Chemistry: Unit 7

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use to measure length

metric ruler

logistic growth

Population growth that is controlled by limited resources

An allele frequency is

the relative proportion of given allele in a population


the scientific term for a living thing


*increase* amount of material structure unicelluar organisms do not

Order of energy pyramid

------Tertiary- H. ----Secondary- H. --Primary- H. Producer- Autotrophs

In a very small population of birds, assume 5 out of 20 alleles are the type that code for blue feathers. What is the allele frequency of the "blue feather allele" in this population


A lily's pollen (sperm) has 6 chromosomes in each cell. The lily's lead cell would have

12 chromosomes


2 sets of chromosomes 2n found in somatic cells


22 pair that don't affect sex of an individual

Humans have __ sets of homologous chromosomes


sex chromosomes

23rd pair that determines the sex

How many tropic levels are there in the energy pyramid

4 to 5

A human skin cell contains 46 chromosomes. How many chromosomes are present in the daughter cells after mitosis


An ape's skin cell has 48 chromosomes. After mitosis, how many chromosomes will be in the daughter cells



A condition in which both alleles for a gene are fully expressed


A display of the chromosome pairs of a cell arranged by size and shape

Multiple Alleles

A gene that has more than two alleles


A group of similar organisms that can breed and produce fertile offspring

The red maple is known as Acer rubrum. Its scientific name is

Acer rubrum

binomial nomenclature

Classification system in which each species is assigned a two-part scientific name


Constructive metabolism Process of building up larger molecules from smaller ones

what is the ability of a trait to be passed down from one generation to the next


When investigating shell color of a species of snail found only in a remote area seldom visited by humans, scientists discovered the distribution of individuals. What kind of selection is this

Directional selection

All organisms in the kingoms Protista, Plantae, Fungi, and Anamalia are


Felis leo is most closely related to

Felis domesticus

Evidence of Evolution (4)

Fossil Record Anatomy-physical traits Embryology Biological Molecules: DNA + Proteins

Which is a heterotrophic eukaryote associated with the decomposition of dead organisms


5 stages of cell cycle

G1- cell grows S- DNA replicated G2- cell grows M- cell division of nuclues C- cell division of cytoplasm

Migration/ Gene Flow

Immigration or Emigration Bring in or losing alleles

Which of the following is a correct statement about the events of the cell cycle

In interphase cells grow and DNA replicates

Which of the following developed the system of classifying organisms through binomial nomenclature?



Metabolic pathways that break down molecules Releasing energy

Why are mutations important to evolution? How do they arise?

Mutations are integral to new variation Changes in the DNA (radiation or chemicals)

4 Mechanisms of Evolution

Natural Selection Mutation Migration/ Gene Flow Genetic Drift Also Mechanisms of Speciation

stabilizing selection

Natural selection that favors intermediate variants by acting against extreme phenotypes

Natural Section

One allele is being selected for

Most multicellular, nucleated autotrophs that carry on photosynthesis belong to



Process by which cells release energy in the absence of oxygen anaerobic less efficient alcohol lactic acid

The organism Quercus phellos is of the genus


Purpose of Mitosis

Replace old cells

Nonrandom Mating

Sexual Selection -can be harmful when taken to extreme

Incomplete Dominance

Situation in which one allele is not completely dominant over another allele

Founder Effect

Small group leaves with varying gene frequency from their bigger group


The evolution of adaptations in two species due to their extensive interaction Predator and Prey

crossing over

The exchange of genes on homologous chromosomes during meiosis

The fish in a certain population average 10mm in length. Imagine a population of predatory words arrives in the area, but they cannot eat fish longer than 15mm. After a decade, if the fish average 14mm in length, what likely happened

The fish and the predator coevolve

biotic potential

The maximum rate at which a population could increase under ideal conditions

carbon cycle

The organic circulation of carbon from the atmosphere into organisms and back again

If the elk population was drastically reduced, perhaps due to disease, what is predicted for the wold population that preys on the elk

The wolves will decline as well, but will rebound if the deer/elk population increases

4 Basic Principles of Natural Selection

Variation Heritability Overproduction Reproductive Adaptation

Endosymbiotic Theory

We went from prokaryote to eukaryote describes how mitochondria and chloroplasts are dependent on the cell and can not survive with out it

Cells grown in a petri dish tend to divide until they form a thin layer covering the bottom of the dish. If cells are removed from the middle of the dish, the cells bordering the open space begin dividing until they have filled the empty space. What does this experiment show

