appearance.

precocious puberty

males: genital enlargement, pubic hair, growth acceleration < 9 yrs old females:breast development, pubic hair, vaginal bleeding, growth acceleration < 8 yrs old (breast enlargement can occur normally in 7 yr olds)

If Jill is a typical American child, who will be her most beloved and important relative in her extended family?

maternal grandmother

With regard to the timing of remarriage, in the United States who typically remarries sooner, men or women?

men tend to remarry sooner than women do.

The most influential factor in delaying brain deterioration during old age is

mental stimulation.

What percentage of middle-aged Americans considers themselves to be religious?

more than 70%

perimenopause is most common in what decade of a woman's life? 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s—which?

most common in 40s (but can occur in 30s)

Symptoms of menopause may include

nausea, fatigue, hot flashes

The idea of very old adults having no sex life is

not true, because sexual ability is usually maintained throughout life.

Death occurs neurologically when

one's brain shows no electrical activity for a specified period of time.

helicopter parenting

parent that is too involved A helicopter parent is a parent who pays extremely close attention to a child's or children's experiences and problems, particularly at educational institutions.


passion is the only thing present (intimacy and commitment = low/absent)

According to Robert Sternberg's triarchic theory of love, love is characterized by the dimensions of what 3 things?

passion, commitment, and intimacy

The Seattle Longitudinal Study concluded that middle age is a time of

peak performance for vocabulary.

A boy who is going through puberty earlier than most of his friends is likely to have a

positive self-image


prejudice against others because of their age, especially prejudice against older adults

Similarity between parents and an adult child is most noticeable in

religion and politics.

Older adults across many different cultures have similar emotional experiences.

similar emotional exepriences

chronic (disease) What is meant by "chronic" in this sense?

slow onset and long duration (rare in early adulthood, increase in middle age, become more common in late adulthood.

According to Robert Sternberg's triangular theory of love, consummate love is characterized by what things?

strongest fullest form of love; passion, intimacy, and commitment

Deaths that are sudden, violent, or traumatic are likely to produce more intense feelings in survivors than if the person died of a long illness.

sudden, violent, or traumatic are likely to produce more intense feelings

The third leading cause of death in adolescence ___.


What is the hormonal change that is associated with male menopause? (decrease in __)

testosterone level

fluid intelligence

the ability to reason abstractly, which begins to decline from middle adulthood onward, according to Horn

When explaining death to younger children (around preschool age), the most important point for parents to stress is that

the child is loved and will not be abandoned.


the first occurrence of mensturation

Identical human twins have similar weights, even when they are reared apart. What does this indicate about the role genetics plays in a person's weight?

the genetic component of a person's weight.

Recent research suggests that cohabiting has what impact on divorce?

the majority of studies have found lower rates of marital satisfaction and higher rates of divorce. recent research also indicates that the link between cohabiting and divorce has weakened in recent cohorts


the midlife transition during which fertility declines

For hospice services to be covered by Medicare

the patient must be deemed by a physician to have six months or fewer to live.

episodic memory

the retention of information about the details of life's happenings

socioemotional selectivity theory

the theory that older adults become more selective about their social networks. Because they place a high value on emotional satisfaction, older adults often spend more time with familiar individuals with whom they have had rewarding relationships

activity theory

the theory that the more active and involved older adults are, the more likely they are to be satisfied with their lives

social clock

the timetable according to which individuals are expected to accomplish life's task, such as getting married, having children, or establishing themselves in a career.

palliative care

the type of care emphasized in a hospice, which involves reducing pain and suffering and helping individuals die with dignity

cellular clock theory of aging

theory that the maximum number of times that human cells can divide is about 75 to 80. As we age, our cells have less capacity to divide.

Menopause an important marker for women because

they have to make final decisions about having children.

an advanced directive/living will must be signed when an individual is able

to think clearly


to yearn deeply; suffer with longing; long painfully


transitional period from normal mentrual periods to no menstrual periods at all, takes up to 10 years

Secure attachment to parents during childhood correlates with secure attachment to romantic partners in adulthood.


Widowed individuals following the death of a spouse are likely to increase their religious and spiritual beliefs.


The three leading causes of death in adolescence

unintentional injuries homicide suicide

The leading cause of death in adolescence is___.

unintentional injuries (risky driving, intoxication

adolescent egocentrism

used to describe the phenomenon of adolescents' inability to distinguish between their perception of what others think about them and what people actually think in reality.

Which of the following is MOST likely to cause difficulty for a middle-aged adult without glasses? (Apply 2nd sentence under "Vision and Hearing," p. 464.) a. reading a newspaper b. watching TV c. reading an eye chart 20 feet away d. reading a road sign during the day

viewing close objects ; A. reading a newspaper

Why do men often have a more difficult time with the loss of their spouses than do women?

women have better social networks

Estrogen production and the additional X chromosome help to explain

women's increased resistance to infections and degenerative diseases.

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