cob 300 MGT Eliason test 3

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Self-managing work teams cross-functional teams crews

Types of teams


a role that is a direct result of specific characteristics, effort or skills within the individual's control is called a(n): a) achieved role b) semi-permanent role c) permanent role d) ascribed role

effective meetings

dont have a meeting unless you need it print out announcements, dont just read out loud dont waste people's time -get input or need people to get together to solve a problem


each country will specialize in making the good that it can make most efficiently, relative to the other country. This description best defines which of the following? a) global advantage b) fiscal advantage c) absolute advantage d) comparative advantage


globalization is hypothesized to migrate political perspective towards which governing philosophies a) autocratic b) democratic c) socialist d) communistic


team conflict can be caused by: a) jealousy b) creativity c) reasoned debate d) objective disagreement


A group of specialists each of whom have specific roles, perform brief events that are closely synchronized with each other, and repeat these events under different environmental conditions. GROUP OF PEOPLE WHO DO PREPROGRAMMED SET OF ACTIONS White water rafting gudie, fast food worker

self managing

A small group of employees responsible for managing and performing technical tasks to deliver a product or service to an internal or external customer SOMEONE WITHIN THE TEAM IS THE LEADER COB 300 group


A small number of people with complimentary skills who are committed to a common purpose, set of performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable.


According to Tuckman's Stages model of group development, which stage constitutes group members establishing implicit and explicit rules about how to achieve goals and communicate? a) norming b) adjourning c) storming d) performing

1) slow/afraid of risk 2) support social loafers (and self fulfilling prophecy) 3) create conflict ( process or task conflict can be helpful) 4) can develop groupthink: a primary focus on group solidarity

Disadvantages of teams


Ensuring that a team is provided a clear goal or objective alongside open lines of communication is best described under which team dynamic? a) team problem solving b) organizational environment c) team relationships d) team leaderships


How does a country improve its welfare through imports? a) importing high quality goods at a higher cost b) importing high quality goods at a lower cost c) importing low quality goods at a higher cost d) importing low quality goods at a lower cost

have clear goals that are aligned with organizational goals assign work that is challenging, exciting, and rewarding train members in technical knowledge, problem solving skills, and interpersonal skills focus on quality control part of each member's pay should come from group performance limit group size to about 6 people

How to create effective teams


The US per capita GDP in 2010 is equivalent to what percentage of per capita GDP in 1929?


according to the IMF, what are the four components that define globalization from a business perspective? a) imports/exports, capital/investment movements, migration of people and dissemination of knowledge b) imports/exports, capital movements, migration of people and political differentiation c) trade surplus, capital exchange, labor transactions and political differentiation d) trade surplus, economic disparity, labor migration and international branding

1) Gain Synergy: A situation in which the group's total output exceeds the sum of each individual's contribution 2) Improved Decision-‐making and Ownership 3) Diversity of Thoughts and Opinions 4) Improved Satisfaction 5) Allow pursuing projects that are larger than an individual effort

advantages of teams


interdependency is best defined as the quality of being: a) reliant on assistance from specialists b) individually reliant on performance c) reliant on organizational hierarchy or structure d) mutually reliant and beneficial


intra-organizational conflict pertains to _____ disagreements of organizations a) strategic b) emotional c) internal d) external

sans serif

no feet, used for headings forces the reader to slow down and focus on the center of the letters


What is the primary reason that organizations form teams? a) to support organizational change initiatives b) to accomplish tasks too large or complex for an individual to complete c) to foster the interpersonal skill development of team members d) to institute appropriate organizational structures to support strategic planning

b) individuals in teams can achieve many goals more efficiently than if working alone; increased availability of technology tools has made team based collaboration easier. an increasingly globalized business world creates demand for teams with broad expertise

Which of the following correctly synthesizes the primary reasons for increasing use of teams in the workplace?