When cells come into contact with other cells, they stop growing The control on cell growth and division can be turned on and off Cell division can be regulated by factors outside the cell

Your arm is homologous with... a bird a seal flipper a sea star arm an octopus tentacle

a seal flipper


a thing or event that evokes a specific functional reaction in an organ or tissue


ability to make or cause change

the nonliving components of an environment, such as weather and water availability are

abiotic component


accumulation of pollutants at successive levels of the food chain


all change that take place during the live of an organism unicelluar organisms do not changing in structure as growing

The gene pool for a particular gene is made up of

all the alleles for a certain trait that occur in the population

law of segregation

allele pairs separate or segregate during gamete formation, and randomly unite at fertilization

why does mitosis occur

allow for organism to grow, replace old or damaged cells, repair damaged ones, keep cells small

The DNA sequences of two species of sharks would

be more similar than the DNA sequences of a shark and a dolphin

As we move from kingdom to species, organisms

become more similar in appearance

adaptation (3)

behavioral, structural, reproductive

independent viable

being tested changed or observed on x- axis

Which of the following processes would contribute to an increase in population size

birth and immigration


body cells


body structure

decomposers are important in the food chain because they

break down dead organisms and recycle nutrients into the soil

3 types of food energy source

carbohydrates, protein, lipids


catastrophe causes small population

bar/column graph

categorical data compared 2 or more groups

What are the structures common to all cells

cell membrane, DNA, cytoplasm, ribosomes

Excretory System

cells blood kidneys bladder urea

Respiratory System

cells blood lungs CO2


cells are cells that have only one chromosome from each pair found in gametes


change of allele frequency in a population change of genetic makeup


chemical reation in organs catabolism + anabolism

What are the three things that plant cells have but animal cells don't

chloroplast cell wall centeral vacular

As predator and prey species acquire new adaptations o help them survive the constant "arm race" that occurs between them, what evolutionary phenomenon is occurring



measure quantity, facts

The number of individuals per unit area determines the population's


Suppose a small population of deer is introduced to an island. All the original males have 6-10 points on their antler, and the average male has 8 points. After several generations, if most males have antlers with 10 points and no males have 6 points, this illustrates ______ selection



division of body cells parent cell divides into 2 identical diploid daught cells


division of cytoplasm

The correct order of the taxonomy levels from most inclusive to exclusive is

domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species

Trisomy 21

down syndrome

Sister chromatids

duplicate chromosomes held together by a common centromere


experimental in nature; uncertain

How kind of growth is this: A population of spider mites whose population number doubles every two weeks for the course of the summer


directional selection

extreme phenotype is favored over other phenotypes, causing the allele frequency to shift over time in the direction of that phenotype


father of taxonomy

Digestive System

food stomach small intestine (-> large intestine) blood cells

independent assortment

formation of random combinations of chromosomes in meiosis and of genes on different pairs of homologous chromosomes by the passage according to the laws of probability of one of each diploid pair of homologous chromosomes into each gamete independently of each other pair

What is a section of DNA called which codes for a particular protein



get energy from other organisms


get energy from sun

correct volume reading

go one more digit then what is measured, if 21 then 21.0

used to measure liquids

graduated cylinder


grains, sugars, starches

The number of chromosomes in daughter cells produced by meiosis is ___ the number of chromosomes in daughter cells produced by mitosis


Hardy Weinberg

has to be the equilibrium p2- homologous dominant 2pq- heterozygous q2- homologous recessive

how do you loss energy

heat and undigested material

2 caused of protein denaturation

heat, pH change shape of protien making it unable to function


help speed up chemical reaction

What are the 3 main elements that make up the compounds of the foods we eat?

hydrogen, oxygen, carbon


hypothesis backed up by evidence

Although the death rate exceeds the birth rate, the population in several developed countries, continues to expand. What factors might account for this conitinued increase


The scientific name of an organism

is the same for scientists all over the world

why is cellular respiration aerobic

it uses oxygen

3 types of energy

kinetic, thermal, potential

disruptive selection

leads to speciation Natural selection where extreme values for a trait are favored over intermediate values

how does the energy get to cellular energy

light energy-> chemical energy-> cellular energy

food web

look at the arrows

dependent viable

measurable out some on y- axis


measure quality, opinion

Can a male be a carrier for color blindness


Within a large population, if no mutations occur, no migration occurs, all mating are random, and each individual has an equal chance of reproducing, which of the following will probably happen

