美国当代英语语料库(COCA) 500-12

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eternal (j)

noun life, love, damnation, flame, truth, spring,youth, vigilance, hope, optimist, soul, recurrencemisc hope•, spring•, eternal, •spotless, infinite,temporal, spiritual, universal, divine, perfect, burn,condemn•● everlasting, undying, unending, perpetual, endless,ceaseless

dim (j)

noun light, room, sum, view, star, glow, bulb, lighting,prospect, memory, hallway, hall misc grow•, •red,appear, adjust•, bright, light, light, shine, •distant,glow•, cool, •blue● badly lit, murky, gloomy || soft, faint, muted ||indistinct, vague, blurred

filter (v)

noun light•, water, sunlight•, air, information,•window, voice, tree, sun, software, noise, sound,lens, filter, low-pass• misc through, out, down, in,through, remove, eventually, slowly, soft, clean, UV,ultraviolet, purify, bright, block● sift, sieve, riddle || separate out, categorize,divide up || trickle, seep, ooze

parallel (j)

noun line, universe, bar, track, processing, port,development, computer, form, path, course, rowmisc two•, massively•, create•, develop, parallel,separate, form, exist, conduct, closely, S/390•,multiple● similar, equivalent, corresponding, analogous,matching, comparable

injured (j)

noun list, reserve, athlete, player, worker, party,person, soldier, leg, knee, five-game, animal miscdead•, kill•, replace•, sick•, place•, seriously•, •left,treat, severely•, badly•, place•, fill•● hurt, incapacitated, wounded, battered, bruised,damaged

confused (j)

noun look, thought, expression, voter, emotion,identity, mass, thinking, anger, glance, pack, ballotmisc look•, very•, feel•, become•, seem•, dazed•,angry, frightened, sound•, scared, disoriented, tired● puzzled, perplexed, baffled, mystified ||disordered, muddled, mixed up, disorderly

long (v)

noun love, •peak, peace, foot, soul•, desire•,•adventure, sadness•, •companionship, emotion•,lover, •comfort, longing, childhood, flesh misc for,enough, return, myself, long, herself, touch, escape,last, kiss, dread, possess, embrace● ache, desire, yearn || itch, desire, wish || pine,yearn, ache

unidentified (j)

noun man, woman, male, reporter, female, officer,police, juror, brother, source, girl, object misc•Magliozzi, remain, quote•, •flying, OK, •marine,•female, cite•, •male, unidentified, Hi, previously•● nameless, anonymous, faceless, unnamed,unknown, undisclosed

repeated (j)

noun measure, request, attempt, use, call, ANOVA,analysis, reading, exposure, failure, interview, effectmisc despite•, after•, return•, respond•, decline•,refuse•, ignore•, cause, involve•, •sexual, result,suffer•● recurrent, frequent, recurring, repetitive, constant,continual

lean (j)

noun meat, body, year, beef, muscle, ground,protein, mass, face, cut, pound, cuisine misc •mean,tall•, long•, •muscular, strong, lean, healthy, fat,•efficient, •hungry, •brown, dark● thin, slender, slim, wiry, sinewy, spare

vivid (j)

noun memory, color, image, detail, dream, picture,imagination, description, example, mind, scene,account misc most•, more•, provide•, •blue, remain•,paint•, red, particularly•, green, •yellow, recall•,bright● bright, intense, rich || gaudy, garish, flamboyant|| graphic, striking, powerful || lively, active,creative || distinct, fresh, crystal clear

nearest (j)

noun mile, neighbor, town, star, road, store, station,hospital, competitor, airport, tree, wall misc toward•,walk•, head•, •dear, round•, grab•, rush•, locate,contact•, measure•, •paved, twenty

unconscious (j)

noun mind, body, floor, process, desire, patient,memory, bias, attempt, selection, motivation,psyche misc conscious•, knock•, collective•, lie•, fall•,render•, lay•, beat•, remain•, dead, personal, drag● comatose, insentient, insensible || unaware,oblivious, ignorant || unintentional, automatic,mechanical

linear (j)

noun model, regression, relationship, analysis,accelerator, patch, combination, fashion, process,trend, foot, motion misc use, •between, hierarchical•,simple•, multiple, general•, rather•, than•, assume,nonlinear, significant, simulated•● in lines, lined, line || rectilinear, direct,undeviating, right

embarrassing (j)

noun moment, situation, loss, incident, episode,scandal, defeat, mistake, revelation, disclosure,detail, silence misc most•, a•, little•, potentially•,kind•, avoid•, sometimes, prove•, embarrassing,•admit, painful, rather•● awkward, uncomfortable, uneasy, disconcerting,trying, excruciating

awaken (v)

noun morning, night, dream, sleep, •sound, •sense,spring•, hour, memory, •middle, bed, dawn, call,noise, •nightmare misc am, upon, suddenly, early,sleep, asleep, dead, sleeping, slowly, deep, dormant,strange, rudely, fully, newly● wake, wake up, rouse, get up || rouse, arouse, setoff, stir

weep (v)

noun mother, tear, •joy, arm, •relief, shoulder, knee•,•pain, •rage, guitar•, angel, grief, •gratitude, weeping,•sorrow misc she, begin, weep, openly, quietly, cry,laugh, silently, herself, pray, softly, uncontrollably,wail, gently, beg● cry, sob, boohoo, wail || leak, suppurate, seep,exude

film (v)

noun movie, scene, camera, video, location, crew•,show, documentary, TV, episode, month•, series,television, cameraman•, break• misc while, during,start, actually, finish, currently, film, recently,complete, photograph, beautifully, live, secretly, edit,star● record, tape, capture, shoot, video, take

instrumental (j)

noun music, support, teacher, value, aggression,ensemble, performance, voice, class, rationality,reason, development misc vocal, choral, emotional,•develop, hostile, •establish, prove•, instrumental,•daily, perceive•, •organize, purely•● contributory, active, involved, helpful, influential

anchor (v)

noun news, ship, •end, boat, scale•, center, ground,foot, defense, network, •relay, sport•, island, •corner,floor misc off, firmly, itself, offshore, rather, securely,strongly, deep, deeply, solid, Likert-type, winning,tall, solidly, defensive● fasten, attach, fix, affix, secure, moor

substitute (v)

noun news, word, •cup, oil, •judgment, egg, cheese,recipe, chicken, vegetable, fish, term, pepper, bean,•milk misc for, may, fresh, simply, note, frozen, easily,dried, cup, canned, sweet, instead, regular,alternative, actual● replace with, exchange, use instead, switch ||stand in for, fill in for, take the place of, relieve

Vietnamese (j)

noun north, government, refugee, American, cuisine,soldier, army, restaurant, troop, immigrant, official,culture misc Chinese, speak•, Korean, Vietnamese,Spanish, traditional•, communist, attack, ethnic,•Buddhist, Indian, Asian

furious (j)

noun pace, debate, battle, flash, rage, anger, storm,assault, prosecutor, activist, glare, passion misc fast•,fast•, absolutely•, angry, suddenly•, herself, furious,roar, frightened, embarrassed, scream, glare● angry, livid, fuming, mad || energetic, manic,concerted, all-out

planned (j)

noun parenthood, community, economy,development, federation, activity, attack, clinic,comparison, trip, contrast, effort misc cancel•,receive, billion, •reveal, planned, vs, •integrated,protest•, delay•, •southeastern, •ignore, implement•● deliberate, intentional, prearranged, strategic,premeditated, on purpose

integral (j)

noun part, component, role, development, process,element, education, culture, design, aspect, success,curriculum misc as•, become•, play•, •human, form•,view•, cultural, •daily, •overall, •educational,complete, •communal● essential, vital, important || connected, internal,central || complete, whole, intact

socialist (j)

noun party, country, system, state, economy,government, realism, republic, leader, union,movement, society misc national•, Soviet•,democratic, communist, economic, former•,capitalist, liberal•, •prime, socialist, European•,ruling•

African-American (n)

noun percent, American, minority, white, Latino,percentage•, opportunity, Asian, African-american,generation verb •vote, affect•, own, •elect,•nominate, •comprise, celebrate, •constitute, portray,appoint

cellular (j)

noun phone, telephone, service, company, system,level, network, call, communication, field, energy,biology misc cellular, digital•, molecular, cause,portable•, •immune, existing•, •Inc, cordless, fax,•ring, dial

omit (v)

noun photo•, picture•, illustration, table, citation•,chart•, sequence, name, detail, figure, •analysis,footnote•, •script, •mention, •reference misc omit,thru, thru, original, cut, internal, denote, key,altogether, entirely, inadvertently, omitted, crucial,obscured, intentionally● leave out, pass over, skip, skip over || neglect,forget, not take the trouble, not bother

sleeping (j)

noun pill, beauty, child, pad, arrangement, sickness,giant, baby, dog, car, area, face misc •lie, wake, eat,lay, awaken, past•, beside, communal•, lift•, •rob,awake, rouse● asleep, slumbering, dead to the world, snoozing ||sound asleep, slumbering, out, fast asleep

inclined (j)

noun plane, orbit, voter, orientation, ramp, juror,conveyor, treadmill misc •to, more•, less•, •toward,seem•, might•, •believe, •agree, •support, •vote,•accept, naturally•● motivated, persuaded, tending, disposed ||leaning, sloping, slanting, tilting

portable (j)

noun player, computer, phone, device, radio, system,toilet, unit, CD, music, machine, power misc use,small•, carry, portable, digital, •MP3, design, cheap,•cellular, •electronic, •electric, highly•● movable, transportable, transferable, handy,convenient, manageable

Turkish (j)

noun policy, government, border, society, republic,official, Cypriot, force, army, troop, politics, ministermisc •foreign, •military, Turkish, Kurdish, •prime,Iranian, modern•, northern, Persian, Iraqi, Greek•,Muslim

stabilize (v)

noun population, situation, economy, •country,market, price, system, rate, •level, •emission, effort•,•currency, patient, condition, •region misc help, until,financial, global, reduce, order, in, prevent, improve,aim, upper, once, eventually, abs, atmospheric● steady, even out, become stable, become constant,calm, calm down

immense (j)

noun power, amount, pressure, value, popularity,size, wealth, importance, cost, resource, challenge,task misc cause•, despite•, immense, under•, wield•,generate, •technological, spiritual, derive•, •practical,illustrate•, •enormous● huge, vast, enormous, massive, gigantic,mammoth

magical (j)

noun power, place, moment, thinking, quality,realism, light, ability, season, mystery, belief,property misc something•, almost•, possess•,mystical, mysterious, truly•, magical, wonderful•,transform, seemingly•, mythical, marvelous● supernatural, magic, paranormal || thrilling,delightful, magic || exquisite, magic, perfect ||enchanted, magic, fairy-tale

Egyptian (j)

noun president, government, leader, official, art,museum, force, minister, pyramid, mummy, troop,army misc ancient•, •Islamic, •foreign, •Muslim,Egyptian, British, Saudi, Syrian, Arab, Greek, blind•,Israeli

vow (v)

noun president•, leader•, wedding•, •revenge,marriage•, official•, minister•, Democrat•, mayor•,•vengeance, promise, •legislation, abortion,protester•, prosecutor• misc to, never, fight, again,continue, return, stay, veto, appeal, prime, press,exchange, publicly, destroy, renew● swear, promise, guarantee, undertake, declare,assert

revise (v)

noun production•, plan, •policy, law, •standard, •rule,•curriculum, •estimate, process, •guideline, code,model, strategy, text, constitution misc its, yellow,review, reflect, edit, recently, upward, downward,necessary, plan, extend, force, original, update,completely● amend, modify, adjust, alter || study, brush up, goover, look over

distinguished (j)

noun professor, service, career, award, scholar, cross,guest, member, university, scientist, history, panelmisc most•, long•, •na, receive•, •flying, •emeritus,award•, elementary•, honor•, •literary, earn•,distinguished● illustrious, eminent, famous, famed, well-known,renowned

visiting (j)

noun professor, team, scholar, university, friend,hour, nurse, fellow, artist, scientist, relative,dignitary misc •foreign, currently•, host•, •assistant,friendly•, distinguished, defeat•, •German, visiting,entertain•, greet•, •historic

fulfil (v)

noun promise, dream, •obligation, •role,•requirement, need, •mission, •duty, •responsibility,wish, expectation, •function, prophecy,•commitment, purpose misc its, happy, completely,lifelong, prevent, capable, basic, truly, constitutional,satisfying, productive, rewarding, fulfil, meaningful,exciting● achieve, accomplish || carry out, execute ||satisfy, meet || complete, finish || fill, deliver ||succeed, do proud

irrelevant (j)

noun question, information, detail, matter, objection,distinction, argument, stimulus, context, alternative,gender, independence misc become•, largely•, seem•,almost•, render•, totally•, increasingly•, consider•,completely•, dismiss•, relevant•, either•● immaterial, neither here nor there, unrelated,inappropriate, beside the point, extraneous

intriguing (j)

noun question, possibility, story, idea, finding, aspect,feature, evidence, theory, character, mystery,example misc most•, more•, perhaps•, particularly•,offer•, raise•, sound•, suggest, especially•, present•,complex, equally•● fascinating, interesting, exciting, absorbing,captivating, stimulating

linger (v)

noun question•, •moment, memory, eye•, •mind, •air,gaze•, smell•, •month, image•, scent•, •while, •hour,shadow, lip misc long, still, on, over, over, let, near,behind, forever, bit, outside, awhile, linger, beneath,afterward● remain, stay behind, hang back, hang on, hangaround, loiter

predictable (j)

noun result, pattern, consequence, outcome,response, effect, behavior, environment, routine,cycle, fashion, earnings misc more•, less•, stable•,fairly•, follow•, consistent, entirely•, safe•, boring,rather•, steady•, highly•● foreseeable, expectable, expected, likely ||unsurprising, unoriginal, banal, trite

rocky (j)

noun road, shore, mountain, flat, hill, beach, start,cliff, slope, trail, terrain, ground misc steep•, along,across•, up•, sandy, onto•, down•, near, narrow•,•overlook, climb•, rise● stony, rock-strewn, pebbly || shaky, unsteady,wobbly || difficult, troubled, uncertain

supporting (j)

noun role, actor, actress, cast, evidence, player,character, research, terrorism, document, effort,development misc best•, play•, strong•, supporting,outstanding•, accuse•, capable•, edit, nominate•,oppose, cast, commit•● secondary, backup, subsidiary, supportive,auxiliary, associate

