CHES Study Questions

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The tool used to identify advocacy campaign resources and gaps is which of the following?

Assest inventory

Which of the following is not one of the three important criteria, or the three Fs, of program planning?


When monitoring intervention financial resources, which of the following specifically provides for fiscal accountability measurement?

Funding stability ratio

The health education specialist is working with community groups to conduct legislative advocacy for change in the community. Which theory will best assist with this strategy?

Community Organizing Model

Conducting a capacity assessment is focus on identifying:

Community resources

When developing an assessment data analysis plan, which task should be considered first?

Identify questions based on purpose of assessment

In conducting a smoking cessation program, which types of health education strategies most likely will encourage participants to start thinking about quitting?

Increasing awareness of the harmful effects of smoking

The health education specialist is planning a training workshop for research data collectors. Of the following, which training piece is most important to decrease time and effort spent to clean or correct data after collection?

Data collection pilot test

A health education specialist finds that there are more people requesting a smoking cessation program than can be accommodated. This is an example of which type of need?


Which of the following survey tools would be best to use if the health education specialist has unlimited funds, wants to generate a high response rate, and wishes to keep selection bias low?

Face-to-face interview

Valid research designs allow valid conclusions to be drawn. Which type of validity is used to estimate the degree of cause and effect?


If a health education specialist wants to emphasize program implementation, the most appropriate model would be:


Services required for program implementation have been identified. A long-term program partner could provide those services at a discounted Which of the following is most appropriate to use for procurement?

Memorandum of understanding

The social media campaign to change social norms related to teen pregnancy that was developed by a health education specialist is reviewed by a group of adolescents from the priority population. Feedback from the adolescents allows the health education specialist to make changes before implementing the campaign, which refers to what type of evaluation?


A coalition determine there was a lack of collaboration among the numerous agencies, organizations dn individuals who provide health and emergency services in a community. The coalition decided to identify community members' issues and concessions with these services and determine the level of usage of the visiting agencies. The coalition aims to avoid duplication of services while designing interventions to address concerns. Which of the following represents the best strategy to obtain data?

Process evaluation

Which of the following is an example of secondary data collection?

Published literature

A health education specialist is working on a new community planning initiative. The specialist wants to address community support and social network factors. Which determinant of health, therefore, will be addressed?

Social and community context

The health education specialist wishes to examine the outcome of an intervention. As such, which type of evaluation should be designed?


Which type of literature review typically is used to identify current gaps in the literature after comprehensively reviewing the literature on topic?

Systemic review

A health education specialist is collaborating with community stakeholders to create a health communication campaign in which mammography screenings are promoted broadly among African-American women in the southeast United States. Which messaging technique would be most appropriate?


An action-oriented, time-limited alliance for health issue advocacy is which of the following?

Task force

Which of the following should be used to standardize intervention delivery by program staff?

Training protocol

Health education specialists are encouraged to employ health literacy universal precautions when interacting with patients and delivering health education materials to communities. According to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), which of the following is not considered a health literacy universal precaution?

Use numeric rates and statistics to enhance the credibility of your message

Set of communication tools for education and persuasion using paid media is which of the following?


When engaging priority populations in program planning, participants are defined as:

community members who will receive the program intervention

Which would be the best technique to determine whether patients have the skills necessary to prepare a health, low-calorie, low-fat meal?

create a meal through simulation activity

The best objective for a training workshop to build the skills of smoking cessation facilitators would be "Upon completion of the training program, the participants will be able to",

demonstrate with 100% accuracy the deep breathing technique taught in the workshop

The Percent of deaths due to pneumonia, Influenza, and COVID-19:

in week 10 of 2020 was roughly 3x greater than expected.

A formal social media policy should include the use of _______ to maintain pages, post scheduled messages, and respond to follower posts.


The health education specialist can influence policymaking at the implementation stage by:

offering comment on draft rules

To determine whether a proposed intervention will work as designed, the health education specialist could conduct a(n):

pilot test

Vision statements are used to describe where a program will be in the next: Group of answer choices

3 to 5 years

What percentage of the total program budget should be set aside for evaluation?


What is the main function of an Institutional Review Board (IRB)?

protect human subjects involved in the research

Using an ecological approach, the health education specialist identifies an organizational-level local business to be a member of a preventive mental health coalition. that business was selected because hiring personnel employ military veterans, many of whom suffered from PTSD. The role that local business plays in the coalition is that of a:


A health education specialist sends cancer prevention materials to women 40 and older about breast cancer This process is an example of:

targeting a message

A health education specialist is conducting research. Which of the following is not focused on ethical principles for conducting data collection?


