Chem Chapter 4.4 - 4.6, Chem Chapter 5, Chem Chapter 6, Chemistry Chapter 7, Chem Chapter 8,

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Of the choices below, which gives the order for first ionization energies?

Ar > Cl > S > Si > Al


What is the maximum number of double bonds that a hydrogen atom can form?

Mg (s) + Ca(OH)₂ (aq) → Ca (s) + Mg(OH)₂ (aq)

Which of the following reactions will not occur as written?

Consider the following properties of an element: (i) It is solid at room temperature (ii)It easily forms an oxide when exposed to air (iii) When it reacts with water, hydrogen gas evolves (iv) It must be stored submerged in oil


The atomic radius of main-group elements generally increases down a group because ________.

the principal quantum number of the valence orbitals increases

positive, negative

ΔH for an endothermic process is ________ while ΔH for an exothermic process is ________.


ΔH for the reaction IF₅ (g) → IF₃ (g) + F₂ (g) is ________ kJ, given the data below: 1) IF (g) + F₂ (g) → IF₃ (g); ∆H = -390kJ 2) IF (g) + 2F₂ (g) → IF₅ (g); ∆H = -745kJ

In which orbital does an electron in a copper atom experience the greatest effective nuclear charge?


The electron configuration belonging to the atom with the highest second ionization energy is ________.


________ have the lowest first ionization energies of the groups listed.

Alkali metals

ionic compounds

Elements from opposite sides of the periodic table tend to form ________.


Which of the following Lewis structures would be an expansion to the octet rule?

Which of the following noble gases is not reactive?

helium and neon

The electron configuration belonging to the atom with the lowest first ionization energy is ________.


The electron configuration of the atom with the least negative electron affinity is ________.


The electron configuration of the atom with the most negative electron affinity is ________.



A 650 mL sodium bromide solution has a bromide ion concentration of 0.245 M. What is the mass (g) of sodium bromide in solution?


A ________ covalent bond between the same two atoms is the longest

endothermic, positive

A chemical reaction that absorbs heat from the surroundings is said to be ________ and has a ________ ΔH at constant pressure.

identical, equal

A nonpolar bond will form between two ________ atoms of ________ electronegativity.


A triple bond consists of ________ pairs of electrons shared between two atoms


Based on the equations below, which metal is the most active? Pb(NO₃)₂ (aq) + Ni (s) → Ni(NO₃)₂ (aq) + Pb (s) Pb(NO₃)₂ (aq) + Ag (s) → No reaction Cu(NO₃)₂ (aq) + Ni (s) → Ni(NO₃)₂ (aq) + Cu (s)


Based on the octet rule, magnesium most likely forms a ________ ion.

always positive

Bond enthalpy is ________

Which of the following correctly represents the electron affinity of bromine?

Br (g) + e⁻ → Br⁻ (g)

In which set of elements would all members be expected to have very similar chemical properties?

Br, I, At

Which ion below has the largest radius?


0; kJ No work is done

Calculate the work (kJ) done during a reaction in which the internal volume expands from 14L to 50L against a vacuum (an outside pressure of 0 atm.)

Increases, decreases

Electronegativity ________ from left to right within a period and ________ from top to bottom within a group

decreases, increases

For a given arrangement of ions, the lattice energy increases as ionic radius ________ and as ionic charge ________

O₂ (g)

For the combustion reaction of methane, ΔH°f is zero for ________. CH₄ (g) + O₂ (g) → 2H₂O(g) + CO₂ (g)

(1/2)N₂ (g) + O₂ (g) → NO₂(g)

For which one of the following reactions is ΔH°rxn equal to the heat of formation of the product?

Which of the following correctly represents the third ionization of gallium?

Ga²⁺ (g) → Ga³⁺ (g) + e⁻


Given the data in the table below, ΔH°rxn for the reaction: C₂H₅OH (l) + O₂ (g) → CH₃CO₂H (l) + H₂O (l) is ________ kJ

O - H

Given the electronegativities below, which covalent single bond is most polar? H - 2.1 C - 2.5 N - 3.0 O - 3.5


Given the reactions in the table below, the enthalpy of reaction is ________ kJ. 1) N₂ + O₂ → 2NO; ∆H= +180.7kJ 2) 2N₂O → O₂ + 2N₂; ∆H= -163.2kJ 3) 2N₂O → 2NO + N₂; ∆H= ?

2. ________ is credited with developing the concept of atomic numbers.

Henry Mosely


How many grams of CH₃OH must be added to water to prepare 150 mL of a solution that is 2.0 M CH₃OH?


How many hydrogen atoms must bond to silicon to give it an octet of valence electrons?

0, 0

In the Lewis structure of HCO₃⁻, the formal charge on H is ________, and the formal charge on C is ________


In the molecule below, which atom has the largest partial negative charge? Cl F→ C → Br I

2H₂O (l) → 2H₂ (g) + O₂ (g)

In which reaction does the oxidation number of oxygen increase?


In which species does nitrogen have an oxidation number of zero?

Which element would be expected to have chemical and physical properties closest to those of rubidium?


Of the following, which gives the correct order for atomic radius for Mg, Na, P, Si and Ar?

Na > Mg > Si > P > Ar

Of the following metals, ________ exhibits multiple oxidation states.



Of the bonds C-C, C= C, and C≡C, the C-C bond is _______


Of the choices below, which would be the best for the lining of a tank intended for use in the storage of hydrochloric acid?


Of the following, which one is a state function?


Oxidation cannot occur without ________.