dual (j)

noun role, system, citizenship, air, bag, purpose,identity, projection, control, use, nature, board miscserve•, •slide, dual, standard, single, maintain•,•cultural, reflect, feature•, •front, •anti-lock,•overhead● double, twin, twofold

circulate (v)

noun rumor•, air, blood, story•, •petition, water,report•, •body, letter, draft, memo, cell, proposal,material, virus• misc through, among, widely, begin,around, throughout, allow, within, around, freely,inside, various, constantly, printed, nationally● mingle, socialize, mix || pass around, distribute,hand out || flow, move, travel

spatial (j)

noun scale, ability, pattern, distribution, relationship,resolution, dimension, skill, variation, reasoning,change, information misc temporal, social, visual,spatial, urban, define, verbal, complex, determine,associate, relate, broad•● three-dimensional, 3-D, longitudinal, latitudinal,altitudinal, four-dimensional

sum (v)

noun score, word, item, •feeling, •situation, response,view, •attitude, philosophy, •approach, scale,sentence, lump•, index, statement misc up, best,pretty, total, across, up, obtain, single, calculate,succinctly, neatly, overall, nicely, compute, form

wan (v)

noun shit, •beer, didn•, •clip, •bout, dude•, outta,beat•, buddy, whaddya•, mister•, •bet misc na, you,do, n't, hear, talk, I, play, na, home, sure, hey, I, bet,dance

antique (j)

noun shop, store, furniture, dealer, table, chair,collection, car, show, quilt, glass, art misc antique,late•, collect•, French, fill, modern, hang, feature•,display, expensive•, •wooden, •Chinese● old, traditional, aged, historic, old-fashioned,vintage

feminine (j)

noun side, role, sport, beauty, mystique, script,gender, characteristic, form, trait, voice, quality miscmasculine, traditional•, both•, traditionally•, soft•,feminine, sacred•, ideal, •male, female, associate•,pretty● female, womanly, womanlike, ladylike, girlish

passive (j)

noun smoking, role, resistance, recipient, learning,voice, victim, learner, object, observer, activity,smoke misc active, than•, rather, •solar, remain•,aggressive, merely•, rather, simply, relatively•,passive, nor● inert, inactive, unreceptive, submissive, reflexive,flaccid

alert (j)

noun state, system, level, force, status, sign, police,crossfire, viewer, terror, rating, bay misc high•, stay•,remain•, red•, heightened•, full•, amber•, issue•,•ready, nuclear•, alert, awake● attentive, watchful, prepared, aware, vigilant,ready

preferred (j)

noun stock, method, style, position, provider,learning, response, mode, choice, activity,organization, option misc •frequency-gain, choose,common, identify, convertible•, select•, obtain,preferred, •medium, suppress•, issue, female● favored, favorite, chosen, ideal, number one, in

recount (v)

noun story, hand•, •experience, manual•, event,history, vote, book, •tale, ballot, county, •detail,•conversation, •incident, •adventure misc how, count,recount, manually, briefly, proceed, painful,numerous, request, vivid, illustrate, vividly, halt,proudly, statewide● tell, narrate, relate, report || count again, check,verify, tally up

enthusiastic (j)

noun support, crowd, response, supporter, teacher,audience, fan, applause, reception, review,volunteer, reader misc •about, very•, less•, most•,young, less•, wildly•, •growing, sound•, equally•,receive•, overly•● eager, keen, passionate, fervent, excited,wholehearted

optical (j)

noun system, telescope, device, fiber, illusion, drive,astronomy, zoom, observatory, technology, sensor,image misc use, optical, infrared, electronic, digital,scan, nonlinear•, magnetic, measure, mechanical,standard, detect● visual, ocular, ophthalmic, photosensitive

summarize (v)

noun table, result, finding, study, data, article,research, report, information, figure, section•, paper,•argument, •view, analysis misc follow, briefly, below,following, main, current, best, key, succinctly, neatly,above, prior, analyze, descriptive, comparative● sum up, précis, abridge, recap, recapitulate,review

competent (j)

noun teacher, adult, authority, person, trial, patient,individual, care, practice, lawyer, staff, leader miscmore•, feel•, culturally•, become•, most•, highly•,mentally•, less•, themselves•, socially, confident,professional● capable, able, knowledgeable, experienced, skilled,proficient

supervise (v)

noun teacher, student, work, program, •activity,•construction, •staff, •operation, •election, •project,worker, employee, training, care, officer misc closely,train, properly, personally, responsible, carefully,monitor, hire, internationally, fail, professional,clinical, adequately, regulate, directly● oversee, manage, administer, control, run, direct

optional (j)

noun teaspoon, salt, cup, garnish, tablespoon,pepper, cream, ground, sugar, oil, sprig, cheese miscfresh, chopped, offer•, include, •Preheat, red•, chop•,available, •freshly, •cup, standard•, optional● elective, noncompulsory, voluntary, discretionary,possible, uncompelled

foolish (j)

noun thing, pleasure, answer, trivia, thought, penny,hope, mistake, dream, notion, pride, error misc feel•,•enough, wise•, foolish, little•, sound, anyone•,pound•, stupid, rather•, brave•, weak•● silly, unwise, imprudent, thoughtless || ridiculous,laughable, silly, derisible

terrify (v)

noun thought, prospect, silence, appearance, height,scream, spider, terror, •monster, darkness•, panic•,•flying misc absolutely, suddenly, truly, terrify, first,afraid, completely, utterly, terrified, scream, alone,scared, pregnant, frightened, back● frighten, horrify, scare, petrify, shock, alarm

spare (j)

noun time, part, room, bedroom, change, key,moment, capacity, battery, cash, rib, set misc spare,clean, •elegant, extra, •in, plus•, plenty•, whenever•,•case, full-size•, lean● replacement, extra, standby, auxiliary || sparse,thin, mean, insubstantial

ironic (j)

noun twist, smile, distance, tone, comment, humor,commentary, reversal, detachment, title, turn, modemisc seem•, of•, somewhat•, kind•, rather•, little•,particularly•, indeed, sort•, bit•, •considering, •given● tongue-in-cheek, caustic, sarcastic, dry ||incongruous, paradoxical, poignant, peculiar

magnificent (j)

noun view, mile, mountain, tree, bird, creature,garden, forest, hall, horse, structure, sight miscmost•, •seven, magnificent, truly•, absolutely•, grand,wild, surround, golden, photograph•, ancient,feature•● superb, wonderful, splendid, glorious, brilliant,outstanding

bored (j)

noun voice, expression, housewife, teenager, while,guard, routine, tear, clerk, boredom, watch misc get•,look•, grow•, become•, bored, easily, lonely, tired,restless, quickly, little•, soon•● uninterested, fed up, tired, bored rigid, bored stiff,bored to death

startle (v)

noun voice•, sound, door•, noise, horse, appearance,silence, knock, •sleep, ring•, •reverie, sight, cat,shadow, bell• misc him, me, her, jump, a, awake,little, suddenly, sudden, loud, realize, discover, bit,easily, smile● disconcert, shock, frighten, surprise, alarm, amaze

recycle (v)

noun waste, •program, material, water, paper, •bin,percent, food, plastic, product, can, facility, energy,recycling, rate misc reuse, reduce, recycle, waste,increase, solid, collect, used, please, remove, tire,organic, conserve, recover, compost● reprocess, salvage, reuse, recover, reutilize,recondition

rattle (v)

noun window, door, wind•, •cage, glass, chain, bone,tooth, sound•, key, •list, cup, nerve, ice, kitchen miscoff, off, on, around, hear, shake, rattle, along, bit,inside, hard, inside, past, dry, loose● shake, clatter, bang, crash || unnerve, fluster,shock, throw

unfamiliar (j)

noun word, territory, face, voice, situation, name,street, music, environment, setting, terrain,surroundings misc familiar•, strange, completely•,unfamiliar, foreign, totally•, sound•, relatively•,entirely•, largely•, navigate•, •uncomfortable● unknown, new, untried, strange || unacquainted,unaccustomed, unaware, unversed

tumble (v)

noun word•, •floor, stock•, •ground, price•, hair•, air,wall, foot, rock, •bed, •shoulder, stair, river, slopemisc down, into, out, over, through, over, send, onto,down, off, rough, off, toward, across, fall● fall over, fall down, stumble, trip up || plummet,drop, nose-dive, plunge

precede (v)

noun year, month•, event, week•, period•, death,reputation•, •election, decade•, behavior, debate, act,•arrival, hour, meeting misc by, immediately, follow,must, often, usually, accompany, actual, precede,typically, decline, extensive, formal, succeed, violent● lead, come first, go before, pave the way, herald,head

total (v)

noun year, sales•, car, •acre, debt•, grant•, loan•,loss•, •dollar, yard, revenue•, check•, payment•, •foot,tax• misc than, each, more, about, nearly, less,square, receive, annual, approximately, per,eventually, combined, net, rather● add up, count up, calculate, sum || amount to,add up to, come to, equal

lobby (v)

noun •Congress, group, •government, state, effort,•reform, member, law, official, organization, •bill,•legislation, firm, industry, •activity misc for, against,hard, successfully, federal, heavily, behalf, actively,aggressively, congressional, personally, engage, INT,legislative, organize● petition, press your case, try to influence, applypressure, sway opinion, push

sniff (v)

noun •air, dog•, nose, •glue, •scent, •smell, finger,•wind, heroin, flower, •odor, foot, bottle, cat•, •tearmisc out, around, around, sniff, smell, loudly, lift,lean, train, lick, wipe, suspiciously, appreciatively,deeply, snort● inhale, breathe, snuffle, smell

subject (v)

noun •analysis, •scrutiny, •pressure, test, data,•stress, treatment, •testing, condition, •criticism,•review, •harassment, procedure, •temperature,•abuse misc to, themselves, torture, yourself,ourselves, abuse, routinely, constantly, review,regularly, degrade, peer, rarely, ridicule, stress● expose, lay open to, put in danger, endanger,imperil

divert (v)

noun •attention, water, •resource, money, fund,•river, •energy, flight, material, flow, effort, attempt•,traffic, plane, •ton misc from, away, domestic, scarce,illegally, dam, productive, improperly, cancel, delay,accuse, steal, intend, elsewhere, towards● redirect, deflect, reroute || distract, sidetrack,turn away || entertain, amuse, please

gasp (v)

noun •breath, •air, •pain, crowd•, mouth, •horror,audience•, floor, lung, sound, surface•, •shock,•surprise, fish, •delight misc she, hear, Oh, fall,suddenly, cough, breathe, choke, lay, stare, cry,clutch, shake, struggle, gasp● inhale, gulp, pant, huff || pant, puff, wheeze, blow

curse (v)

noun •breath, •luck, •fate, •darkness, driver, foot,•stupidity, •fool, blessing•, •streak, enemy, Jew, witch,curse•, devil misc himself, under, silently, myself,herself, scream, curse, bless, shout, yell, spit, other,softly, throw, cry● swear, blaspheme, damn, cuss || plague, afflict,trouble, blight

hop (v)

noun •car, •foot, •bed, •train, •plane, •bus, •bike,•fence, rabbit, •freight, •truck, bird•, leg, rock, •cabmisc into, down, in, onto, out, around, over, on, off,off, hop, across, mad, aboard, along● jump, skip, leap, bounce || spring, bound, leap,bounce

nurture (v)

noun •child, •relationship, environment, talent,nature, parent, •development, culture, •generation,spirit, ability, •growth, hope, career, •dream miscyoung, protect, love, develop, carefully, care,nurture, feed, sustain, healthy, loving, natural,encourage, creative, yourself● care for, look after, take care of, raise || cultivate,cherish, encourage, foster

contrary (i)

(contrary to) •to, •what, •popular, •belief,•expectation, run•, •opinion, •law, •wisdom, •report,•conventional, •prediction, •interest, •claim

uh-huh (u)

Uh-huh, yeah, right, yes, •I, OK, Oh, Mm-hmm, me,•okay, nod, •mean, dude, unintelligible

descent (n)

adj African, European, Asian, Mexican, steep,Japanese, Indian, Chinese, German, final nounAmerican•, line, person•, ascent, citizen•, •hell,hamlet, foot, mountain, descent verb begin•, claim•,slow•, trace, climb•, control, •born, •land, halt•,witness•● fall, drop, dive || decline, deterioration,depreciation || ancestry, parentage, lineage

sip (v)

noun •coffee, •tea, •drink, •wine, •beer, •cup, •water,glass, •champagne, table•, •coke, •whiskey, •soda,•juice, •bottle misc her, while, sit, hot, watch, slowly,iced, eat, nibble, cold, nod, smile, smoke, warm, cool● taste, drink, swallow, sup

textile (n)

adj African, plain-weave, Indian, Chinese, antique,woven, industrial, warp-faced, printed, traditionalnoun •industry, •mill, •worker, •apparel, factory, art,clothing, design, cotton•, museum verb produce,weave, •export, •display, import, print, manufacture,purchase•, •employ, found● fabric, cloth, material, piece goods, yard goods,knit

embassy (n)

adj American, Chinese, foreign, British, Soviet, Israeli,Iraqi, African, French, western noun bombing,official, attack•, •staff, •compound, embassy, east,officer, •personnel, diplomat verb bomb, close, blow,attack, surround, evacuate, contact, burn,•consulates, reopen● consulate, legation, mission, delegation,deputation

visa (n)

adj American, temporary, foreign, immigrant,available, special, valid, permanent, annual, Chinesenoun card, student•, passport, tourist•, •application,exit•, visa, •requirement, •bill, immigration verb issue,grant, obtain•, apply•, deny•, overstay•, •enter,receive•, accept, require● endorsement, pass, entry permit, documents,papers

nationalism (n)

adj Arab, economic, cultural, ethnic, religious, black,political, Chinese, Palestinian, Hindu noun rise•,nationalism, form•, patriotism, ideology, religion,sense, century, identity, politics verb promote,define, rise, embrace, combine•, emphasize, reject,oppose•, •dominate, suppress● independence, autonomy, home rule, self-rule ||patriotism, chauvinism, jingoism, xenophobia

preacher (n)

adj Baptist, black, itinerant, Methodist,fundamentalist, southern, evangelical, lay,Pentecostal, popular noun •wife, church, teacher,son, TV•, sermon, daughter, preacher, •curl, gospelverb listen, •name, •preach, •shout, •pray, •denounce,•criticize, found, •plead, •proclaim● minister, pastor, missionary, lay preacher, vicar,celebrant

