Class final

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Which of the following questions is of least pertinence when determining whether a mother will deliver her baby within the next few minutes

"Have you had a sonogram?"

The medical roots "phasia" and "phagia" sound identical, yet mean 2 different things. What are their meanings

"Phasia" means "speech" and "phagia" means "swallowing"

Which of the following questions is used to determine a patient's chief complaint

"Why did you call for an ambulance today?"

An oxygen cylinder should be taken out of service and refilled when the pressure inside it is less than:


For an adult, the normal resting pulse should be between:

60 and 100 beats/min

If a baby is born at 7:52, the second Apgar score should be calculated at


While examining a woman in labor, you see the umbilical cord protruding from the vagina. You should:

Gently push the infant's head away from the cord

In general, oral glucose should be given to any patient who

Has an altered mental status and a history of diabetes

In contrast to a full-term infant, a premature infant:

Has an even proportionally larger head

Vaccination against the hepatitis A virus is unnecessary if you

Have been infected with hepatitis A in the past. Once exposed, you build natural immunity

A precipitous labor and delivery is most common in women who

Have delivered a baby before

During your assessment of a 19-year-old male, you are told that he is being treated with factor VIII. This indicates that:

He has hemophilia A

Signs and symptoms of preeclampsia include

Headache and edema

The root word pyr/o means

Heat or fire

What medical term refers to bright red blood passing out of the rectum


A pregnant trauma patient might lose a significant amount of blood before showing signs of shock because

Pregnant patients have an overall increase in blood volume

A pulse with a consistent pattern is considered to be


When utilizing a pulse oximetry, what are you truly measuring

The percentage of hemoglobin that are completely saturated with 4 molecules, but unable to identify what it is saturated with

The manner in which the EMT must act or behave when caring for a patient is called the

Standard of care

When determining the frequency of contractions, you should time the contractions from the:

Start of one to the start of the next

The standards for prehospital emergency care and oversight of the individuals who provide care are typically regulated by whom

State office of EMS (state level) and medical director (local)

A 67 year old female with severe chest pain becomes unresponsive, pulseless, and apneic during transport. You should

Stop the ambulance, begin CPR and attach the AED as soon as possible

Harsh, high-pitched inspiratory sounds high in the larynx are characteristic of:


Cardiogenic shock may result from all of the following except


Which of the following statements regarding Good Samaritan Laws is correct

Such laws are meant to protect the person who acts in good faith but will not protect the EMT in cases of gross negligence

Which of the following statements regarding suctioning of a newborn's mouth and oropharynx is correct

Suctioning is indicated prior to cutting the cord if respiratory distress is present

Proper technique for suctioning the oropharynx of an adult patient includes:

Suctioning while withdrawing the catheter from the oropharynx, no longer than 15 seconds

A 31 year old male was bitten on the leg by an unidentifiable snake. The patient is conscious and alert and in no apparent distress. Your assessment of his leg reveals 2 small puncture marks with minimal pain and swelling. In addition to administering oxygen and providing reassurance, further care for this patient should include

Supine positioning, splinting the leg and transporting

When the mother is experiencing a contraction, you should instruct her to:

Take quick short breaths

Symptomatic hypoglycemia will MOST likely develop if a patient:

Takes too much of his or her prescribed insulin

The presence of meconium in the amniotic fluid indicates

That the baby's airway might be obstructed

Structures of the lower airway include all of the following, EXCEPT the:

The epiglottis

A dissecting aortic aneurysm occurs when

The inner layers of the aorta become separated (tunica interna, tunica media), forming a false lumen (pathway) that may rupture

During delivery, it is MOST important to position your partner at the mother's head because:

The mother might become nauseated and vomit

Which of the following is a specific example of the MIH model

The paramedic administers a patient's flue vaccine

A patient in unstable condition should be reassessed at least every

5 minutes

An adult at rest should have a respiratory rate that ranges between:

12 and 20

A newborn infant will usually begin breathing spontaneously within _______ seconds following birth.

15-30 seconds

A mother who is pregnant with her first baby is typically in the first stage of labor for approximately

16-24 hours

During a 30-minute transport of a stable patient, you should reassess him or her at least ________ times.


