CHEM 310 Exam 2

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Dr. Y. Zhang (2015 Exam 2 pg 7) 2. What is the most possible clinical relevance (A through D) for the following natural products (compound 1 through 4)? (Note mark the three answers on slots #2-5 on the scantron) A) anti-cancer B) anti-diabetics C) anti-malaria D) antibiotics 1) 2) 3) 4)

1)D 2)C 3)B 4)A

3. Quantum mechanics (QM) is not usually useful for "drug discovery" research because: A) it is difficult to understand the results of QM calculations. B) biological molecules are too large for the programs currently in use. C) there are no electrons in biological molecules. D) the QM force field is not well parameterized for biological molecules. E) all of the above.

B) biological molecules are too large for the programs currently in use.

5. A good transition-state analog: A)binds covalently to the enzyme. B)binds to the enzyme more tightly than the substrate. C)binds very weakly to the enzyme. D)is too unstable to isolate. E)must be almost identical to the substrate

B)binds to the enzyme more tightly than the substrate.

Dr. Kellogg 1. In the most general terms a "model" is used to: A) understand size and shape of molecules B) relate hyperatomic organization forces to cosmic ether density C) provide a working hypothesis between experimental facts and theory D) calculate binding forces for complexes E) all of the above

C) provide a working hypothesis between experimental facts and theory

2. The most successful molecular modeling/computational chemistry technique (in terms of drug discovery and design) has been: A) 3D Database searching and mining B) 3D QSAR, i.e., Comparative Molecular Field Analysis. C) Quantum Mechanics D) De Novo Drug design E) None of the above

A) 3D Database searching and mining

5. Which real experiment can be used to calibrate the force constants for bond stretches and angle bends in molecular mechanics? A) infrared spectroscopy B) nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy C) x-ray crystallography D) Mössbauer spectroscopy E) none of the above.

A) infrared spectroscopy

Dr. Zhang (2014 Exam 1 pg 7) 3. Which compound below may be the most acceptable/compliant to human subjects? (Note mark the the answer on slot #6 on the scantron) A) B) C)


3. The two principal paradigms of computer-aided drug discovery are "Ligand- based design" and "Structure-based design". Which of the following is an example of Ligand-based design? A) Virtual screening through docking and scoring B) 3D data base searches against known-active ligand target query C) Homology modeling of receptor model and molecular dynamics D) De novo design algorithms E) None of these are Ligand-based design

B) 3D data base searches against known-active ligand target query

4. Which of the following terms is not found in a molecular mechanics force field? A) Electrostatic (Coulombic) attractions and repulsions B) Highest Occupied Molecular Orbital (HOMO) energy C) Van der Waals (London) Forces D) Bond Stretches and Angle Bends E) All of these are found in molecular mechanics force field.

B) Highest Occupied Molecular Orbital (HOMO) energy

6. Why is tubulin a particularly interesting target for anti-cancer drug discovery? A) It is an enzyme that regulates cell division, and is overexpressed in cancer cells. In particular, it is found at high concentration in hard-to-treat cancers that are resistant to other drugs. B) It can be targeted to both overstabilize and destabilize cells. C) Its role in cancer was discovered by Madame Marie Curie's doctor, Dr. Wolfgang Erlich, when he was treating her. D) Mouse models with xenograft cancers, where tubulin has been knocked out, are curable with first-line treatments. E) None of the above.

B) It can be targeted to both overstabilize and destabilize cells.

Dr. Y. Zhang 1. Which of the following comments is correct about natural products? (1 point) A) Natural products often will contribute to the identification and understanding of novel biochemical pathways only in vivo, but not in vitro. B) Natural products often will provide novel chemical structural skeletons. C) Very limited lead compounds for pharmaceutics development are from or related to natural products. D) Compounds separated from plants, animals and marine environment are called natural products while those from microorganisms are not.

B) Natural products often will provide novel chemical structural skeletons.

Dr. Peterson (2014 Exam 2 pg 5) 7. The figure above shows the active site of chymotrypsin, with a substrate analog bound. In this reaction, why does the vvvenzyme become inactivated? A) The serine 195 has made an irrevesible covalent bond to the enzyme B) The histidine 57 performs a nucleophilic attack on the CH2 group leading to irrevesible alkylation of the enzyme C) The side chain of phenylalanie (the benzene ring shown) binds irrevesibly in a pocket on the enzyme. D) The chloride reacts with the enzyme to inactivate it. E) The glycine 193 forms an irreversible hydrogen bond with the substrate.

