civics chapter2 guided reading&quiz packet

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what two branches were proposed by the connecticut compromise?

-representation based on population- house of representatives -giving all states equal representation- senate

what did the connecticut compromise propose?

a legislative branch with 2 parts

during the first session of the new congress, james madison introduced a set of amendments, ten of which became called the ____

bill of rights

protects our individual rights

bill of rights

sets clear limits on the monarchy, and colonists believed this document applied to them and gave them the same rights as people living in britain. established the authority of parliment

bill of rights

the convention delegates supported the concept of separation of powers as expressed by _____

charles de montesquieu

who suggested the separation of the powers of government?

charles-louis de montesquieu

a major reason for shays rebellion was that _____

citizens were upset about farm foreclosures

as revenue increased so did ____

colonial resentment

_____ formed a communication network to keep colonists in touch with each other and to urge resistance to the british.

committees of correspondence

after the declaration of independence, states drafted and approved a ____ which recognized the people as the sole source of authority in a limited government


an important accomplishment of the articles of confederation was that it _____

created fair policies for settling lands west of the appalachian mountains

the declaration of independence states that governments _____

derive their powers from the consent of the governed

under the articles of confederation, how were the states represented in congress?

each state had 1 vote in congress

system in which each state selected electors who chose an executive to serve a four-year term

electoral college

the debate over the presidency was solved by creating what?

electoral college

what document stated that monarchs could not interfere with parliamentary elections?

english bill of rights

what influenced the growth of the colonies, the american revolution, and the system we have today?

english colonists' ideas about the role and shape of government

a major reason leaders such as jefferson wanted a strong central government was their experiences with great britain's monarchy. (true/false)


britain reacted to the first continental congress by weakening its control over the colonies. (true/false)


in colonial charters, all the power of the government was given to the governor. (true/false)


patrick henry opposed the new constitution because it created a weak national government. (true/false)


under the articles of confederation, the government could borrow money and levy taxes. (true/false)


the virginia plan proposed a weaker executive branch than the new jersey plan. (true/false)


favored the constitution


____ supported the constitution

federalist papers

answered the oppositions fears that a republic had to be a small government

federalist papers

the connecticut charter set up a representative government because it ____

gave people the right to elect the governor and judges

each of the 13 colonies had its own government consisting of a ____, ____, and ____, and these colonial governments established practices that later became a key part of the nations system of government

governor, legislature, and court system

by 1776, the colonial governments ____

had significant experience in representative government

after considerable discussion, the first continental congress _____

imposed an embargo on britain

the british's reaction to the first continental congress was to clash with colonial minutemen at _____

lexington and concord

what was the first battle of the revolutionary war?

lexington and concord

the delegates agreed that the new government would be ____ & ____ to the powers of the national government and would be divided among ____ branches, and that state power should be limited

limited&representative 3

where did the concept that a governments power was not absolute come from?

magna carta

a serious problem following the revolutionary war was that _____

many states refused to help pay off the extensive war debt

a system of moral principles regarded as the basis for all human conduct

natural law

the declaration of independence drew on such enlightenment principle as ____

natural law

proposed one vote for each state. smaller, less populous states supported this which also had a weak executive elected by congress and a national judiciary appointed by congress

new jersey plan

this stated that once an area achieved a certain population, it obtained equal statehood with the original 13

northwest ordinance of 1787

in the federalist no.10, james madison argued in favor of a large republic because _____

the chances of the majority having common motives would decrease

because of what they saw as unfair taxation, colonists stopped buying british goods. (true/false)


following the declaration of independence, the second continental congress instructed the states to begin writing constitutions. (true/false)


in 1787 the states met to revise the articles of confederation, but instead wrote the constitution. (true/false)


in order for the bill of rights to become part of the constitution, it had to be approved by congress and ratified by the states. (true/false)


many people believe the inalienable rights set forth in the declaration of independence are not human made, but come from higher powers. (true/false)


pilgrim leaders wrote the mayflower compact to provide rules for governing themselves. (true/false)


shay's rebellion forced leaders to realize that the articles were too weak. (true/false)


the colonists used word of mouth and printing to share the events leading to the declaration of independence; today we could use technologies such as E-MAIL to accomplish this task. (true/false)


the colonists were familiar with representative government from britain's parliament. (true/false)


the judeo-christian concept of an agreement between man and god influenced the early colonists views of the role of government. (true/false)


the major debates at the continental convention were not over the basic ideas of the new government, but how they would put these ideas into practice. (true/false)


the members of the second continental congress supported republicanism by establishing a legislature in their new government. (true/false)


the three-fifths compromise lasted until the 14th amendment declared that everyone would be counted as a whole person. (true/false)


while women could not vote, most colonies allowed all adult white men to vote. (true/false)


who wrote the constitution?