no evolution will occur

Does mitosis occur in prokaryotes

no, there's no nucleus


not considered alive because they do not reproduce Used against viruses but there is no cure for viruses Vaccines- antibodies inserts dead virus so body knows how to fight real thing


not essntial for the survival of an individual organism but is essential for the survival of the species

mitosis and meiosis refere to the division of the


What are the two things that prokaryotes don't have that eukaryotes do

nucleus membrane bound organelles

When during the cell cycle are chromosomes visible (chromatid form)

only during cell division


organelle cellular respiration double membrane + DNA all organisms


organelle photosynthesis double membrane + DNA

asexual reproduction

organism divides into 2 ex. bacteria binary fission fragmentation budding parthenogenesis

what is it called when organisms produce more offspring than can survive



parent cells divide twice into 4 haploid daughter cells

Natural selection for, or against, certain


What traits are acted upon by natural selection

physical appearance physiological condition behavior NOT- acquired traits

what organisms go through photosynthesis

plants, and some bacteria + protists

Habitat loss, natural catastrophes, and/or excessive harvesting a species often results in

population bottleneck

boom and bust

predator and prey


prediction if..IV...then..DV...because

random fertilization

probability that any one sperm will fertilized any particular egg


process by which organisms maintain a relatively stable internal environment ex. body temp., water balance


process by which the characteristics of individuals are passed to their offspring


process in which chemical energy is used to produce carbohydrates


programmed cell death

What is the main different between prokaryotes and eukaryotes

prokaryotes don't have nucleus


protein DNA is wound around


provide the potential for evolution

genetic drift

random mating

Before a cell goes through cell division (mitosis), which process must be carried out by the genetic material


Natural selection

reproductive advantage over reproduction variety heritidy survival of the fittest

What is an advantage of sexual reproduction

reshuffling of genes combines different alleles in beneficial ways


sex cells

Purpose of Meiosis

sexual reproduction


similar in ancestor


similar in environment/function


simplest level at which life may exist

Evolution by genetic drift is most obvious in

small population

How does energy change forms

solar energy-> chemical energy-> chemical energy->

sexual reproduction

sperm and egg make new organism ex. hydra

Which of the following phenomena favors individuals with average phenotypes over those with extreme phenotypes

stabilizing selection

Vestigial Structures

structures (like molar teeth in vampire bats) that are homologous to important structures in other organisms but serve no purpose in the organism being considered Ex. Tailbone, Hind Legs

plasma membrane

surrounds a cell and separates it from its environment


survival of the fittest Ability of leaving genes in the next generation

Standard Deviation

tell you how strong the average is

What can change the rate of diffusion

temperature and concentration

process of science

tentative, somewhat flexible, not always linear

What does the biotic potential (# of organisms they can have) of a species depend on

the age of producing chance of survival to age of reproduction frequency of reproduction average number of offspring produced at a time length of reproduction

Which event occurs during interphase

the cell grows


the curve at a liquid's surface by which one measures the volume of the liquid


the failure of homologous chromosomes, sister chromatids, to separate during meiosis

Imagine that 1 of the original 4 mice that escape from a research labs blind due to a genetic defect. If the mice bread, and most of the mice born in subsequent generation are blind from birth, this most likely a case of

the founder effect

Despite causing a life- threatening disease, the sickle-cell allele in some area of Africa has remained in high frequency in those populations because the sickle-cell allele protects against malaria. In the US, malaria was eradicated shortly before WWII by eliminating the mosquito that spreads the disease. What is likely to happen to the frequency of the sickle-cell allele in African-Amercians living in the US

the frequency of the sickle-cell allele will decrease


the study of living things

Carrying capacity

the total number of organisms of a species that an enviroment can support

How do daughter cells at the end of mitosis and cytokinesis compare with their parent cell when it was in G1 of the cell cycle

they daughter cells have the same number of chromosomes and same amount of DNA

How have humans been able to expand the carrying capacity

through advance in technology and medicine co-opting the resources exploiting renewables resources faster that can be replaces

who do organisms go through cellular respiration

to break down glucose which has energy in its bonds -chemical energy: ATP

If a cell cannot move enough material through its membrane to survive, then the ratio of its surface area to volume is

too small

Poison ivy is also known as Rhus toxicodendron, what is it's species?


use to measure grams

tripple beam scale


uncontrollable growth of cells that have been mutated

What must exist for evolution to occur?

variation that is heritable

what is divergent evolution

when species don't look the same but have the same ancetry

what is convergent evolution

when species start to look the same but have different ancetry


where one gene controls the expression of another

Can a female be a carrier for color blindness


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