If a health education specialist were creating an intervention that included written education materials, which of the following should be checked to best facilitate learning?

weekly program meetings

Which of the following is an example of a correctly written learning objective?

"Individuals participating in the health education program will be able to identify three ways to protect their skin from the sun by the end of the program"

A health education specialist needs to find adaptive leadership training to learn how to more effectively communicate with diverse populations in the community in which the specialist serves. Which of the following training titles and modalities would be most appropriate to meet this complex professional development goal?

"Listening with cultural humility before communicating your messages" (hybrid: two 2-hour in-person workshops plus 2 coaching calls)

The health education specialist realizes that although already being connected with legislators and having collaborated with many advocacy coalitions, the specialist lacks important advocacy skills and has limited personal financial resources. The best-recognized opportunity to overcome these barriers to being an advocate is to:

attend an advocacy webinar series

To understand the three human subjects' protection guidelines of respect for persons, beneficence, and justice, one would look to the:

Belmont Report

What is an effective way to identify stakeholders?

Contact people in the target community to gather categories and names

A health education specialist is assessing which valid resource to use to obtain chronic disease-related morbidity and mortality trends in a specific local community What would be the best resource to use to acres that information?

County and State health-related agencies data

The community recreation center placed speed bumps on the roadway that borders the playgrounds. This action is an example of which type of intervention strategy? Group of answer choices

Environmental change

When planning a diabetes prevention program following the PRECEDE-PROCEED Model, data on high sugar intake would fall into which assessment phase?

Epidemiological assessment

A health education specialist has a limited budget and is looking for baseline data. Which of the following may be a secondary data option to consider?

Federal, state, city, and county open data portals

According to which theory or model do people assess the threat of an emerging disease by assessing their perceived susceptibility against the severity of the disease?

Health Belief Model

When participants in a training program are told both the benefits and risks associated with the program, which one of the following typically occurs with the procedure?

Informed consent

A health education specialist chooses a six-step framework in which participatory planning, multiple theories, and a systems approach are used to address intervention development for adoption and sustainability. This arrangement (or plan) refers to which of the following?

Intervention mapping

In developing a solid work plan to be specifically aligned to a logic model, which of the following should be included in the selected planning model?

Intervention mapping

Which of the following is not an example of a timeline for the delivery of health education programs?

Management by Objectives (MBO)

A health education specialist is interested in gaining the support of a large number of people from a metropolitan area in which the project is being implemented. Which one of the following communication channels would be best to use?

Mass media

A health education specialist is asked to measure the actual use of a biking trail in a local community. Which of the following methods is best for measuring the actual use of the trail over a period of a week?


Which of the following represents primary sources that a health education specialist could use for community need assessment?

Observation, surveys, and interviews

Which of the following is typically measured in a process evaluation?

Fidelity, completeness, and exposure

In a health communications campaign for a walking program, it was emphasized that exercise can make a person feel better, other people are starting to participate in group fitness walks, and it is easy to reserve time in busy schedules for a short walk. The most likely behavior change theory on which the campaign was based in which of the following?

Theory of planned behavior

Which of the following is not an adult learning principle?

Use a prescribed set of methods, perspectives, and content to standardize instruction and avoid confusion

The health education specialist is reviewing the evidence-informed finding of the Guide to Community Preventative Services. The health education specialist is most likely assessing resources related to:

intervention approaches

When designing audience-centered, culturally appropriate health education materials, it is essential to:

involves the target audience in developing material

What is an important characteristic that defines "plain language?" Language:

is presented in a way that the audience can understand it quickly

According to the Diffusion of Innovations theory, some groups in the population are resistant to change. These groups of people are referred to as the:


Which of the following is not one of Frieden's Six Components for Effective Public Health Program Implementation?

multiple, high-priority interventions.

A community agency personnel are targeting a variety of social ecological levels to help reduce drug use in the Some of the levels will take substantially more time to target. Rather than wait for all aspects of the intervention to be ready, the health education specialist looks to begin with one level and then will add in other levels over time. This process is an example of:

phasing in

A health education specialist is targeting different groups of young adults for a physical activity intervention. The specialist wants to work with those who are ready to take action to get active within the next month. In what "stage of change" are these prospective participants?


In the informational training related to an adolescent health literacy pilot program, the attendees, all of whom are classroom teachers, state that instead of having a single facilitator come into their classroom to deliver the curriculum, they prefer to deliver it themselves. They make their case to the trainer, stating they are classroom teachers and, as such, know how to deliver the curriculum. Which of the following concepts does the trainer use to explain why this health education curriculum is being implemented with a single facilitator?