Which of the following is NOT noted as a distinctly positive characteristic of team work? a) shared values b) inspiring vision c) micro-management d) rewards


Which of the following is NOT part of the action process in teamwork? a) monitoring milestones and goals b) coordination c) tram monitoring d) mission analysis


a company might put money in FDI because: a) all of these b) tax advantage c) cheap labor d) high return


agreement and consensus largely forms among team members, who respond well to facilitation by the leader roles and responsibilities are clear and accepted. Big decisions are made by group agreement. Similar decisions may be delegated to individuals or small teams within group Commitment and unity are strong. the team may engage in fun and social activities the team discusses and develops its processes and working style. there is general respect for the leader and some of leadership is more shared by the team


all workers benefit from international trade because: a) trade creates greater employment opportunity b) all real wages have risen c) only export wages have risen d) they have more options as consumners


an individual(s) who advocates or supports a particular stance on an issue. a) proponents b) globalization c) synergy d) leverage


as a team leader, you are most likely to assign tasks and responsibilities to team members in which stage of the life cycle? a) forming b) performing c) storming d) norming


as automobiles develop improved technology for cutting emissions, the idea that catalytic reduction (chemistry) may be useful meant that chemists must collaborate with mechanical engineers to create a solution. Which team format best suits this? a) independent b) project c) virtual d) interdisciplinary


as globalization continues to demand higher levels of exchange, outsourcing and long distance trade, what risks are exacerbated? a) trade deficits b) cultural alterations c) political instabilities d) energy consumption and environmental concerns


as largely a process of training and employee enhancement, which department within an organization would be most likely to host a team building event? a) marketing b) research and development c) HR d) information and technology


assume you own an American office supplies company. Which part of your business process would most likely be relocated to another country? a) manufacturing b) marketing c) sales d) management

cross functional

A work group composed of workers from different specialties, and about the same organizational level, who come together to accomplish a task or solve a problem GRAB PEOPLE FROM DIFFERENT FUNCTIONS OF THE COMPANY TO SOLVE A PROBLEM Ford

Brazil, Russia, India and China

BRIC countries is an abbreviation for which 4 countries?


Belbin's study in 1990 demonstrated that groups with less than _____ members are less creative while groups with more than _____ suffered increased conflict. a) 4;10 b) 7; 9 c) 5; 12 d) 5;11

Chapter 10

Chapter 10

chapter 9

chapter 9


complete the following sentence. Tariffs, as they relate to global trade, are: a) political weapons b) limits on exports c) a complete ban of imports d) taxes on imports


conflicts that take the form of disagreements of policies, strategies, goals or task completion are generally: a) affective b) managerial c) substantive d) organizational


controlling the distance between letters

line spacing

controlling the distance between lines


decisions dont come easily within a group team members vie for position as they attempt to establish themselves in relation to other team members and the leader, who might receive challenges from team members clarity of purpose increases but plenty of uncertainties persist. there may be power struggles the team needs to be focused on its goals to avoid becoming distracted by relationships and emotional issues compromises may be required to enable progress WHAT WOULD WE DO? WHAT ROLES DO WE HAVE?

serif fonts

have feet, make it easier to read

Successful teams: tasks

have technical expertise and knowledge assume responsibility for problems see the big picture use consensus focus on deadlines help others to do their jobs better respect the work and character of others

Successful teams: interpersonal

have trusting team members display a high level of cooperation and collaboration recognize the interests and achievements of others give helpful criticism share success support the feelings of others in the team


high dependence on leader for guidance and direction little agreement on team aims other than received leader individual roles and responsibilities unclear leader must be prepared to answer lots of questions about the teams purpose, objectives, and external relationships processes are often ignored members test tolerance of system and leader WHO IS INVOLVED? WHAT IS EXPECTED?


how did the Maastricht Treaty of 1993 affect custom duties? a) reduced them by 20% b) left them unchanged c) abolished them completely d) reduced them by 10%


if a team leader has a time sensitive message to relay to her team, what pattern of communication should she use? a) inefficient b) decentralized c) centralized d) efficient


in an effective self-managed team, the independence provided by each individual can result in advantages such as an increased responsibility for outcomes and: a) a strong hierarchy b) low costs c) a high work ethic d) high cooperative efforts


in assessing the benefits created through employing teams, the idea of diversity of individual skill sets can provide the potential for ______ _____ for solving the same problem. a) better; ideas b) mutual; support c) homogeneous; opinions d) better; outcomes


in national accounts, an export of a good in most cases is best defined as: a) when there is a change of ownership from a resident to a non-resident b) when there is a change of ownership from non-resident to a resident c) when a good crosses the boarder d) none of these


in order to be a successful joint venture, both parties must be equally invested in a project in terms of: a) money b) time c) effort d) all of these


