Child Psych FINAL

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________________________ perspective is the moral perspective that focuses on the rights of the individual.


Which statement best exemplifies early formal-operational thinking?

"Anything is possible."

To which of the following teachers' comments would you most likely respond, "That sounds like a developmentally appropriate practice"?

"I have created some lessons specifically designed to enhance my students' self-esteem."

Which represents a statement of self-esteem?

"I'm a good person."

As Anita steps to the free-throw line with the national women's collegiate basketball championship on the line, a lot of thoughts begin to run through her mind. Which thought best illustrates the concept of mastery motivation?

"Just remember to aim at the back of the rim, since that strategy worked on the last shot."

What is a common pattern of individuals who develop positive identities?

"MAMA" cycles of moratorium-achievement-moratorium-achievement

Your friend informs you that he cannot be held responsible for showing up late for a movie because he is the lastborn child in a family of six. How do you respond?

"Those excuses are lame. Birth-order effects are just not that powerful."

Identify the five main characteristics of self-understanding in young children.

1) confusion of self, mind, and body 2) concrete descriptions 3) physical descriptions 4) active descriptions 5) unrealistic positive overestimations

List two reasons why circumcisions were performed in the past without any anesthesia.

1. Concerns with anesthesia at the young age. 2. The belief that newborns do not feel pain.

List four of the seven characteristics of parents who raise children that display moral behavior.

1. are warm and supportive rather than punitive 2. use inductive discipline 3. provide opportunities for children to learn about other perspective and feelings 4. involve children in family decision making and in the process of thinking about moral decisions

Identify three things that parents can do when their children argue and fight among themselves.

1. intervene and try to help them resolve the conflict 2. admonish or threaten them 3. do nothing at all

School segregation is still a factor in the education of children of color in the United States. ________ of African American and Latino students attend schools in which 90 percent or more of the students are from minority groups.


A company hires you to help lead a school-based fund drive to collect money for "poor people around the world." Which age would you first expect to see true humanitarian concern for others and an increase in donations?

10 to 12 years of age

What percentage of school-aged children in the United States receives special education or related services because of learning disabilities?


What percentage of children were classified by Chess and Thomas as slow-to-warm-up?

15 percent

If Bill and Kate's son has just acquired the ability to recognize himself, how old is he?

18 months old

More than ____ out of every ____ mothers with a child under the age of 5 is in the labor force


In relationship to social referencing, it is expected that a child at the age of ____ will have a tendency to "check" with the mother before acting.


How early in life have children been tested for depth perception?

2 months old

___________________________ is a close emotional bond between the infant and caregiver.


Child neglect, physical, sexual, and emotional abuse are all forms of ______.

child maltreatment.

In regard to grasping, ____-month-olds are more likely to touch to determine how they will grip an object, whereas ____-month-olds are likely to use vision as a guide.


A group of people born at a similar point in history and share similar experiences is a description of a..


Public Law __________, the Education for All Handicapped Children Act, required that all students with disabilities be given a free, appropriate public education and be provided the funding to help implement this education.


Single-parent families are more common among _______________ than among white Americans.

both African Americans and Latinos

According to Gibsons' ideas, which one of the below is not an affordance?

A pot may afford you with something in which to cook. A chair may afford you with something on which to sit. A pot may afford you with something on which to bang. (all of these)

In some situations, rewards actually

both improve and undermine learning.

According to Vygotsky, scaffolding is

Adjusting the amount of guidance necessary to learn a skill. Changing the level of support when teaching a child. Giving direct instructions, if needed. (all of these)

________________________ is the heightened self-consciousness of adolescents, which is reflected in the belief that others are as interested in them as the adolescents are in themselves.

Adolescent egocentrism

Jacob is 4 years old. Which of the following is true about his fine motor skills?

Although he sometimes has trouble building high towers with blocks because he wants to place each block perfectly, he has fine motor skills that are more precise than when he was 3 years of age.

Describe Mary Ainsworth's theory of "Strange Situation."

An observational measure of infant attachment that requires the infant to move through a series of introductions, separations, and reunions with the caregiver and an adult stranger in a prescribed order.

Describe four different things a teacher would do in a classroom based on Vygotsky's theory.

Asses the chids ZPD use the childs zpd use more skilled peers as teachers monitor and use childrens use of private speech

___________________________________ is/are a disability in which children consistently show one or more of the following characteristics over a period of time: inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

What are the limitations of preoperational thought?

Both egocentrism and animism are limitations.

Of the following, whose behavior illustrates one of the major criticisms of Kohlberg's theory of moral development?

Brent, who in conversation produces highly ethical arguments, but who illegally parked in a handicapped parking spot earlier in the day.

Which of the following is a component of a developmentally appropriate practice?

Children are expected to be mentally and physically active.

Which statement is true about developmental changes in middle to late childhood?

Children during this stage of development have a capacity for genuine empathy.

In middle and late childhood emotions begin to change. Which of the following statements is true?

Children have the ability to suppress negative emotional reactions. Children begin to internalize and integrate the emotions of pride and shame and take on a sense of personal responsibility. Children have self-initiated strategies for redirecting feelings. (all of these)

Autism spectrum disorders would involve

Communication problems Repetitive behaviors Social Problems (all of these)

Although occasional exceptions have been found, evidence linking authoritative parenting with competence on the part of the child occurs in research across a wide range of

Cultures Ethnic groups Social strata (all of these)

Which of the following statements is not a good strategy for improving relationships among ethnically diverse students?