An abortion occurs when the fetus and placenta deliver before:

20 weeks

At a flow rate of 6L/min, a nasal cannula can deliver an approximately oxygen concentration of up to


You have just delivered a baby boy. His body is pink, but his hands and feet are blue. His heart rate is approximately 110 beats/min, and his respirations are rapid and irregular. He has a weak cry when stimulated and resists attempts to straighten his legs. His Apgar score is


Normal glucose level is between

80 and 120 mg/dL

In which of the following patients would the head tilt-chin lift maneuver be the most appropriate method of opening the airway

A 37 year old female who is found unconscious in her bed

Which of the following statements regarding a breech presentation is correct

A breech presentation occurs when the buttocks are the presenting part

To which of the following diabetic patients should you administer oral glucose

A confused 55 year old male with tachycardia and pallor

Which of the following patients has the decision making capacity and can legally refuse emergency medical treatment

A conscience and alert woman with severe abdominal pain

Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is a term used to describe:

A group of symptoms that are caused by myocardial ischemia

During your assessment of a patient with respiratory distress, you hear wheezing when listening to breath sounds. This indicates

A lower airway obstruction

Which of the following scenarios most accurately depicts abandonment

A paramedic transfers patient care to an EMT, when the patient needs ALS level of care

Which of the following general statements regarding consent is correct

A patient can consent to transport but can legally refuse treatment

Which of the following patients has signs of an altered mental status

A patient with a head injury who is slow to answer questions

Stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system would result in

A slower heart rate and digestion of food

Clinical signs of compensated shock include all of the following except

Absent peripheral pulses

The pelvis is a combination of 3 bones: ilium, ischium, and pelvic bones. They merge together forming a cup-like structure that cradles the head of the femur. What is the name of this juncture


A 37 year old female with a history of diabetes presents with excessive urination and weakness of 2 days duration. Her blood glucose level reads 320 mg/dL. If this patient's condition is not promptly treated, she will most likely develop

Acidosis and dehydration

A 56 year old male is found semiconscious by his wife. Your assessment reveals that his respirations are rapid and shallow, his pulse is rapid and irregular, and his blood pressure is low. The patient is afebrile. The patient's wife states that he complained of chest pressure and left arm pain, as well as nausea the day before, but would not allow her to call all. The most likely cause of this patient's present condition is

Acute myocardial infarction

A patient tells you that he has a left ventricular assist device (LVAD). Which of the following conditions should you suspect that he has experienced?

Acute myocardial infarction and/or heart failure

A patient witnessed a drive by shooting where 3 people were killed. Afterward, the patient experienced nightmares and flashbacks, inability to concentrate, agitation, and mood swings. The patient was diagnosed with "acute reaction to stress". At what point would the diagnoses be considered PTSD

Acute reaction to stress and PTSD have the same symptoms, but PTSD is diagnosed when symptoms persist longer than 6 months

A 51 year old female presents with a sudden onset of difficulty breathing. She is conscious and alert and able to speak in complete sentences. Her respirations are 22 breaths/min and regular. You should

Administer oxygen via a nonrebreathing mask

A 66 year old female with a history of hypertension and diabetes presents with substernal chest pressure of 2 hours duration. Her blood pressure is 140/90 mmHg, her pulse is 100 beats/min and irregular, her respirations are 22 breaths/min, and her oxygen saturation is 92%. The patient does not have prescribed nitroglycerin, but her husband does. You should

Administer oxygen, giver her 324mg of aspirin, and contact medical command

When decontaminating the back of your ambulance after a call, you should:

Allow surfaces to air dry unless otherwise indicated in the product directions

Which of the following scenarios most accurately depicts a post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) reaction

An EMT becomes distracted and tearful at the scene of a motor vehicle crash involving the same type of car in which a child was previously killed, 8 months ago

Which of the following scenarios is an example of informed consent

An EMT educates and advises a patient of the risks of receiving and/or refusing a treatment

A history of pelvic inflammatory disease or tubal ligations increases a woman's risk for

An ectopic pregnancy

A patient's refusal of EMS treatment and/or transport must be

An informed refusal

Vector-borne transmission of an infectious organism occurs via:

Animals or insects

As an EMT, in a court of law, the performance of your duties will be compared to that of

Another EMT

When using the pulse oximetry as part of your assessment of a patient, it is important to remember that

Any situation that causes vasoconstriction or loss of red blood cells, such as anemia or bleeding, may result in an inaccurate or misleading value

