CNA chapter 14

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Signs that a resident is malnourished include a feeling of ________ throughout the body, weight loss, frequent __________ and problems with ________

*coldness *infections *sleeping

Warning signs of unintended weight loss include residents have ________ that do not fit properly or difficulty chewing or __________

*dentures *swallowing

Fluid overload occurs when more fluids ______ the body than is __________ from the body

*enters *eliminated

Symptoms of fluid overload include weight ____, difficulty _________, and ________ heart rate

*gain *breathing *increased

Unintended weight loss may be due to an _______ condition or an ____________ diet

*medical *unappetizing

Reasons for fluid restrictions include recent _______, illness, a special _______ ____, or having a feeding ____

*surgery *medical test *tube

List three types of food that a person should eat less often

1. Added sugar 2. Salt 3. Foods high in solid fats

What are two things that can help a person eat less

1. Avoid oversize portions 2. Share or split your food

List soem examples of plant sources of protein foods

1. Beans 2. Peas 3. Soy products 4. Nuts 5. Seeds

List three factors that influence food choices

1. Cultural background 2. Ethnic background 3. Family traditions

List six types of food that are high in sodium

1. Cured meats 2. Salty or smoked fish 3. Processed chesse 4. Salted food 5. Vegetables preserved 6. Sauces with high concentrations of salt

What is one common abbreviation for a low-sodium diet

1. Low NA NAS

List five common nutritional problems that elderly people may experience

1. Malnutrition 2. Weight loss (unhealthy) 3. Dehydration 4. Dysphagia 5. Production of less saliva

List the information contained on diet cards

1. Residents name 2. Infroamtion about special diets 3. Allergies 4. Likes and dislikes 5. any other dietary instructions

List four examples of output

1. Urine 2. Feces 3. Vomitus 4. Perspiration

List four types of foods that a person should eat more often

1. Vegetables 2. Fruits 3. Whole grain 4. Fat-free

Ms. Brown just ate some lentil soup from a 6 ounce container. The NA measures the leftover soup, which is about 35 milliliter. How many milliliters of soup did ms. Brown eat


A healthy person generally needs to take in about 64 ounces of fluid each day. How many milliliter is this


A resident has a fluid restriction and is limited to 720 milliliters in an eight hour time period. How many ounces is this


How many milliliters (mL) equal one ounce (oz.)


How many milliliters are equal to one ounce


For breakfast the resident has three ounces of orange juice, four ounces of coffee and four ounces of milk. How many milliliters is this


A resident drinks three 4 ounces glasses of water. How many milliliters is this


140ml + 110ml. + 170ml =


A residents urine output measures 15 ounces. How many milliliters is this


220ml + 260ml


For dinner, the resident has six ounces of soup, an eight ounce glass of cranberry juice, and four ounces of ice cream. How many milliliters is this


For lunch a resident is served eight ounces of coffee, eight ounces of water, and 10 ounces of soup. He drinks half of the water, half of the coffee, and eats all of the soup. How many milliliters is this


How many ounces of water or other liquids should a healthy resident be encouraged to drink everyday


What is the minimum amount of fluids that a person should drink per day to help prevent dehydration

64 ounces

What is the difference between a clear liquid diet and a full liquid diet

A clear liquid diet consists of fluids that a person can see through. A full liquid diet includes all the liquids served on a clear liquid diet with the addition of soups cream, milk and ice cream

What is a restrict fluids (RF) order

A medical order to limit the amount of fluids a person drinks to the level set by a doctor

Restricted fluids

A medical order to limit the amount of fluids a persons drinks to the level set by a doctor


A necessary substance that provides energy, promotes growth and health, and helps regulate metabolism

One disease that can make swallowing difficult

Alzheimers disease

The NA should report any decrease in ________ to the nurse


Residents will not stop chewing

Ask resident to stop chewing/ offer small bites of food

Resident pockets food in his cheek

Ask the resident to chew and swallow their food

Resident tends to lean to one side

Ask the resident to place his elbows on the table

Resident has intestinal problems and is avoiding spicy foods and citrus fruits

Bland diet

Add fiber to diets, which helps with solid waste elimination


When serving meals to residents, a NA should

Check the diet card and identify the resident before serving the meal tray


Container for measuring fluid volume

Which of the following is a sign of dysphasia

Coughing during or after meals

When a resident is dehydrated, he may have

Cracked lips

Most choices from this group should be fat-free or low-fat


These products contain calcium, potassium, vitamin d, and protein


This group includes foods that retain their calcium content, such as yogurt and cheese