B) The histidine 57 performs a nucleophilic attack on the CH2 group leading to irrevesible alkylation of the enzyme

7) To distinguish the type of inhibition exhibited by a compound towards an enzyme it is necessary to A) measure the effect of the compound on the equilibrium constant for the reaction at different substrate concentrations. B) measure the effect of the compound on the rate of the reaction at different substrate concentrations. C) measure the effect of the compound on the rate of the reaction at different enzyme concentrations. D) measure the effect of the compound on the rate of the reaction at different temperatures. E) all of the above.

B) measure the effect of the compound on the rate of the reaction at different substrate concentrations.

6. Drugs for HIV include inhibitors of the viral protease. These drugs are examples of A) uncompetitive inhibitors which target aspartic acid residues of the enzyme. B) transitions state inhibitors that bind very tightly at the active site of the enzyme. C) covalent modifiers of the enzyme's serine residue. D) noncompetitive inhibitors that bind at sites other than the active site. E) competitive inhibitors that bind weakly to the active site of the enzyme.

B) transitions state inhibitors that bind very tightly at the active site of the enzyme.

2. Which of the following statements about a plot of velocity vs. [S] for an enzyme that follows Michaelis-Menten kinetics is false? A)As [S] increases, the initial velocity of reaction also increases. B)At very high [S], the velocity curve becomes a horizontal line that intersects the y-axis at Km. C)Km is the [S] at which the velocity = 1/2 the maximum velocity. D)The shape of the curve is a hyperbola. E)The y-axis can be a rate term with units of micromol/min

B)At very high [S], the velocity curve becomes a horizontal line that intersects the y-axis at Km.

3. In a plot of l/V against 1/[S] for an enzyme-catalyzed reaction, the presence of a competitive inhibitor will alter the: A)curvature of the plot. B)intercept on the l/[S] axis. C)intercept on the l/V axis. D)pK of the plot. E)Vmax.

B)intercept on the l/[S] axis.

Dr. Kellogg 1. The electrostatic term in a Molecular Mechanics Force Field is usually represented by a variation of: A) Tesla's Law B) Van der Waal's Law C) Coulomb's Law D) Van der Graaf's Law E) Newton's 3rd Law

C) Coulomb's Law

6. Which of the following is the best analogy for "docking and scoring"? A) a small boat approaches a pier and is attached to it by a rope of known strength B) a random collection of people are allowed to choose their own seats in a basketball arena and one of them, based on where they are sitting, is selected by lottery to shoot a half-court shot for a large sum of money C) a force field tractor beam on a space station is tuned to attract spaceships of certain materials and size and then pulls them into a very specific port on the station D) a child psychologist evaluating toddler motor skills rates each child's ability to build stacks of blocks by the number of blocks they stack in a set amount of time E) none of the above

C) a force field tractor beam on a space station is tuned to attract spaceships of certain materials and size and then pulls them into a very specific port on the station

4. A transition-state analog: A)is less stable when binding to an enzyme than the normal substrate. B)resembles the active site of general acid-base enzymes. C)resembles the transition-state structure of the normal enzyme-substrate complex. D)stabilizes the transition state for the normal enzyme-substrate complex. E)typically reacts more rapidly with an enzyme than the normal substrate.

C)resembles the transition-state structure of the normal enzyme-substrate complex.

Dr. Zhang (2013 Exam 1) 1. Which of the following comments is NOT correct about natural products? A) Natural products often will contribute to the identification and understanding of novel biochemical pathways both in vivo and in vitro. B) Natural products often will provide novel chemical structural skeletons. C) The majority of lead compounds for pharmaceutics is from or related to natural products. D) Compounds separated from plants, animals and marine environment are called natural products while those from microorganisms are not.

D) Compounds separated from plants, animals and marine environment are called natural products while those from microorganisms are not.

7. Q.S.A.R. is an acronym for: A) Query and Solution of Atomistic Resources B) Questionable Solvation of Available Receptors C) Quantifiable Substrates for Actin Remodeling D) Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships E) Quercetin Supplement for Antibiotic Removal

D) Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships

4. In competitive inhibition, an inhibitor: A)binds at several different sites on an enzyme. B)binds covalently to the enzyme. C)binds only to the ES complex. D)binds reversibly at the active site. E)lowers the characteristic Vmax of the enzyme

D)binds reversibly at the active site.