A 70 year old man presents with pain between his shoulder blades, described as "ripping and tearing" . There is a remarkable difference between the systolic blood pressure in his right and left arms. He is pale, diaphoretic, and clammy. He also has tachypnea. What is your most likely diagnosis

Aortic dissection

A 62 year old man with a history of congestive heart failure presents with severe respiratory distress and with an oxygen saturation of 82%. When you auscultate his lungs you hear widespread rales (crackles). He is conscious and alert, is able to follow simple commands, and can only speak in two to three word sentences at a time. You should

Apply a CPAP device, monitor his blood pressure, and observe him for signs of improvement or deterioration

During your visual inspection of a 25-year-old woman in labor, you see the baby's head crowning at the vaginal opening. What should you do?

Apply gentle pressure to the baby's head as it delivers

Despite your numerous, sincere efforts to convince a 40-year-old man to consent to EMS treatment and transport, he refuses. After explaining the potential consequences of his refusal and determining that the patient has decision-making capacity, you ask him to sign an EMS refusal form, but he refuses to do that as well. You should:

Ask a family member, law enforcement officer, or bystander to sign the form verifying that the patient refused to sign

Acting in such a way as to make another person fear immediate bodily harm is called:


A 49 year old male presents with an acute onset of crushing chest pain and diaphoresis. You have established his level of consciousness and his pulses. What is the next step in the primary survey

Assess the adequacy of his respirations

According to the National EMS Scope of Practice Model, an EMT should be able to:

Assist a patient with certain prescribed medications

Narrowing of the coronary arteries caused by a buildup of fatty deposits is called:


What is the special property, unique to heart cells, that allows them to generate an electrical impulse


When palpating the carotid pulse of a responsive patient, you should

Avoid compressing both carotid arteries simultaneously

An adult patient who is NOT experiencing difficulty breathing will:

Be able to speak in complete sentences without unusual pauses

When should you take standard precautions during an EMS call

Before exiting the ambulance and before actual patient contact

You and your partner arrive at the scene of a middle-aged man who collapsed about 5 minutes ago. He is unresponsive, apneic, and pulseless. Bystanders are present, but have not provided any care. You should:

Begin high quality CPR and apply the AED as soon as possible

By the 20th week of pregnancy, the uterus is typically at or above the level of the mother's:

Belly button

Carbon monoxide blocks the ability of the blood to oxygenate the body because it

Binds with the hemoglobin in red blood cells

The vagina and neck of the uterus comprise the

Birth canal

Which of the following most accurately describes the cause of an ischemic stroke

Blockage of a cerebral artery

Which of the following is not a component of the Apgar score

Body size

The only indications for placing your gloved fingers in the vagina during delivery are

Breech presentation and prolapsed umbilical cord

The nasopharyngeal airway is most beneficial because it

Can maintain a patent airway in a semiconscious patient with a gag reflex

The actual exchange of oxygen and carbon monoxide occurs in the

Capillary beds of the alveolar sacks (alveoli)

A man was found unresponsive in his bed at home. There is no evidence of injury and the patient's medical history is not known. The patient's face is cherry red, yet the pulse oximetry reads 98%. Which of the following would most likely explain this

Carbon monoxide poisoning

The spread of HIV and hepatitis in the healthcare setting can usually be traced to

Careless handling of needles/contact with an infected individual's blood

Muscle control, ability to walk and body coordination are controlled by which portion of the brain


It would be MOST appropriate for a patient to take his or her prescribed nitroglycerin when experiencing:

Chest pain that does not immediately subside with rest

Irregular respirations characterized by an increasing rate and depth of breathing followed by periods of apnea are called:

Cheyne-Stokes respirations

Life-long or long-term smoking will commonly result in a disease process called COPD, what does the medical abbreviation COPD mean

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

A schizophrenic patient is noted to speak in rhyme, connecting words you say to similar sounding rhyming words. This patient is said to be doing what


For a do not resuscitate (DNR) order to be valid, it must:

Clearly state the patient's medical problem (diagnosis)

Assessment of a patient with hypoglycemia will MOST likely reveal:


A 19 year old male complains of "not feeling right". His insulin and a syringe are on a nearby table. The patient says he thinks he took his insulin and cannot remember whether he ate. He is also unable to tell you the time or what day it is. The glucometer reads "error" after a several attempts to assess his blood glucose level. You should