Resident has a change in vision

Describe food in front of the resident usign the imaginary clock

Resident is visually impaired

Describe the position of the food with an imaginary clock

Resident is counting carbohydrates

Diabetic diet

Staff may change special ____ order due to weight loss


The NA should check ____ _____ and meal trays to make sure residents are receiving the correct food

Diet cards

The medical term for difficulty swallowing


If a resident needs his food cut for him before eating, this should be done at the dining table


NA should encourage residents to eat as little as possible so that they do not gain too much weight


Resident can drink liquids that are pudding thick from a cup with or without a straw


Residents must eat whatever food is served, even if it is not what they want


Residents who need to consume thicken liquids are still allowed to drink non-thicken coffee and water


The best position for eating is reclining about 45 degrees


According to myplate, what fat percentages should a person choose most often from the dairy group

Fat-free or low fat (1%)

Give flavor to foods


Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated are types


Resident has had a stroke and has a weaker side

Feeding resident on the stronger side can prevent choking

Resident has severe heart or kidney disease and has fluid intake monitored

Fluid - restricted diet


Fluid that is eliminated each day through urine, feces, and vomitus, as well as perspiration; also includes suctioned material and qound drainage

Important sources of dietary fiber and many nutrients, including folic acid and vitamin c


According to my plates suggestions, what should half a person plate be made up of

Fruits and vegetables

Half of a persons plate should consist of choices from these two groups

Fruits and vegetables

Resident has no teeth or is missing teeth

Give softer foods

Resident has celiac disease, and foods containing wheat flour are eliminated from the diet

Gluten-free diet

One subgroup of these contains the bran, germ, and endosperm


At least half of all of these consumed should be "whole"


This includes all food made from wheat, rice, oats, cornmeal, and barley


Resident is taking diuretics and eating bananas, oranges, and sweet potatoes and yams

High-potassium diet

Resident has a serious burn that is healing and is eating meat, fish, and cheese

High-protein diet


How the body uses food to maintain health

How could a water pitcher being too heavy for a resident to lift contribute to dehydration

If its to heavy to pick up then she cant get the water

What is the benefit of thickening liquids

Improves the ability to control fluid in the mouth and throat

Lactose intolerance

Inability of the body to digest lactose, a type of sugar found in milk and other products

Fluid overload can occur when the heart, _______ or lungs are not working properly


Resident cannot digest the sugar found in milk and other products, but is allowed soy milk

Lactose free diet

Resident is consuming clear liquids with the addition of cream soups, milk, and ice cream

Liquid diet

Resident is drinking fluids that a person can see through

Liquid diet

Resident has heart disease and is eating white meat, skim milk, and low-fat cottage cheese

Low-fat/low-cholestoral diet

Resident has kidney or liver disease and is eating vegetables and starches and reducing protein intake

Low-protein diet

Resident has a bowel disorder and is decreasing intake of grains, dairy, and coffee

Low-reside or low-fiber diet

Resident has heart disease and is limiting his salt intake

Low-sodium diet

Resident drools excessively

Make sure the patient is in an upright position and using proper posture

One way for a NA to help prevent aspiration is to

Make sure the resident is sitting upright for eating and drinking

Guidelines for preventing aspiration include the following

Making sure food is swallowed after each bite

Lack of proper nutrition that results from insufficient food intake o ran improper diet


Unintended weight loss puts a person at a greater risk for ____________


Help keep bones and teeth strong


Resident is trying to gain weight after surgery or an illness

Modified calorie diet

Resident is trying to lose weight

Modified calorie diet

Which of the following abbreviations means that a resident should not have anything to eat or drink


How the body uses food to maintain health


Resident bites down on utensils

Offer finger food

Resident cannot or will not chew

Offer soft foods/ stimulate chewing by pressign on the edge of their lips

Resident has dentures that do not fit properly

Offer thicker liquids and or soft diet

The NA should talk about food being served in a _______ way to encourage eating


Which of the following is a cause of dysphasia

Problems with dentures

Animal sources of this include meat, poultry, seafood, and eggs


Eating seafood twice a week in place of meat or poultry is recommended for this group


Plant sources of this includes beans and soy products


Essential for tissue growth and repair


Resident has trouble chewing and swallowing and cannot tolerate a regular or soft mechanical diet

Pureed diet

How should a NA properly test the temperature of food if she feels it might be too hot

Put your hand over the food to sense the heat

What is calorie balance

Relationship between the calories obtained from foods and fluids consumed and the calories used during normal body functions and physical activity