Decrease the perspective taking and support negative thinking.

Describe the differences between egocentrism and animism and provide an example of each.

Egocentrism is the inability to distinguish between one's own and someone else's perspective. An example of egocentrism would be if you ask a four year old over the phone a yes or no question and they respond by nodding or shaking their head without the ability to realize that you cannot see them. Whereas animism is the belief that inanimate objects have lifelike qualities and are capable of action. An example of animism would be if said four year old were to say that the tree pushed the leaf off.

What special concern about children's early school experiences is emerging?

Elementary school proceeds mainly on the basis of negative feedback.

Compare and contrast the emotion-coaching and emotion-dismissing approaches.

Emotion-coaching parents: monitor their children's emotions, view their children's negative emotions as opportunities for teaching, assist children in labeling emotions, coach children in how to deal effectively with emotions; whereas emotion dismissing parents would not respond to the children or assist them as frequently if not at all.

________________________ is a mechanism to explain how children shift from one stage of thought to the next. Once children have solved the cognitive conflict and reached a balance it is attained.


The most comprehensive and provocative theory of identity belongs to

Erik Erikson

Marcia's identity statuses are based on

Erikson's theory of identity development.

Ellen Galinsky and Judy David developed a number of guidelines for communicating with children about divorce. Which is not one of the guidelines?

Explain that things will be better very soon.

__________________________ indicates that emotions are modes of adaptation to the specific context in the environment.


A change can be seen in families because of an increase in general dissatisfaction and restlessness. The result of this restlessness is a

Greater number of stepparent families. Hodgepodge of family structures. Greater number of single-parent families. (All of these.)

___________________________ is the absence or deficiency of growth hormone produced by the pituitary gland to stimulate the body to grow.

Growth hormone deficiency

________________________ is the name given to decreased responsiveness to a stimulus after repeated presentations of the stimulus.


Describe the difference between habituation and dishabituation.

Habituation is a decreased responsiveness to a stimulus after repeated presentations. Dishabituation is the recovery of a habituated response after a change in stimulation.

In order to participate in a program entitled Fast Track, children must

Have parents who are willing to accept support and parenting training. Show conduct problems at home and school. (Both answers are correct.)

. In order to reduce resistance to going to bed for a young child, which of the following should not be used?

Have the child play hard just before bedtime in order to use up energy.

During an average day, 6-month-old Mercedes' parents unwittingly subject her to tasks that challenge her object permanence abilities. Which would be the best example of this task?

Her mother accidentally drops a towel over a ball while Mercedes is playing with it.

David Elkind believes that adolescent egocentrism can be dissected into two types of social thinking: imaginary audience and personal fable. Explain, through use of examples, the two types of social thinking referred to by Elkind.

Imaginary audience would be if an adolescent girl walked into her classroom and thinks all eyes are riveted to her complexion. Personal fable would be when adolescent's sense of personal uniqueness makes them feel that no one can understand how they really feel.

Which of the following has been a major criticism of Kohlberg's theory of moral development?

It fails to clearly distinguish between the ability to reason morally versus the ability to behave morally.

Which of the following statements about breast feeding is true?

It helps immunize the newborn from disease

Describe Project Head Start.

It is a federally funded preschool program started in 1965 to try and help children living in poverty to have equal education to others.

Why was the Harlow (1958) study with the cloth and wire surrogate mothers so important?

It showed that the type of contact infant and mother had was more critical for attachment formation than feeding.

Jean Piaget has a set of stages that support cognitive development. Explain how a child moves from birth through adulthood by means of these stages. Use the names of the stages in your answer.

Jean Piaget noted four stages of cognitive development. They are sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational. Sensorimotor lasts from birth to about 2 years of age. The infant constructs an understanding of the world by coordinating sensory experiences with physical motoric actions. This stage has six substages. The preoperational stage lasts from approximately 2 to 7 years old. In this stage children begin to represent the world with words, images, and drawings. Symbolic thought goes beyond simple connections of sensory information and physical actions. Key terms associated with this stage are egocentrism, animism, centration, and intuitive thought. The concrete-operational stage lasts from about 7 to 11 years of age. Logical reasoning replaces intuitive reasoning as long as the reasoning can be applied to concrete examples. A major accomplishment in this stage is understanding conservation, where reversibility of thought allows a child to undo an operation (i.e., dividing two balls of clay into equal parts and understanding that the parts are equal). The formal-operational stage happens between the 11th and 15th years of age. Individuals move beyond concrete experiences and begin to think abstractly. They think about what could be ideal and make plans for their future.

Jean Piaget's idea of the adaptation process includes three terms: assimilation, accommodation, and disequilibration. Explain through the use of an example how a child can go through the adaptation process. Label each term in your answer.

Jean Piaget's idea of the adaptation process, including the concepts of assimilation, accommodation, and disequilibration, can be understood from the following example: When a child who is visiting a zoo points to a zebra and says "horse," she is assimilating the new information about the zebra into what she already knows and fits the zebra into the horse category. When her dad says that the zebra is not a horse because he has stripes, he explains that a horse does not have stripes. The little girl is confused and goes through disequilibration, which brings her to the point where she has to feel better about her thoughts. She will then label the zebra as a zebra and make a new category in her thinking process for the concept of zebra, which demonstrates accommodation. There is a new category for horses that have stripes that are called zebras.