monk (n)

adj Buddhist, Tibetan, Benedictine, Hawaiian,Trappist, medieval, Franciscan, Christian, Catholic,silent noun nun, monastery, •seal, monk, robe, •cell,century, priest, cannibal•, temple verb chant, •pray,bow, copy, •seal, ordain, wander, meditate, found,•kneel● holy man, friar, monastic, religious, abbot, prior

nun (n)

adj Catholic, Buddhist, skinny, flying, Carmelite,elderly, cloistered, Roman, Dominican, Franciscannoun priest, monk, sister, •habit, nun, order•,convent, renegade•, robe, Facer• verb teach, wear,dress, pray, •dance, educate•, rape, •volunteer,•kneel● sister, holy sister, religious, vestal

cigar (n)

adj Cuban, smoking, unlit, fine, fat, thin, cheap,expensive, thick, puffing noun •box, •smoke, •mouth,cigarette, cigar, •store, •smoking, pocket, wine,•smoker verb smoke•, light•, puff•, pull•, chew, smell•,roll, enjoy, chomp•, drink

interpreter (n)

adj Iraqi, professional, French, deaf, Spanish,aboriginal, Russian, certified, leading, ultimate nounlanguage•, sign•, guide, soldier, interpreter, English,translator, interpretation, ree, •malady verb speak•,act•, •translate, hire, train, communicate, accompany,•interpret, aid, resign● translator, linguist, transcriber, explainer ||performer, portrayer, exponent, promoter

settler (n)

adj Jewish, early, white, European, Israeli, original,English, native, British, French noun land, soldier,settlement, Palestinian, century, Indian, west,descendant, settler, •territory verb •arrive, protect•,attract•, occupy, •travel, •farm, evict, withdraw•,found, plant● colonizer, colonist, pioneer, pilgrim, immigrant,early settler

guerrilla (n)

adj Kurdish, Israeli, urban, military, Palestinian,armed, Muslim, shining, communist, paramilitarynoun •war, •group, •warfare, force, •movement,•attack, •leader, army, •fighter, leftist• verb fight, kill,wage, attack, launch, kidnap, capture, train•,•operate, fire● freedom fighter, paramilitary, revolutionary,irregular, insurgent, rebel

mosque (n)

adj Muslim, grand, local, Shiite, Islamic, religious,Babri, blue, nearby, red noun church, synagogue,imam, prayer, temple, Sunni, mosque, minaret,Muslim, site verb build, pray, visit•, destroy, attend•,enter•, attack, preach, bomb, rebuild

Reverend (n)

adj Reverend, Baptist, rhyming, evangelical,Episcopal noun Reverend, •Dr, church, pastor, king,minister, moon•, •sp, guest•, •sermon verb thank,join, preach, memorialize•, •butt, preside,•pronounce, honor•, baptize, •praise● vicar, priest, cleric, minister, parson

summon (v)

noun •courage, police, •office, •strength, •energy,•help, •spirit, •image, •meeting, •memory, •will, bell•,call, witness, king misc up, enough, testify, forth,royal, mental, inner, unable, whenever, summon,ring, urgently, magic, instantly, elemental● send for, call for, call upon || convene, calltogether, get together || muster, rouse, find

plot (v)

noun •course, •strategy, •attack, •graph, map,character, figure, star, •murder, •route, terrorist•,•escape, •coup, •move, •function misc against, kill,accuse, blow, carefully, plan, charge, bomb,overthrow, suspect, scheme, allegedly, pm,assassinate, ET/PT● plan, strategize, conspire, design || chart, map,draw, mark

certainty (n)

adj absolute, reasonable, moral, scientific, only,virtual, near, complete, medical, perceived noundegree•, outcome, quest•, lack•, future, belief,•uncertainty, certainty, faith, stability verb predict•,determine, express•, conclude•, assert•, challenge•,•possess, lack, undermine•, reassure•● foregone conclusion, safe bet, cert, cast-ironcertainty || confidence, conviction, faith, belief

torture (v)

noun •death, prisoner, rape, murder, prison, police,victim, •animal, soldier•, suspect, execution, killing,•chamber, abuse, kidnapping misc kill, rape, beat,murder, execute, arrest, yourself, myself, imprison,abuse, kidnap, accuse, capture, burn, subject● torment, afflict, persecute, brutalize, punish,mistreat

frighten (v)

noun •death, prospect, noise, horse, silence,darkness, intensity, creature, •wit, tactic, •liberal,•chaos, •electorate, •ghost misc me, her, him, a, little,away, away, suddenly, bit, angry, first, frighten,easily, confuse, enough● scare, terrify, alarm, startle, upset, worry

stab (v)

noun •death, •time, •back, knife, finger, •heart, pain,•chest, wife, •button, victim, throat, neck, husband,needle misc him, her, shoot, fatally, repeatedly,someone, himself, kill, beat, stab, somebody, rape,herself, sharp, accuse● knife, wound, pierce, cut, spear, gore

rotate (v)

noun •degree, shoulder, earth•, arm, body, hip, head,star, •crop, position, •axis, •torso, direction, sun, diskmisc your, through, slowly, so, around, rapidly,among, around, until, left, toward, right, forward,slightly, upper● turn, go, revolve || alternate, take tums,interchange || alternate, replace, switch

inject (v)

noun •drug, cell, •patient, amount, doctor•, •egg,venom, needle, •user, •dose, blood, syringe, solution,virus, mouse misc into, himself, directly, themselves,billion, herself, lethal, fresh, radioactive, liquid,healthy, snort, intravenously, frequently, additional● vaccinate, inoculate, shoot up, insert || bring, add,introduce, instill

near (v)

noun •end, •completion, •retirement, •top, election•,deadline•, •zero, •extinction, •birthday, century,•midnight, •bottom, temperature•, •anniversary, sunmisc as, drop, slow, forty, rather, sixty, fifty, zero,soar, hunt, seventy, accelerate, thirty, plunge, eighty● approach, reach, draw up to, draw near to, go upto, come up to

excellence (n)

adj academic, national, educational, artistic, musical,technical, athletic, televised, environmental,individual noun award, standard•, •education,center•, •journalism, pursuit•, •commission, teaching,project•, •art verb achieve•, strive•, teach, promote•,pursue•, recognize, maintain•, demonstrate, demand,focus•● fineness, brilliance, distinction, quality, superiority,merit

bout (n)

adj acute, sorry, recent, short, aerobic, occasional,severe, frequent, intense, periodic noun •depression,exercise, •cancer, •pneumonia, •flu, title•, •diarrhea,heavyweight•, drinking, championship• verb talk•,suffer•, survive•, experience•, worry•, recover•,engage•, •vomit, •last, •schedule● short period, short time, session, spell, attack, fit

hometown (n)

adj adopted, northern, beloved, rural noun name•,•hero, •newspaper, •phone, •paper, •daytime, •fan,•crowd, •favorite, •association verb return•, visit•,flee•, list•, bury•, honor, boo, root•, •withhold, cheer

skier (n)

adj advanced, intermediate, cross-country, best,alpine, aggressive, better, Olympic, extreme, topnoun ski, expert•, mountain, •snowboarder, mogul•,snow, skier, •visit, powder, range• verb •ski, attract•,carve, •enjoy, head, •prefer, •snowboarders, suit•,compete, crowd

meadow (n)

adj alpine, rolling, open, green, grassy, lush, broad,wet, beautiful, wide noun forest, mountain•, grass,park, tree, wood, edge•, field, flower, meadow verbcross•, graze, flush•, •dot, •stretch, border, •massacre,climb, overlook, •surround● field, pasture, paddock, grazing land, lea

mob (n)

adj angry, Russian, howling, Hindu, alleged, married,unruly, violent, Italian, Irish noun •boss, •scene,•violence, mob, •rule, •mentality, connection, media,tie, attack verb Lynch•, kill, attack, •hit, •gather, beat,surround, burn, •shout, chase● crowd, horde, mass, multitude || masses,populace, plebs, hoi polloi

jam (n)

adj apricot, homemade, massive, slow, fresh,seedless, sweet, remaining, live, endless nountraffic•, •session, •jelly, strawberry•, def•, pearl•,raspberry•, cup, butter, jar verb cause, spread•,•preserve, avoid•, stick•, •pack, top, band, feature,escape•● predicament, quandary, scrape, mess || traffic jam,gridlock, bottleneck, logjam

superintendent (n)

adj assistant, public, national, Indian, associate,interim, acting, chief, elected, principal noun school,district, park, state•, board, principal, county•, police,education, •instruction verb state•, hire, appoint,contact•, order, fire, select, park•, school•, elect● manager, supervisor, administrator, officer,controller, overseer

dean (n)

adj associate, academic, assistant, vice, emeritus,interim, continuing, retired, theological, acting nounschool, university, college, faculty, •admission,professor, •graduate, Dr•, engineering, provost

coaching (n)

adj athletic, previous, assistant, effective, head,preferred, involved, female, overall, perceived noun•staff, •job, head•, •career, •behavior, experience,•position, •change, coach, role verb teach, peer•,coach, retire•, •staff, question, rank, favor, code•,facilitate● training, education, schooling, teaching, tutoring,instruction

dioxide (n)

adj atmospheric, global, liquid, frozen, nitrous,increased, increasing, excess, annual, thick nouncarbon•, emission, sulfur•, •atmosphere, gas,chlorine•, nitrogen, water, level, ton• verb reduce•,produce, release, emit, increase, absorb, remove,rise, form, pump

parenting (n)

adj authoritative, adolescent, effective, single,positive, authoritarian, poor, pregnant, diseaserelated,indulgent noun •style, •skill, •class, child,•stress, family, •practice, parent, book, •behaviorverb teach, relate, •contribute, share, associate,attend•, affect, assess, improve•, examine•● child-rearing, childcare, nurturing, child raising,education

flu (n)

adj avian, pandemic, cold, bad, Spanish, Asian,deadly, human, sick, common noun bird•, •vaccine,•shot, •virus, •season, cold•, case, strain, •epidemic,flu verb •spread, •kill, die•, cause, catch•, •shoot,fight•, prevent, infect, treat● influenza, cold, virus, infection, bug, respiratorytract infection

sunset (n)

adj beautiful, red, spectacular, golden, pink, western,glorious, purple, blue, gorgeous noun sunrise, hour•,sky, light, minute•, color, evening, horizon•, view,glow verb watch•, ride•, fade, enjoy, sail, paint, glow,approach, •shine, disappear● sundown, dusk, evening, night, nightfall, twilight

consultation (n)

adj behavioral, multicultural, individual, free, private,close, extensive, collaborative, medical, initial nounprocess, service, intervention, training, model,teacher, parent, section•, assessment, consultationverb provide, require, seek•, involve, conduct,request•, implement, review, facilitate•, engage•● discussion, talk, session, conference, meeting,soundings

dividend (n)

adj big, annual, quarterly, double, corporate, total,huge, reinvested, so-called, preferred noun peace•,stock, •yield, tax, interest, company, capital, gain,income, share verb pay•, cut, yield, raise•, reinvest,increase, tax, receive, •stockholder, rise● bonus, extra, payment, share, surplus,disbursement

push (n)

adj big, final, little, strong, major, extra, gentle, huge,renewed, aggressive noun •button, •mower, •reform,•pull, bell•, •technology, factor, •rim, •broom, •poleverb give•, •shove, •pull, resist•, launch, renew, stem,intensify, ease, mount● drive, ambition, energy, get-up-and-go, vigor,impetus

highlight (n)

adj biological, geological, blond, bright, light, brown,dark, golden, annual, athletic noun career, •film,shadow, hair, •trip, •reel, color, season, show,evening verb •include, paint, feature, •rush, blend,•reel, tape, replay•, render● best part, high spot, high point, climax, best bit,icing on the cake

Latino (n)

adj black, Asian, African, African-american, growing,Hispanic, poor, immigrant, cultural, U.s.-born noun•community, percent, •student, •population, black•,•vote, American, •immigrant, •voter, •gang verb•elect, attract, cast, target•, court•, characterize,comprise, double, highlight, •reside

wool (n)

adj black, heavy, gray, white, thick, fine, wet, red,brown, blue noun •coat, •sweater, cotton, •blanket,•suit, •jacket, •sock, steel•, silk, •cap verb wear•, pull,spin•, knit, wrap, cover, weave, smell, dress, dye● angora, mohair, cashmere, yarn, fabric, material

rebound (n)

adj blocked, offensive, defensive, sharp, junior,direct, modest, adjustable, career-high, game-highnoun point•, •game, •block, •shot, •effect, •season,•minute, career, economy, shooting verb assist,grab•, •steal, lead, •shoot, average•, score, •block,foul, spark● ricochet, recoil, reverberation, reflection, echo,bounce

intersection (n)

adj busy, major, main, downtown, dangerous, key,complex, nearby, empty, four-way noun street, road,traffic, car, point, light, middle•, highway, sign,corner verb stop, cross, approach•, locate•, block,enter•, mark, arrive•, form•, explore•● junction, crossroads, traffic circle, fork ||connection, joint, juncture, node

breeding (n)

adj captive, selective, traditional, genetic,conventional, successful, prime, ideal, fertile, perfectnoun •ground, •program, •season, •population, plant,bird, •site, •pair, animal, area verb feed, release, nest,eliminate, breed, spawn, race, disperse•, modify•,migrate● upbringing, education, background, social standing,refinement, good manners

conductor (n)

adj choral, principal, assistant, musical, chief,electrical, excellent, Philharmonic, famous, associatenoun orchestra, symphony•, guest•, music, train,composer, conductor, director, ensemble, bus verbpop, Yoel•, •direct, rehearse, found, •punch, appoint•● electrode, rod, anode, cathode, probe

wetland (n)

adj coastal, natural, constructed, federal, net,planted, unplanted, endangered, forested, existingnoun acre•, area, loss, water, •habitat, forest,•mitigation, protection, restoration, wetland verbprotect•, fill, create, destroy, restore, drain, preserve,permit, compensate, enhance● marsh, swamp, fen, bog, marshes, fens

delegation (n)

adj congressional, American, Palestinian, Israeli, joint,official, Soviet, high-level, Jordanian-palestinian,democratic noun member•, state•, head•, leader,•conference, peace, meeting, delegation, •authority,talk verb send•, lead, meet, head, •visit, •arrive,•represent, invite, •vote, •travel● commission, deputation, mission, lobby ||allocation, handing over, assignment, giving out