Residents holds food in his mouth

Remind resident to chew and swallow his food

Resident has poor lip closure

Remind resident to close lip

Resident forgets to eat

Remind resident to eat/ offer praise and encouragement

Resident eats too quickly

Remind them to chew and ask them to slow down

It is important for NA to ______ any weight loss they notice


If a resident refuses to wear a clothing protector,what should the NA do

Respect her wishes

An ________ ______ order means the person must limit the daily amount of fluids to a level set by the doctor

Restrict fluids

When less of this is produced, eating and swallowing are affected


The NA should ______ food to the resdients preferences


Resident falls asleep while eating

Seat resident with other resident who talks a lot

Resident has poor sitting balance

Seat the resident in a chair with an arm rest

What should a NA do every time she sees a resident to help prevent dehydration

Should encourage resident to drink fluids

In which position should a resident be for eating

Sitting upright

Resident food is prepared with a blender or food processor

Soft diet and mechanical soft diet

Resident is making the transition from a liquid diet to a regular diet

Soft diet and mechanical soft diet

Which of the following information is included on a residents diet card

Special diets, allergies, likes and dislikes, and other dietary instrucions

To which side of the mouth should food be directed if a resident has a weaker side - the weaker (affected) or stronger (unaffected) side

Stronger unaffected side

The NA should check for ________ of the ankle, feet, fingers or hands


One sense affected by aging and/or medication that affects the appetite


Problems with these make chewing difficult


Which of the following puts a resident at an increased risk of unintended weight loss

Teh resident has a difficulty swallowing

A force fluids medical order means that

The NA shoudl encourage the resident to drink more fluids

Which of the following is a guideline for how NA should read menus to residents and assist them with selecting their choices

The NA should make selections sound appetizing

Which of the following is a guideline that a NA should follow for helping residents during mealtimes

The NA should respect residents refusals to eat but report them to the nurse

Which of the following is a way that a NA can promote residents dignity during mealtimes

The NA should say positive things about the food being served

Which of the following is a responsibility of the dietary department

The deparment prepares food in such a way that resident are able to manage


The lack of proper nutrition that results from insufficient food intake or an improper diet


The process of breakig down and transforming all nutrients that enter the body to provide energy, growth, and health, and helps regulate metabolism


To blend or grind food into a thick paste

Resident will not open his mouth

Touch the residents lower lip with a spoon

Dining tables should be adjusted to the right height for wheelchairs


Food should be served promptly to maintain correct temperature


Mealtimes are often the most anticipated times of the day for residents


Resident with dysphasia are evaluated to determine if they should consume thicken liquids


Residents should be given assistive devices for eating if needed


Staff should honor residents requests to sit with friends


The three types of thicken liquids generally used by facilities are nectar thick, honey thick, and pudding thick


Thicken liquids move down the throat more slowly and limit the risk of choking


What is the proper position in which to place a resident for eating

Uprigth at a 90 degree angle

Resident has poor neck control

Use a soft neck brace to stabilize the head

Resident has a protruding tongue or tongue thrust

Use assistive devices such as special staws ro cups

When assisting a resident who is usually impaired, how should the NA explain the position of food and objects in front of the resident

Use the face of an imaginary clock to explain

Resident chokes when drinking

Use thickener in the liquid remind resident to sit not stand

Resident tends to fall forward

Using a geri-chair will help the patient

Which of the following is the correct term for a person who does not eat any animals or animal products


Resident does not eat meat for ethical reasons, but chooses to eat eggs and dairy products

Vegetarian diet

Resident does not eat meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and dairy products

Vegetarian diet

Can be fat-soluble or water-soluble


The body does not make most of these nutrients; they can only be obtained through certain foods


Within this group, dark greens, red, and orange types have the best nutritional content


A person can survive only a few days without this


Help remove waste products from cells


Most essential nutrient for life


What should be consumed instead of sugary drinks


Which of the following is the most essential nutrient for life


Fluid overload

a condition in which the body cannot eliminate the fluid consumed

Special diet

a diet for people who have certain illnesses or conditions; also called therapeutic or modified diet

Force fluids

a medical order for a person to drink more fluids


a period of time during which food is given up voluntarily

Diet cards

cards that list residents' names and information about special diets, allergies, likes and dislikes, and any other dietary instructions

Resident is eating whole grain and raw fruits and vegetables

high-residue or high-fiber diet


lack of interest

Fluid balance

maintaining equal input and output


natural sugar


people who omit meat, fish, and poultry from their diets. Some vegetarians also omit milk products and eggs.


substances that increase urine formation and cause the body to excrete sodium, potassium, and water through the kidneys


the fluid a person consumes; also called input


the fluid a person consumes; also called intake


vegetarians who do not eat any animals or animal products, including milk, cheese, other dairy items, or eggs; vegans may also choose not to use or wear any animal products

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