Civil War

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Brooks-Sumner Incident

The _________ demonstrated to many Northers of the barbarity and violence of the South while providing a rallying cry for unity and resistance to Southerners

Missouri Compromise

The ______________ prohibited slavery north of latitude 36° 30'.

Inspires Lincoln to issue Emancipation Proclamation

The bloodiest single-day of the Civil War; battle near Sharpsburg, Maryland on September 17, 1862; a Union victory that pushed the Confederacy out of the North What best describes the impact of the battle described above?

First Battle of Bull Run

The first major battle of the war, the outcome of which indicated to the North that the war would be longer and harder than expected?

The Emancipator

The first newspaper in the nation devoted entirely to the abolition of slavery

South Carolina

The first state to secede from the Union following the election of Abraham Lincoln

Lookout Mountain

This victory forced the Confederates out of Tennessee back into Georgia; ending a Confederate siege of the vital railroad junction of Chattanooga; and cleared a path to Atlanta.

Fugitive Slave Act

Tremendously unpopular in the North, the _________ made it a crime to help runaway slaves and allowed officials to arrest those slaves in free states

Bleeding Kansas

Violent border war between free-soil Kansans and pro-slavery Missourians Provoked by elections of 1856 Led to a split government for the Kansas territory The descriptors above best describe what?

Running away

What best describes a common method of overt resistance to slavery?

Faking injury/illness

What best describes a common method of passive resistance to slavery?

More factories

What best describes an advantage that the Union (North) had going into the American Civil War?

Better military leadership

What best describes an advantage the Confederacy (South) had going into the American Civil War?

Laboring in the fields

What best describes the daily life of most slaves in the South?

Influenced public opposition by describing the cruelty and brutality of slavery

What best describes the impact of Uncle Tom's Cabin?

Repealed the Missouri Compromise

What best describes the impact of the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854?

There should always be room for compromise and the Union should be above all

What best describes the position held by Daniel Webster in his debate Calhoun regarding the Compromise of 1850?

Established the Nashoba Commune for free blacks to learn skills

What best describes the role of Francis Wright?

Established Free Hill, TN for emancipated slaves to live

What best describes the role of Virginia Hill?


What best describes the views of the majority of citizens of Scott County, Tennessee in 1861?

Attacks at Fort Sumter and Lincoln's call for troops

What best explains the change in public opinion between February and June, 1861?

They establish large family networks for support and comfort

What is a common way slaves adapted to their condition in the South?

The Bear Flag Revolt

What most directly led to achieving Manifest Destiny?

It gave the Union complete control of the Mississippi Riv

What was the significance of the Union victory in the siege of Vicksburg?

Jefferson Davis

Whom did the Confederacy elect as their first, and only, president?

It resulted in heavy Confederate loses and northern optimism for victory

Why was the Battle of Gettysburg a turning point in the Civil War?

Harriet Beecher Stowe

important abolitionist Author of Uncle Tom's Cabin Influenced northern resentment towards slavery Who do the descriptors above best describe?


"...Every portion of the North entertains views and feelings more or less hostile to it [slavery]. Those most opposed and hostile regard it as a sin, and consider themselves under the most sacred obligation to use every effort to destroy it... ...On the contrary, the Southern section regards the relation as one which can not be destroyed without subjecting the two races to the greatest calamity, and the section to poverty, desolation, and wretchedness; and accordingly they feel bound by every consideration of interest and safety to defend it..." What best identifies the perspective of the speaker above?

Abraham Lincoln

"...I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so... in 1787, one of the declared objects for ordaining and establishing the Constitution was "to form a more perfect Union...But if destruction of the Union by one or by a part only of the States be lawfully possible, the Union is less perfect than before the Constitution, having lost the vital element of perpetuity... ..It follows from these views that no State upon its own mere motion can lawfully get out of the Union; that resolves and ordinances to that effect are legally void, and that acts of violence within any State or States against the authority of the United States are insurrectionary or revolutionary, according to circumstances." Who best identifies the speaker above?

Abraham Lincoln

"...I will say here, while upon this subject, that I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution in the States where it exists. I believe I have no right to do so. I have no inclination to do so. I have no purpose to introduce political and social equality between the white and black races...but I hold that, notwithstanding all this, there is no reason in the world why the negro is not entitled to all the rights enumerated in the Declaration of Independence,—the right of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I hold that he is as much entitled to these as the white man..." Who best identifies the speaker above?