matrix (n)

adj critical, active, progressive, cultural, Reloaded,extracellular, complex, symmetric, variancecovariance,original noun correlation•, article,copyright, •table, matrix, covariance•, factor, data,cell, element verb •reload, represent, form, present,enter•, embed•, •contain, store, generate, analyze● medium, conditions, atmosphere || substance,medium, carrier || template, mold, format

lineup (n)

adj current, all-star, opening-day, entire, everyday,impressive, projected, potent, solid, round nounstarting•, season, game, player, photo•, fall, police•,•card, model•, •speed verb •include, return•, feature,miss, announce, bat, crack•, •average, insert•,revamp•● team list, roster, team || schedule, listing,program || group, team, alliance

corpse (n)

adj dead, naked, bloody, rotting, frozen, mutilated,tiny, fresh, headless, bloated noun blood, corpse,pile•, victim, •grave, burial, vampire, morgue,walking•, foot verb lay, •lie, bury, drag, litter, •float,discover, examine•, strew, burn● dead body, cadaver, carcass, stiff

daddy (n)

adj dead, rich, proud, sick, mad, dear, drunk, hungry,okay noun mommy•, girl, sugar•, mama•, daddy,baby, momma, Mr, mammy•, uncle verb love, hate,hug•, beg● father, pop, papa, dad, pa

poison (n)

adj deadly, chemical, lethal, toxic, used, regional,psychotropic, radioactive, glowing, potent noun •gas,•ivy, •control, •pill, poison, •oak, •center, rat•, body,plant verb kill, drink, spread, contain•, feed•, pour•,spray•, swallow•, release•, inject•● venom, toxin, contagion, toxic substance

resentment (n)

adj deep, growing, lingering, popular, racial,widespread, Arab, considerable, bitter, simmeringnoun anger•, lot•, feeling•, fear, frustration, hatred,jealousy, bitterness, hostility, suspicion verb feel,cause•, create•, build, express•, harbor•, anger,generate•, breed•, stir•● anger, bitterness, dislike, hatred, antipathy,offense

calcium (n)

adj dietary, daily, low, adequate, urinary, rich, extra,recommended, increased, folic noun •iron, vitamin,mg, •intake, bone, fiber•, •magnesium, calcium,•carbonate, •supplement verb contain•, absorb,increase, consume, reduce, cause, prevent, form,release, bind

laptop (n)

adj digital, personal, portable, cellular, wide-screen,standard, mobile, stolen, built-in, electronic noun•computer, phone, desktop, screen, PC, cell, battery,wireless, laptop, camera verb use, carry, buy•,connect, steal, type•, plug•, tap, check, shut

cherry (n)

adj dried, red, black, sour, sweet, fresh, wild, tart,ripe, green noun •tomato, •tree, cup, •blossom, •pie,apple, •red, maraschino•, •wood, grape verb pick,•halve, cup, pit, chop, stir•, combine, line, pop,garnish•

modem (n)

adj early, internal, high-speed, standard, traditional,digital, built-in, external, faster, western noun cable•,computer, fax•, modem, phone, •technology,•society, line, PC, •art verb connect, fax, •dial, install,test, link, plug, hook, transmit, access

prey (n)

adj easy, large, natural, potential, favorite, live, wild,alternative, abundant, weak noun bird•, predator,•species, animal, fish, hunter, availability, insect,prey, •item verb fall•, capture•, hunt•, kill•, stalk•,catch, eat•, chase•, locate•, consume● quarry, victim, target, kill, game

forecast (n)

adj economic, accurate, late, optimistic, current,future, annual, official, long-range, wrong nounweather•, trend•, rain, growth, earnings, analyst,profit, price, forecast, climate• verb base, •predict,check•, issue, improve, •assume, revise•, lower•,•estimate, exceed•● prediction, estimate, guess, calculation, conjecture,projection

generator (n)

adj electric, electrical, portable, random, hazardous,commercial, nuclear, solar, out-of-state, Canadiannoun power, diesel•, electricity, waste, •defendant,turbine, fuel, steam•, wind•, gas verb run, •produce,power, install, operate, supply, connect, switch, shut,•hum● producer, maker, creator, originator, initiator,author

grid (n)

adj electrical, electric, catenary, square, entire,existing, smart, solar, rectangular, regional nounpower•, electricity•, system, street, line, •pattern,utility, transmission•, grid, •cell verb connect, lay,draw, place, feed•, arrange•, mark, extend, display,transfer● network, lattice, net, web, gridiron, grating

keyboard (n)

adj electronic, QWERTY, standard, electric, tiny,external, portable, comfortable, miniature, full-sizenoun computer•, mouse, hand•, finger•, screen,music, key, piano•, •player, guitar verb use, play,type, tap•, •attach, enter, peck•, touch•, connect, fly•● control panel, console, controls

fax (n)

adj electronic, incoming, cellular, outgoing, portable,answering, toll-free, thermal, WI, advanced noun•machine, phone, •circle, e-mail, •number, computer,•modem, mail, call, telephone verb send•, receive•,•machine, communicate, •fax, •e-mail, contact,telephone, copy, print● facsimile, message, document, transmission, copy

attachment (n)

adj emotional, strong, secure, deep, romantic,sentimental, parental, straight, personal, passionatenoun •style, •parent, •theory, relationship, e-mail•,sense•, attachment, text•, •mail, paddle• verb form•,develop, fit•, place, associate, retain•, e-mail,categorize, foster•, correlate•● bond, affection, connection, regard || addition,accessory, add-on, extra

repetition (n)

adj endless, constant, frequent, mere, advanced,light, exact, key, slow, mindless noun set, word,•exercise, weight, repetition, pattern, form, •leg,•phrase, •compulsion verb prevent•, perform, avoid•,repeat, •rest, •switch, increase, complete•, lift,count•● recurrence, replication, duplication, reiteration,reappearance, echo

semester (n)

adj entire, final, academic, previous, following,senior, required, junior, mean, consecutive nounstudent, fall•, end•, course, spring•, •hour, class,college, school, week• verb teach, spend•, complete,•progress, finish•, conduct, last•, graduate, transfer,enroll

environmentalist (n)

adj environmental, concerned, radical, skeptical,native, dedicated, mainstream, committed,prominent, ardent noun scientist, industry, official,activist, farmer, •wacko, rancher, forest, concern,movement verb •argue, •worry, •oppose, •point,•fear, claim, fight, criticize, •complain, •warn● ecologist, conservationist, preservationist, green

cleanup (n)

adj environmental, hazardous, toxic, easy, federal,massive, total, expensive, hot-gas, responsible nounsite, cost, waste, •effort, •crew, CERCLA, •plan,•project, liability•, standard verb •cost, pay•, require,conduct, delay•, ensure, complete, perform, bat•,estimate● crackdown, onslaught, attack, offensive,clampdown, elimination

moisture (n)

adj excess, dry, natural, excessive, heavy, cold, extra,light, residual, cool noun soil, •content, air, skin,temperature, percent, heat, •level, wick•, plant verbretain•, keep, absorb•, help•, hold•, add, prevent,allow, evaporate, remove● dampness, wetness, humidity, damp, moistness,vapor

manipulation (n)

adj experimental, genetic, political, psychological,external, digital, physical, simple, various, directnoun •check, media, data, result, image, control,market, effect, stock•, •material verb involve•,perform, result, employ, permit, market•, enable,•induce, •alter, illustrate● operation, handling, management || running,control, maneuvering || falsification, forgery,alteration || osteopathy, massage, movement

echo (n)

adj faint, distant, eerie, hollow, ancient, empty, still,loud, Spanish, visual noun voice, •chamber, sound,echo, •past, •footstep, •boomer, scream, laughter,radio verb hear•, listen•, sound, fade, bounce,•reverberate, detect•, ring, resound, awaken•● reverberation, resonance, repeat, boom, ricochet

wallet (n)

adj fat, empty, thin, thick, electronic, digital, lost,intact, inside, worn noun pocket, card, purse, money,key, bill, •back, credit, leather•, picture verb pull•,open, reach•, steal, carry•, hand, check•, remove,grab•, contain● folder, file, case, holder

indictment (n)

adj federal, grand, criminal, possible, sealed,scathing, guilty, sweeping, original, secret nouncharge, jury•, count, prosecutor, murder,investigation, indictment, crime, evidence, felonyverb charge, allege, hand, issue, return, seek•,announce, face•, •accuse, dismiss● accusation, impeachment, summons, prosecution|| condemnation, denunciation, criticism, comment

astronaut (n)

adj fellow, lunar, original, ancient, Israeli, female,future, Russian, veteran, lucid noun space, shuttle,moon, mission, •training, •corps, earth, pilot, station,•cosmonaut verb send•, fly, train, land, •install,•explore, select•, launch, •ride, orbit● space traveler, space pilot, cosmonaut, rocket pilot,spaceman, spacewoman

firefighter (n)

adj fellow, retired, burning, fallen, veteran, nearby,uniformed, probationary, brave, off-duty noun •fire,police, officer, city, volunteer•, worker, •blaze,emergency, cop, •union verb •die, •battle, kill, rescue,train, •save, arrive, contain, injure, volunteer•

mosquito (n)

adj female, infected, thick, effective, yellow, diseasecarrying,male, malarial, biting, stagnant noun •bite,•control, •netting, •net, •larva, fly, mosquito, species,breeding, •population verb bite, kill•, swat•, •carry,•buzz, transmit, •fly, breed, slap•, eat

say (n)

adj final, just, last, sorry, Irish, ultimate noun •matter,voter•, Mr, •hello, •it, •personnel, •outset, say,advocate•, Dr verb let•, hear•, police•, demand•,witness•● opinion, pennyworth, input, chance || input, voice,expression, influence

specimen (n)

adj fine, physical, perfect, natural, botanical, rare,single, biological, beautiful, positive noun museum,biopsy•, collection, plant, •tree, examination, animal,urine•, blood, tissue verb collect, examine, obtain,reveal, contain, preserve, identify, study, test, gather

narrator (n)

adj first-person, omniscient, unreliable, authorial,fictive, Irish, narrative, male, fictional, third-personnoun story, character, reader, voice, author, novel,protagonist, text, audience, narrator verb •describe,present, address, •refer, •recall, •recount, emphasize,•remark, •inform, imply● storyteller, speaker, reporter, raconteur, teller oftales, relator

paragraph (n)

adj following, final, short, preceding, previous, single,brief, closing, concluding, introductory nounsentence•, opening•, story, paragraph, page, article,text, couple•, section, essay verb read, write,describe, contain, discuss, •explain, mention, state,devote, quote● section, subsection, passage, part || article, piece,item, story

dependence (n)

adj foreign, economic, mutual, growing, imported,heavy, increasing, external, total, physical noun •oil,alcohol•, drug•, •fuel, abuse•, •fossil, energy, •source,field•, independence verb reduce•, increase, lessen•,decrease•, associate, result, eliminate•, free•, wean•,acknowledge•● reliance, trust, confidence || need, requirement,necessity || addiction, dependency, reliance

verse (n)

adj free, satanic, biblical, blank, following, final,modern, English, Koranic, traditional noun chapter•,Bible, verse, song, line, form, prose, •Koran, poem,poetry verb write, sing•, read, recite•, quote, cite•,contain, compose, memorize, refer● poetry, rhyme, blank verse, free verse || stanza,canto, section, unit

electron (n)

adj free, single, two-dimensional, magnetic, atomic,high-energy, optical, secondary, light, scatterednoun •microscope, •beam, energy, atom,•microscopy, proton, electron, •hole, ion, gas verbscan•, scatter, produce, strip, emit, generate, •travel,•flow, accelerate, charge

peach (n)

adj fresh, ripe, white, canned, sliced, pink, sweet,giant, green, red noun •tree, apple, pear, peach,plum, •cream, fruit, •cobbler, apricot, bowl verb peel,pick, eat•, •halve, slice, combine, cup, preserve, taste,•pit● beauty, honey, cracker, humdinger, wow, dilly

strawberry (n)

adj fresh, wild, sliced, red, frozen, sweet, ripe,whipped, blond, chocolate-dipped noun cream, cup,raspberry, blueberry, •jam, Darryl•, •field, fruit, ice,chocolate verb pick•, cup•, serve, eat, hull, slice,combine, smell•, dip, garnish

realization (n)

adj full, growing, sudden, sobering, horrible, startling,dawning, disturbing, sad, actual noun •dream, goal,•potential, self, •vision, •freedom, •objective,•importance, obstacle•, aspiration verb come, lead,•hit, dawn, strike, sink, awaken•, temper•, prompt,•spark● understanding, comprehension, consciousness,awareness || achievement, accomplishment,carrying out, attainment

brow (n)

adj furrowed, dark, black, heavy, thick, bushy,arched, deep, sweaty, wrinkled noun sweat•, eye,hand, furrow, hair, line, •bone, nose, lip, cheek verbfurrow, wipe•, raise•, knit, lift, mop•, wrinkle, arch,draw, crease● summit, top, crest, ridge, peak, crown

modification (n)

adj genetic, minor, slight, significant, necessary,appropriate, existing, curricular, behavioral, far nounbehavior•, program, change, design, curriculum,•technique, weather•, •region, socket, habitat verbrequire, include, undergo•, suggest, involve, apply,result, recommend, introduce, •accommodate● alteration, change, adjustment, amendment,variation, reform

spider (n)

adj giant, black, jumping, tiny, poisonous, brown,female, hairy, Bitsy, venomous noun •web, leg,spider, insect, •mite, snake, •monkey, silk, •plant,crab verb •spin, •crawl, catch, hang, bite, •climb,•weave, •suck, capture, creep

triangle (n)

adj golden, right, red, rear, equilateral, left, pink, socalled,tiny, perfect noun Sunni•, research•, love•,park, square, triangle, side, area, iron•, star verbform, cut•, place, •represent, •fill, fold, arrange,transcribe•, •store, connect● threesome, trio, three-way relationship

crust (n)

adj golden, upper, thin, brown, top, crisp, flaky, thick,bottom, prepared noun pie•, earth•, pizza•, bread,minute, mixture, crust, top, pan, edge verb bake,form, pour•, cut, spread, fill, cover, place, remove,break● coating, outside, outer layer, shell, top, skin

deed (n)