in order to ensure the viability of giving a loan to a member country, the IMF requires: a) correction of macroeconomic imbalances b) collateral c) small loan values d) strong history of repayment


in the 1960's the average, non-globalized economy growth rate was 1.4% (annualized). what was the global economy annualized growth rate? a) 1.2 b) 6.4 c) 3.5 d) 4.7


makes the letters one, connects tt


of the varying pitfalls discussed, which is best defined by the concept of shyness, or difficulty in expressing individual opinions in a group setting? a) individuals may not do their share b) imbalanced participation c) team too big to be effective d) dominance by one person


one of the advantages of positive conflict is the elimination of _____, the tendency to avoid conflict by agreeing with the group at the cost of diverse ideas. a) groupthink b) creativity c) samethink d) groupism


one of the downsides of outsourcing for a company is that if: a) raises energy costs b) reduces confidentiality c) raises taxes d) raises costs


one of the less quantitative criticisms of globalization revolves around the development of a homogeneous consumerist culture, at the sacrifice of: a) globally integrated culture b) democratic culture c) capitalistic culture d) traditional cultures


overall, the advantage of a cross functional team is best defined as less _____ and more _____ of technique and opinion. a) diversity; specificity b) strategy; simplification c) management; homogeny d) hierarchy; diversity


proponents of conflict would argue that conflict management strategies can enhance all of the following EXCEPT: a) team cohesion b) decision making c) team collaboration dynamics d) managerial participation


self-managed teams are unique because they empower members to: a) share respnsibility b) pursue longer term goals c) adhere to managerial expectations d) make their own decisions

3,000 B.C.

some economists postulate that the roots of global trade begin with the Sumerians in what time frame?


suppose Apple builds a plant in Taiwan and agrees to take 30% of the plants output as partial payment for the contract. this is called: a) offset b) buyback c) switch trading d) counter purchase


suppose you, as an american company, started a phone business in India. Which of the following cultural barriers might you face? a) market entry b) all of these c) ignorance of emerging markets d) transaction complexity


tariffs are often viewed by economists to be bad for overall welfare because: a) all of these answers b) tariffs are anti-poor c) tariffs limit choices for products d) tariffs hurt the developing world

Forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning

team formation


teams are best defined by _____ _____ towards a common goal, while groups come together more _____. a) strategic goals; formally b) collective effort; casually c) informal objectives; casually d) similar abilities; informally


the Bogor Goals adopted in 1994 called for: a) all of these b) open investment in Asia-Pacific c) free and open trade in Asia-Pacific for developing economies d) free and open trade in Asia-Pacific for industrialized economies


the break-up of the group, hopefully when the task is completed successfully, its purpose fulfilled; everyone can move on to new things, feeling good about what's been achieved. From an organizational perspective, recognition of and sensitivity to people's vulnerabilities in the fifth stage is helpful, particularly if members of the group have been closely bonded and feel a sense of insecurity or threat from this change. RELATIONSHIPS AFTERWARD


the critical downside to norms is that they run the risk of eventually limiting which component in the team dynamic? a) strategy b) creativity c) rigidity d) authority


the ethical argument against international trade can best be explained as an increase in international trade leading to: a) a disproportionate advantage to workers b) a disproportionate advantage to capital owners c) an increase in pollution d) a loss for everyone involved


the main argument against trade barriers is: a) there is a permanent net loss to the whole economy due to distortion b) barriers harm consumers by increasing the price of goods c) it hurts the rich country d) trade barriers are too difficult to enforce


the most significant update to the GATT n 1993 was: a) the establishent of the WTO b) 52 members joined c) the first round of the GATT was completed d) the first multilateral agreement on international trade was created


the one reason MNC can be harmful for the host country is: a) they pay less than local labor rates b) they often avoid taxes c) they obtain strong negotiating power with local government d) they raise unemployment levels


the pursuit of the greatest utility for the largest number of people a) leverage b) utilitarian c) globalization d) consumerism


the reasoning behind the creation of the Euro can best be explained as a means to: a) create a central governing body b) create a superpower to rival the US c) end the potential for wars d) integrate the European countries