Compare and contrast Jean Piaget's theory with that of Lev Vygotsky.

Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development suggests that children move through four different stages of mental development. His theory focuses not only on understanding how children acquire knowledge, but also on understanding the nature of intelligence. Lev Vygotsky's theory asserts three major themes regarding social interaction, the more knowledgeable other, and the zone of proximal development.

_________________________ was initially involved with the idea of hidden curriculum over 60 years ago.

John Dewey

Which 12-year-old is committing a status offense?

Kim, who is skipping school

__________________________are the most common cause of severe injury and death in middle and late childhood.

Motor vehicle accidents as a passenger or a pedestrian

What do developmental researchers conclude about the effects of maternal employment on child development?

No detrimental effects of maternal employment have been identified.

When asking parents who are divorcing to provide as much continuity as possible for the child, it is meant that the

Parents should give the children warmth and nurturance. Less children's worlds are disrupted by separation, the better for transition in to a single-parent family. Parents should maintain the rules already in place as much as possible. (All of these.)

What are other factor(s) in children's lives that influence their behavior beyond birth order?

Peer influences Models of competency or incompetency that parents present to children on a daily basis Heredity (All of these.)

Identify the pros and cons of co-parenting.

Pros: joint parenting, self-control Cons: undermining the other parent, lack of cooperation and warmth, disconnection by one parent, children at risk for problems

List the five forms of self-image with which an adolescent will relate.

Psychological self ,social self , coping self, familial self, and sexual self

______________ is a period of rapid physical maturation involving hormonal and bodily changes that takes place in early adolescence for both boys and girls.


There are wide variations in the onset and progression of puberty. Which of the following is an appropriate example?

Puberty might begin as early as 10 years of age or as late as 13 ½ years of age for boys. It might end as early as 13 years of age or as late as 17 years of age.

The story about Shelley Schwarz, who was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, sends the following message to people with disabilities when raising a family:

Raising a family that includes someone with a disability is not always the worst thing in the world.

If a child receives empty praise, it is likely that the child will have

inflated self-esteem

The ___________________________ approach is an educational program for young children that was developed in northern Italy.

Reggio Emilia

According to this chapter, what approach to early childhood education views young children as competent, encourages them to learn by investigating and exploring topics that interest them, and uses a wide range of stimulating media and materials?

Reggio Emilia approach

Haley is considering placing her daughter in a program in which children often explore topics in a group. Parent participation is essential, and cooperation is a theme. What program described in the textbook would meet her needs for her child?

Reggio Emilia approach

While at a dinner party, you overhear a conversation in which a mother is describing her hyperactive son. She says that the drug treatment they have him on is


Who is closest to half of her adult height?

Ryan, who is 2-years old

______________________________ is reading emotional cues in others to help determine how to act in a particular situation.

Social referencing

In one study both boys and girls had high self-esteem in childhood. Which of the following statements is correct?

Self-esteem declines in adolescence.

Compare and contrast self-esteem and self-concept.

Self-esteem is a person's self-worth, self-image, their global self-evaluation. Self-concept is a specific, individual domain evaluation of self.

________________________ is the recognition that an object remains the same shape even though its orientation to us changes.

Shape constancy

Which of 3-year-old Sarah's activities provides the best example of the symbolic function substage of preoperational thought?

She takes a crayon, scribbles a big blob on a piece of paper, and says, "That's you, Mommy!"

Describe and give one example of social cognition.

Social cognition is a sub-topic of social psychology that focuses on how people process, store, and apply information about other people and social situations, for example this could refer to a 4 year old recognizing that people make untrue statements to achieve what they want.

Children with a learning disability often have difficulties in

Spelling Handwriting Composition (All of these)

If adolescents need more sleep before beginning their high-school day, which of the following should be done?

Start the school day later so the adolescent can sleep in longer.

What technique did Mary Ainsworth develop to measure the infant's attachment to the caregiver?

Strange Situation

______________________ are the tiny gaps between neurons where connections between axons and dendrites take place; as the infant develops, these connections between axons and dendrites proliferate.


All but which one of the following are ways that Vygotsky's theory can be incorporated into the classroom?

Teachers should rarely use scaffolding because it confuses the children.

How is the Self-Perception Profile for Adolescents different from the Self-Perception Profile for Children?

The Adolescent Profile includes sections on job competence, romantic appeal, and close friendships.

Describe why American students have scored lower in math performance than other cultures, according to the research of Harold Stevenson.

The Asian teachers spend more time teaching mathematics than American teachers, Asian students were in school an average of 240 days a year as opposed to 178 days on average for american students. Lastly it was found that American parents had lower expectations for their children than did Asian parents.

Which is not an argument against the direct instruction approach?

The direct instruction approach does not give enough attention to content.

Discuss the milestones in gross motor coordination in the first year of life and tell the sequence in which the baby will learn them.

The first year of a babies life consists of a new milestone almost each month in motor coordination. Through out the first and second month the baby learns to bend and outstretch their limbs. The next two months the baby will begin to lift their head up and follow on their own. The next couple of months the baby will learn to sit on their own and then the next couple of months they will likely be found crawling.

What would you not expect of a newborn's introduction to being immersed in water?

The newborn would stiffen his or her body and pull back from the water.