A health education specialist plans to hire a consultant to conduct an evaluation of a program. Which of the following is the first step of the process?

A written agreement outlining the work needed

Finding from an assessment revelaed that the priority population's access to available community health care services is lower than another community with comparable demographics. they have identified a/an"

Actual need

A health education specialist in a hospital plans to post information throughout the facility to increase awareness of the potential dangers, spread, and prevention of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Which format would best accomplish this effort?

An infographic with data and short messages

When starting to build relationships with multiple sectors outside of public health (e.g., housing, transportation, primary care, schools), what would be the most effective first step?

Ask partners about their priorities and needs

Researching information about a legislator's voting record before an initial meeting is important. Many places to gather research exist. Which would be the most helpful in understanding the voting record of a member of the United States Congress?


Which social determinant should the health education specialist consider when analyzing knowledge acquisition among youth participating in a risk reduction intervention


In the ecological model, behavior has many influences. Which level best describes the role of cultural values, norms, and a built environment?


A health education specials plans to conduct a food access and food lesser assessment to determine how many grocery stores exist in the low-income areas of the community compared to other income level areas. When planning for the collection of secondary data, all of the following tasks should be included except to:

Create or adapt an existing instrument to collect observational data

The health education specialist wants to compare course satisfaction levels of two different groups of smoking cessation participants. Of the following, which is the best quantitative data analysis technique to use?

Cross tabulation

To facilitate understanding and sensitivity for various cultures, values, and traditions, which statement is true?

Cultural competence includes knowledge, awareness, and sensitivity

Which of the following statement regarding overdose death rates involving opioids is true? Figure 2 Overdose Death Rates Involving Opioids

Death rates from any opioid have increased 5 times from 1999 to 2018

which of the following is an example of a method used during a social assessment?

Delphi technique

In a health communication campaign, stoplight (red, yellow, green) characters are used to encourage adult immunizations. The most likely behavior change theory on which the campaign was based is which of the following?

Transtheoretical model

The route through which a message is disseminated to the priority population is referred to as the communication:


The health problems of a priority population are best identified through

community assessment

The coalition is having a difficult time persuading a decision-maker to support an issue. The decision-maker, how ever, can be swayed by the level of public support for the issue. The most important data collection method to use next, therefore, would be:

community leader surveys

To gain organizational acceptance for strategic plans, health education specialists should:

consider organizational culture, and develop and implement strategies to change that culture if needed

The intervention program is doing so well that it needs to be expanded; however, the sponsoring agency has limited funding for expansion. The health education specialist found another agency willing to provide the sponsor with a larger venue in exchange for access to the sponsor's educational library. This method of financing the program is called:

cooperative aggreements

A health education specialist would like to use a planning tool in which the timeline for when specific tasks are to be accomplished before, during, and after a program. The health education specialist also would like to track the actual accomplishment of these tasks using this same Which of the following methods would be most useful?

Gantt chart

to increase the rate of the prostate screening among men ages 50 and older is an example of what type of statement?


Advocacy initiatives are created to influence policy and law, and they include many strategy areas. In which of these areas would holding a town hall meeting fall?

Grassroots lobbying

The health education specialist is creating a new program to increase cancer screening. The specialist is looking for evidence-based strategies to promote mammograms. Which is the best source of information for that data?

Guide to Community Preventive Services

A seminar on high blood pressure for those who already are affected by high blood pressure is being provided as a part of a worksite wellness program. Which scenario facilitates active learning of workshop participants?

Have attendees practice taking blood pressure on one another

Health education specialists are ethically obligated to ensure confidentiality and to protect the privacy of all clients. The law that protects the privacy of patient information is the:

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

A smoking ban in casinos is which type of strategy in a state-wide smoking prevention program?

Health policy

When health education specialists are asked to verify the credibility of media sources for health information, they should consider the element of "currency." To what does this term refer?

How current or out-of-date the health information is for their health topic

Which type of objective is addressed in the following statement? "After completing the program, participants will be able to discuss three strategies to reduce the risk of falling"


A health education specialist collects data in which the answers were either "yes" or"no:' These data are what type?


A health education specialist needs to determine specific alcohol, tobacco, and drug use prevention needs and immediately prioritize those needs with a few experts from the priority population. Which primary data collection technique would be the best to use in this scenario?

Nominal group process

Which of the following statements can be inferred from the graph? Figure 2 Overdose Death Rates Involving Opioids

Opioid deaths were largely caused by commonly prescribed opioids until 2015

When writing objectives fro a worksite wellness program, the health education specialist wishes to measure any morbidity, mortality, and health status change that occurred as a result of the interventions. Which type of objective should be written?