adj good, great, heroic, evil, dirty, dastardly, past,unpunished, terrible, foul noun word•, •restriction,thought•, land, property, •gift, deed, county,recorder•, title verb perform•, commit, sign•,accomplish, record, match, witness, judge, punish,transfer● action, feat, act, endeavor || document, title deed,title, charter

nutrition (n)

adj good, poor, proper, human, better, medical,adequate, clinical, artificial, physical noun health,food, •program, professor•, director•, exercise,•expert, fitness, education, care verb provide•,exercise, teach•, improve•, •label, •cook, house,specialize•, •tip, incorporate● nourishment, diet, food, sustenance

canyon (n)

adj grand, narrow, deep, steep, red, rugged, remote,dark, southern, upper noun •wall, side•, river, rim,mile, bottom, mountain, •floor, rock, slot• verb hike,fill, carve, explore, drop, climb, echo•, form, head,overlook● ravine, gully, gorge, chasm, gulch, coulee

sadness (n)

adj great, deep, profound, terrible, certain, normal,heavy, quiet, extreme, intense noun anger, feeling•,eye, sense•, joy, face, •loss, fear, sadness, happinessverb feel, anger, fill, express•, fear, experience•,tinge•, overwhelm, touch, sense•● blues, grief, sorrow, unhappiness, wretchedness,melancholy

mistake (v)

noun •enemy, Mr, •silence, protester, assumption,observer•, •symptom, glance, hunter, •intent,impression, others, •deer, •Dr, •burglar misc for, no,might, often, easily, someone, else, sometimes,sadly, anyone, apparently, nobody, unless, anything,first● misunderstand, misapprehend, misjudge,misinterpret || confuse with, take for, mix up with,confound

sample (v)

noun •error, food, population, margin•, wine,method, site, result, data, fish, sample, •procedure,product, blood, survey misc test, randomly, practical,plus, addition, collect, analyze, PREFORMATTED,select, organic, consist, sample, repeatedly, monitor,broadly● test, try, taste, experiment, try out, appraise

precision (n)

adj great, military, surgical, mathematical, Inc,scientific, mechanical, unprecedented, remarkable,sufficient noun accuracy, •weapon, speed,•instrument, •measurement, degree•, machine,clarity, •farming, precision verb require, achieve,lack•, demand•, •machine, measure, deliver, strike,execute•, predict•● exactness, accuracy, care, meticulousness,correctness, exactitude

clarity (n)

adj great, moral, conceptual, mental, perfect,absolute, startling, sudden, sufficient, unusual nounlack•, length, space, moment•, role•, purpose, •vision,color, style, mind verb edit•, bring•, achieve•, lack•,recall•, enhance•, improve•, gain•, associate, emerge● clearness, lucidity, simplicity, precision,intelligibility, transparency

temptation (n)

adj great, strong, constant, sexual, immune,powerful, unable, dangerous, irresistible, totalitariannoun sin, fighting•, •flesh, danger, devil, •priest, prey•,temptation, •vice, weakness verb resist•, avoid•,succumb•, face, yield•, fight•, remove•, overcome•,withstand•, eliminate•● lure, enticement, attraction || desire, craving,urge || persuasion, coaxing, inducement

lamb (n)

adj grilled, sacrificial, roast, roasted, braised, tender,lost, boneless, mint, newborn noun •chop, silence•,leg•, rack•, •shank, beef, pork, chicken, •stew, pound•verb serve, place, cook, roast, trim, marinate, dress,grill, slaughter, transfer•

chop (n)

adj grilled, thick, boneless, remaining, cool, roasted,fried, center-cut, juicy, acting noun pork•, lamb•,chop, veal•, steak, wood, •onion, •shop, •tree,minute verb lick•, add, place, serve, cut, bust•, cook,remove, peel•, stir

zero (n)

adj ground, absolute, near, net, Japanese, patient,sub, equal, fat, toxic noun ground•, •tolerance, policy,degree, •gravity, value, zero, •growth, one,•population verb near•, approach•, achieve•, score•,equal, rate, rebuild•, dig, bat•, calculate•● nothing, nil, zip, zilch, naught, zippo

Easter (n)

adj happy, holy, Greek, annual, traditional, Russian,orthodox, celebrated, Ukrainian, Kane noun •egg,•bunny, •service, Christmas, day, •morning, •hunt,•weekend, Easter, church verb celebrate, •seal, hunt,attend•, host, invite, ring•, hop, decorate, dawn

liquor (n)

adj hard, cheap, empty, intoxicating, distilled,Korean, mixed, retail, amber, pouring noun •store,bottle, •license, malt•, beer, wine, •cabinet, cigarette,bar, •industry verb drink•, sell•, buy, pour, •license,smell•, own, handle•, rob•, •flow● alcohol, whiskey, spirits, malt || liquid, fluid, juice,solution

collision (n)

adj head-on, cosmic, violent, rear-end, high-energy,fatal, mid-air, inevitable, potential, high-speed noun•course, car, earth, energy, asteroid, particle, vehicle,injury, galaxy, damage verb avoid•, •occur, produce,cause, kill, result, involve, prevent•, form, head•● crash, smash, accident, impact || clash, conflict,confrontation, disagreement

machinery (n)

adj heavy, industrial, modern, agricultural, electrical,complex, cellular, expensive, sophisticated, geneticnoun piece•, farm•, equipment, chemical, computer,construction, factory, cell, industry, machinery verboperate•, rotate•, design, repair•, control, purchase,replace, invest•, install, shut● equipment, machines, apparatus || mechanism,moving parts, device || organization, system,procedure

shield (v)

noun •eye, face, columnist, •sun, report•, radiation,•view, •liability, heat•, •wind, plastic, layer, •rain,•identity, •gang misc from, against, themselves,syndicated, himself, syndicate, protect, herself,protective, thick, ultraviolet, effectively, ourselves,squint, electromagnetic● protect, guard, defend, shelter, screen, safeguard

bid (v)

noun •farewell, company•, •contract, price, •goodbye,•champ, •adieu, •champion, •project, auction,•east, •conference, investor•, firm•, contractor• miscat-large, big, automatic, competitively, other, each,ten, farewell, pending•, goodbye, fond, fair, athletic,host, bid● tender, offer, propose, submit || try, attempt,undertake, endeavor

tempt (v)

noun •fate, reader•, devil, •offer, investor, buyer,•resort, serpent, sin, •appetite, hitter, scent•,•traveler misc to, might, may, one, sorely, buy,tempt, cheat, conclude, lest, grab, strongly, first,dismiss, whenever● lure, allure, entice, attract || invite, attract, appeal,draw

level (v)

noun •field, charge, criticism•, gun, accusation,ground, building, •gaze, weapon, rifle, attack,shotgun, allegation•, forest, plane misc at, off,playing, against, serious, entire, decline, low, harsh,level, square, adjust, advance, steady, gradually● flatten, smooth, steamroll || aim, direct, turn ||demolish, knock down, raze

bump (v)

noun •head, •wall, car, shoulder, knee, arm, elbow,foot, leg, •hip, goose•, •furniture, glass, •chair, planemisc into, up, against, each, other, off, along, around,someone, up, along, accidentally, another, to, gently● hit, knock, bang || jolt, bounce, jounce || collide,slam into, crash into

damn (v)

noun •hell, •evidence, consequence, •fool, •praise,•torpedo, •bastard, •testimony, •soul, throat•, fist•,bitch, •hide, rage•, •idiot misc if, near, damn, near,better, please, straight, damn, anyway, ai, shout,whisper, breathe, bless, mutter

plug (v)

noun •hole, ear, computer, outlet, power, phone,•wall, cable, •leak, cord, •gap, device, TV, port, PCmisc into, in, keep, away, directly, along, simply,electrical, electric, standard, digital, plug, portable,serial, external● work, carry on, keep at it || puff, hype, sell || stop,bung, seal

fascinate (v)

noun •idea, public, writer, •scientist, •tale, visitor,evil, phenomenon, scholar, creature, potential,beauty, observer•, display, viewer misc by, me,always, become, watch, continue, particularly, stare,absolutely, endlessly, me, sort, increasingly, repel,curious● captivate, charm, attract, enthrall, mesmerize,interest

armor (n)

adj heavy, shining, full, Iraqi, Israeli, light, thick,protective, medieval, Kevlar noun body•, tank•,•vehicle, knight•, suit•, •carrier, •personnel, artillery,plate, troop verb wear•, protect, penetrate•, pierce,dress•, ride, •mechanize, attack, combat, mount● protective covering, protective clothing, suit ofarmor, chain mail || protection, reinforcement,defense, covering

microphone (n)

adj hidden, built-in, tiny, directional, external,sensitive, cordless, digital, live, underwater nouncamera, speaker, sound, radio, reporter, stage,headset, recorder, tape, wireless• verb speak, step•,hold•, pick, wear, record, grab•, place, lean•, sing

altar (n)

adj high, ancestral, main, sacrificial, sacred, holy,makeshift, royal, Catholic, Christian noun •boy,church, side•, stone, candle, priest, altar, •tusk,chapel, •call verb stand, sacrifice•, place, approach•,kneel, worship•, •dedicate, flank, bow, decorate● table, bench, slab, stand, platform, dais

microwave (n)

adj high, cosmic, full, microwave-safe, electric,frozen, infrared, built-in, warm, medium noun •oven,•background, •radiation, minute, •power, •popcorn,food, microwave, second, refrigerator verb cook,cover, heat, reheat•, pop, stir, melt, warm, measure•,uncover

tech (n)

adj high, low, high-, longtime, digital, med, Hi, online,low-, high-flying noun •stock, •company, •support,•industry, •sector, •firm, tech, •bubble, lab•, •boomverb •fall, •stock, invest, •telecom, •burst, biotech,load, specialize•, •soar, •guide

incidence (n)

adj high, low, increased, reported, overall, sexual,increasing, significant, annual, respiratory nouncancer, •disease, •rate, study, •disability, •infection,•heart, increase•, •abuse, •breast verb reduce•,increase, report, decrease, associate, relate,estimate, occur, determine•, compare● occurrence, frequency, rate, commonness,prevalence

aspiration (n)

adj high, political, educational, national, fine-needle,human, democratic, academic, personal, presidentialnoun career•, hope•, need•, needle•, goal, dream•,value•, •biopsy, expectation, development verbrealize, express•, reflect•, share, achieve, reveal,fulfill•, satisfy•, fulfil•, embody•● ambition, goal, objective, end, aim, target

enrollment (n)

adj high, total, open, low, declining, increasing, fulltime,increased, current, ethnic noun school, student,college, percent, course, minority•, program,university, education, increase verb increase, decline,rise, limit, •drop, double, affect•, boost•, expand,•exceed● registration, matriculation, signing up, admission,acceptance, membership

precedent (n)

adj historical, legal, dangerous, bad, important,international, future, terrible, ample, judicial nouncourt, case, law, history, decision, rule, Senate,doctrine•, principle, tradition verb set, establish,follow•, cite, create•, •exist, overturn, apply, rely,bind● example, model, pattern, instance, guide, standard

analogy (n)

adj historical, sport-war, apt, psychological, simple,false, useful, divine, appropriate, perfect noun use•,metaphor, sport•, analogy, fluid•, baseball•, faith,football, relation, •link verb use•, draw, suggest,•imagine, extend, employ•, stretch, reason•, invoke•,•illustrate● similarity, likeness, equivalence, parallel,correspondence, correlation

crying (n)

adj hysterical, puffy, scared, inconsolable, upset,tired, stopped, newborn, frequent, excessive nounbaby, crying, •game, sound•, girl, •shame, •jag, mom•,tear, infant verb start•, stop•, hear•, scream, cry,laugh•, shake, sound, hug, quit•● lament, lamentation, cry, weeping || sobbing,weeping, bawling, howling

aftermath (n)

adj immediate, cold, terrorist, civil, violent, nuclear,emotional, terrible, deadly, tragic noun war,hurricane, •attack, election, storm, disaster,revolution, •tragedy, •bombing, crisis verb deal•,cope•, witness, grapple•● result, consequences, outcome, upshot,repercussion, aftereffects

detector (n)

adj infrared, sensitive, light, electronic, gamma-ray,portable, underground, mass, chemical, optical nounmetal•, lie•, •test, smoke•, motion•, radar•, detector,radiation•, neutrino•, array verb use, pass•, lie•,install, build, •measure, test, record, •design,•operate● sensor, indicator, gauge, finder

contradiction (n)

adj inherent, apparent, internal, full, direct, seeming,cultural, fundamental, logical, basic noun •term,inconsistency, conflict, tension, ambiguity, paradox,complexity•, confusion, contradiction, reality verbresolve, embody, •exist, point•, expose•, reveal•,contain, explore, reconcile•, highlight•● illogicality, flaw, inconsistency, incongruity ||denial, disputation, disagreement, challenge

audit (n)

adj internal, financial, independent, environmental,continuous, recent, annual, external, random,periodic noun •committee, audit, system, team, it•,firm, •specialist, report, curriculum•, tax verbconduct, perform, complete, •assess, •reveal, audit,request, examine, release, evaluate● review, check, inspection, examination,assessment, appraisal

boxing (n)

adj international, amateur, professional, Olympic,golden, greatest, super, pro, governing, aerobicnoun world, •champion, •match, •glove, heavyweight,•ring, •association, •title, •federation, sport verb•match, kick•, ban, retire•, train•, defend•, ring, quit•,race, host● pugilism, fighting, prizefighting

terminal (n)

adj international, main, central, grand, marine, dumb,liquefied, crowded, busy, proposed noun computer•,airport, bus•, passenger, ferry•, oil•, video•, airline,terminal, display• verb sit•, build, walk, connect,arrive, link, •transform, install•, train, evacuate● station, passenger terminal, depot, airport,terminus, rail terminal

like (n)

adj just noun •dislike, word•, movie, song•, phrase•,stuff•, Mr, works•, hit•, like verb •dislike, compete•,feature•, attract•, mingle, encounter•, host•, boast•

hate (n)

adj just, full, racial, ethnic, pure, organized, ugly,terrible, anonymous, violent noun •crime, •group,•mail, •speech, love•, hate, law, violence, •legislation,fear verb love•, hate, fill•, receive•, preach•, spread•,fear, prosecute•, motivate, monitor•● hatred, abhorrence, detestation, odium, revulsion,disgust

reservoir (n)

