COB 202 - Chapters 6,9,10

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Silent Authority

Influencing behavior through legitimate power without explicitly referring to that power base.

a. high, high

Inquisitors have ______ decision control and _____ process control. a. high, high b. high, low c. low, high

Use Integrators

Integrators are employees who coordinate the activities of work units toward the completion of a common task. They then reduce the frequency of direct interaction among work units that have diverse goals.

Emotions Change the Decision Evaluation Process

Moods and specific emotions influence the process of evaluating alternatives.

b. false

The "optimal conflict" perspective suggests that employees become more effective with high levels of conflict. a. True b. False

Coercive Power

The ability to apply punishment.


The availability of alternatives.

Machiavellian Values

The beliefs that deceit is a natural and acceptable way to influence others and that getting more than one deserves is acceptable.


The capacity of a person, team, or organization to influence others

Countervailing Power

The capacity of a person, team, or organization to keep a more powerful person or group in the exchange relationship.

Referent Power

The capacity to influence others on the basis of an identification with and respect for the power holder.

Prospect theory effect

A natural tendency to feel more dissatisfaction from losing a particular amount than satisfaction from gaining an equal amount.

Learning-oriented culture

Mistakes are viewed as learning experiences

Three factors of network centrality

1. Betweenness 2. Number or Percentage of Connections you have to Others in the Network 3. Closeness of Relationship

1. Preparation 2. Incubation 3. Illumination 4. Verification

4 parts of the creative process


A deviation between current expectations and a potentially better situation that was not previously expected.

Norm of Reciprocity

A felt obligation and social expectation of helping or otherwise giving something of value to someone who has already helped or given something of value to you. Example: Scratch my back, I'll scratch yours.

Combine Jobs

A form of job enrichment and a way to reduce task interdependence. Example: A job assembly line that constructs toasters. One person is responsible for the sides and another is responsible for the heater. However, when we combine those jobs into one and each person constructs one toaster, they are no longer dependent on each other.

e. the problem relates to a nonprogrammed decision

A higher level of employee involvement is preferable when: a. management and employees possess the same information regarding the problem b. most of the employees in the organization are inexperienced c. employee's goals and norms conflict with the organization's objectives d. employees are likely to disagree with each other regarding the preferred solution e. the problem relates to a nonprogrammed decision

Anchoring and adjustment heuristic

A natural tendency for people to be influenced by an initial anchor point such that they do not sufficiently move away from that point as new information is provided.

Availability heuristic

A natural tendency to assign higher probabilities to object or events that are easier to recall from memory, even though ease of recall is also affected by non probability factors (emotional response, recents events).

Representativeness heuristic

A natural tendency to evaluate probabilities of events or objects by the degree to which they resemble other events or objects rather than an objective probability information.

e. visibility

A new employee in the finance department of the Hogan Company prominently displays diplomas and past awards indicating his financial expertise. What contingency of power is this person trying to increase? a. countervailing power b. substitutability c. centrality d. discretion e. visibility

c. unprecedented situation in which employees must search for alternative solutions.

A nonprogrammed decision is applicable in any: a. routine situation where the company has a ready-made solution. b. decision that does not relate directly to the employee's job description c. unprecedented situation in which employees must search for alternative solutions d. standard operating procedure that has been resolved in the past. e. decision that affect employee performance.


A personal characteristic that serves as a form of interpersonal attraction and referent power over others.


A process in which one party perceives that its interests are being opposed or negatively affected by another party.

Scenario Planning

A systematic process of thinking about alternative futures and what the organization should do to anticipate and react to those environments.

Relationship Conflict

A type of conflict in which people focus on characteristics of other individuals, rather than on the issues, as the source of conflict.

Task Conflict

A type of conflict in which people focus their discussion around the issue while showing respect for people who have other points of view.

Implicit Favorite

a preferred alternative that the decision maker uses repeatedly as a comparison with other choices.


Actively applying legitimate and coercive power by applying pressure or threats

Impression Management

Actively shaping, through self-presentation and other means, the perceptions and attitudes that others have of us. Includes ingratiation, which refers to the influencer's attempt to be more liked by the targeted person or group.

Legitimate Power

An agreement among organizational members that people in certain roles can request certain behaviors of others. Example: A manager's right to tell employees what tasks to perform, whom to work with, and so forth.

d. Impression management

Angela wears a business suit to work every day in her job as a college business professor. Which of the following influence tactic does this refer to? a. Persuasion b. Forming coalitions c. Networking d. Impression management e. Exchange

Third-Party Conflict Resolution

Any attempt by a relatively neutral person to help conflicting parties resolve their differences.