Why do parents and teachers study children?

The study of child development raises some intriguing and provocative issues. Responsibility for children is or will be a part of their everyday lives. The study will help them understand their own individual histories. (All of these)

Which statement is not true about young children and SIDS?

There is no difference in the death rate of infants exposed or not exposed to second-hand smoke.

Which statement regarding Piaget and Kohlberg is nottrue in relation to parents and moral development?

They believe that parents do not provide any role-taking opportunities.

Tehra is a mother of three children. She is skilled at making friends, sharing with others, and leading others. What characteristics would you expect her children to display?

They would be assertive, prosocial, and good at solving problems.

Define reciprocal socialization and provide two examples.

This is when children socialize their parents, examples are playing games such as peek-a-boo and patty cake

Which of the following statements about stranger anxiety is false?

This phase is not normal behavior and should be brought to the pediatrician's attention.

Who proposed the zone of proximal development?


Which of the following statements reflects developmentally appropriate practice?

Young children learn best through active hands-on teaching methods. Children develop at varying rates and schools need to allow for these differences. Schools should focus on improving children's social development as well as their cognitive development. (All of these.)

Whose entire conversational interaction with an adult would likely consist of the question "Why?"

a 4- or 5-year-old

12.____________________________ is a central component of the self in early childhood. An example of this is when children describe themselves in terms of activities.

active dimensions

According to Piaget, if 10-year-old André is in the concrete operational stage of development, he cannot engage in ________ thought.


Which of the following is not one of the four ways that children's self-esteem can be improved?

achievement reduction

When dealing with a 2-year-old son and a 5-year-old daughter, a competent parent would

adapt to the special needs of each child.

Emotional competence focuses on the ______________ behavior of the emotional experience.


During what developmental period is independence and identity the central theme?


The imaginary audience and the personal fable are two parts of

adolescent egocentrism.

List three reasons Piaget identifies why adolescents make changes or choices in their religious thinking.

adolescents think abstractly, idealistically and logically

In order to understand abuse in the family, the interactions of __________________ must be studied.

all family members

Which is not a positive emotion?


Infants grow approximately 12 inches during their first year of life. How is this growing spread out over the year?

approximately 1 inch per month

Elizabeth, a 7-month-old infant, responds to holding her first orange by rolling it around on the floor just like she does with her blue rubber ball. This demonstrates what Piagetian process?


According to Piaget, we adapt in what two ways?

assimilation and accommodation

Diana Baumrind has proposed the four main categories of parenting styles. Compare and contrast these parenting styles and describe the likely outcome of the child's behavior with regard to each style.

authoritarian is a restrictive, punitive style in which parents exhort the child to follow their directions and respect their work and effort. authoritative encourages the children to be independent but still places limits and controls on their actions. neglectful is a style in which the parent is very uninvolved in the child's life, and indulgent parenting is a style in which parents are highly involved with their child but place few demands or controls on them.

Janet's parents encourage her efforts as a member of the school swim team. They also have set firm rules about acceptable academic performance and responsibility for family chores. When Janet does not meet these expectations, there is extensive discussion and well-understood consequences. What parenting style do Janet's parents appear to be using?


The recent use of infant eye-tracking headgear allows researchers to measure memory, joint attention, and facial processing as a possible predictor of


Kirby's peer group always agrees that each of them should get 10 tries at hitting a pitched ball. When two younger children want to play, the group agrees that the younger kids should each get 20 tries. Kirby's group's behavior indicates

autonomous thinking.

Which is not a potential positive effect of statewide standardized testing?

average expectations for all students

Which activity is characteristic of infancy?

beginning language coordination of sensations and physical actions thinking with symbols (all of these)

College sophomore Brandi has made several appointments with her advisor to discuss whether she should continue to major in psychology or switch to art. When talking with her advisor she says, "I like the interpersonal aspect of psychology, but I also enjoy the creativity of art." According to James Marcia, Brandi is best thought of as

being in a crisis

Moral children tend to have parents who show all but which one of the following criteria?

believe that young children are not capable of being a part of family decision making

When an individual connects with their own ethnic culture and with the majority culture is identified as

bicultural identity.

Which of the following reflexes is permanent?


It is not unusual in Nigeria (Hausa) for the child to be raised

by mother, both grandmothers, and siblings.

Identity is a self-portrait composed of several areas. Name five of these ten identified areas.

career, political, religious, relationships, and achievement

As a toddler, Megan's head size is disproportionately large in comparison to the rest of her body. This illustrates what principle of growth?


Like most infants, Jordan learns to throw before he learns to kick. Which principle best explains this developmental pattern?


When a person has a strong conviction with persistence in overcoming distractions and obstacles is a description of moral _____.


The stories of Stevie Wonder and Andrea Bocelli address the point that

children who lose one channel of sensation often compensate for their loss by enhancing their sensory skills in another area.

Maxine Hong Kingston's book entitled The Story of Maxine Hong Kingston, Bridging Cultural Worlds, shows that she wants to guide people in how to find meaning in their lives, especially by exploring their cultural backgrounds. Her book is about

chinese ancestry her oarents' struggles to adapt to American culture the struggle of immigrants (all of these)

Erikson thought the struggle to maintain ethnic identities while blending in with the majority culture has been the driving force in the founding of

churches empires revolutions (all of these)

In an attachment experiment with surrogate "mothers" (Harlow, 1958), the infant monkeys showed a preference for the _________ monkey.