adj large, huge, vast, deep, central, natural, main,underground, slow, nearby noun water, lake, dam,river, creek, storage, reservoir, park, •dog, oil verbbuild, fill, create, contain, drain, feed, store, form,supply, release● tank, pool, basin, lake, artificial lake

skillet (n)

adj large, medium, medium-high, heavy, hot, castiron,small, high, deep, olive noun •heat, oil, butter,onion, iron•, tablespoon, •spray, minute, bacon,wok• verb add, •cook, heat, remove•, place, •stir,melt, return•, cover, pour

supper (n)

adj late, light, ready, quick, delicious, cooked, fried,leftover, after, super noun night, •table, •club,evening, •dish, lunch•, church, potluck•, dinner, bedverb eat•, cook•, sit, serve, prepare•, fix•, finish•,sing•, invite•, wash

guardian (n)

adj legal, British, Christian, self-appointed, female,moral, court-appointed, holy, male, impartial noun•angel, parent•, newspaper, •spirit, council, role•, •ad,guardian, •litem, county• verb appoint, act•, name•,guard•, accompany, inform, assign, •bind, notify•,designate•● protector, guard, sentinel, keeper || carer,protector, godparent, custodian

injection (n)

adj lethal, direct, daily, intravenous, electronic,weekly, intracytoplasmic, legal, intramuscular,steroid noun drug, •site, fuel•, •user, use, insulin•,death•, injection, collagen•, patient verb give•,receive•, administer, clean•, require•, die•, •mold,cause, involve•, execute•● inoculation, dose, shot, vaccination || addition,instillation, insertion, introduction

nitrogen (n)

adj liquid, organic, inorganic, reactive, total,atmospheric, fixed, phosphorous, available, excessnoun •oxide, carbon, •fertilizer, dioxide, soil,phosphorus, oxygen, sulfur, percent, nitrogen verbreduce•, fix•, add, produce, contain•, release,increase, form, limit, apply

bump (n)

adj little, small, red, tiny, quick, soft, smooth,moderate, slight, raised noun goose•, •road, speed•,bump, •head, •bruise, ski, •grind, skiing, •arm verbhit•, cover, absorb•, ski•, •rise, handle•, form, •grind,ride•, smooth● knock, collision, smash || swelling, lump,contusion || thud, thump, bang

bitch (n)

adj little, stupid, ****ing, crazy, dumb, rich, fat, sorry,ugly, tough noun son•, bitch, •*****, dog, stitch•,•heat, ass, slut, hell, ***** verb kill, ****, shut,scream, mutter, hate, slap, •yell, •brew, shout

nursery (n)

adj local, available, stellar, floral, wholesale, retail,magic, native, newborn, intensive noun •school,•rhyme, plant, garden, •area, center, tree, baby, care,•ground verb sell, •rhyme, sing•, visit•, •specialize,decorate, •locate, paint, purchase•, plant● nursery school, day nursery, playgroup,kindergarten || plant sales outlet, garden center,plant market

listing (n)

adj local, complete, multiple, current, available,partial, comprehensive, alphabetical, endangered,annual noun job•, •service, •game, description•, page,TV•, •plan, site, event, •decision verb see•, check•,include, publish, view, •comprise, scan•, fax•, search•,•contact● list, catalog, inventory, register || citation, item,entry

inhabitant (n)

adj local, original, early, native, human, rural,indigenous, Arab, ancient, Jewish noun city, village,area, town, island, region, land, earth, planet,majority• verb •flee, number•, •abandon, •consume,evacuate, populate, •occupy, deprive● occupant, resident, citizen, dweller, native,denizen

sigh (n)

adj long, deep, heavy, collective, little, huge, weary,exasperated, audible, soft noun •relief, heave•, sigh,breath, bridge•, •pleasure, •lip, •resignation,•satisfaction, moan verb breathe•, let•, heave•, give•,hear, •escape, release•, blow•, suppress•, sigh•● exhalation, moan, groan, complaint, lament,outbreath

gravel (n)

adj loose, crushed, narrow, coarse, wet, rough,heavy, sandy, steep, dry noun •road, sand, •path,•driveway, dirt, rock, •drive, •lot, •pit, stone verbcrunch, tire, walk•, •lead, drive, pull•, cover, fill, kick,throw● stones, pebbles, grit, shingle, chippings

whisper (n)

adj loud, hoarse, low, soft, harsh, faint, quiet, near,hushed, conspiratorial noun voice•, stage•, •wind,•ear, sound, cry•, breath, rumor, whisper, shout verbhear•, speak•, drop•, lean, listen, sound, whisper,repeat, fade, sink● rumor, word, gossip, hint, tale

dairy (n)

adj low-fat, local, organic, commercial, fresh, soy,Amish, traditional, fat, daily noun •product, •farm,•farmer, meat•, •cow, food, milk, •queen, egg, •herdverb eat•, consume, contain, own, feed, operate,eliminate•, milk, digest•, graze

broth (n)

adj low-sodium, canned, hot, remaining, fresh,reduced-sodium, soy, white, dry, fat-skimmed nounchicken•, cup, vegetable•, water, beef•, tomato, •salt,minute•, •mixture, •tablespoon verb add•, cup, bring,stir, chicken•, pour•, cook, •simmer, combine•, •cover

constituent (n)

adj major, hazardous, various, primary, key, chemical,basic, congressional, elected, active noun •assembly,•part, •element, interest, need, letter, Congress,district, election•, •republic verb represent•, •vote,satisfy•, elect, please•, communicate•, benefit,•oppose, convince, analyze● voter, citizen, resident || ingredient, element,component, part

co-worker (n)

adj male, female, close, fellow noun friend, family,neighbor, supervisor, boss, relative, lunch, employee,employer•, supervision• verb kill, date•, harass,complain, accuse, threaten, injure, impress•, greet

quantum (n)

adj mechanical, general, classical, fractional,relativistic, fundamental, coherent, adiabatic,molecular, theoretical noun •mechanic, •theory,•physics, •leap, •computer, •dot, •state, •computing,•effect, quantum verb •leap, describe, •state, apply,•tunnel, exist, predict, associate, exhibit, process

castle (n)

adj medieval, Scottish, ruined, ancient, enchanted,gothic, wooden, English, turreted, royal noun wall,sand•, tower, •gate, stone, ruin, hill, king•, castle, hallverb build, enter•, surround, ride, •house, explore•,resemble•, •loom, overlook, storm•● fortress, fort, citadel, stronghold, bastion, palace

coincidence (n)

adj mere, strange, happy, just, amazing, pure, sheer,odd, remarkable, interesting noun •anticipation,timing, coincidence, •accuracy, series•, consistency,accident•, luck, plot, explanation verb notice,connect, dismiss•, •haunt● concurrence, correspondence, correlation,agreement || accident, chance, luck, fluke

ruler (n)

adj military, colonial, local, traditional, Arab, Muslim,absolute, communist, authoritarian, British nounking, pencil, kingdom, ruler, authority, dynasty,empire, prince, legitimacy, emperor• verb •rule,measure, install, appoint, overthrow, exercise,impose, defeat, govern, depose● monarch, sovereign, leader, head of state,potentate

academy (n)

adj military, private, western, male, naval, secular,French, official, contemporary, scientific nounpolice•, member, service•, training, art, class,graduate, science, officer, •award verb teach,graduate•, attend•, enter•, train, establish, enroll•,•honor, nominate, envision● school, college, conservatory, conservatoire, artsschool, private school

luxury (n)

adj modern, rich, ultimate, rare, affordable, relative,expensive, quiet, pure, extra noun lap•, necessity,comfort, luxury, taste•, •sedan, convenience, wealth,simplicity, good verb afford, live•, enjoy•, allow•,indulge•, permit, •ignore, •dream, revel•, •comfort● treat, extra, extravagance, indulgence ||lavishness, comfort, sumptuousness, opulence

justification (n)

adj moral, legal, military, theoretical, sufficient,religious, primary, scientific, theological, rationalnoun •war, •action, •amelioration, doctrine•, •faith,•intervention, administration•, •punishment,justification, excuse verb provide•, offer, require, cite,claim•, shift, demand•, invoke•, advance, exclude● defense, explanation, reason, reasoning, validation,rationalization

reasoning (n)

adj moral, verbal, abstract, spatial, deductive,inductive, legal, spatial-temporal, intensional,scientific noun line•, •ability, reasoning, level•, •skill,court, process, test, thinking, task verb follow,explain•, base, apply, augment•, measure, relate,influence, •process, enhance● analysis, logic, calculation, reckoning,interpretation, deduction

outrage (n)

adj moral, widespread, absolute, growing,worldwide, genuine, responsible, conservative, Arab,mock noun public•, sense•, •week, anger•,expression•, shock, cry•, outrage, howl•, indignationverb express•, provoke•, spark•, cause•, commit,react•, prompt, share•, respond•, voice•● crime, barbarity, disgrace, scandal || indignation,anger, rage, fury

feast (n)

adj movable, moveable, visual, traditional, annual,rich, sumptuous, lavish, holy, Italian noun day, •eye,Thanksgiving•, wedding•, holiday•, •famine, food,Christmas, saint, meal verb prepare, celebrate, serve,enjoy•, cook•, share, lay, gather, organize, invite● banquet, spread, repast || celebration, festival,holiday || delight, indulgence, pleasure

salvation (n)

adj national, Islamic, only, Christian, human,personal, eternal, universal, red, necessary nounarmy, •front, history, soul, sin•, hope•, path•, church,cross, •store verb seek•, lie, promise, pray•, •depend,attain•, •consist, preach•, reject, ring● redemption, deliverance, rescue, recovery, escape

recreation (n)

adj national, outdoor, physical, golden, mid-level,cultural, historic, urban, therapeutic, motorizednoun •area, park•, •center, •department, •program,education•, •room, gate•, county•, •facility verbsponsor, house, participate•, hike, contact, •dance,preserve, •host, oversee, Gwinnett•● regeneration, rebirth, reformation, restoration ||hobby, pastime, exercise, play

reconciliation (n)

adj national, political, racial, genuine, religious,historical, inter-korean, African, historic, Christiannoun truth•, •commission, process, act, peace,budget•, forgiveness, effort, •bill, omnibus• verbpromote•, achieve, seek•, contribute, pursue,attempt, facilitate•, effect, preach, foster•● settlement, understanding, squaring off, resolution,compromise, reunion

spotlight (n)

adj national, public, international, bright, harsh,uncomfortable, tiny, white-hot, intense, glaring nounmedia•, glare•, •handicap, tester•, stage, DATELINE,beam, spotlight, •convention, scandal verb shine,put•, turn, share•, focus, steal•, grab•, step•, thrust•,throw•● attention, limelight, fuss, focus, interest, publiceye

advisor (n)

adj national, senior, financial, economic, military, top,legal, technical, academic, special noun security•,president, policy•, investment•, science•, prevention,council•, health, faculty•, fund verb serve•, act•, Rove,•recommend, consult•, •urge, •warn, •assist, •advise,appoint•

obsession (n)

adj national, sexual, current, growing, lifelong,magnificent, secret, romantic, unhealthy, increasingnoun •compulsion, media•, culture, celebrity,passion, weight, object•, obsession, •detail, •secrecyverb become•, border•, pursue•, overcome•, nurture,fuel•, •diet, indulge•, distract, trace● mania, fascination, fixation, passion,preoccupation, thing

institute (n)

adj national, technical, nonprofit, scientific,professional, medical, educational, academic,religious, regional noun research•, summer•,program, director, university, policy, training,teacher, reform, education verb establish, attend•,found, study, conduct, sponsor, fund, publish,•devote, participate● organization, institution, establishment, society,foundation, association

monopoly (n)

adj natural, virtual, local, public, regulated, near,communist, private, unregulated, legal noun •power,state•, government•, game, party•, price, cable,monopoly, competition, market verb break•, create,end, maintain•, enjoy•, regulate, protect•, establish•,control, challenge•● control, domination, cartel, trust, corner

emergence (n)

adj new, modern, political, global, civil, recent,sudden, independent, rapid, democratic noun•movement, society, development, culture, factor•,•democracy, century•, leadership, stage,•consciousness verb lead•, prevent•, witness•, mark•,contribute•, facilitate•, trace•, encourage•, result•,account•● appearance, rise, advent, arrival, development,occurrence

millennium (n)

adj new, past, Christian, coming, digital, approachingnoun end•, turn•, century•, •development, •goal,park, •project, •bug, falcon, •celebration verbapproach, enter•, celebrate•, usher, mark, date•,•dawn, kick, ring•, •makeover● time, epoch, era, age, period

memoir (n)

adj new, personal, best-selling, unpublished,presidential, literary, ordinary, emotional,autobiographical, brief noun book, author•, •geisha,novel, volume•, diary•, letter, title, childhood,autobiography verb write•, publish, read•, describe,recall, •title, •recount, pen•, record•, •entitle● account, biography, history, chronicle || essay,article, report, paper

try (n)

adj nice, just, field-goal, unsuccessful noun try, •Mr,Dr, coun•, presidency, exam•, graduation•,touchdown verb give•, let•, •succeed, •persuade, •ing● stab, attempt, effort, go, crack, shot

umbrella (n)

adj nuclear, yellow, red, blue, protective, broad,green, wet, tiny, striped noun •organization, •group,beach•, •term, umbrella, table, •stand, rain, security•,•suspicion verb hold, carry•, open, cover, form,forget, extend, shade, stick, huddle•● canopy, sunshade, parasol, gamp || authority,auspices, aegis, protection

simulation (n)

adj numerical, virtual, detailed, accurate, realistic,digital, complex, interactive, time-domain,sophisticated noun computer•, model, game, result,software, modeling, analysis, simulation, data, useverb use, run, •show, perform, base, develop,produce, predict, conduct, •indicate● imitation, reproduction, replication, recreation,mock-up, model

mining (n)

adj old, deep, Canadian, commercial, historic,hydraulic, northern, abandoned, lunar, industrialnoun •company, •town, coal•, •industry, gold•,•operation, •law, seabed•, •camp, surface• verb •log,•claim, drill, mine, regulate•, associate, employ,•smelt, permit, •graze

saying (n)

adj old, favorite, popular, Chinese, famous,comfortable, wise, clever, ancient, just noun•prophet, sign•, witness•, statement•, •no, proverb,wisdom•, folk•, meaning, •it verb hear, remember•,quote, •attribute, recall•, mind•, issue•, remind•,paraphrase•● proverb, maxim, adage, axiom, motto, saw