Contact medical control and administer oral glucose

An appropriate demonstration of professionalism when your patient is frightened, demanding, or unpleasant is to:

Continue to be nonjudgmental, compassionate, and respectful

A 54 year old male accidentally shot himself in the leg while cleaning his gun. Your assessment reveals a small entrance wound to her medical aspect of his right leg. The exit wound is on the opposite side of the leg and is actively bleeding. The patient complains of numbness and tingling in his right foot. You should

Control the bleeding and cover the wound with a sterile dressing

Common signs and symptoms of severe hyperglycemia include all of the following except

Cool, clammy skin

Classic signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia include:

Cool, clammy skin; weakness; tachycardia; and rapid respirations

Your patient has a history of congestive heart failure and is complaining of shortness of breath. She woke up abruptly short of breath after sleeping about 2 hours. You note that she has bilateral pitting pulmonary edema. What type of breath sounds would you anticipate hearing in this patient

Crackles (Rales)

For which of the following conditions would the EMT most likely administer humidified oxygen


Which of the following is an indication of imminent birth

Crowning of the baby's head

Which type of stress reaction occurs when an EMT is exposed to many insignificant stressors over a period of several months or years?

Cumulative stress reaction

An EMT would most likely be held liable for abandonment if he or she:

Decided not to continue care for an injured patient who was asking for treatment and transport

A 37 year old male experienced head trauma after a fall from 20 feet. When you arrive, you note he is displaying posturing, with upper and lower extremities pulled inward, toward the torso. What is the name of this type of posturing


The primary survey assesses for life threats. After evaluating for airway, breathing and circulation, the EMT should perform a 90 second DCAP-BTLS survey. What does this acronym mean

Deformities, contusions, abrasions, penetrations/pneumothorax, burns, tenderness, lacerations, and swelling

Common signs and symptoms of a sprain include all of the following except


It is especially important for EMS personnel to develop nonadversarial relationships with their coworkers because they

Depend on one another for their safety

A conscious and alert 29 year old female with a history of asthma complains of difficulty breathing that began after her morning jog. The temperature outside is 40 degrees F (5 degrees C). On exam, you hear bilateral expiratory wheezing. After providing supplemental oxygen, you should

Determine if she has been prescribed a beta-agonist inhaler

Which of the following is an effective stress management strategy

Developing a social network outside of EMS, building resilience

Placentia previa is defined as

Development of the placenta over the cervical opening

Which of the following accurately defines negligence

Deviation from the standard of care that might result in further injury

A patient with profuse sweating is referred to as being


Your partner, a veteran EMT with whom you have worked regularly for the past 4 years, seems unusually agitated during a call involving an elderly patient. Upon arrival back at your station, you note the obvious smell of alcohol on his breath. What should you do

Discreetly report your suspicions to your immediate supervisor

A patient, with a complaint of SOB initially agrees to EMS transport, but 10 minutes later he tells you that he feels fine and does not want to go to the hospital. He is alert and answering questions appropriately, 25 years of age, under these circumstances, you should

Discuss the benefits, risks and alternative options required of informed consent, but ultimately the patient has a right to refuse

The disruption of a joint in which the bone ends are no longer in contact is called a:


Common factors that influence how a patient reacts to the stress of an illness or injury include all of the following, EXCEPT:

Distrust EMTs

EMTs can evaluate pulses at several locations. What is the name of the pulse located on top of the foot

Dorsalis Pedis

Where would you most likely find information regarding a patient's wishes to be an organ donor

Driver's license

After the fetus has descended into the pelvis at the end of the third trimester, many mothers experience:

Easier breathing

A 26 year old female who is 34 weeks pregnant is experiencing a seizure. Her husband tells you that her blood pressure has been high and that she has been complaining of a headache for the past few days. You suspect


The frontal lobe of the brain controls

Emotions and personality

What is the root word for "brain"


A 37 year old male has an apparent foreign body airway obstruction. He is conscious and alert and is coughing forcefully. His skin is pink, warm, and moist. The most appropriate treatment for this patient includes

Encouraging him to cough and transporting

A 40 year old man is in cardiac arrest. Your partner is performing CPR and you are attaching the AED when the patient's wife tells you that he has an automatic implantable cardiac defibrillator (AICD). The AED advises that a shock is indicated. What should you do

Ensure the AED patches are not touching the implanted device and then deliver the shock followed by immediate resumption of CPR

You are called to the home of a 3 year old male who has had a fever, drooling and difficulty breathing for the past 48 hours. On exam he is leaning forward and drooling and he has audible inspiratory stridor. The mother informs you he is not vaccinated. What is the most likely cause of this patient's respiratory distress


Which of the following is not a symptom common to depression

Episodes of erotic behaviors, such as excessive spending or gambling

Based on current guidelines, in which of the following situations should supplemental oxygen be administered?