Parents who monitor their children's emotions and see their children's negative emotions as an opportunity to teach their children how to label their emotions and how to deal with their emotions effectively are using emotion ________.


A part of identity development in which adolescents show a personal investment in what they are going to do is called


The acquisition of reversibility is a cornerstone of which stage of Piagetian development?

concrete operational

Conservation and classification are accomplishments of what Piagetian stage of cognitive development?

concrete-operational stage

What component of the superego involves behaviors disapproved of by parents?


Which does not belong?


The setting in which development occurs and that is influenced by historical, economic, social, and cultural factors defines


A preschooler is growing up in an upper-middle-class home with parents who both have advanced degrees. She lives in a thriving suburb. The preschool she attends is rated the best in the state. These settings in which her development occurs are referred to as


In the study of moral development, developmentalists examine four domains. Which of the following is not a domain?


29.The transition period when parental control is replaced by self-regulated control is referred to as


Which best describes the nature of parental control during middle and late childhood?


According to James Marcia, __________________ is defined as a period of identity development during which the adolescent is exploring meaningful alternatives.


__________________ exploratory forms of intermodal perception exist in newborns.


_______________ refers to the behavior patterns, beliefs, and all other products of a particular group of people that are passed on from generation to generation.


Which of the following is not a type of crying in babies?

danger cry

One of the major parent-child interactions changes during the middle- and late-childhood years involves a(n)

decrease in time spent with children.

As a parent, Rita does not do a very good job of discouraging antisocial behavior in her daughter. In addition, Rita seldom knows where her daughter is at night. Research has suggested that her daughter is at risk for


When Mrs. Simpson uses an integrative approach to her composition class she would be

developing moral character. emphasizing reflective moral thinking. demonstrate a conviction to justice. (all of these)

One of the major differences between Erikson's and Freud's approaches to human development involves Erikson's emphasis on

development across the life span

The pattern of change that begins at conception and continues throughout the life span is


Identify the characteristics involved with a learning disability.

difficulty in learning that involves understanding or using spoken or written language. Difficulty in listening, thinking, reading, writing and spelling.

Vicki is a senior who has been drifting through high school. Her grades are mediocre and she has no plans for after graduation. In addition, she has no interest in world events or political issues. James Marcia would describe Vicki as being in identity


_____________________ may force people to see themselves as cut off from the majority group and may encourage them to seek the support of their own ethnic culture.


Frank is thoroughly confused when his father refers to his Aunt Susan as his sister Sue because according to Frank's logic, a person cannot be both a sister and an aunt. Piaget would refer to Frank's confusion as involving


________________________ is the recovery of a habituated response after a change in stimulation.


The "I Have a Dream" program has been successful as a ____________ program.

dropout prevention

The main thrust of research in Esther Thelen's ____________________________ is to explore how people assemble motor behaviors for perceiving and acting.

dynamic systems approach

Research by Chess and Thomas has indicated that the temperaments of most children are


Bob is a Piagetian studying the cognitive development of children. His utilization of a "three mountains task" would indicate that he is interested in


What division of childhood will Rafael be in if he can demonstrate all of the following skills: running, climbing, skipping rope, swimming, bicycle riding, and skating?

elementary grades

As children move toward ___________________ years, parents show them less physical affection.


According to Bowlby, the function of an infant's cry is to

elicit caretaking from adults.

Judy Dunn described three characteristics of sibling relationships. Identify these three characteristics.

emotional quality of the relationship, familiarity and intimacy of the relationship, and variation in sibling relationships

The text defines ____________________ as feelings, or affect, that occur when a person is in a state or an interaction that is important to him or her, especially to his or her well-being.


Which does not belong?

emphasis is on academic performance

André is of Mexican American and African slave ancestry, and aligns himself with the traditions and history of Mexican Americans. This reflects his


Which of the following is not a benefit of shared sleeping?

evidence of greater brain development

When a person has lived their life with a high set of virtues they are seen as being moral ______.


Helen is a Montessori teacher. She acts as a

facilitator of learning.

Erikson and Bowlby would agree that

familiarity with a primary caregiver is critical during the first year of life.

Research has found that girls ages 13 to 17 years old

feel closer to God pray more alone are more likely to attend religious services (all of these)

Which of the following factors is not a method society uses to carry on religious traditions?

feelings of power

Researches have found ____________ differences in children growing up with lesbian mothers or gay fathers and children growing up with heterosexual parents.


What smell do newborns not like?


In which of Marcia's identity statuses has a commitment been made?

foreclosure and achievement

Jason is an active child with active parents. Jason is experiencing ______.

goodness of fit

The match between a child's temperament and the environmental demands the child must cope with is identified as ____________.

goodness of fit

Research completed with infants 5 to 9 months of age using a bouncing ball and perception with a gradually occluded wall found that infants were more likely to predict the path of the ball when it disappeared _______.


When a child takes large steps that can exceed their leg length, it may mean they

have increased balance and strength

Definite causes of ADHD

have not been found yet.

Since development occurs in a cephalocaudal sequence, what can Sarah, an infant, control first?


Among the measures researchers might use in habituation studies, which one of the following is no used?

heart rate sucking behaviors respiration (all of these)

When teachers work with children in Erikson's industry versus inferiority stage, the fifth stage of psychosocial development, they should

help children find out that they can do things that they never thought they could do.