To remind Americans of the reasons that the Civil War was being fought

"...It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth." What best describes Lincoln's purpose in this passage?

Total war

"...We are not only fighting hostile armies, but a hostile people, and must make young and old, rich and poor, feel the hard hand of war" Which of the following best identifies the term used to describe Sherman's strategy above?

It caused a great rift between the North and South over territorial gains from the Mexican-American War

"Provided, That, as an express and fundamental condition to the acquisition of any territory from the Republic of Mexico by the United States, by virtue of any treaty which may be negotiated between them, and to the use by the Executive of the moneys herein appropriated, neither slavery nor involuntary servitude shall ever exist in any part of said territory, except for crime, whereof the party shall first be duly convicted." What best describes the impact of the item above?

They were very courageous.

"Sis I don't know what you think about the war but I will tell you what I think and that is the north will never whip the south as long as there is a man left in the south. They fight like wild devils. Ever man seems determined to loose the last drop of blood before they give up there is no use of you and I talking about the war because we cant end it, but I don't care how soon it is stopped. Christmas will soon be here I would like to be at home." - Private John R. McClure, 14th Indiana Volunteers, December, 1862 What does this excerpt say about the Confederate soldiers?

The Compromise of 1850

1.Gold is discovered a Sutter's Mill 2.California Drafts constitution and applies for statehood 3.? Which statement completes the diagram?

David Farragut

American Naval Commander (from Tennessee) who captured the city of New Orleans in 1862

Ft Henry and Ft Donelson

Captured by General Grant early in the Civil War, these two Confederate outposts controlled access to the Tennessee and Cumberland River

Nathan Bedford Forrest

Confederate Calvary General from Tennessee who led dozens of raids on Union supply yards, railroads, and camps throughout Tennessee during the Civil War.

The Anaconda Plan

Devised by Union General Winfield Scott Destroy the Southern economy with a naval blockade along the eastern and gulf coasts Gain control of the Mississippi River and divide the Confederacy

Promoted popular sovereignty as the solution for the expansion of slavery

During his debates with Abraham Lincoln in the Illinois Senator election of 1858, Steven A. Douglas

More factories

Higher population Better rail and communications infrastructure ? What best completes the list above?

It prohibited slavery in the Northwest Territory

How did the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 deal with the slavery issue?

The Republican Party

In response to the Kansas-Nebraska Act in 1854, the anti-slavery Whigs and Democrats joined with the Free-Soilers and some abolitionists to form


Initially caught by surprise, Union forces led by General Grant forced the Confederates to retreat in this key battle that secured western Tennessee, a key railroad juncture at Corinth, MS, and part of the Mississippi River


Key Union victory that that pushed Lee out of Maryland; helped convince England and France withhold support to the Confederacy; and inspired Lincoln to issue the Emancipation Proclamation.

Frederick Douglas

Leading abolitionist Runaway slave Author of The Slave Narratives Influential speaker Who do the the descriptors above best describe ?

Appomattox Court House

Location of Lee's surrender to Grant?

Speaker believes that the Union should be above all

Mr. President, - I wish to speak to-day, not as a Massachusetts man, nor as a Northern man, but as an American, and a member of the Senate of the United States. I speak to-day for the preservation of the Union. "Hear me for my cause." I speak to-day, out of a solicitous and anxious heart for the restoration to the country of that quiet and harmonious harmony which make the blessings of this Union so rich, and so dear to us all. What best identifies the perspective of the speaker above?

John Brown

Planned and led attack on the federal arsenal at Harper's Ferry, VA; captured, tried and convicted of treason; executed and became martyr for abolitionist cause and symbol of danger to the South

Harriet Tubman

Runaway slave Abolitionist Underground Railroad "Conductor" Who does the above list best describe?

John C. Calhoun

Senator from South Carolina Former Secretary of War and Vice President Argued that slavery was a constitutional right Advocated state's rights, nullification, and secession Who do the descriptors above best describe?

Outraged opponents of slavery

Slaves were not citizens of the United States Slaves were property protected by the Constitution Congress had no authority to ban slavery What best describes the impact of the event described above?

Dred Scott Decision

Slaves were not citizens of the United States Slaves were property protected by the Constitution Congress had no authority to ban slavery What is the best title for this table?

Popular Sovereignty

Term used to describe the process by which voters in a new territory decide if they wanted to ban or allow slavery when applying for statehood

freeing all slaves in rebel territory

The Emancipation Proclamation was an executive decree (order) from Lincoln...

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