Loss of electrons; gaining of electrons

Oxidation is the ________ and reduction is the ________.

Which of the following is an isoelectronic series?

O²⁻, F⁻, Ne, Na⁺

placement of electrons only

Resonance structures differ by ________

The element in the periodic table that looks like a metal, is a poor thermal conductor, and acts as an electrical semiconductor is ________.


The list that correctly indicates the order of metallic character is ________.

Si > P > S

Calculate the effective nuclear charge for Chlorine using both simple rules and Slater's rules. You MUST show your work.

Simple rules: Zeff = Z-S --> Z is 17 (atomic number), 10 electrons in the inner core. 17-10 = 7 Slater's rules= there are 6 electrons in n (0.35), 8 electrons in n-1 (0.85, and 2 electrons in n-2 (1) (total is 10.9). 17-10.9 = 6.1


The Lewis structure of AsH₃ shows ________ nonbonding electron pair(s) on As

n, 1

The Lewis structure of HCN (H bonded to C) shows that ________ has ________ nonbonding electron pair(s)

1, 3

The Lewis structure of PF₃ shows that the central phosphorus atom has ________ nonbonding and ________ bonding electron pair(s)


The ability of an atom in a molecule to attract electrons is best quantified by the ________


The change in the internal energy of a system that absorbs 2,500 J of heat and that does 7,655 J of work on the surroundings is ________ J.


The electron configuration of the phosphide ion (P3-) is _______

7, 1, and 2

The halogens, alkali metals, and alkaline earth metals have ________ valence electrons, respectively

adding heat to the system

The internal energy of a system is always increased by ________.


The ion ICl₄⁻ has ________ valence electrons


The molarity (M) of an aqueous solution containing 129 g of glucose (C6H12O6) in 200 mL of solution is ________.

Zn(s) + 2HBr(aq) → ZnBr2(s) + 2H+(aq)

The net ionic equation for the dissolution of zinc metal in aqueous hydrobromic acid is ________.


The oxide of which of the following metals should have the greatest lattice energy?


The point in a titration at which the indicator changes is called the ________

29 J

The specific heat capacity of lead is 0.13 J/g-K. How much heat (in J) is required to raise the temperature of 15g of lead from 22 °C to 37 °C?

1 atm and 298 K

The term standard conditions with respect to enthalpy change means ________.


The value of ΔH° for the reaction below is -126 kJ. ________ kj are released when 2.00 mol of NaOH is formed in the reaction? 2Na₂O₂ (s) + 2H₂O (l) → 4NaOH (s) + O₂ (g)

70.7 kJ

The value of ΔH° for the reaction below is -336 kJ. Calculate the heat (kJ) released to the surroundings when 23.0 g of HCl is formed. CH₄ (g) + 3Cl₂ (g) → CHCl₃ (l) + 3HCl (g)


The ΔE of a system that releases 12.4 J of heat and does 4.2 J of work on the surroundings is ________ J.

Which one of the following is not true about the alkali metals?

They all have 2 electrons in their valence shells.

36.1 J/mol-K

What is the molar heat capacity (in J/mol-K) of liquid bromine (Br₂)? The specific heat of liquid bromine is 0.226 J/g-K


What is the molarity of a NaOH solution if 15.5 mL of a 0.220 M H₂SO₄ solution is required to neutralize a 25.0-mL sample of the NaOH solution?

107 mL

What volume (mL) of a concentrated solution of magnesium chloride (9.00 M) must be diluted to 350. mL to make a 2.75 M solution of magnesium chloride?


What volume (mL) of a concentrated solution of sodium hydroxide (6.00 M) must be diluted to 200.0 mL to make a 0.880 M solution of sodium hydroxide?

gives off heat and does work

When a system ________, ΔE is always negative.


Which compound has the atom with the highest oxidation number?


Which element is oxidized in the reaction below?Au(s) + 3NO₃⁻(aq) + 6H⁺(aq) → Au³⁺(aq) + NO(g) + 3H₂O (l)

Potassium phosphate

Which of the following 0.300 M solutions would contain the highest concentration of potassium ions?


Which of the following Lewis structures would be an incomplete octet?

If a reaction is carried out in a series of steps, the ΔH for the reaction will equal the sum of the enthalpy changes for the individual steps.

Which of the following is a statement of Hess's law?


Which of the following would have to lose three electrons in order to achieve a noble gas electron configuration? Si Mg Al Cl P

The system gains heat and has work done on it by the surroundings.

Which one of the following conditions would always result in an increase in the internal energy of a system?

mol solute/L solution

Which one of the following is a correct expression for molarity?

condensation of water vapor

Which one of the following is an exothermic process?

Enthalpy is a state function

Which one of the following statements is true?


Which one of the following substances is produced during the reaction of an acid with a metal hydroxide?

12.5 mL of 0.400 M solution of HCl

Which solution has the same number of moles of HCl as 25.0 mL of 0.200 M solution of HCl?

In the generation of most anions, the energy change (kJ/mol) that ________ an electron is ________.

adds, negative

Alkali metals tend to be more reactive than alkaline earth metals because ________.

alkali metals have lower ionization energies

Of the elements below, ________ is the most metallic.


Atomic radius generally increases as we move ________.

down a group and from right to left across a period

________ is a unique element and does not truly belong to any family.


The effective nuclear charge of an atom is primarily affected by ________.

inner electrons

Screening of the nuclear charge by core electrons in atoms is ________.

more efficient than that by valence electrons

Electrons in the 1s subshell are much closer to the nucleus in Ar than in He due to the larger ________ in Ar.

nuclear charge

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