Create Buffers

Any mechanism that loosens the couplings between two or more people or work units. This reduces the potential for conflict because the buffer reduces the effect of one party on the other.

a. high; low

Arbitration has a _____ level of control over the final outcome and a _____ level of control over the process. a. high; low b. high; high c. low; high d. low; low e. moderate; low

b. high, low

Arbitrators have ____ control over the final decision but _____ control over the process. a. high, high b. high, low c. low, high

Organizational Politics

Behaviors that others perceive as self-serving tactics at the expense of other people and possibly the organization.

Jobs with a high task significance

Benefits the organization and/or larger society and ability to pursue ideas without bureaucratic delays

a. True

Bridging a structural hole makes a person a broker, who controls information flow and gains additional power in the network. a. True b. False

Advantages of Weak Ties

Can be more valuable than strong ties because the strong ties tend to be those who have similar experiences, beliefs, and values.


Choosing an alternative that is satisfactory or "good enough."

Communication Problems

Conflict also often occurs due to the lack of opportunity, ability, or motivation to ______ effectively.

Reward Power

Derived from the person's ability to control the allocation of rewards valued by others.


Deviation between the current and the desired situation


Differences among people and work units with training values, belief, experiences, etc.

a) pooled interdependence relationship

Employees usually have the lowest risk of conflict when working with others in what kind of relationship. a) pooled interdependence relationship. b) sequential interdependence relationship c) reciprocal interdependence relationship.

Stakeholder Framing

Employees, suppliers, customers, and other stakeholders provide (or hide) information in ways that makes the decision maker see the situation as a problem, opportunity, or steady sailing.

Information Control

Explicitly manipulating someone else's access to information for the purpose of changing their attitudes and/or behavior


Flesh out the illuminated ideas and subject them to detailed logical evaluation and experimentation. Verification is really the beginning of a long process of creative decision making toward a development of an innovative product or service.

Programmed Decisions

Follow standard operating procedures. (Optimal solution has already been identified and documented).

Coalition Formation

Forming a group that attempts to influence others by pooling the resources and power of its members

Decisive Leadership

Many leaders announce problems or opportunities before having a chance to logically assess the situation. Usually resulting in a misguided effort to solve an ill-defined problem.

d. Avoiding

Nadia doesn't agree with her colleague Jade on how best to complete the consulting report they are working on. Since the disagreement she has made it a point not to be in the office at the same time as Jade. What conflicting style has Nadia adopted in this case? a. Forcing b. Yielding c. Compromising d. Avoiding e. Problem-solving


Occurs when people are motivated to implement the influencer's request for purely instrumental reasons. Without external sources to prompt the desired behavior, this would not occur.


Occurs when people or work units oppose the behavior desired by the influencer.

a. True

Organizational politics occurs when someone attempts to influence others for the purpose of promoting personal interests. a. True b. False

Expert Power

Originates mainly from within the power holder. It is an individual's or work unit's capacity to influence others by possessing knowledge or skills valued by others.

Emotions from Early Preferences

Our brain quickly attaches specific emotions to information about each alternative, and our preferred alternative is strongly influenced by those initial emotional markers.

b. False

People are most creative when management puts intense time pressures on them to complete tasks. a. True b. False

Perceptual Defense

People sometimes fail to become aware of problems because they block out bad news as a coping mechanism.


Promising benefits or resources for the target person's compliance.


Refers to the power holder's importance based on the degree and nature of interdependence with others. This increases with the number of people dependent on you as well as how quickly and severely they are affected by that dependence.

Divergent Thinking

Reframing a problem in a unique way and generating different approaches to the issue. Breaks us away from existing mental models so that we can apply concepts or processes from completely different areas of life.

Upward Appeal

Relying symbolically or in reality on people with higher authority or expertise to support our position.

Nonprogrammed Decisions

Require all steps in the decision model because the problems are new, complex, or ill-defined.

Social Networks

Social structures of individuals or social units that are connected to each other through one or more forms of interdependence.


Strongest outcome of influence. People identify with the influencer's request and are highly motivated to implement it even without extrinsic sources of motivation.

b. decision makers process limited and imperfect information and rarely make the best choice.

The concept of bounded rationality holds that: a. our perception of a rational reality is bounded by nonrationality b. decision makers process limited and imperfect information and rarely select the best choice. c. decision makers have limited alternatives to make decisions d. decision makers are bound to project images of themselves as rational thinkers e. our realities are bounded by our own perceptions, so everyone's reality is different.

Employee Involvement

The degree to which employees influence how their work is organized and carried out


The development of original ideas that make a socially recognized contribution


The experience of suddenly becoming aware of a unique idea. Often visually depicted as a light bulb

a. True

The four main influences of escalation of commitment are self-justification effect, self-enhancement effect, prospect theory effect, and sunk costs effect. a. True b. False


The freedom to exercise judgement and make decisions without referring to a rule or getting permission from someone else.