Dr. Peterson 2. The role of an enzyme in an enzyme-catalyzed reaction is to: A)bind a transition state intermediate, such that it cannot be converted back to substrate. B)ensure that all of the substrate is converted to product. C)ensure that the product is more stable than the substrate. D)increase the rate at which substrate is converted into product. E)make the free-energy change for the reaction more favorable.

D)increase the rate at which substrate is converted into product.

5. The 'local minimum problem' can be overcome by: A) Systematic search B) Larger Coulombic terms C) Molecular dynamics D) Draining the nearby lakes and filling them with gravel E) A) and C)

E) A) and C)

4. Which of the following terms is not found in a molecular mechanics force field? A) Electrostatic (Coulombic) attractions and repulsions B) Out-of-plane and torsion forces C) Van der Waals (London) Forces D) Bond Stretches and Angle Bends E) All of these are found in molecular mechanics force field.

E) All of these are found in molecular mechanics force field.

Dr. Peterson 1. Enzymes are potent catalysts because they: A)are consumed in the reactions they catalyze. B)are very specific and can prevent the conversion of products back to substrates. C)drive reactions to completion while other catalysts drive reactions to equilibrium. D)increase the equilibrium constants for the reactions they catalyze. E)lower the activation energy for the reactions they catalyze.

E)lower the activation energy for the reactions they catalyze.

4. Morphine is the major component from opium poppy extraction and has analgesic effect as well as addiction potency. True (T) or False (F)

True (T)

For question 5 select the three most correct answers from the list provided below (Note mark the three answers on slots #5-7 on the scantron) 5. The neuronal α4β2 nicotinic receptors found in the brain are indicated to play a role in Alzheimer's disease. Knowing that drug A possesses an ED50 = 0.1 mg/kg and αA = 0.4, drug B ED50 = 8.0 mg/kg and αB= 0.8; and drug C ED50 = 3.0 mg/kg and αC = 1 a) Drug A is less effective than drug B and C b) Drug A is more effective than drug B and C c) Drug A is less potent than drug B and C d) Drug A is more potent than drug B and C e) Drug A is a full agonist f) Drug A is an antagonist g) Drug A is a partial agonist

a) Drug A is less effective than drug B and C d) Drug A is more potent than drug B and C g) Drug A is a partial agonist

7. The action of a neurotransmitter must be terminated. Which of the following is a likely termination mechanism? a) Reuptake by the presynaptic terminal transporter b) Reversal of the presynaptic terminal transporter c) Interaction with a postsynaptic receptor d) Interaction with a presynaptic receptor

a) Reuptake by the presynaptic terminal transporter

4. Activation of Protein Kinase A (PKA) depends on the formation of a ternary complex comprised of: a) agonist, GPCR, Gαs b) agonist, K+ channel, G βγ c) agonist, GPCR, Gαi d) agonist, LGIC, Gαq

a) agonist, GPCR, Gαs

Glennon 1. The synaptic terminal is located on the: a) axon. b) cell body. c) dendrite. d) myelin sheath.

a) axon.

2. The gap separating a presynaptic neuron from a postsynaptic neuron is the termed the synapse. Neurotransmission within the synapse is best classified as being of a(n) ________ nature. a) chemical b) electrical c) mechanical d) physical

a) chemical

14. Synthetic cathinone analogs (essentially beta-keto amphetamine analogs), such as those found in "bath salts", represent a new class of designer drugs; examples of such agents include mephedrone and methylenedioxypyrovalerone (MDPV). Their mechanism of actions appears to involve a) reuptake inhibition and/or release of dopamine b) reuptake inhibition and/or release of serotonin c) direct activation of serotonin 5-HT2 receptors d) direct antagonism of dopamine D2 receptors

a) reuptake inhibition and/or release of dopamine

5. Which of the following drugs should show the slowest absorption from the lung? a. A large molecular weight and hydrophilic drug b. A large molecular weight and lipophilic drug c. A small molecular weight and lipophilic drug d. A small molecular weight and hydrophilic drug