Exposure to carbon monoxide and an oxygen saturation of 94%

Which type of consent is involved when a 39-year-old mentally competent female with a severe headache asks you to take her to the hospital?


A blood pressure cuff that is too small for a patient's arm will give a

Falsely high systolic and diastolic reading

When considering one's personal life, it is important for the EMT to realize that

Family or friends might not understand the stress associated with EMS

Following delivery of a full term baby, you have properly cared for the baby and have clamped and cut the umbilical cord. During transport, you note that the mother is experiencing moderate vaginal bleeding. You should

Firmly massage the uterine fundus with a circular motion

Upon delivery of an infant's head, you note that the umbilical cord is wrapped around its neck. You should:

First attempt to slip the cord gently over the infant's head

A pleural effusion is most accurately defined as

Fluid accumulation between visceral and parietal pleura

A patient with high blood pressure would be expected to have skin that is

Flushed and red

When evaluating a patient's pupil response to a light source why is it important not to hold your pen light directly in front of the patient's face

Holding an object close to the eyes evaluates accommodation, not necessarily response to light

The presence of elevated carbon monoxide levels in the blood is called


Common side effects of nitroglycerin include all of the following except


Which of the following conditions is not a common cause of seizures


In an acute injury setting, neurogenic shock is commonly accompanied by


What is the root word for uterus


The continuous quality improvement (CQI) process is designed to

Identify areas of improvement and provide remedial training if needed

In which of the following situations should the EMT splint an injured limb in the position of deformity

If resistance is encountered or the patient experiences severe pain

After the AED has delivered a shock, the EMT should:

Immediately resume CPR

A 17 year old football player collided with another player and has pain to his left clavicle. He is holding his arm against his chest and refuses to move it. Your assessment reveals obvious deformity to the mid shaft clavicle. After assessing distal pulse, sensory and motor functions, you should

Immobilize the injury with a sling and swathe

Which of the following types of consent allows treatment of a patient who is unconscious or mentally incapacitated


Which of the following statements regarding gestational diabetes is correct

In some cases, women with gestational diabetes require insulin injections

Which of the following is a normal physiologic change that occurs in the mother's respiratory system during pregnancy

Increased respiratory rate and decreased respiratory reserve

All of the following will help minimize the risk of gastric distention when ventilating an apneic patient with a bag-mask device, except

Increasing the amount of delivered tidal volume

Shivering is a mechanism in which the body generates heat by:

Increasing the metabolic rate

Obtaining continuing medical education is the responsibility of the:

Individual EMT

The term used to describe the parts of the body that are nearer to the feet is

Inferior or caudal

In many states, a minor may be treated as an adult for the purpose of consenting to or refusing medical treatment if the minor:

Is emancipated, self-supporting and lives by him or herself, or has given birth to their own child

A 28 year old female patient is found to be responsive to verbal stimuli only. Her roommate states that she was recently diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and has had difficulty controlling her blood sugar level. She further tells you that the patient has been urinating excessively and has progressively worsened over the last 24-36 hours. On the basis of this patient's clinical presentation, you should suspect that she

Is significantly hyperglycemic

All of the following conditions should make you suspect shock except

Ischemic stroke

Which of the following signs would indicate that your partner is experiencing significant stress

Isolation from the rest of the crew

Calming and reassuring an anxious patient can be facilitated by:

Maintaining eye contact with the patient whenever possible

In an action or procedure that was performed on a patient is not recorded on the written report

It was not performed according to the eyes of the law

What maneuver should be used to open the airway of an unresponsive patient with suspected trauma?

