Child Development 1-5

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It is a good idea to fill a baby's crib with blankets,stuffed animals, and pillows so that they will be comfortable.


It is alright for a pregnant woman take over the counter medications as long as she tells her doctor afterwards.


Nausea in the early stages of pregnancy is a danger sign, and the woman should immediately go to her doctor.


One hundred years ago, children clothes were more casual than they are today.


Parents and babies typically bond when the baby is two the three months old


Parents who lose a baby to miscarriage or still birth do not go through any stages of grief.


Refined grain products are healthier that whole grain products.


The baby is born in the third, or last, stage of labor


The embryonic stage is the first stage in pregnancy


The third stage of labor is usually longer than the first stage


Ultrasound devices are often used to monitor the baby during labor


babies are most commonly born feet first


Most scientists believe that both nature and nurture affect the way in which a child develops.


Once the amniotic sac has ruptured, the baby should be delivered within 24 to 48 hours


One reason that some woman do not follow a healthy, sensible diet during pregnancy is their concern about gaining weight


One type of anesthesia that is injected into the lower back and numbs the lower half of the body is called a cesarean block


Pregnant women should avoid exposure to hazardous substances such as paint and mercury.


Some parents choose to have a newborn's cord blood stored in case it might be needed for medical reasons in the future


Sometimes doctors induce labor by puncturing the amniotic sac


Teens are more likely to give birth prematurely than older woman


The only method of birth control that is 100% effective is abstinence.


The stage of life between childhood and adulthood is called adolescence


The stages of development are similar for all children all over the world.


We receive 23 chromosomes from each of our parents. (T/F)


When a father takes time off work following the birth of a baby, he is taking paternity leave.


When a woman goes into premature labor, doctors are sometimes able to use medication to stop the labor


Women often continue to have contractions for several days after giving birth


errors in chromosomes can cause some birth defects such as Down syndrome.


when you are confident that you are good at caring for children, children may feel secure with you.


What is true concerning the lungs?

While the baby is in the uterus, the lungs are collapsed

What are two types of sex chromosomes?

XX- female XY- male

Another word for an egg cell is called


What causes toxoplasmosis?


What is the most likely cause of postpartum depression

physical and emotional changes a mother goes through after birth

Any activity that arouse a Childs sense of sight, sound, touch, taste, or smell is considered


What is a sign of false labor?

the contractions are not regular or rhythmic

When should a pregnant woman immediately contact her doctor?

When vagina is bleeding

Because babies typically are not hungry after birth, most mothers wait a day or two before they begin breast-feeding


Why is the typical size of the cervix when it is fully dilated?

4 inches

You have observed that Chuck and Robert played happily together for a half hour. In your notes, you state that Chuck and Robert appear to be friends. How could you describe this statement?

A interpretation.

At what point does the weight of the fetus typically shift downwards in the mothers abdomen?

About 40 weeks

Children's need for love has increased as society has become more complex.


A facility that provides a more homelike environment for a woman to give birth is called ______ birth center


Which is not an example of a birth defect?


What are the steps of conception in their proper order?

An ovum is released by the ovary, a sperm fertilizes the ovum, the ovum moves through the fallopian tube, the inner lining of the uterus grows and thickens

Jamie keeps screaming when he wakes from his nap because, from previous experience, he knows his mother will come get him. What theorist first studied this kind of learning?

B.F. Skinner

What is true concerning anemia?

Can cause people to feel tired, shortness of breath, cold.

The lower part of a woman uterus is called the


Which of these foods would be best for a pregnant woman to each if she wanted to avoid bone loss?


One sign of a labor is _______, or tightening and releasing of the muscles of the uterus


Which of the following is/are the cause of birth defects?

Environmental, Hereditary, error in chromosomes

Which is not a developmental task teens must work on?

Establishing roots

How could the features of a typical newborn be described?

Face is swollen, nose is flat, chin is receding

A baby who is born after developing in the uterus for 42 weeks or less is considered premature


Another name for miscarriage is still birth.


Another name for the birth canal is the cervix


Inheriting the same faulty recessive gene from both parents lead to a birth defect.


To what time period does the neonatal period refer?

First month after birth

The ______ are the open spaces in a baby's skull where the bones have not yet grown together


Babies who are not breastfed get nutrition they need to grow from _______ which typically is composed of milk, water, and essential nutritions.


What kind of record is a child care worker creating if he writes down a child's behavior during nap time every day for three weeks?

Frequency count

The form of diabetes that occurs during pregnancy is known as

Gestational diabetes

Which is not a common sign of pregnancy?

Having a menstrual period earlier than usual.

What is colostrum?

