Chem Comp- Surfactants, Humectants, Buffers, Anticoagulants, solutions, dyes, deodorants, osmotic qualities, germicides
(surface tension reducers/wetting agents/penetrating agents) — chemicals that will reduce the molecular cohesion of a liquid and thereby enable it to flow through smaller apertures (aids in penetration)
Benzaldehyde is a
Examples of Buffers
Borax Sodium Phosphate Citrate EDTA
Chemical that resists changes in pH
Cosmetic fluids generally contain..
Examples of Dyes
Eosine, ponceau red, and erythrosine (cudbear)
a humectant (less concentrated, softening solution)
For an emaciated body, the embalmer should use
Examples of Humectants
Glycerol/Glycol Sorbitol Lanolin
hypertonic solution which will remove more fluid from tissues.
If the deceased has edema, the embalmer should use a....
Blood Clots
Mineral that cause hard water also creates problems in embalming because they promote
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate is a
Some buffers are used as
Substance that in solution are capable of neutralizing, within limits, both acids and bases and thereby maintaining the original, constant pH, of the solution.
surfactants or surface active agents
Sulfonates are
Low surface tension liquids spread over a greater area
Surface tension is important to disinfection because
What binds to calcium (they also bind to magnesium and iron, but there is not enough iron to cause clotting) iron is most often responsible for hard water
BCME- carcinogen
What is produced when bleach is mixed with HCHO
a homogeneous mixture of one or more substances (solutes) dissolved in a sufficient quantity of solvent.
sodium hypochlorite (household bleach)
a strong disinfectant. used for cleaning equipment
a substance dissolved in a solvent to form a solution; the component of a solution present in a lesser amount
a substance that does the dissolving in a solution; the component of a solution present in a greater amount
no active dyes
cavity fluids have...
chemicals that increase the capability of embalmed tissues to retain moisture
contains a relatively large amount of solute
contains all the solute the solvent can hold at a certain temperature and pressure
contains more of the solute than the solution is normally able to hold
contains more solute than a solution that it is compared to
a high index solution (hypertonic) renal failure/uremia would indicate large amounts of ammonia in the tissue
for anasarca and renal failure, an embalmer should use
sodium hypochlorite
household bleach.
is added to embalming fluids to prevent mildew and mold (it is also added to deodorants)
Methyl salicylate (Oil of Wintergreen)
neutralizes ptomaines
Slightly Hypotonic
solutions for normal bodies are
Quaternary ammonium compounds
surface-active agents that are generally used for disinfection of skin, oral and nasal cavities, as well as instruments.
used to keep the blood in the liquid state; chemicals that retard the tendency of the blood to become more viscous (form clots) by natural post mortem processes and/or prevent any other adverse reactions from occurring between the blood and the other embalming chemicals (Buffers, such as sodium citrate, are used in arterial fluids as anticoagulants)