classical theory

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observational preparation martineau

moral, philosophical, developing a sense of empathy, not get caught up in ethnocentrism, leave your own values at home when enter the fields to study

Harriet Martineau

morals, what society says and actually does,

class bipolorization

necessary step in process of social change over intense conflict we are dependent on bipolorization

Religion (durkheim)

the source of religion was society itself. Religion was the way society expressed itself in the form of a nonmaterial social fact.


those who simultaneously produce and consume.

Marx and Capitalism

throughout history the process of people working together to survive has subverted by structural arrangments. These structures interfere with primitive society, capitalism is where this occurs.

reify vs deify

to make something real vs making it not legitimate

Pure Sociology

to study the basic laws of social change and structure.

Webers 3 types of authority systems

traditional authoriy- stems from long lasting systems of beliefs charasmatic authority- charasmatic leaders derive their authority from extraordinary abilities or characteristics rational legal authority- western world, authority is derived from rules legally and rationally enacted.

herbert spencer

tried to change societys institutions


categorized into economic, political, and cultural theories.

affect theory

combines scientific research with postmodern ideas. Understands how biology and society mutually influence each other.

Dramaturgical theory

Poor performances or disruptions are seen as great threats to social interaction just as they are to theatrical performances.


Slave society, Extreme exploitation of human labor force, Roman Empire, a level lower than poverty


Social functionalist, studied societys structures and its affects

Du Bois

Sociological and economic factors were hypothesized to be the main causes of racial inequality that relegated black people to the bottom social order.


Some more flexibility, Settling in small like villages, peasant farming and lords, division of labor, Game of Thrones type, If your father's a farmer, you're going to be a farmer

Dialect (Marx/Hegel)

Stresses the importance of processes, relations, dynamics, conflicts, and contradictions. The world isnt made up if static structures.


also taught by Hegel. Materialist philosphy, religion is a projection by people of their own essence on to an impersonal force. Didnt believe in abstract ideas he thought they were defied by material philosophy.


america is dominated by a small group of businessmen, politicians, and military leaders.

spencer militant to industrial

amount of coordination and control moving back and forth between

George Mead

argued you could not study consciousness emphasized the role of the actor and their behavior

civil society

associations and their positive impact on society. Interaction stimulates renewal of feelings and ideas

Weber and Religion

material factors effect ideas and ideas affect material structures

Empirical world

measurable, observable, countable, evident

Comte's Beliefs

-the study of sociology should be scientific. Developed Positivism. -was influenced by catholics -developed sociology tried to model it after hard science -social statics (existing social structures) and social dynamics (social change)

3 requisite needs/ functions spencer

1. Regulatory-provide boundaries, government provides boundaries 2. Operative-attends to cultural/material needs, and education 3. Distributive-transmission of information and goods, roadways and trains, communication, printing press/mail/social media rose to meet the needs than ever before

3 Intellectual stages the world has gone through

1. Theological stage- major idea system emphasized that supernatural powers and religious figures are the root of everything. 2. Metaphysical stage- era characterized by belief in science, where people gave up the search for absolute causes (God) and concentrated on observation of the social and physical world in the search for laws governing them. 3. Positivism stage- the social universe is amendable to the development of abstract laws that can be tested through careful collection of data and laws that will denote basic and generic properties of the social universe specifying natural relations.

3 assumptions underlying positivism

1. belief of perfectionability of the human mind 2.the distance of universal covering laws a set of laws that governs society- how it changes/stays the same 3. discovery of social laws will improve society basic function

comte 3 basic methods

1. unbiased observation 2. experimentation (natural change) 3. comparison across time and space of how society changes over time (temporal)

Karl Marx's theory (positivist, conflict theorist, dialect theorist, evolutionary theorist)

Capitalism is based on the exploitation of the workers by the capitalists.

Lester Ward

Developed pure sociology and applied sociology. First president of American Sociology Society. Believed that early society was characterized by its simplicity and its moral poverty, where modern society was more complex, happier, and offered greater freedom.

Nonmaterial social facts/Strong Collective Conscience (Durkheim)

He thought earlier societys were held together by nonmaterial social facts specifically a strongly held common morality

Emile Durkeim's Beliefs

His work was devoted to social order.Feared and hated social disorder focused on how general social change caused disorder. He argued social disorder is not a nevessary part of the modern world and could be reduced by social reforms.


Karl Marx's teacher. The essence of his philosophy was dialect and idealism.

Emile Durkheim

The modern world offers less moral cohesion than did earlier societies.

Herbert Spencer's theory (structural functionalist, positivist, evolutionist)

The world is moving in the direction of increasing order and harmony

Auguste Comte's theory (evolutionist, positivist, father of Christian socialism)

We are evolving in the direction of a world dominated by science.

Alexis De Tocqueville's theory

We are headed to an increasingly centralized world with less individual freedom

Double Consciousness Du Bois

a sense of "two-ness" or a feeling among African Americans of seeing and measuring themselves through others' eyes.


a series of structures that erect barriers between infividuals and the production process, the products of that process and the other people, can even divide the individual.