In a grant-funded project budget, what are the indirect costs?

Overhead expenses such as utilities and rent

If the health education specialist begins the program planning process by identifying desired outcomes, the most appropriate model would be:


An important indicator of capacity is "influence." What is true about influencers?

People connected to large networks are often important influencers

The health education specialist wants to test some new questions and use a different program evaluation survey delivery method. To do so, which of the following would be implemented first?

Pilot test

By 2024, volunteers will distribute informational factsheets to at least 50% of the program participants. This intent is an example of which type of objective?


During a health education program, questions about whether the participants like the instructional materials and if instructors find them easy to use are examples of which type of evaluation?


In advocacy evaluation, measuring campaign and message reach as well as activities and tactics used is considered which type of evaluation?


The health education specialist is conducting a research study using an online survey in which participants' names are linked to their data. Of the following, which is the best way to protect participant confidentiality?

Store name separately from data and replace with unique identifier

Due to financial constraints, a research team is only recruiting participants from three hospitals in the local metropolitan area. In doing so, the researchers have established:


The best objective for a training workshop to build the skills of smoking cessation facilitators would be "Upon completion of the training program, the participants will be able to"

demonstrate with 100% accuracy the deep breathing technique taught in the workshop

In a priority population, the infant mortality rate and the overall death rate of mothers with less than a high school education are almost twice as high as mother with 13 or more years of education. These rates are examples of health:


As people learn, which of the following yields the highest level of retention? What is:

done and said

To determine the validity of existing data, the health education specialist:

examines the references for commonly cited sources in multiple publications

A bullying prevention community-wide intervention is being planned, with parents, of the priority population, target. The planning team is seeking specific information from local parents with children in grades K-12 to understand their opinions on approaches to strengthen school climate through parent-teacher associations, volunteering opportunities, and school improvement events. The health education specialist should refer these local parents to wha type of data collection method?

focus group

A health department conducted a social media campaign for its new childhood immunization clinic to drive community members to the department's website for appointment scheduling. The best data to track using the website's analytics would be which of the following?

goal behavior

A health education specialist is planning to conduct a literature review specific to the resiliency of small rural communities affected by a natural disaster to cope and rebuild. Two important search strategies should include _____ and _____ for searches.

identification of key words; selected source/database(s)

To determine the immediate effects of a health education program, the health education specialist should use which type of evaluation?


Behavioral and learning objectives also may be referred to as

impact objectives

Behavioral and learning objectives also may be referred to as:

impact objectives

Communication between a prospective human subject and an investigator from the beginning of a research study to the end refers to the:

informed consent

The health education specialist can examine health determinants through a socio-ecological lens. Which socio-ecological and social determinant factor includes healthcare providers' recommendations?


An advantage of adopting an instrument for data collection is that:

its reliability and validity can be used

The health education specialist is reading a meta-analysis of balance interventions involving frail elderly. Although this analysis can assist in guiding their senior exercise programming decisions, the health education specialist also must be aware of its limitations, including:

lack of uniformity of methodology

In the strategic planning process after an organization defines or refines its mission statement, the next step is to:

list internal and external strengths and opportunities

The health education specialist asks an elected official to vote to increase funding for teen pregnancy prevention in the state. The specialist is engaged in:


The agency administrator wants the big picture or summary of an intervention's resources, activities, and results. Therefore, the health education specialist creates which of the following to put in the report to the administrator?

logic model

During program monitoring, the health education specialist determines that an educational curriculum needs With modification, however, primary attention needs to be on:

maintaining program fidelity

Which of the following is not an element of an effective advocacy plan?

market the coalition

To provide patient-centered healthcare with excellence in quality, service, and access is an example of a/an:

mission statement

One of the first considerations when determining the potential appropriateness of an external organization for collaboration is an alignment of:

mission, vision, and values

When researchers and evaluators use a combination of different methods and strategies to examine evaluation or research questions from multiple different perspectives and vantage points it is called:

mixed methods methodology

Forgetting to inform participants about the risks associated with physical activity before having the participants begin a program is an example of:


A social media campaign leading with Facebook for its new drive-through immunization clinic was conducted in a health department. The health education specialist used the platform's analytics to determine the number of unique people who viewed the initial clinic kick-off post. The health education specialist is evaluating which type of social media reach?


The following are benefits of involvement with coalitions, collaborative partnerships, communities of practice, and other networks EXCEPT:

persuading collaborators to view social issues from the organizer's perspective

A health education specialist creates a draft fact sheet about diabetes. A group of six individuals is recruited to read the fact sheet and answer a series of questions. This process is an example of:

pilot testing

The type of brief provided to a decision-maker when attempting to convince that person to take a specific action on an issue covers not only policy options but also policy recommendations. This type of brief is referred to as a/an:


In media advocacy, decision-makers, as an audience for the communications strategy, are at what level of priority?