Jaw thrust maneuver

You have just delivered a premature baby. Your assessment reveals that he is breathing adequately; however, his heart rate is 90 beats/min. You should:

Keep him warm and ventilate with a bag-mask device

Which of the following conditions is the diabetic patient at an increased risk of developing

Kidney disease and peripheral neuropathy

The medical abbreviation LMP stands for

Last menstrual period

Two EMT's witnessed a call in which a coworker gave adequate medical care but ignored the patient's emotional needs. The coworker was deliberately rude solely because the patient was thought to be infected with the human immunodeficiency virus(HIV). The EMT's ignored the coworker's treatment of this patient and took no steps to prevent this behavior from happening again. This lack of action on the part of the two EMT's is considered

Legal but unethical

Bones are connected to other bones by bands of tough fibrous tissues called:


In patients with deeply pigmented skin, changes in color may be apparent only in certain areas, such as the:

Lips or oral mucosa, sclera of eyes

All of the following are considered to be protected health information (HPI) except

Location of the call

CPR is in progress on a pulseless and apneic 29-year-old woman who is 37 weeks pregnant. When treating this patient, the EMT should:

Manually displace the patient's uterus to the left

The term used to describe the location of body parts that are closer toward the midline of the body is


The EMTs scope of within his or her local response area is defined by the

Medical director

As an EMT, it is important to remember that the signs and symptoms of cumulative stress:

Might be subtle and gradually increase in intensity

As the single EMT managing an apneic patient's airway, the preferred initial method of providing ventilations is the:

Mouth to mask technique with a one way valve

Schizophrenic patients can make up nonsense words (not included in the English language) utilizing them in conversation. The nonsense words only have meaning to the schizophrenic patient. What are these words called


An EMT may need to assist a patient with taking NTG for chest pain. What medication does NTG represent


A patient who is suspected of being hypoxic, SPO2 of 89%, but is conscious and maintaining their open airway should be given supplemental oxygen with a

Nonrebreathing mask

When preparing a pregnant patient for delivery, you should position her:

On a firm surface with her hips elevated two to four inches

What does it mean to be "ipsilateral"

On the same side of the body

A man finds his 59 year old wife unconscious on the couch. He states that she takes medications for type 2 diabetes. He further tells you that his wife has been ill recently and has not eaten for the past 24 hours. Your assessment reveals that the patient is unresponsive. You should

Open and maintain her airway and assess breathing

What is the medical abbreviation for a pulmonary embolism, which frequently comes from a deep vein thrombosis


A prehospital EMS provider who works at the top of the prehospital scope of practice, who has extensive training in various aspects of ALS is called a(n)


The MOST serious complication associated with using a nasopharyngeal airway in a patient with trauma to the head or face is:

Penetrating the cranium

A 71 year old male is semiconscious following a sudden, severe, headache. There is vomitus on his face and his respirations are slow and shallow. The EMT must immediately

Perform oropharyngeal suctioning

Applying ice to and elevating an injured extremity are performed to

Reduce pain and swelling

During your assessment of a 6 month old male with vomiting and diarrhea, you note that his capillary refill is approximately 4 seconds. From this information, you should conclude that the infant's

Peripheral circulation is decreased

A 32 year old female is experiencing severe 7/10 headache, with nausea and sensitivity to light. What is the medical term for her light sensitivity


A 33 year old woman who is 36 weeks pregnant is experiencing vaginal bleeding. During transport, you note that she suddenly becomes diaphoretic, tachycardic, and hypotensive. You should

Place her in a left lateral recumbent position

Your 22-year-old patient is in active labor. Upon visual inspection, you note that the infant's leg is protruding from the vagina. Appropriate management of this situation includes:

Placing the mother supine with her head down and pelvis elevated

hypovolemic shock caused by severe burns is the result of a loss of


Which medical term means "breathing"


While auscultating an elderly woman's breath sounds, you hear low-pitched "rattling" sounds at the bases of both of her lungs. She has a fever and resides in a nursing home where several other residents are experiencing the similar symptoms. This finding is MOST consistent with which of the following conditions?