Social Capital

The knowledge and other resources available to people or social units from a durable network that connects them to others.

Ambiguous Rules

The lack of rules breeds conflict. This occurs because uncertainty increases the risk that one party intends to interfere with the other party's goals

b. False

The lowest risk of conflict tends to occur in reciprocal interdependence situations. a. True b. False

Network Centrality

The more central a person is located in the network, the more social capital and therefore more power he or she acquires.


The more visible you are, the more likely you are going to be seen holding a power source.


The period of reflective thought.

b) sequential interdependence relationship

The potential for conflict is higher in a a) pooled interdependence relationship. b) sequential interdependence relationship c) reciprocal interdependence relationship.


The process of investigating the problem or opportunity in many ways.


The risk of conflict increases with the level of __________________

Escalation of Commitment

The tendency to repeat an apparently bad decision or allocate more resources to a failing course of action.

Sunk Costs Effect

The value of resources already invested in the decision. People inherently feel motivated to invest more resources in projects that have high ______

Bounded Rationality

The view that people are bounded in their decision making capabilities including access to limited information, limited information processing, and tendency toward satisficing rather than maximizing when making choices.

c) reciprocal interdependence relationship.

These relationships have the strongest and most immediate risk of interfering with each other's objectives. a) pooled interdependence relationship. b) sequential interdependence relationship c) reciprocal interdependence relationship.

Advantage of Strong Social Ties

They offer resources more quickly and sometimes more plentifully than weak ties.

Resource Scarcity

This generates conflict because each person or unit requiring the same resource undermines others who need that resource to fulfill their goals.


Three types of reducing _______ 1. Create Buffers 2. Use Integrators 3. Combine Jobs


Using logical arguments, factual evidence, and emotional appeals to convince people of the value of a request.

Mental Models

Visual or relational images in our mind of the external world.

Emotions Serve as Information When We Evaluate Alternatives

We listen in on our emotions to gain guidance when making choices.

Improve Communication and Mutual Understanding

What approach to conflict management is giving conflicting parties more opportunities to communicate and understand each other.

1. Arbitration 2. Inquisition

What are the 2 types of third-party conflict resolution

Reduce Differentiation

What kind of approach to conflict management is as people develop common experiences and beliefs, they become more motivated to coordinate activities and resolve their disputes.

Superordinate Goals

What kind of approach to conflict management that the conflicting employees or departments value and who attainment requires the joint resources and effort of those parties: (Finding a middle common ground)


What kind of conflict handling style involves cooperating with little to no interest in your own interests


What kind of conflict handling style involves looking for a position in which your losses are offset by equally values gains.

Problem Solving

What kind of conflict handling style tries to find a solution that is beneficial for both parties.


What kind of conflict handling style tries to smooth over or evade conflict situations


What kind of conflict handling style tries to win the conflict at the other's expense.

c. Resistance

What type of point is the point beyond which the tea will make no further concessions. a. Initial offer b. Target c. Resistance d. Negotiation

d. Negotiation

What type of point is the process whereby two or more conflicting parties attempt to resolve their divergent goals by redefining the terms of their interdependence. a. Initial offer b. Target c. Resistance d. Negotiation

a. Initial offer

What type of point is the team's opening offer to the other party. a. Initial offer b. Target c. Resistance d. Negotiation

b. Target

What type of point is the team's realistic goal or expectation for the final agreement. What type of point is the a. Initial offer b. Target c. Resistance d. Negotiation

c. The conflict is viewed as a personal attack rather than an attempt to resolve the problem.

Which of the following is a feature of relationship conflict? a. One party perceives that another party is trying to find a solution to a common problem. b. The conflict is between two individuals rather than departments or organizations. c. The conflict is viewed as a personal attack rather than an attempt to resolve the problem. d. Two people adopt a win-win rather than a win-lose orientation. e. The conflict is focused on tasks.

c. expert power

Which of the following sources of power originates from the power holder's own characteristics? a. legitimate power b. coercive power c. expert power d. reward power e. formal power

c. Information

_____ is the cornerstone of effective value creation. a. Power b. Trust c. Information d. Communication e. Resistance


_______ control all discussion about the conflict. They have high decision control. However, they also have high process control. They decide how the conflict resolution process will be handles.


___________ have high control over the final decision, but low control over the process. Example: An exec using previously agreed upon rules for the process but making a binding final decision.

Biased Decision Heuristics

automatically distort either the probability of outcomes or the value of those outcomes.

Decisions tend to have a higher failure rate when a. Leaders are contemplative about options b. Decisive about a solution

b. Decisive about a solution


the ability to know when a problem or opportunity exists and to select the best course of action without conscious reasoning.

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