Piaget believed that children think in what two distinct ways about morality?

heteronomous and autonomous

When assessing the cognitive abilities of children, Dr. Jones finds that Ralph has the ability to conserve length but is still fooled by conservation of mass tasks. As a Piagetian, which term would Dr. Jones use to describe this phenomenon?

horizontal décalage

Erik Erikson argued that the central issue in adolescence is


Ethnic _____________________ is an enduring aspect of the self that includes a sense of membership in an ethnic group along with the attitudes and feelings related to that membership.


A recent analysis finds adolescence and adulthood serve as a gateway to spiritual


List and describe three different changes that take place in an infants' hearing.

immediately after birth infants cannot hear soft sounds quite well, infants are less sensitive to the pitch of the sound of an adult and by 6 months they are more proficient at localizing sounds

All of the following concepts except ________________ can be attributed to Piaget and his work on cognitive development.


When does the child gradually develop an ability to inhibit, and minimize the intensity and duration of, emotional reactions?

in the first year of life

Stranger anxiety, which is the fear and wariness of strangers, begins

in the second half of the first year.

A cross-cultural concern for women includes

inadequate educational opportunities mental health issues violence (all of these)

Fifteen-year-old Miriam is hearing impaired. During history class, a volunteer signs the lesson to her as the teacher is speaking. In many group projects Miriam does not need the use of a signer. Miriam's school day provides an example of


Children exhibiting high levels of perspective taking have been found to

increase self-understanding. improve quality of relationships. improve peer group status. (all of these)

Kari says, "I think cleaning your room is a good thing to do because your mother will give you money if you do it." This type of logic is indicative of Kohlberg's ______________________ stage of thinking.

individualism, instrumental purpose, and exchange

When describing his new neighbors, Stu says their parenting style appears to be "We love you, so go and do whatever you feel like doing." What parenting style is this?


According to research, a goal of parenting might be accomplished in one way with one child and in another way with another child, depending on the child's

intelligence gender temperament (all of these)

If an infant in the coordination of secondary circular reactions substage of sensorimotor development manipulates a stick in order to bring a desired toy within reach or knocks over one block to reach and play with another one, this would be an example of


Researchers have found that giving adolescents some choice and providing opportunities for personal responsibility increases their _______________ motivation and ____________ interest in school tasks.

internal; intrinsic

In which sensorimotor substage does infants' mental functioning shift from a purely sensorimotor to symbolic and develop the ability to use primitive symbols?

internalization of schemes

What type of "real-life" moral dilemma was found to be of most concern to adolescents?

interpersonal relations

If all you knew about Art was that he was having his first birthday, you would most likely predict that he ________________________ the sensorimotor stage of development.

is halfway through

In children 6 years to puberty, there is rapid growth in the areas of

language and spatial relations.

What ethnic minority group has the highest high-school dropout rate?


In the United States, what is the most common of the listed disorders?

learning disability

Two sticks are aligned in front of the child. The child agrees that they are the same length. The experimenter moves one stick to the right, then asks the child if they are equal in length. This is a task for conservation of


Breast feeding can have the positive effect on the child for

less infections reduced obesity fewer allergies (all of the above)

List and describe the three levels of Lawrence Kohlberg's moral development.

level 1- preconventional reasoning, morality is often focused on reward and punishment level 2- conventional reasoning, individuals abide by certain standards (internal), but they are the standards of others (external) level 3- postconventional reasoning, morality is more internal

When Derrick can detect the origin of a sound, he is


What type of reasoning characterizes the concrete-operational thinker?


Which of the following does not characterize attention deficit hyperactivity disorder?

low intelligence

A cognitive factor implicated in delinquency is

low intelligence low self-control lowered attention (all of these)

Describe the term goodness of fit.

match between a child's temperament and the environmental demands the child must cope with

Gesell believes that motor development comes about through the unfolding of a genetic plan called


Nurture is to experience as nature is to


List the importance of intergenerational relationships in children's development.

may decrease social isolation and increase older adults' sense of belonging, self-esteem, and well-being, while also improving social and emotional skills of children and youth

Which of the following is not in control of the secretion of key hormones?


Which one of the following descriptions is related to the definition of fairness?

merit benevolence equity (all of these)

Myelination in the areas of the brain related to focusing attention is not complete until

middle or late childhood.

______________________ is the cognitive view people develop of themselves.


Concerning identity formation during one's lifetime, the "MAMA" cycle refers to


Gannon reacted to the pan dropping on the floor by arching his back and throwing his head, arms, and legs out, which demonstrates what reflex?


When 3-year-old Mario plows his tricycle into the side of his 1-month-old brother Michael's crib, what response will Michael show?

moro reflex

From infancy through adolescence, ___________________ are more likely than ________________ to have a managerial role in parenting.

mothers; fathers

Overall, researchers have found _____________________ of maternal employment on children.

no detrimental effects

While playing with some candy, 3-year-old Ruth places five chocolate pieces in one row and another five pieces in an identical row. She then accidentally pushes the end piece of candy in row one away from the rest. After staring at this new "longer" row, she decides to eat it because, "it now has more candy." Ruth's thinking is explained as the result of the inability to conserve


A child's development occurs in (a) ________________ context(s).