When a media advocacy campaign is used to educate about proposed policy changes, decision-makers with the power to affect change are which type of audience?


When health education specialists conduct training programs, it is important to use a variety of resources and strategies to:

reach as many of the learners as possible

Health is impacted by a variety of different factors, but there are five major factors that contribute to the determinants of health for a population. Discrimination and income fall under which of the five major factors?

social environment or characteristics

The health education specialist is three-quarters of the way through an agency's annual It is realized there will not be sufficient funding to last through the rest of the year. This realization is an issue of program:


A health education specialist works as a patient educator at a healthcare institution. Part of the job is to work with patients who have recently suffered a heart attack. This type of prevention is an example of:


Which of the following is true about conducting an outcome evaluation of a communication campaign? Health education specialists are assessing:

the degree to which the communication objectives are achieved

The main drawback of pilot testing interventions is that:

the results may not be entirely generalized

Logic models are used to:

track if activities are producing outputs which lead to outcomes

When allocating resources, good managers:

use the organization's needs to drive the use of current resources and projections for future resources

Intervention sustainability should be planned:

at the start of the intervention

"Among program participants, smoking rates will decrease by 35% in 12 months" is an example of which type of objective?


Consumption, medication compliance, and self-care are considered which type of factors related to health _______.


Consumption, medication compliance, and self-care are considered which type of factors related to health?


A health education specialist is working with a local community organization to segment the population for implementing a new health communication campaign to address rising rates of sexually transmitted infections (STls) in the community. What characteristics will the project lead focus on to effectively segment the population?

Behavioral, demographic, and cultural characteristics of the population

SMART objectives are statements in which the results of the program are described in measurable terms. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable/Achievable, Realistic/Relevant, and Time-bound. Which of the following is a correctly written SMART objective?

By the end of the program, 20% of respondents will report eating more fruits and vegetables

The health education specialist is searching for information about a health issue for an advocacy effort. The special ist is specifically looking for the facts, epidemiology, and health consequences of the issue. The most appropriate sites to search would be:


The organization that accredits schools of public health, graduate programs in public/community health, and undergraduate programs is:


Following the PRECEDE-PROCEED Model, assessing if community members have adequate access to oral health care services is which type of factor in the educational and ecological assessment?


What method of data collection is most suited to programs that are well defined and have had numerical outcomes compared with those of other groups or the general population?


To increase self-efficacy to resist peer pressure to use substances, the health education specialist's curriculum should include which one of the following?

Role-plays and group activities that demonstrate refusal skills

A health education specialist wants to ensure a fact sheet on colon cancer prevention is suitable for the chosen priority population. Which of the following assessments should be used?


A health education specialist is developing a new Web site as part of an intervention for people with visual disabilities. Which law should the health education specialist review and consider when developing the Web site?

Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act

A computer application allows a patient to assess current cardiovascular fitness Through the app, texts are sent to the patient's cellphone so that interaction throughout the day is provided for encouragement as well as to send information about the number of walking steps needed to achieve a pre-determined level. This provision of personalized support is referred to as what type of messaging?


The health education specialist developed a new train-the-trainer program for a statewide positive mental health promotion initiative. Which tool would best communicate training program plans and parameters?

Training manual

Which of the following statements about the data available on the graph is true? Figure 1 NCHS Mortality Reporting System

There was an epidemic outbreak of respiratory diseases in late 2018 and early 2020

When conducting a program staff training following the ARCS Mot ivation Model, the health education specialist wishes to improve trainee perception of relevance. Which of the following applications of the model would be best to use?

Tie instruction to past experience

A health education specialist can design health promotion programs to facilitate the learning process of all participants by:

adapting programs to different cultural beliefs and practices

A health education specialist who is designing a media advocacy initiative should incorporate which of the following as media strategies?

an internet blog, radio interviews, social networking group site, PSA

A health education specialist is considering using multiple models during the planing of the needs assessment process. Which of the following is the most likely reason for using this strategy? It will:

assist in identifying types of data needed for the assessment and the factors that may impact development of the intervention

When applying traditional marketing principles to health education interventions, the "product" is usually the:

behavior change

In evaluating a legislative advocacy campaign, process indicators include:

campaign reach

A new HIV testing intervention is being planned to support efforts to increase screening The intervention is planned to start in six months. Which of the following is a proven method to create a timeline and plan for the intervention?

critical path method

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