CI advocates study set

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Crosby describes how many absolutes of quality and how many erroneous assumptions about quality.

4 absolutes of quality and 5 assumptions about quality

Dr. Ishikawa encouraged the use of how many tools of quality, and what quality tool did he develop

7 tools of quality and he developed the cause-and-effect diagram

The most widely used continuous improvement model, introduced by Dr. Shewart and supported by Dr. Deming is

Although developed in Japan in the 1970s, QFD was first used in the United States in the 1980s.

Six Sigma projects have essential phases, this cycle is sometimes represented as


Feigenbaum, Juran, and Crosby all provided different definitions of quality, as did Deming. The focus on quality has come to rely on which professional's definition?


Dr. Edwards Deming taught management strategies and practices focused on quality.

Following World War II: he helped turn Japan into an industrial force

Dr. Armand Feigenbaum is the originator of the modern total quality movement. His landmark textbook, published in 1951, remains a significant influence on today's practices. Select the most accurate statement(s) about Dr. Feigenbaum from the list below:

He predicted consumers would come to expect quality as an essential of the product or service they purchased, and believed quality is an approach that makes organizations more effective

Dr. Crosby identified for absolutes of quality management, one of those was that quality is conformance to requirements. In this respect, his definition would be closest to

ISO 9000

A Japanese term that means gradual unending improvement by doing little things better and setting and achieving increasingly higher standards. The term was made famous by Masaaki Imai in his book Kaizen: The Key to Japan's Competitive Success.


A Japanese term for a system, usually a printed card, that enables material to flow in an orderly and efficient manner through a manufacturing process.


5S Quality Tool is compromised of

Organize, Orderliness, Cleanliness, Standardize, Discipline

There are multiple types of audits possible, but an audit can be designed around the Shewart model, which is:



Plan Do Study Act - was created by - Dr. Shewart

Lean workers recognize the seven forms of waste:

Producing defective parts Producing more parts than needed Excessive inventories Unnecessary activities Unnecessary movement of people Unnecessary transportation or handling of materials People waiting

Dr. Walter Shewart is credited with identifying two sources of variation in a process

These are known as controlled and uncontrolled

Dr. Walter Shewart is credited with identifying two sources of variation in a process

These are known as special or assignable variations

Dr. Feigenbaum defined quality as

a customers determination which is based on the customer's actual experience with the product or service, measured against his or her requirements

Lean practitioners are interested in doing more work with fewer resources. They seek ways to

accomplish more in less time, space, equipment, people, and resources.

Quality plays a role in innovation through:

actively listening to customer comments, word-of-mouth product and service reviews, respond to emerging needs in the marketplace before the customer is aware of the need

Dr. Shewart's control charts have advanced process improvement efforts for nearly every type of industry in spite of differing opinions about appropriateness

applicability, sampling frequency, use

Lessons Learned ISO 9000 is a requirements

based assessment that supports the development of - a quality management system.

Juran's approach to quality included

creating awareness and emphasizing training and team problem-solving

Dr. Taguchi introduced the "loss function" concept, which can include variation within specifications. Knowing the loss function helps:

designers set product and manufacturing tolerances, justify capital expenditures, and minimize losses by improving performance consistency

Dr. Taguchi introduce the "loss function" concept, which can include variation within specifications. Knowing the loss function helps:

designers set product and manufacturing tolerances, justify capital expenditures, minimize losses by improving performance consistency

Dr. Genichi Taguchi is known for

developing methods to improve quality and consistency

Dr. Genichi Taguchi is known for:

developing methods to improve quality and consistency

Dr. Joseph Juran significantly influence the movement of quality through

from a narrow statistical focus to quality as a management focus

Dr. Deming created his 14 points as a

guide to management.

Ishikawa encouraged the use of what seven quality tools:

histograms, check sheets, scatter diagrams, flowcharts, control charts, Pareto charts, and cause-and-effect, (or fishbone) diagrams.

Six Sigma is a methodology that seeks to improve profits through

improved quality and efficiency.

Six Sigma was developed for a:

manufacturing environment

Feigenbaum's definition of quality does recognizes:

needs, requirements and changing expectations, tangible and intangible aspects, a broad emphasis on customer requirements

Dr. Walter Schubert recognized

once a process is under control future process performance can be predicted

Tools used during a project which applies Six Sigma can include but are not limited to

process mapping, design of experiments, statistical process control techniques - cause and effect diagrams, multivariate analysis, customer input, failure modes and effects analysis

management for quality

quality efforts which should be directed at present and future needs of the consumer

Dr. Juran's process for managing quality includes three phases:

quality planning, quality control, and quality improvement.

the value stream process map enables users to

reduce costs, inventory, and lead times.

Dr. Ishikawa developed the cause-and-effect diagram in the early 1950s. This diagram, is used to find the

root cause of problems, is also called the Ishikawa diagram

value stream process mapping is a

systematic technique used to study a process to identify ways of simplifying the process, system, or procedure. The focus is on eliminating waste and non-value-added activities.

Dr. Deming is known for encouraging companies to manage for quality by defining quality in

terms of customer satisfaction.

Dr. Deming described his work as

the catalyst necessary to start an economic chain reaction

Dr. Deming described his work as:

the catalyst necessary to start an economic chain reaction, management for quality, quality efforts which should be directed at present and future needs of the consumer

Dr. Taguchi is known for his loss function describing quality and his work in

the design of experiments

Dr. Armand Feigenbaum is considered to be:

the person who treated quality as an approach to doing business and more than a technical subject

The PDSA cycle begins when

the root cause has been identified

the 5 whys strategy is a simple, effective tool for uncovering

the root of a problem used to troubleshoot, problem solve, and quality improvement initiatives

Value stream process mapping adds details such as

time for each step, delays between process steps, and any value-added or non-value-added details.

What is the purpose of poka-yoke

to eliminate product defects by preventing, correcting, or drawing attention to human errors as they occur

Dr. Kaoru Ishikawa:

transformed the teachings of Dr. Deming and Dr. Juran into the Japanese approach to quality

The tool that provides a picture of workflow and information flow in an end to end process is called:

value-stream mapping


yoke is also known as "mistake proofing". This can be effectively used when: - designing a new system, when analyzing issues, tuning the process steps

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