spice (n)

adj old, fresh, Indian, posh, dried, sweet, ginger,exotic, hot, aromatic noun herb, •girl, sugar•,•mixture, salt, flavor, •rack, pepper, food, blend verbadd, rub, mix, cook, smell•, stir, combine, grind, taste,flavor● interest, excitement, flavor, zing, color, a littlesomething

fireplace (n)

adj open, wood-burning, huge, massive, outdoor,hot, original, fake, cozy, cold noun room, stone•, fire•,gas•, mantel, wall, living, brick•, chair•, kitchen verbsit, burn, hang•, flank, design, •warm, feature, light,stare•, surround● hearth, fireside, inglenook, fire, chimney corner

gardener (n)

adj organic, avid, head, available, constant,experienced, northern, urban, professional, amateurnoun master•, home•, garden, plant, farmer,landscape, backyard•, gardener, •supply, seed verb•grow, •plant, tend, transplant•, •prefer, market, hire,•dig, cultivate, •rely● horticulturist, grower, planter, landscape gardener,landscaper, weeder

cafe (n)

adj outdoor, small, local, French, nearby, crowded,downtown, tiny, favorite, Italian noun restaurant,shop, sidewalk•, Internet•, table, bar, •au, street,coffee, •lait verb sit•, open, •serve, eat, drink, fill,hang•, line, order, sip

contrary (n)

adj overwhelming, considerable, false nounevidence•, claim•, appearance•, protestation•,rumor•, argument, assertion•, instruction•, protest•,assurance• verb argue, insist, imply, assert, •contend● opposite, inverse, other side of the coin, converse,reverse, antithesis

supervision (n)

adj parental, close, medical, direct, clinical, webbased,adult, constant, professional, internationalnoun adult•, training, teacher, office•, model, peer•,court•, •development, curriculum, evaluation verbprovide, receive•, require, operate•, conduct,exercise•, ensure, monitor, implement, lack● management, direction, administration, regulation|| care, custody, guardianship, protection

waiter (n)

adj passing, head, French, Chinese, empty, dumb,friendly, uniformed, tuxedoed, rude noun table,restaurant, •tray, drink, •order, wine, hotel, cook,waiter, glass verb •bring, ask, serve, •appear, •arrive,•wear, signal•, •return, order, •pour● server, waitperson, waitron, attendant, maîtred'hôtel, maître d'

handling (n)

adj patient, safe, better, proper, manual, special,easy, foreign, rough, careful noun shipping•, •case,food, ride, •war, •situation, administration•, •crisis,material, •economy verb require, improve, criticize•,ship•, approve•, associate•, disapprove•, ride, •order,defend•● treatment, management, conduct, behavior,supervision, control

picnic (n)

adj perfect, annual, wooden, outdoor, nearby,impromptu, covered, indoor, scenic, fried noun•table, •area, •basket, •lunch, family•, park, church•,spot, food, beach verb sit•, pack•, eat, enjoy•, spread,plan, attend•, hike•, swim, gather•

printer (n)

adj personal, portable, digital, dot-matrix, thermal,monochrome, standard, expensive, high-quality, Incnoun laser•, computer•, color, ink, paper, photo,printer, scanner, machine, jet• verb print, •produce,send, •test, fax, connect, cost, •handle, •spit, attach

applause (n)

adj polite, thunderous, wild, loud, spontaneous,enthusiastic, scattered, huge, sustained, warm nounround•, audience, applause, laughter, •line, crowd,cheer, rating•, burst•, smattering• verb hear•, break,burst•, draw•, thank, receive•, win•, greet, erupt, •die● clapping, round of applause, ovation, handclapping|| praise, appreciation, approval, approbation

assassination (n)

adj political, attempted, prime, involved, Israeli,presidential, select, targeted, responsible, Lebanesenoun •attempt, president, character•, •plot, king,•leader, bombing, committee, minister, assassinationverb survive•, follow•, target•, order•, investigate•,escape•, plot•, arrange•, surround•, wound•● foul play, murder, killing, slaying, shooting,elimination

propaganda (n)

adj political, communist, Nazi, Soviet, effective,official, anti-american, Iraqi, anti-semitic, Germannoun war, •campaign, government, •film, •machine,•purpose, piece, •tool, •effort, •department verbspread, •aim, disseminate, broadcast, counter•,•portray, wage, •direct, distribute•, pump● publicity, advertising, marketing, literature ||misinformation, party line, disinformation, halftruths

fund-raising (n)

adj political, democratic, illegal, private, annual,involved, aggressive, successful, direct-mail,nonprofit noun campaign, •effort, •event, party,Republican, •activity, •dinner, •scandal, organization,•letter verb investigate•, organize, involve, launch•,conduct•, volunteer, handle•, lobby, host•, engage•

legitimacy (n)

adj political, international, democratic, moral,popular, religious, constitutional, very, Palestinian,traditional noun government, regime, state, claim,authority, question, power, crisis, election, source•verb question•, undermine•, recognize•, lend•, gain•,establish•, lose•, challenge•, lack•, accept•● legality, lawfulness, validity || acceptability,rightfulness, correctness || sincerity, genuineness,realness

substitute (n)

adj poor, adequate, fat, acceptable, effective,natural, cheap, traditional, professional, safe nounegg•, sugar•, blood•, oil, meat, cup, milk, salt•, cream,skin• verb serve•, hire•, propose, switch•, •cup,distinguish•, devise•● alternate, alternative, replacement, stand-in,locum, surrogate

outlook (n)

adj positive, economic, bleak, different, political,long-term, optimistic, whole, bright, religious nounlife, season•, market, earnings•, economy, stock,•future, profit, attitude, self-image• verb change,improve, share•, reflect, shape, adopt, maintain•,affect•, alter•, brighten● viewpoint, view, attitude, position, point of view,stance

successor (n)

adj possible, likely, worthy, Soviet, potential, chosen,designated, hand-picked, immediate, communistnoun son•, minister, search•, pope•, •chairman,•regime, predecessor•, apostle, heir, successor verbname, choose, pick•, appoint, elect, •state, groom•,select, confirm, •inherit● heir, inheritor, replacement, beneficiary

tenant (n)

adj previous, prospective, commercial, low-income,industrial, liable, rent-stabilized, Jewish, fellow, retailnoun landlord, building, •farmer, housing, rent,apartment, property, owner, •association,•management verb represent•, •pay, evict, rent,attract•, •retail, sign, own, house, organize● renter, occupant, resident, lodger, boarder, payingguest

resignation (n)

adj prime, forced, effective, sudden, foreign,immediate, chief, quiet, mass, unexpected nounpresident, letter, minister, call•, •speech, •secretary,look•, month, surprise•, chief verb announce•, call•,accept•, demand•, lead•, force•, submit•, offer•,tender•, hand•● notice, notification, letter of resignation ||acceptance, acquiescence, acknowledgment,submission

tuition (n)

adj private, high, in-state, free, public, low, full,annual, financial, increasing noun college•, school,•fee, student, year, cost, university, increase, tax,•room verb pay•, raise•, cover, rise, increase, charge,afford•, •cost, receive, state● instruction, teaching, schooling, training,education, guidance

ambulance (n)

adj private, medical, waiting, wounded, injured,Acadian, Palestinian, nearby, flying, continuous nounpolice, •service, hospital, fire, car, •driver, siren,truck, emergency, back• verb call•, •arrive, drive,•pull, wait, carry, rush, load•, •park, chase

balcony (n)

adj private, wrought-iron, second-floor, open, upper,narrow, tiny, wooden, front, empty noun room, door,floor, window, hotel, apartment, railing, view, rail,building verb •overlook, stand•, sit•, watch, step•,open, hang, jump•, lean•, climb● terrace, veranda, loggia, lanai || gallery, circle,upper circle, upper tier

con (n)

adj pro, ultimate, convicted, elaborate, classic, smalltime,crunchy, charming, hablar, tan noun pro•, •man,•artist, •leche, •score, Ella, chili•, cafe•, victim, •polloverb weigh•, discuss•, debate•, ust, portray, •blink● convict, prisoner, jailbird || confidence game,fraud, scam || negative, disadvantage, minus

diplomacy (n)

adj public, American, international, military,economic, quiet, preventive, personal, middle,foreign noun war, force, law•, politics, shuttle•,effort, policy, east, diplomacy, dollar• verb •fail,•back, engage•, conduct, pursue•, emphasize•,•resolve, practice, rely, •succeed● international relations, mediation, negotiation,peacekeeping || tact, skill, subtlety, discretion

financing (n)

adj public, federal, private, terrorist, long-term,foreign, creative, international, additional, availablenoun care•, health•, campaign, •administration,•system, bank, •plan, source, project, debt verbprovide•, arrange•, offer, obtain•, secure•, seek•,depend, reform•, oppose•, rely•

spectacle (n)

adj public, grand, gold-rimmed, wire-rimmed, visual,thick, sad, round, bizarre, greatest noun pair•, sport,media, nose, spectacle, theater, spectator, wire•,dance, drama verb watch•, wear•, enjoy•, witness,present, stage, view•, adjust•, feature, •unfold● sight, scene, vision, marvel || display, show,demonstration, exhibition

declaration (n)

adj public, joint, formal, unilateral, official, final,false, congressional, universal, Iraqi noun •war,•independence, •love, •principle, emergency,Congress, disaster•, weapon, •sovereignty,statement verb sign•, issue, adopt, submit, rescind•,file, •proclaim, suspend•, echo, freeze•● statement, announcement, assertion, speech,pronouncement, avowal

embarrassment (n)

adj public, potential, major, far, acute, huge, slight,hurt, profound, constant noun shame, •riches,source•, humiliation, •administration, pain•, cheek,anger•, feeling•, fear verb cause, avoid•, save•, spare•,suffer, cover•, hide•, flush•, prevent•, result● discomfiture, awkwardness, blushing, humiliation,mortification, shame

pledge (n)

adj public, unconstitutional, Japanese, written,broken, solemn, voluntary, mandatory, formal, antitaxnoun •allegiance, campaign•, tax, •support,•break, flag, promise, pledge, aid, •drive verb make,sign•, recite•, break•, honor•, raise, fulfill•, repeat•,fulfil•, •promise● vow, promise, assurance || initiate, new member,recruit || security, deposit, guarantee

applicant (n)

adj qualified, white, potential, male, eligible, female,prospective, successful, overweight, criminal nounjob, pool, number•, percent•, minority•, •position,college, test, loan, employee verb •must, require,screen•, reject, accept, interview, •receive, hire,select, seek● candidate, interviewee, claimant, hopeful, aspirant,contender

methodology (n)

adj qualitative, different, instructional, scientific,appropriate, traditional, similar, experimental,quantitative, critical noun research•, study, design,data, survey, theory, analysis, teaching•, assessment,subject verb use, develop, employ, teach, describe,apply, base, utilize, examine, test● organizing system, practice, procedure,organization, policy, method

wit (n)

adj quick, dry, sharp, scared, biting, wry, matching,caustic, acerbic, sarcastic noun •end, intelligence,•wisdom, humor, charm, style, battle•, skill, grace,irony verb match•, gather•, scare•, collect•, rely•,recover•, lack•, survive, display•, possess● wittiness, waggishness, jocularity || intelligence,intellect, keenness || comedian, wag, comic

reply (n)

adj quick, immediate, anonymous, brief, standard,curt, terse, written, prompt, postal noun letter,message, e-mail, Mr, •brief, silence, reply, •intent,postage•, •coupon verb wait•, receive•, send, await•,nod, grunt•, type, drown, mumble•, prompt•● answer, account, response, retort, rejoinder,riposte

classification (n)

adj racial, educational, international, various, ethnic,current, standard, academic, correct, traditionalnoun •system, •scheme, •table, category, data, type,analysis, gender, •disease, score verb base, propose,identify, defy•, apply, result, fit, employ, derive,permit● organization, cataloging, arrangement, sorting ||category, class, group, grouping

assurance (n)

adj reasonable, equitable, financial, continuous,graded, blessed, binary, absolute, calm, repeatednoun quality•, •service, system, •report, information,security•, safety, reliability, committee, •mechanismverb give•, provide•, receive•, offer•, seek•, accept•,purchase, obtain•, rely•, demand•● pledge, declaration, word, guarantee || selfconfidence,self-possession, self-reliance, confidence

editorial (n)

adj recent, editorial, front-page, daily, scathing,unsigned, excellent, accompanying, indignant,outraged noun newspaper, •post, •editor, journal,•chronicle, •page, street, •board, news, editorial verbwrite•, read•, publish, •title, •suggest, state, note,•entitle, •criticize, quote● editorial column, viewpoint, perspective, essay,commentary, exposition

maple (n)

adj red, Japanese, pure, curly, bird's-eye, yellow,brown, sweet, fresh, tall noun •syrup, •leaf, sugar,•tree, oak, cup, maple, birch, tablespoon, pine verb•syrup, plant, stir, pour, •leaf, tap•, combine•, shade,mix, whisk

ant (n)

adj red, imported, native, giant, tiny, Argentine,Australian, like, virtual, flying noun fire•, ant, colony,species, army•, •farm, insect, king, worker•, nest verb•crawl, eat, •carry, •march, swarm, attack, discover,feed, forage, collect

concrete (n)

adj reinforced, abstract, precast, wet, poured,broken, pouring, cold, solid, thick noun steel, foot,asphalt, glass, brick, slab•, wall, metal, chunk•, stoneverb pour, reinforce, build, mix•, cover, lay, scrape•,cast•, bury•, surround

newcomer (n)

adj relative, key, top, promising, Jr, native, Hispanic,notable, longtime, eager noun resident, Sr•, oldtimer,veteran, influx•, arrival, native, wave•,immigrant, stream• verb welcome, •arrive, greet•,introduce, •settle, attract•, complain, assimilate•,•flock, absorb● new arrival, stranger, Johnny-come-lately ||novice, tenderfoot, recruit, beginner

calm (n)

adj relative, quiet, cool, eerie, inner, remaining,peaceful, steady, deadly, deep noun voice, sense•,•storm, peace, period•, tone, calm, surface•, •manner,stay• verb stay•, remain•, keep•, try•, restore, sound•,maintain•, settle, appeal•, shatter● peace, tranquillity, quietness, stillness, calmness,coolness

worship (n)