When 18-month-old Kayla was at her day-care center, she understood that her father would be picking her up at the end of the day. Kayla's understanding that her father continues to exist even when he cannot directly be seen or heard demonstrates

object permanence.

Scientific research is

objective systematic testable (all of these)

Primary emotions appear in humans and other animals. Which one of the following is not a primary emotion?

objective permanence

Which of the following statements would support a teacher's use of the concept of the zone of proximal development?

observes the child's intentions and attempts, smoothly providing support when needed

The American Academy of Pediatrics has recommended that infants be placed to sleep

on their backs

Custodial mothers experience the loss of about __________ of their pre-divorce income in comparison with the loss of one-tenth for custodial fathers.

one-fourth to one-half

About ______ of parents who were abused themselves when they were young abuse their own children.


Child development experts believe that motor activity during the second year is vital to the child's competent development and they should have

only restrictions for safety

Due to her knowledge of psychoanalysis, Julie is aware that her 9-month-old daughter is in the

oral psychosexual stage

The interpretation of what is sensed is called


________________________ is when sensory stimulation is changing but perception of the physical world remains constant.

perceptual constancy

In early childhood, children usually conceive of the self in ________ terms.


Kagan argues that children inherit a _______________ that biases them to have a particular type of temperament and such children may learn to __________ their temperament to some degree.

physiology; modify

Kohlberg's theory has been criticized for

placing too much emphasis on moral thought and not enough emphasis on moral behavior.

The mother-father-child grouping represents a _________ subsystem.


All of the following can be classified as ______________________: high energy, enthusiasm, as well as being calm and quiet.

positive emotions

Enthusiasm, joy, and laughter are examples of

positive emotions.

List three positive and three negative emotions identified in the text.

positive: enthusiasm, joy, and love

Scott Johnson did research in the area of perception of occluded objects. In his research he found that learning, experience, and self-directed exploration via eye movements play key roles in the development of ______ completion in young infants.


Lori says, "It's wrong to lie because you might get a spanking." According to Kohlberg, which stage of moral development is she in?


What is the first stage in Kohlberg's theory of moral development?

preconventional reasoning

Studying whether infants can distinguish one stimulus from another by measuring the length of time they attend to different stimuli is referred to as the visual ________ method.


What is the first developmental period?


Three-year-old Hannah represents the world with words, images, and drawings. She still lacks internalized mental actions. What cognitive stage is she in?


Researchers have found that the most effective way to raise a child's level of moral reasoning is to

present examples of moral reasoning that are slightly above the child's current level of functioning.

According to Vygotsky, to maximize your understanding of child and adolescent development in this class, your instructor should

present you with collaborative tasks and skills that are just beyond your current level of understanding and ability.

The timing for the emergence of puberty is

programmed into the genes of every human being.

The idea of the hidden curriculum in schools is an approach to teaching moral development. What are the pros and cons of this approach?

pros are that some positive rules may be understood and carried through and learned. however, this can also result in cons because if the school is a low quality school this is still something the child would be picking up

A child's ability to respond appropriately to danger and to engage in self-regulation of distress is an example of which domain-specific view of parenting?


Freud's ideas about attachment emphasize the fact that the infant is most likely to be more attached to the mother because she

provides food for the infant.

When Roberto observes his two children drawing, he notes a striking difference in their motor behaviors. Two-year-old Mona makes crude drawings utilizing mostly upper-arm movement, whereas 6-year-old Mary makes very precise strokes utilizing fine finger movements. This difference is best explained by the ________ principle.


. ____________________ theory describes development as primarily unconscious and colored by emotion.


Erikson is noted for his theory of ________ stages.


In Erikson's theory, the gap between the secure roles of childhood and the full independence of adulthood is known as

psychosocial moratorium.

Which of the following processes has been invoked to explain how individuals learn certain responses and why their responses differ from one another?

punishment imitation reinforcement (all of these)

4.Today, parent-child interactions are viewed as a mutual synchrony, which means they are


Staci is a happy infant who smiles easily and is content to be left in her crib. As a result, her parents are more relaxed and really enjoy spending time playing with her. This is an example of

reciprocal socialization.

As a diligent parent, John has read many books on child development. One idea that he found especially fascinating was the zone of proximal development. How could he determine the lower limit of his daughter's zone of proximal development concerning the letters of the alphabet?

record how many letters she can correctly identify on her own

An example of ______________________ in the classroom would be when a teacher displays images of children in diverse ethnic and cultural groups, selects play materials and classroom activities that encourage cultural understanding, helps students resist stereotyping, and works with parents.

reducing bias

Which one of the following is not a sign of early emotional regulation?

responding to talk

Calvin notices that whenever his newborn son's cheek comes in contact with a soft blanket, his son turns toward the blanket and makes a sucking motion. His friend explains that this is in part due to the

rooting reflex.

Name and define four reflexes that are present at birth.

rooting reflex: This reflex starts when the corner of the baby's mouth is stroked or touched and the baby turns its head towards the stroke. suck reflex:helps the baby get to adapt to feeding moro reflex: occurs when a baby is startled by a loud sound or movement grasp reflex: Stroking the palm of a baby's hand causes the baby to close his or her fingers in a grasp

Which of the following is not a fine motor skill?

running across the toddler playground

Parental behavior that serves to support children's efforts, allowing them to be more skillful than they would be if they relied only on their own abilities, is called


It is difficult to study brain development in infants because

scans pose a radiation risk the latest brain-imaging technologies can't make out fine details. infants wiggle too much for the examinations. (all of these)

Domain-specific evaluations of the self are referred to as


Todd's parents were highly involved with him but also extremely indulgent with him. As a result, he lacks


Which is not a negative feeling?