a. A large molecular weight and hydrophilic drug

Sakagami 1. Choose the CORRECT statement. Inhaled drug delivery a. Can be used to deliver drugs for both local and systemic actions b. Is generally achieved by gases or vapors generated from devices c. Requires greater doses for drug action in lungs, compared to oral dosage forms d. Results in slower onsets of drug action in lungs, compared to oral administration

a. Can be used to deliver drugs for both local and systemic actions

7. Insulin, a 5.8 kDa hydrophilic peptide, results in only ~20 % of lung absorption following inhaled administration in humans. Choose the CORRECT statement for its reason. a. Insulin's lung absorption is slow b. Insulin's local metabolic degradation in the lung is slow c. Insulin's ciliary clearance out of the lung is slow d. All of the above reasons are correct

a. Insulin's lung absorption is slow

3. All of the following inhaler devices are recent innovations EXCEPT: a. Metered dose inhalers (MDIs) using propellants that cause global warming concerns b. Breath-actuated MDIs equipped with dose counters c. Small nebulizer-type soft mist aerosol devices with a better usability d. Dry powder inhalers (DPIs) in a size comparable to MDIs

a. Metered dose inhalers (MDIs) using propellants that cause global warming concerns

Sakagami 3. Which of the following inhaler devices is NOT presently developed? a. Metered dose inhalers (MDIs) using propellants that cause global warming concerns b. Breath-actuated MDIs equipped with dose-counters c. Small dry powder inhalers (DPIs) that deliver greater than 50 % of formulated drugs to the lung d. Small nebulizer-type soft mist aerosol devices with a better usability

a. Metered dose inhalers (MDIs) using propellants that cause global warming concerns

12. The more potent hallucinogenic isomer of DOM is the: a) S(+)isomer. b) R(-)isomer. c) cis isomers. d) trans isomer.

b) R(-)isomer.

3. The amplifier of the neuronal signal in the signaling cascade is best described as (a, an): a) Phospholipase C b) second messenger c) GTPase d) neurotransmitter

b) second messenger

3. Synthesis inhibitors are not typically good targets for drug development in the neurotransmitter area because: a) they are not stable b) they are not selective c) they will not penetrate the blood-brain barrier d) they are commercially unprofitable

b) they are not selective

2. Choose the CORRECT statement. Dry powder inhalers (DPIs) ... a. Require propellants to generate drug aerosols b. Are designed to generate drug aerosols in a respirable size c. Are presently the most widely used inhaler devices d. Enable 100 % of their dose to be delivered to the lung

b. Are designed to generate drug aerosols in a respirable size

Sakagami 6. Choose the CORRECT statement regarding inhaled drug design and development. a. For a small molecular weight drug, shallow lung deposition enables greater lung absorption than deep lung deposition b. For a large molecular weight drug, deep lung deposition enables greater lung absorption than shallow lung deposition c. For a large molecular weight drug, 5 µm aerosols enable greater lung absorption than 1 µm aerosols d. For a poorly soluble drug, powder aerosols enable faster lung absorption than solution aerosols

b. For a large molecular weight drug, deep lung deposition enables greater lung absorption than shallow lung deposition

4. Inhaler device A and B respectively generate drug aerosols in an aerodynamic size of 1 and 5 µm. Choose the CORRECT statement regarding their deposition in the respiratory tract. a. Inhaler A should result in greater oropharyngeal deposition than Inhaler B b. Inhaler A should result in greater deposition in the deep lung than Inhaler B c. When the upper airways are the drug's target, Inhaler A would work better than Inhaler B d. When the deep lung is the drug's target, Inhaler B would work better than Inhaler A

b. Inhaler A should result in greater deposition in the deep lung than Inhaler B

5. G-Protein coupled receptors - GPCRs - (of the type discussed in class) possess a) 4 TM-spanning units. b) 5 TM-spanning units. c) 7 TM-spanning units. d) 12 TM-spanning units.

c) 7 TM-spanning units.

6. Ion cannel receptors typically consist of: a) Three transmembrane-spanning units b) Six transmembrane-spanning units c) Five transmembrane-spanning units d) Seven transmembrane-spanning units

c) Five transmembrane-spanning units

10. Cocaine produces its central stimulant effects primarily by a) acting as a D2 dopamine receptor antagonist. b) acting as a 5-HT2A serotonin receptor agonist. c) acting as a DAT inhibitor. d) acting as a DAT releasing agent.

c) acting as a DAT inhibitor.