the team is more strategically aware; the team knows clearly why it is doing what its doing, The team has a shared vision and is able to stand on its own feet with no interference or participation from the leader. There is a focus on over achieving goals, and the team makes most of the decisions against criteria agreed with the leader The team has a high degree of autonomy. Disagreements occur but now they are resolved within the team positively and necessary changes to processes and structure are made by the team. The team is able to work towards achieving the goal, and also to attend to relationship, style and process issues along the way. Team members look after each other. The team requires delegated tasks and projects from the leader. The team does not need to be instructed or assisted. Team members might ask for assistance from the leader with personal and interpersonal development. MAKE THINGS HAPPEN, START DOING THE WORK


the tendency for data points to group together in a meaningful way a) correlation b) consumerism c) globalization d) synergy


the world bank incorporates which of these studies in fighting poverty of developing countries? a) economic situation b) local groups' actions c) financial situation d) all of these


what distinguishes the mediation method of conflict resolution from the distributive and integrative methods? a) an openness to alternatives b) the goal of consensus c) an objective third party d) non-adversarial methods


what is the primary purpose of a team self assessment? a) improve working relationships among team members b) allow the team to gauge its effectiveness and take steps to improve its performance c) create a structure for soliciting peer feedback to be include as a part of employee reviews d) serve as a tool to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of team leaders


which of the five team life-cycle stages occurs directly after storming a) adjourning b) norming c) performing d) forming


which of the following allows a foreign company to sell as company's products or use its intellectual property in exchange for royalty fees? a) strategic alliance b) offshoring c) joint venture d) licensing agreement


which of the following are advantages identified in increased cohesion? a) a broader range of opinions b) increased conformity c) increased creativity d) lower anxiety


which of the following best describes a situation in which a team demonstrates strong team based accountability? a) an effective manager ensures that goals or milestones are met on time and on budget b) team members act autonomously, playing equal roles and without central managements c) all team members share responsibility for their collective output d) team members use a formal process to report in progress towards pre-determined milestones


which of the following best describes the conditions necessary for effective team-based accountability? a) management must be involved with the day to day functioning of the team b) management requires appropriate training in team leadership c) teams require the resources, skills, and authority to do what they are being held responsible for d) teams must have experienced members


which of the following best represents tools commonly used in team self-assessments? a) in person team discussions, written surveys, 360 degree assessments b) in person team discussions, written surveys, personality assessments c) in person team discussions, 360 degree assessments, personality assessments d) in person team discussions, written surveys, 1:1 upward feedback meetings with managers


which of the following is NOT a barrier to effective team communication? a) time constraints b) lack of shared vocabulary c) interpersonal openness d) poor communication skills


which of the following is NOT a benefit of contract manufacturing? a) potential for economies of scale b) saving money on capital costs c) complete control of production d) taking advantage of the CM's skills


which of the following is NOT a primary potential benefit of conflict within teams? a) sparking the generation of more creative solutions or new perspectives b) surfacing deficiencies of team members who are inhibiting team effectiveness c) deepening awareness about how team members are experiencing their work d) removing misunderstandings about a team's tasks or goals


which of the following is NOT a role of the Ex-Im Bank? a) provide loan guarantees to banks willing to lend to export companies b) provide insurance policies to US companies c) compete with private sector lenders for financing projects d) support small American businesses for exporting


which of the following is NOT an advantage of international licensing? a) complete control over manufacturing b) retaining established markets c) reach ingnew markets d) obtaining extra income


which of the following is NOT one of the primary challenges faced by virtual teams? a) relationships among virtual team member who may not have met in person b) breadth of team member skills required for effective remote work c) coordination of tasks across geographic and timezone differences d) management inefficiencies created by remote work


which of the following is NOT true about NAFTA? a) NAFTA helps the US, but harms Mexico b) it is currently the largest trade bloc in terms of GDP c) it allows agricutural goods to be tariff free d) more than 1/2 of tariffs on Mexican exports to the US were immediately eliminated


which of the following stipulations is NOT a part of the typical franchise relationship? a) there are no warranties b) the franchiser secures protection for the trademark c) contracts are renewable at the option of the franchisee d) the franchiser is protected from lawsuits from the franchisee


which of the following would constitute as a technological barrier to trade? a) product standards b) a tariff c) an import quota d) licenses


which type of team is best defined as a team from the same department or area that collaborates on regular and ongoing activities? a) networked teams b) service team c) functional team d) parallel team


workplace conflicts, as discussed in the atom, can be exacerbeted or caused by all of the following EXCEPT: a) differing interests or values b) ambiguity of tasks c) scarcity of resources d) poor hiring practices

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