alexander hamilton and james madison

which of john locke's beliefs had a major influence on the colonists?

all people have certain natural or inalienable rights such as the right to liberty

criticized the constitution because it lacked a bill of rights


the anti-federalists demanded that the constitution have a bill of rights because they _____

believed it was needed in order to protect individual liberties

what led armed farmers to close down courts in massachusetts? (5)

increase in taxes, bad harvest, economic depression, unable to pay their debts, and so they could stop the foreclosure of their land

a compromise over commerce and the slave trade empowered congress to regulate ____ and ____ but not to ban the slave trade before 1808

interstate commerce and foreign commerce

what were 3 issues or difficulties among the states and between the states and the national government?

issued individual currencies, imposed tariffs on rival states, and refused to contribute to the national government

new jersey delegates did not support the virginia plan because they thought ____

it gave too much power to the large states

george mason refused to sign the draft constitution because _____

it prohibited the government from restricting the slave trade for 20 years

____ believed that basic rights and freedoms developed as people in a community cooperatively created a social contract to protect their rights while creating law and government

jean jacques rousseau

____ reasoned that people have natural rights as human beings and a government that failed to protect these rights was no longer legitimate

john locke

when the declaration of independence states it is drawing on "the laws of nature and natures god," it is expressing an idea that primarily originated with _____

john locke

what values and ideas derived from biblical law made an important contribution to the founding principles and documents of the united states?

judeo christian

when was the final draft of the declaration approved by congress?

july 4, 1776

in 1776, states began creating written constitutions because they _____

knew that once they were independent, they needed orderly governments

this stated that the government surveyed and divided the northwest territory

land ordinance of 1785

what 2 important laws did the confederation pass?

land ordinance of 1785 and northwest ordinance of 1787

the english system of ____ was organized by ____ and was widely followed in the colonies

law sir williams blackstone

what is the second continental congress also referred to as?

league of friendship

what did the magna carta provide and when was it signed?

provided a limited government and was signed in 1215

many small states ____ the constitution because they were pleased with representation in the new senate


britain's parliament, with delegates elected by the people, was a familiar example of ____ for the colonies

representative government

what key financial issues did both the national and state governments face? (3)

significant debt, foreign governments, and the national government still owed pay to soldiers from the revolutionary war

suggested that people give up their individual sovereignty to the government in exchange for the governments provision of law and order

social contract theory

what theory did thomas hobbes develop?

social contract theory

how was the second continental congress divided on the subject of a national government?

some were in favor of a strong national government while others preferred a strong state and local government

describe the national government under the articles of confederation

states retained significant independence and there was no strong central government

the three-fifths compromise counted three-fifths of enslaved people for both ____&____

taxation and representation

_____ imposed an embargo to prohibit trade with britain and agreed to boycott

the first continental congress

as the articles of confederation were written, a major debate centered around whether _____

the national government or state and local governments should be stronger

____ assumed the powers of a central government, organized an army and navy, made plans to issue money, and appointed george washington as commander of the continental army

the second continental congress

____ imposed the first direct tax on the colonies

the stamp act of 1765

how did shays rebellion change the opinion of american leaders regarding the national government?

they agreed to a revise the articles of confederation and more people wanted a strong national government after this rebellion

colonists valued limited government because they ____

thought people should be protected from punishment by an unjust government

____ counted three-fifths of enslaved people for both taxation and representation

three-fifths compromise

what was the purpose of the meeting of state delegates in philadelphia in 1787?

to propose changes to the articles of confederation

british policies spurred colonial ____ as colonists began to work together to take political action against perceived british opression


leaders such as thomas jefferson formed committees of correspondence that _____

urged resistance to the british

a strong legislature based on state population. had the power to bar state laws it deemed unconstitutional, choose the executive, and appoint the judiciary

virginia plan

citizens such as henry knotz were concerned that the national government _____

was unable to provide citizens with security

what were 6 key weaknesses of the confederation government?

weak national government, appeared weak to foreign countries, worthless money, difficulty settling disputes, states could block laws from congress, and congress couldnt enforce laws

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