2. The property of a drug that describes the strength with which it binds to the receptor is best described as: a) potency b) intrinsic activity c) affinity d) efficacy

c) affinity

3. A substance that directly activates a postsynaptic receptor is called a) a releasing agent. b) a reuptake inhibitor. c) an agonist. d) an antagonist

c) an agonist.

4. Neurotransmitter transporters a) are enzymes involved in the metabolism of neurotransmitters. b) are responsible for causing the vesicular fusion and release of neurotransmitter. c) are responsible for removing neurotransmitter from the synapse. d) can activate feedback mechanisms.

c) are responsible for removing neurotransmitter from the synapse.

13. The designer drug MDMA (Ecstasy) a) is a potent hallucinogen. b) is an empathogen with hallucinogenic action. c) is an empathogen with stimulant action. d) is a potent stimulant.

c) is an empathogen with stimulant action.

Durkat Ehrlich is best known for introduction of which concept: a) receptive substance b) intrinsic activity c) lock and key d) ternary complex

c) lock and key

4. Reuptake inhibitors typically work at which of the following sites: a) the blood-brain barrier b) neuronal transporters at postsynaptic receptors c) neuronal transporters at presynaptic receptors d) somatodendritic (cell body) autoreceptors e) terminal autoreceptors

c) neuronal transporters at presynaptic receptors

Dr. Dukat (2015 Exam 2) 1. Clark is best known for introduction of the __________ concept. a) receptive substance b) lock and key c) occupation d) intrinsic activity

c) occupation

Dr. Glennon 1. In order for a chemical substance to be termed a neurotransmitter, it must meet certain criteria. These criteria include each of the following except: a) termination mechanism(s) must exist for the substance b) biosynthetic mechanisms must exist for the substance c) the substance must possess a basic amine d) the substance must be found in the neuron e) the substance should be released upon neuronal stimulation

c) the substance must possess a basic amine

5. Which of the following drugs should show the fastest absorption from the lung? a. A large molecular weight and hydrophilic drug b. A large molecular weight and lipophilic drug c. A small molecular weight and lipophilic drug d. A small molecular weight and hydrophilic drug

c. A small molecular weight and lipophilic drug

Sakagami 4. Inhaler device A and B respectively generate drug aerosols in an aerodynamic size of 5 and 1µm. Choose the CORRECT statement regarding their deposition in the respiratory tract. a. Inhaler A should result in less oropharyngeal deposition than Inhaler B b. Inhaler A should result in more deposition in the deep lung than Inhaler B c. When the upper airways are the drug's target, Inhaler A would work better than Inhaler B d. When the deep lung is the drug's target, Inhaler A would work better than Inhaler B

c. When the upper airways are the drug's target, Inhaler A would work better than Inhaler B

7. Ion channel receptors (of the type discussed in class) consist of ______ subunits. a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5

d) 5

8. With respect to the central stimulant amphetamine, select the most correct response. a) Amphetamine is resistant to metabolism by monoamine oxidase (MAO). b) Incorporation of aryl substituents typically enhances stimulant character. c) R(-)Amphetamine is a more potent stimulant than its S(+)-enantiomer. d) N,N-Dimethylation diminishes stimulant potency.

d) N,N-Dimethylation diminishes stimulant potency.

5. G-Protein-coupled receptors typically consist of: a) Four transmembrane-spanning units b) Six transmembrane-spanning units c) Five transmembrane-spanning units d) Seven transmembrane-spanning units

d) Seven transmembrane-spanning units

9. Amphetamine produces its central stimulant action by a) acting as a D2 dopamine receptor antagonist. b) acting as a 5-HT2A serotonin receptor agonist. c) acting as a DAT inhibitor. d) acting as a DAT releasing agent.

d) acting as a DAT releasing agent.

6. A common TM structural feature of GPCRs for aminergic neurotransmitters (e.g. serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine) is a) a histidine moiety in TM2. b) a tryptophan moiety in TM1. c) an alanine moiety in TM4. d) an aspartate moiety in TM3.

d) an aspartate moiety in TM3.