Claude Henri Saint-Simon

comte served as simons secretary there is a very strong similarity between their ideas. Simon wanted to preserve society as it was, believed science of social phenomena. He saw the need for socialist reforms especially the centralization of the economic system.

Alfred Schutz

concerned with the way in which people grasp the consciousness of others while they live within their own stream of consciousness.

Joseph Schumpeter

creation or innovation is central to capitalism but cannot occur without the destruction of older out to date elements that can impede on the new ones.

cultural globalization

cultural differentialism- among cultures there are large differences that are affected by globalization cultural convergence- important differences remain among cultures & increase of homogeneity across cultures cultural hybridization- the global and local interpenetrate to create unique indigenous realities.


dedicated to reorganizing society with science.

commodity fetish Marx

delink whats consumed and where/how its made


desire to solve social problems by reforming individuals

Georg Simmel

developed symbolic interactionalism, studied individual forms of interaction. Human action is an expression of ever changing dynamic life forces. human society exists as tension between the movement of life and humans efforts to stabilize life in social and cultural forms

Max Weber

devoted his attention to ideas and their effect on the economy rather than seeing ideas as reflections of economic factors. Was concerned how religion would effect economy. interested in the general issue of why institutions in the western world grew rational while powerful barriers prevented a similar development in the rest of the world.


difference between what a worker gets paid and the worth of the product

dialect theory Marx

each new beginning state contains seeds of own denial

individualism vs egoism

egoism is a passionate and exaggerated love of self which leads a man to think of all things in terms of himself and individualism is a considered feeling which disposes each citizen to isolate himself from the mass of his fellows and withdraw into the circle of family and friends. egoism relates more to feelings individualism is more tied to actions taken.

Vilfredo Pareto

emphasized the role of non rational factors such as human instincts. his theory of social change is that society is dominated by a small elite that operates on the basis of enlightened self-interest.


separation from ones own awareness of being human always exists when someone other than worker (business owner) owns means of production

Marx basic assumptions

human nature links the way humans as species survive with human consciousness


in order to create distinction in a large equal world, people are driven to frenzied economic activities and an overemphasis on material goals.

exchange theory

individual behavior in the interaction between people involving the exchange of rewards and costs. Interactions are likely to continue when there is an exchange of rewards. Interactions that are costly to one or both parties are much less likely to continue.

Primary Groups (Cooley)

intimate face to face groups that play a key role in linking the actor to the larger society.

economic globalization

neoliberal global economic market many are for or against it.

Marxs Belief

offers a theory of capitalist society based on his image of the basic nature of human beings. He believed ppl are productive that is in order to survive ppl need to work with nature and produce food clothes ect. The productivity is a natural way of expressing creative impulses. People are inherently social, they need to work together to survive.

Political globalization

one side are those who see the nation-state as dead or dying in an era of globalization changing dramatically, on the other is defenders of the continued importance of the nation state.

George Homans

psychological behaviorism

Erving Goffman

saw much in common between theatrical performances and the kinds of acts we all put on.

false consciousness

seeing yourself through gender/racial lens distractions from class coming first


social psychological aspects of social life, the looking glass self

Organism Analogy spencer

society acts like a living organism like a plant in that society has many parts and systems which work together to balance needs and functions.

spencer and the evolutionary movement

society grows through the multiplication of individuals and the union of groups (compounding). societys increasing size brings differenciated social structures and increasing differentiation of functions they perform. society evolves through compounding by unifying groups

Thorstein Veblen

studied the clash between business such as leaders focused on profits and keeping them high while limiting production and obstructing the industry. Focuses on the leisure class for its role in fostering wasteful consumption.

William Sumner

taught first sociology class in America. Survival of the fittest approach, supporter of human aggressiveness and competitiveness. Said those who succeed deserve it and those who don't deserve to fail.

capitalist means of production

technology and social relationship by owning or making

Alienation (Capitalism)

the breakdown of the natural interconnection among people and what they produce. Captitalism is a two class system where a few capitalists own the production process/products

Applied Sociology

the conscious use of scientific knowledge to attain a better society.


the emphasis on the importance of what people think and how it affects what they do.


the first science to reach positive (physics, chem, physiology, and sociology was last)

Idealism (Marx/Hegel)

the importance of the mind and mental profucts rather than the material world. Only the mind and psychological constructs exist.

max webers theory

the modern world is an iron cage of rational systems from which there is no escape

Labor Theory of Value (Marx) Surplus Value

the profit of the capitalist was based on the exploitation of the laborer. Capitalists payed workers less than deserved.

simmel and economy

was concerned with the emergence in the modern world of a money economy that becomes seperate from the individual. The domination of culture on the individual.

Postmodern social theory

way of thinking about postmodernity; the world is so different that it requires entirely new ways of thinking.


we are a consumer obsessed society. Consumption is likely to grow while production is likely to decline.

post human and post social

we are increasingly involved in networks that encompass both human and non human components.


weakening of the individual. Tocqueville argues equality leads to despotism.

life-world Schutz

world in which people create social reality and are constrained by the preexisting social and cultural structure. (we relations) (they relations)

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