One afternoon while finger painting, 2-year-old Chelsey itches her nose. Later in the day while passing a mirror she sees herself, stops, and wipes a colorful smudge mark off her nose. In doing so, Chelsey has demonstrated visual


Two-year-old Benjamin asserts his independence and realizes his will. He tests his parents' boundaries. Based on Erikson's psychosocial theory, if he is restrained or punished too harshly, he is likely to develop

shame and doubt

Among advanced industrialized countries, the United States grants the ______________ period of parental leave and is among a few countries that offer only __________ leave.

shortest; unpaid

Parents proudly announce milestones such as crawling, sitting alone, and first steps. These milestones

show that a child is being transformed from a baby to a toddler.

Three-week-old Katherine has been breast-fed, but is now introduced to the bottle. She responds by modifying her sucking to adequately receive her milk. This illustrates what substage of sensorimotor thought?

simple reflexes

Given the contradictory nature of the self in adolescence, it is not surprising that the self fluctuates across

situations and times.

The two types of perceptual constancy are

size and shape

_______________________ is the recognition that an object remains the same even though the retinal image of the object changes.

size constancy

In the preschool years, both boys and girls

slim down as the trunks of their bodies lengthen

Five-month-old Frankie smiles whenever he hears his father singing. His behavior provides an example of ________ smiling.


Seven-year-old Abbey's reference to herself as Jewish and a Brownie scout provides an example of the ______________ aspect of self, which emerges in the elementary years.


Adolescents believe that it is socially undesirable if they acknowledge engaging in

social comparison

The pattern of human development is strongly related to

socioemotional development. biology cognition (all of these)

When being fed peas, 3-month-old Teddy experiences unexpected pleasure when he accidentally spits them out of his mouth. Which subsequent reaction would demonstrate a primary circular reaction?

spitting out the next mouthful of peas

Who of the following is not included in the Strange Situation?

stranger's baby

In research on boys' self-esteem, all of the following parenting attributes were associated with boys' high self-esteem, except

strict discipline.

From a Freudian perspective, the _________ is the moral branch of personality.


Infants who have more extensive scaffolding experiences with their parents are more likely to

take turns as they interact with their peers.

The most important changes in emotional development in early childhood include an increased ability to

talk about emotion and understand it better.

What area of the cerebrum is involved in hearing?

temporal lobe

Which of the following skills is needed in order to walk upright?

the ability to both balance on one leg and to shift weight from one leg to another.

According to Piaget, passing what test is a sign that children are at the concrete-operational stage?

the conservation of liquid task

Stagnation means

the feeling of having done nothing to help the next generation.

The adolescent's self is characterized by

the lack of construction of a more unified theory of self. instability across situations. (Both of these answers are correct.)

A growing number of early school specialists are becoming concerned about

the negative impact on self-esteem that is commonly experienced during the latter part of elementary school.

Which would not be considered part of the hidden curriculum?

the part of town in which the school is located

John is observing a classroom that is developmentally inappropriate. John observes that

the teacher uses highly structured, teacher-directed lessons almost exclusively.

In Piaget's three mountains task, a preoperational child is asked to select from a series of photos the one photo that most accurately reflects the view the doll is seeing. Children in the preoperational stage are most likely to pick

their view from where they are sitting.

Which of the following is not a characteristic of children with a learning disability?

they all have low IQ scores

Second-generation immigrants are more likely to

think of themselves as "American" because citizenship is granted at birth.

What example below is beneficial for improving interethnic relations?

thinking of people as individuals rather than as a homogeneous cultural group. sharing one's worries, successes, and failures (both of these answers)

About ____________ as many boys as girls are diagnosed with learning disabilities.

three times

Reciprocal interchanges and mutual influence processes are sometimes referred to as being _____.


Sensation is to perception as

transition is to interpretation

At what stage of Kohlberg's moral development is morality completely internalized?

universal-ethical principles

In the Heinz dilemma, a person who supports Heinz's theft of the drug reasons that by not stealing the drug, he would have lived up to society's rules, but he would have let down his conscience. This person is in what stage of moral development?

universal-ethical principles

Roger is transferred to a new job in a foreign country. After his arrival, he learns that his religious beliefs are considered immoral and have been outlawed by the government. His decision to continue to practice his religion, even though it may cost him his life, represents thinking at Kohlberg's level of

universal-ethical principles.

Infants who are experiencing stranger anxiety will be more afraid of which of the following types of people?


The writing of a child with a learning disability would most likely be all of the following, except

virtually illegible. slow handwriting style. numerous spelling errors. (All of these.)

Robert Frantz placed infants in a "looking chamber" that had two displays on the ceiling above the infant's head. This approach is used to study a child's


The mirror technique is used to test infants'

visual self-recognition.

Which of the following appears to be the most commonly used parenting strategy around the world?

warm and controlling

Which is not a type of "possible self"?

what you used to be

If you were a parent who wanted your child to be in the original Reggio Emilia school, your chances for getting your child admitted would be better if

your child had a disability. you needed financial assistance. you were a single parent. (all of these)

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