Common interventions used to stimulate spontaneous respirations in the newborn include all of the following, EXCEPT:

Positive-pressure ventilations

Which of the following anatomic terms means the same as the word "dorsal"


Pregnant women are advised to take iron supplements, such as prenatal vitamins, because:

Pregnancy causes an increased number of red blood cells, which predisposes the mother to anemia

A 59 year old presents with severe vomiting and diarrhea of 3 days duration. He is confused and diaphoretic and his radial pulses are absent. His blood pressure is 78/50 mmHg. After applying supplemental oxygen you should

Prepare for immediate transport, ALS intercept if possible

A 30 year old man complains of sever pain to his right tibia after an injury that occurred the day before. The patient's leg is pale, and he is unable to move his foot. The EMT should suspect that

Pressure in the fascial compartment is elevated

Which aspect of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) MOST affects EMS personnel?

Protecting patient privacy

After delivery of a pulseless and apneic infant who has a foul odor , skin sloughing, and diffuse blistering, you should

Provide emotional support to the mother

If a newborn's heart rate is less than 60 beats/min following delivery, you should

Provide ventilations for 30 seconds

Deoxygenated blood leaves the right ventricle via which blood vessel(s)

Pulmonary trunk and pulmonary arteries

Only 2 vein systems in the body carry oxygenated blood, one of these is within fetal circulation. What other vein(s) carry oxygenated blood

Pulmonary veins

What is the name of the heart valve that opens to allow deoxygenated blood to leave the heart and travel to the lungs

Pulmonic valve

Upon delivery of an infant's head, you note that its face is encased in the amniotic sac and a nuchal cord is present. You should:

Puncture the sac and suction the baby's mouth and nose

In responsive, non-distressed stable patients who are older than 1 year of age, where do we most commonly palpate the pulse

Radial artery

After assisting your patient with his or her nitroglycerin, you should

Reassess his or her blood pressure within 5 minutes to detect hypotension

An unconscious patient found in a prone position must be placed in a supine position in case he or she:

Requires CPR

Prior to applying a nonrebreathing mask to a patient, you must ensure that the

Reservoir bag is fully inflated

A patient who moves and cries out only when you pinch his or her trapezius muscle is said to be

Responsive to painful stimuli

Which of the following is not generally considered an obstetrical emergency

Return of contractions following delivery of the baby

Deoxygenated blood from the body returns to the

Right atrium

Where would you listen (with stethoscope) to the right middle lung lobe

Right axilla

What is the medical abbreviation for pulse oximetry, measuring the saturation level of hemoglobin


Eclampsia is most accurately defined as

Seizures that result from severe hypertension

Which of the following medical terms represents a patient sitting upright, at a 45 degree angle


What is the medical root-word for "wall or division" and also refers to the number 7


A 70 year old female was discharged one week ago from the hospital following a total hip replacement. Today, she presents with a fever of 102 degree F, restlessness, tachycardia, and a blood pressure of 90/64 mmHg. Her skin is hot and diaphoretic. You also notice that the incision and sutures from the surgery are red, fluctuant (soft) and seeping a small amount of pus. You should be most suspicious that she is experiencing

Septic shock from a wound infection

The cervical spine is composed of _ vertebrae


Dyspnea is most accurately defined as

Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing.

what collection of cells is responsible for initiating an impulse/heart beat

Sino-atrial node (SA node)

After delivery of the placenta, the mother is experiencing vaginal bleeding. After massaging the uterine fundus and allowing the mother to breastfeed, the bleeding stops. This occurred because

The production of oxytocin caused uterine contraction

Which of the following statements regarding the different stages of the grieving process is correct

The stages of the grieving process might occur out of order, or simultaneously

Cardiac output may decrease if the heart beats too rapidly because

There is not enough time in between contractions for the heart to refill completely

EMRs such as fire fighters, law enforcement officers, and park rangers, are an integral part of the EMS system because:

They work in positions that often arrive at the scene before the ambulance and EMTs and provide basic care needs

A schizophrenic patient believes that God is placing ideas, concepts, and commands into his brain, for him to act upon. This delusion is defined as

Thought insertion

Successful treatment of an ischemic stroke depends on whether

Thrombolytic therapy is given within 3 hours of symptoms beginning. The patient must receive care within a very specific timeline

If you are exposed to a patient's blood or other bodily fluid on your own hands, your first action should be to:

Transfer care of the patient to another EMS provider, then immediately wash your hands

After assessing a patient's blood glucose level, you accidentally stick yourself with the contaminated lancet (small needle) You should:

Transfer care to colleague, wash hands, report the incident to your supervisor after the call