11. DOM, or 1-(2,5-dimethoxy-4-methylphenyl)-2-aminopropane, is a potent phenylalkylamine hallucinogen; it hallucinogenic potency can be increased by a) introduction of an N-methyl substituent b) replacement of the 2-methoxy group with H c) replacement of the 5-methoxy group with H d) replacement of the 4-methyl group with Br

d) replacement of the 4-methyl group with Br

Durkat 2014 Exam 2 pg 1 #. Serotonin 5-HT2 receptors are metabotropic receptor believed to be involved in the action of hallucinogens; they might also play a role in depression and psychosis. The dose-response curves below represent drugs A, B, and C that possess affinity for 5-HT2 receptors, but differ in their intrinsic activity. Effect vs. Log D Conc graph Drug C (100% Effect with higher curve) Drug A ( Lower curve) Drug B (Flat line) Drug B possesses an intrinsic activity α of __ and is best described as a(n) __ a) full agonist b) α < 0 c) second messenger d) α = 0 e) antagonist f) first messenger g) allosteric modulator h) partial agonist i) α = 1 j) α > 10 k) 0 < α < 1 l) inverse agonist

d) α = 0 e) antagonist

7. Insulin, a 5.8 kDa hydrophilic peptide, results in only ~20 % of lung absorption following inhaled administration in humans. Choose the CORRECT statement for its reason. a. Insulin's lung absorption is slow b. Insulin's local metabolic degradation in the lung is high c. Insulin's ciliary clearance out of the lung is fast d. All of the above are correct as reasons

d. All of the above are correct as reasons

2. Choose the FALSE statement. Metered dose inhalers (MDIs) ... a. Require propellants to generate drug aerosols b. Are presently the most widely used inhaler devices c. Are not favorably chosen for patients having a difficulty in breath-actuation coordination d. Are designed to generate drug aerosols in an aerodynamic size of greater than 10 µm

d. Are designed to generate drug aerosols in an aerodynamic size of greater than 10 µm

6. Choose the CORRECT statement regarding inhaled drug design and development. a. For a poorly soluble drug, powder aerosols enable faster lung absorption than solution aerosols b. For a small molecular weight drug, shallow lung deposition enables greater lung absorption than deep lung deposition c. For a large molecular weight drug, 5 µm aerosols enable greater lung absorption than 1 µm aerosols aerosols d. For a large molecular weight drug, deep lung deposition enables greater lung absorption than shallow lung deposition

d. For a large molecular weight drug, deep lung deposition enables greater lung absorption than shallow lung deposition

Dr. Sakagami 1. Choose the FALSE statement. Inhaled drug delivery: a. Is primarily used to deliver drugs for local lung actions b. Requires smaller doses for drug action in lungs, compared to oral dosage forms c. Results in faster onsets of drug action in lungs, compared to oral administration d. Is generally achieved by gases or vapors generated from devices

d. Is generally achieved by gases or vapors generated from devices

2. The gap between two neurons is best referred to as a (an/the): a) axon b) dendrite c) neuronal terminal d) receptor e) synapse

e) synapse

Durkat 2014 Exam 2 pg 1 #. Serotonin 5-HT2 receptors are metabotropic receptor believed to be involved in the action of hallucinogens; they might also play a role in depression and psychosis. The dose-response curves below represent drugs A, B, and C that possess affinity for 5-HT2 receptors, but differ in their intrinsic activity. Effect vs. Log D Conc graph Drug C (100% Effect with higher curve) Drug A ( Lower curve) Drug B (Flat line) Drug C possesses an intrinsic activity α of __ and is best described as a(n) __ a) full agonist b) α < 0 c) second messenger d) α = 0 e) antagonist f) first messenger g) allosteric modulator h) partial agonist i) α = 1 j) α > 10 k) 0 < α < 1 l) inverse agonist

i) α = 1 a) full agonist

Durkat 2014 Exam 2 pg 1 #. Serotonin 5-HT2 receptors are metabotropic receptor believed to be involved in the action of hallucinogens; they might also play a role in depression and psychosis. The dose-response curves below represent drugs A, B, and C that possess affinity for 5-HT2 receptors, but differ in their intrinsic activity. Effect vs. Log D Conc graph Drug C (100% Effect with higher curve) Drug A ( Lower curve) Drug B (Flat line) Drug A possesses an intrinsic activity α of __ and is best described as a(n) __ a) full agonist b) α < 0 c) second messenger d) α = 0 e) antagonist f) first messenger g) allosteric modulator h) partial agonist i) α = 1 j) α > 10 k) 0 < α < 1 l) inverse agonist

k) 0 < α < 1 h) partial agonist

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