High protein early breast milk

A woman wants to carry her baby herself, but her Fallopian tubes are so badly damaged that the egg cannot travel down them to her uterus. What procedure might best solve this problem?

In Vitro Fertilization

What is the purpose of the umbilical cord?

It carries nourishment, oxygen to the developing baby and waste products away from the developing baby.

What have researchers found out about childhood?

It has a profound influence on the rest of a person's life

How does stimulation affect babies?

It helps their nervous systems develop

What is true concerning child?

It is a time of rapid development, being dependent on caregivers, preparation for adult life.

Why is the baby covered with vernix while in the uterus?

It protects the baby from exposure to the amniotic fluid

Which of these is an advantage to bottle-feeding rather than breast feeding a baby?

It reduces the baby's risk of allergies

Some newborns have ___, which occurs when the liver cannot remove bilirubin from the blood.


What is the last step of an observation?

Knowing your purpose

If a person has a problem digesting milk product, what condition does she have?

Lactose intolerant

What happens if an ovum reaches the uterus without being fertilized?

Menstruation occurs

Which of these health care professionals is not a doctor, but is trained to assist women in child birth.


What problem frequently occurs in babies who are born prematurely?

Not being able to properly suck, breathing difficulties, not able to control their body temperature

Consuming foods high in calcium, such as milk, helps prevent_______ or bone loss


In a normal pregnancy, how often does a woman typically have a checkup during the first 6 months?

Once a month

what is the process of an egg being released by the ovaries called?


The condition in which a new mother feels very sad and is overly anxious about the baby or has little interest in the baby is known as what?

Postpartum depression

What is a baby's development during the nine months of pregnancy called?

Prenatal Development

Which of the following is not a method of birth control.


When a developing baby dies after the 20th week of pregnancy

Still birth

Unexpected death of a baby under one year of age with no clear cause.

Sudden infant death syndrome.

Why might a doctor induce labor?

The baby has been developing for more than 42 weeks

What is important before observing a child?

The developmental skills the child has.

Nancy gave birth to twins; one is a boy and one is a girl. What statement can you make about these twins?

They are fraternal twins

How do fontanels help make birth easier?

They make it easier for the baby's head to move through the birth canal

What is true concerning breast-feeding mothers?

They need about 300 calories a day more than they did before pregnancy

What is the purpose of a baby monitor?

To allow parents to hear sounds in the baby's room when they are elsewhere

What is the purpose of a baseline?

To determine the current frequency of a specific behavior/or skills

What is the purpose of the mucus plug that seals the cervix during pregnancy?

To keep bacteria from entering the uterus

Why do medical professionals monitor the fetus during labor and contractions?

To make certain the baby is not under stress

1 in 5 babies who have fetal alcohol syndrome do not live to their first birthday.


A cesarean section is a surgical procedure used to deliver a baby


A pregnant woman who smokes and drinks increases her chances of having a baby with a birth defect.


An important advantage to giving birth in a hospital is that high-tech equipment is easily available


Because of hormonal changes, women are often more tired than usual during the early part of a pregnancy.


Before the twentieth century, children frequently worked in factories or other adult work places.


By studying children, you can have a better understanding of why they feel, think, and act the way they do.


Colostrum can provide newborns with protection against illness


Common parental tests include alpha-feta protein, ultra sound,amniocentesis, chronic villi sampling, and genetic counseling.


A test that uses sound waves to make a video image of an unborn baby


____ is a thick, white, pasty substances that babies are covered in while floating in amniotic fluid


If you want to get protein in your diet, what food would be most helpful?


How could rooming in be described?

allowing the baby to stay in the mother's hospital room

What is a NICU?

an intensive care unit for newborns with special needs

When an individuals blood has too few red blood cells, he/she has


Newborns are evaluated using a rating system known as the _____ scale.


Parents and other people who tend to children are called


When a baby is delivered through a surgical incision in the mother's abdomen, it is delivered by ___ birth.


The process of the sperm fertilizing the ovum is called


The blood in the umbilical cord and placenta following births is called

cord blood

The actual birth of a baby is called the


Th ovary is connected to the uterus by the

fallopian tube

Emilio has brown hair. How can you explain this?


Premature babies are often placed in a special enclosed crib called


A specialist who helps a mother learn to breast-feed her infant is called an ___ consultant


Before they can leave the hospital, what must preemies be able to do?

maintain Steady body temp, breath on their own, drink

A doctor who specializes in pregnancy and childbirth is an


What is the purpose of a developmental checklist?

to create a list of observed skills or behaviors

Why do doctors sometimes use forceps during a birth?

to help the cervix dilate more quickly.

Why are premature newborns placed in incubators?

to keep them warm

Many vegetables and fruits are good sources of vitamin C


The ________ connects the baby to the placenta.

umbilical cord

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