Which of the following signs and symptoms would the EMT most likely encounter in a patient with new onset type 1 diabetes

Weight loss and polyuria

What heart valve is positioned between the right atrium and right ventricle


You respond to a homeless shelter for a 48 year old male who is unconscious in respiratory distress. On arrival, the shelter supervisor tells you that the man had been complaining of fever, trouble breathing, sweating at night, and a persistent cough for the past week. He also noticed that the man has lost a significant amount of weight in the past month. Which of the following diagnosis is most likely


A patient who is experiencing aphasia during a stroke or transient ischemic attack is

Unable to produce or understand speech

When documenting a patient's description of his or her chest pain or discomfort in the subjective portion of the narrative, the EMT should

Use the patient's own words, in quotations when possible

From what internal female organ is the fetus expelled during delivery?


The physical act of moving air into and out of the lungs is called


The heart has 4 chambers. The top two chambers are called "atria" and the bottom two chambers are referred to as


While evaluating a patient with chest pain, your partner tells you that the patient's blood pressure is 140/94 mm Hg. The lower number represents the pressure from the:

Ventricles relaxing

If you use a waterless handwashing substitute in the field, it is important to:

Wash your hands with soap and water at the hospital, and know that it won't protect against C-DIFF or spore bacteria

During your assessment of a patient who experienced a blast injury, you note that he has a depressed area to the front of his skull. This injury most likely occurred

When the patient was hurled against a stationary object

When is it MOST appropriate to consider requesting additional ambulances at an accident scene?

When you determine there are multiple patients

Spina bifida is a developmental defect in which:

a portion of the spinal cord or meninges protrudes outside of the vertebrae

A transient ischemic attack (TIA) occurs when

a small clot in a cerebral artery causes temporary symptoms, resolving spontaneously within 24 hours

Gas exchange in the lungs is facilitated by:

adequate amounts of surfactant.

In contrast to hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia

can only be corrected in the hospital setting.

The umbilical cord

carries oxygen to the baby via the umbilical vein.

The 3 major parts of the brain are the

cerebrum, cerebellum, brain stem

All information recorded on the PCR must be:

considered confidential

The PCR ensures

continuity of care

Cyanosis of the skin is caused by

decreased blood oxygen

Cardiogenic shock following AMI is caused by

decreased pumping force of the heart muscle

Diabetes is MOST accurately defined as a(n):

disorder of glucose metabolism

The EMT certification exam is designed to

ensure that EMTs are competent and have the same level of knowledge and skills.

After a baby is born, it is important to

ensure that it is thoroughly dried and warmed

After a baby is born, it is important to:

ensure that it is thoroughly dried and warmed

Ketone production is the result of

fat metabolization when glucose is unavailable.

The atlas is the

first cervical vertebra, which articulates with the skull above and axis (C2) below it

Blood that is ejected from the right ventricle:

flows into the pulmonary arteries.

CPAP is indicated for patients who:

have pulmonary edema and can follow verbal commands.

The goal of the primary assessment is to

identify and rapidly treat all life-threatening conditions.

When splinting an injury of the wrist, the hand should be placed:

in a functional position

Hypoxia is MOST accurately defined as:

inadequate oxygen to the tissues and cells

The amniotic fluid serves to

insulate and protect the fetus.

Type 1 diabetes

is a condition in which no insulin is produced by the body.

The term primigravida refers to a woman who

is pregnant for the first time.

A nuchal cord is defined as an umbilical cord that

is wrapped around the baby's neck.

In contrast to abruptio placenta, placenta previa

might present without significant abdominal pain

Angina pectoris occurs when

myocardial oxygen demand exceeds the supply

An acute myocardial infarction (AMI) occurs when:

myocardial tissue dies secondary to an absence of oxygen.

To minimize the risk of litigation, the EMT should

provide competent care that meets current standards

How does respiration differ from ventilation?

respiration is the process of gas exchange, whereas ventilation is the simple movement of air between the lungs and the environment

Utilizing the AVPU method for determining level of responsiveness, what does the letter "P" represent

responsive to pain

Heat stroke occurs when

the body's heat-eliminating mechanisms are overwhelmed.

Distributive shock occurs when

widespread dilation of the blood vessels causes blood to pool in the vascular beds.

A nasopharyngeal airway is inserted

with the bevel facing the septum if inserted into the right nare

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