adj religious, Christian, traditional, contemporary,divine, Catholic, ritual, sectarian, sacred, Hindu noun•service, place•, house•, church, hero•, form•, prayer,center, style, •God verb attend•, gather•, participate•,preach, engage, praise, devote•, celebrate, pray,worship● adoration, love, reverence, respect, devotion,adulation

single (n)

adj reverse, RBI, top, two-run, married, living,consecutive, run-scoring, Hard-outdoor, doublenoun hit•, •double, couple, infield•, •title, album,surface•, •bar, pair, championship verb hit•, win•,•match, release, •double, •scull, •title, record, •chart,score● record, release, song, track

playground (n)

adj rich, local, elementary, safe, urban, indoor,outdoor, nearby, observed, broken noun school,child, park, kid, •equipment, court, classroom, swing,basketball, neighborhood verb build, climb, bully,park, romp•, construct, skate, install, tire, litter● park, play area, community playground, adventureplayground || school yard, school grounds, play area,recreation area

cutting (n)

adj rooted, genital, wooden, sharp, selective,societal, aggressive, clinical, evergreen, cost- noun•edge, •board, cost•, •room, tree, •tool, plant,•technology, •floor, forest verb cost, root,propagate•, plant, •paste, •slice, drill, tip, •trim,benefit•● carving, engraving, etching || clipping, extract,excerpt || scion, graft, shoot

haven (n)

adj safe, fair, grand, terrorist, offshore, so-called,secure, temporary, homeless, heartless noun winter•,tax•, north•, •terrorist, island•, refugee, haven,refuge, vineyard, wildlife verb become•, provide•,create•, seek, flee● harbor, port, anchorage, dock || refuge, safe place,place of safety, sanctuary

harbor (n)

adj safe, natural, inner, busy, gray, tiny, snug,picturesque, protected, coastal noun •seal, ship,boat, town, view, island, mouth, entrance, yacht•,sea verb sail•, enter•, overlook•, •seal, dock•, head,anchor•, mine•, blow, moor● port, dock, anchorage, waterfront, wharf, quay

holder (n)

adj season-ticket, world-record, current, token,previous, votive, wooden, existing, Olympic, built-innoun ticket•, record•, cup•, office, card•, season•,rod•, candle•, cigarette•, pot• verb fit•, permit•,season•, account•, mount, bond•, •attach, slide,•purchase, entitle•● container, pouch, receptacle, vessel || owner,possessor, proprietor, controller

closure (n)

adj seasonal, temporary, final, premature, total,narrative, complete, offshore, inshore, emotionalnoun base•, sense•, timing•, plant, road•,•commission, need•, realignment, period,•simulation verb bring•, force•, achieve, result,announce, affect, order•, prevent, threaten,recommend● end, conclusion, finish, closing || finality,resolution, conclusiveness, definiteness

burn (n)

adj severe, third-degree, slow, second-degree,controlled, minor, prescribed, serious, chemical,first-degree noun calorie, •victim, •mark, skin,cigarette•, •unit, burn, injury, fire, patient verbsuffer•, cause, treat, burn, cover, crash•, heal,prevent•, scar, boost•● injury, blister, scald, scorch

intimacy (n)

adj sexual, emotional, physical, personal, cultural,shared, deep, male, mutual, instant nounrelationship, sense•, level•, fear•, intimacy, closeness,love, sex, partner, need verb share, achieve, avoid,establish•, maintain, enjoy, experience•, promote•,enhance, trust● familiarity, closeness, understanding, confidence|| quietness, seclusion, privacy, informality

reproduction (n)

adj sexual, social, human, mechanical, asexual,photographic, assisted, natural, cultural, vegetativenoun painting, art, color•, production•, survival, rate,age•, growth, plant, •works verb affect•, control•,•evolve, print, feature•, paint, ensure, specialize•,interfere•, slow● copy, imitation, replica, duplicate || breeding,procreation, propagation, generation

span (n)

adj short, long, average, human, normal, entire, brief,limited, five-year, single noun life•, attention•, time,•year, bridge, •month, •control, •hour, •height,•minute verb extend•, increase, cover, shorten•, limit,lengthen, •link, prolong•, double•, estimate● distance, width, length, extent || time, duration,limit, period

runway (n)

adj short, proposed, additional, floating, active,parallel, existing, wet, abandoned, intersecting nounairport, plane, end•, model, •show, project•, fashion,jet, foot, •light verb land, walk•, build, hit, line, clear•,lift, taxy•, strut•, roar•● landing strip, airstrip, landing field, taxiway, flightstrip, takeoff strip

par (n)

adj short, regular, even, double, reachable, downhill,six-foot, uphill, consecutive, straight noun yard,•course, hole, yds•, putt, no, par, •weekday, green,golf verb shoot•, save•, miss, finish, sink•, tap•,•birdie, chip•, •qu'il● average, standard, norm, the usual

melody (n)

adj simple, sweet, beautiful, original, short, musical,haunting, unchained, familiar, bass noun rhythm,song, harmony, student, music, word, melody, line,chord, note verb play, sing, write, hear, create•,compose, improvise•, hum•, listen, perform● tune, song, phrase, air, strain, descant

courtyard (n)

adj small, central, open, inner, front, interior, empty,narrow, main, dusty noun building, garden, wall, tree,apartment, hotel, window, castle, fountain, stoneverb walk, sit, stand, enter•, cross•, overlook•, fill,surround, gather•, step•● patio, yard, square, quad, court, enclosure

creek (n)

adj small, dry, narrow, nearby, shallow, deep, tidal,cold, rocky, frozen noun •bed, water, river, bank,•bottom, side•, spring•, tree, stream, •channel verb•run, cross•, •flow, follow•, feed, •wind, splash, wade,overlook•, climb● stream, rivulet, arroyo, brook || cove, bay, inlet,gulf

niche (n)

adj small, ecological, special, round, narrow, unique,specialized, particular, specific, lucrative nounmarket, wall, business, •marketing, •product,window•, •player, niche, industry, practice verb find•,carve•, fill, occupy•, create, establish•, identify•,market, expand, fit● place, position, function, role || alcove, recess,nook, hidey-hole

suitcase (n)

adj small, full, heavy, open, cardboard, packed,battered, empty, brown, Samsonite noun •hand,clothes, bag, bed, trunk, leather, bomb, box, •cash,seat verb carry•, pack, put, open, pick•, pull, fill, close,grab•, throw● valise, luggage, baggage, overnight case,portmanteau, grip

cube (n)

adj small, white, fresh, remaining, tiny, frozen, tall,medium, solid, olive noun ice•, cup, sugar•, bread•,glass, bouillon•, water, tray, cube, chicken• verb cut•,add, place, cup, drop•, toss, melt, stir, fill, contain

gospel (n)

adj social, contemporary, Christian, traditional,gnostic, musical, classical, secular, spiritual, faithfulnoun •music, •singer, •song, •choir, blue, jazz, truth,•artist, message, •album verb preach•, sing, spread•,listen•, proclaim, perform, record•, feature, embrace,tune

disposal (n)

adj solid, hazardous, safe, nuclear, proper, toxic,improper, radioactive, municipal, illegal noun waste,cost, •site, garbage•, •facility, treatment, sewage•,method, tool•, means verb waste•, •cost, reduce,recycle, ban, associate, generate, arrange•, ensure,regulate● removal, discarding, clearance, dumping, throwingaway

cone (n)

adj southern, orange, volcanic, light, inverted,perfect, giant, snowy, tiny, double noun ice•, cream•,pine•, cone, ice-cream•, •light, nose•, snow•, paper•,cinder• verb eat•, form, roll•, lick•, decorate, melt,hand•, gather, mark, dip● pine cone, fir cone, seed case

plantation (n)

adj southern, rubber, colonial, nearby, vast, historic,sugarcane, intensive, agricultural, wealthy noun•owner, sugar•, slave, •house, coffee•, forest, tree,banana•, south, cotton• verb own, establish, visit•,manage, replace, convert•, restore, resemble,•supply, occupy● estate, farm, homestead, farmstead, manor

treat (n)

adj special, real, sweet, rare, tasty, favorite, delicious,occasional, visual, wonderful noun dog, trick•,holiday•, Halloween, chocolate, cream, Christmas,toy, ice, bag verb eat, enjoy•, trick•, prevent,diagnose, sample•, deserve•, savor, bake, hand● luxury, extravagance, indulgence, pleasure, delight

footage (n)

adj square, actual, archival, raw, rare, grainy,historical, exclusive, behind-the-scenes, dramaticnoun photo, video•, news•, file•, film•, television•,TV•, documentary•, camera, hour• verb show, shoot,watch•, edit, air, feature•, broadcast, capture, •date,film● film, shots, tape, videotape, material

current (n)

adj strong, electric, electrical, tidal, powerful, warm,magnetic, deep, swift, intellectual noun air, ocean•,wind, water, river, wave, tide, field, surface, sodium•verb carry, •flow, sweep, ride•, •push, produce, cause,generate, catch, swim•● flow, stream, undercurrent, tide, flux

proponent (n)

adj strong, leading, early, chief, genderless, vocal,main, ardent, intelligent, enthusiastic nounopponent, •view, education, marriage, •reform,theory, amendment, project, •approach, argumentverb •argue, •claim, •contend, cite, •acknowledge,advocate, •insist, advance, envision, recycle● advocate, supporter, exponent, protagonist,follower, fan

urge (n)

adj sudden, strong, sexual, irresistible, overwhelming,powerful, uncontrollable, primal, natural, biologicalnoun urge, others, •incontinence, impulse,independence, •bolt, hunger, prey, •fantasy verbresist•, feel•, fight•, suppress•, satisfy•, control•,stifle•, •scream, act, •touch● need, wish, impulse, desire, longing, itch

trophy (n)

adj super, valuable, official, Invitational, golden,coveted, ultimate, junior, exotic, mounted nounHeisman•, •winner, •case, •wife, •buck,championship•, hunter, hunting, award, trophy verbwin•, receive•, award, accept•, display, present, hand,hunt, earn•, collect•● cup, award, medal, crown, title, plaque

physicist (n)

adj theoretical, nuclear, German, experimental, solar,British, prize-winning, French, high-energy, Russiannoun university, particle•, engineer, astronomer,mathematician, physics, chemist, scientist, century,•author verb •discover, •name, •study, propose,invent, train•, predict, retire, •pursue, regard

vine (n)

adj thick, green, flowering, yellow, wild, tangled,sweet, woody, trailing, hanging noun tree, grape•,leaf, •charcoal, tomato•, flower, fruit, plant, shrub,stem verb grow, cover, climb, plant, hang, wither•,•produce, swing•, train, overgrow•

strap (n)

adj thin, adjustable, wide, elastic, padded, thick,rubber, tight, blown, loose noun shoulder, leather•,bra•, compression•, pack, bag, arm, belt, chin•, ankleverb hold, adjust•, hang, pull, tighten, slip, attach,wear, cut, secure● band, fastening, belt, strip, leash, tie

wash (n)

adj thin, dry, light, transparent, dark, warm, blue,brown, pale, eastern noun car•, water, color, body•,egg•, •basin, •light, brush, watercolor, oil verb apply•,lay•, •dry, hang, bake, paint•, brush•, mix, tone•,disappear● stain, tint, rinse || shower, shampoo, sponge ||washing, layer, film

spark (n)

adj tiny, divine, blue, creative, bright, electric,electrical, alive, yellow, sudden noun •plug, shower•,fire, light, flame, spark, wire, smoke, •hope,explosion verb •fly, ignite, strike•, shoot, throw•, light,cause, flash, •jump, •rise● flash, flicker, sparkle, glint || stimulus, catalyst,incentive, spur

scrap (n)

adj tiny, remaining, odd, leftover, yellow, torn,recycled, broken, rusted, stray noun •paper, •metal,food, wood, piece, •heap, •yard, fabric, table,•information verb sell•, •tire, collect, pick•, gather•,feed, throw, toss•, reroll, wrap● piece, bit, fragment, slip || argument, scuffle, fight,tussle

re-election (n)

adj tough, democratic, Republican, upcoming,incumbent, unsuccessful, unopposed, tight,gubernatorial, assured noun •campaign, bid,president, •year, chance, Democrat, Republican,governor, Senate, •effort verb run•, win•, seek•, lose•,face•, defeat•, support•, campaign•, endorse•,deserve•

miner (n)

adj trapped, striking, immigrant, alive, retired,underground, unemployed, gold, veteran, bravenoun coal•, gold, •strike, •daughter, worker, union,mine, rancher, logger, land verb •trap, kill, •die, •dig,rescue, •escape, warn, urge, blast, occupy● mineworker, pit worker, coalminer, collier, sapper,driller

salesman (n)

adj traveling, used-car, used, door-to-door, retired,top, successful, snake-oil, pharmaceutical, greatestnoun car•, insurance•, death•, shoe•, estate•, store,computer•, customer, salesman, snake• verb •sell,travel, •name, tire•, •hawk, bond•, •peddle, •found,•persuade

x-ray (n)

adj ultraviolet, dental, normal, medical, lateral, plain,optical, negative, infrared, dual noun chest•,•machine, •source, image, test, x-ray, •observatory,scan, technician, •fluorescence verb •show, •reveal,emit, detect, order•, •scatter, study, examine,discover, scan

mobility (n)

adj upward, social, limited, economic, increased,downward, international, physical, individual,geographical noun orientation•, capital, labor,service, •assistant, •specialist, skill, opportunity,•instructor, training verb increase, limit, improve•,achieve•, reduce, enhance, restrict, experience,affect, relate● flexibility, freedom of movement, movement,agility || social mobility, upward mobility, progress,social climbing

heroin (n)

adj used, pure, Mexican, daily, addictive, cheap,smoking, illegal, synthetic, increased noun cocaine,•addict, use, drug, •user, •addiction, marijuana,heroin, •overdose, crack verb use, sell, shoot•, crack,die, addict•, inject, smuggle, kick•, sniff

axis (n)

adj vertical, long, horizontal, polar, central, evil,principal, short, multiple, single noun •evil, rotation,earth•, •power, axis, north-south•, spin•, knife, ice•,ally verb rotate•, spin•, represent, tilt, •grind, •point,form, tip, align, shift● alliance, partnership, bloc, league, federation,affiliation

backup (n)

adj veteran, solid, online, primary, incremental,automatic, multiple, defensive, capable, handy noun•system, •quarterback, •plan, •singer, •power, onsite•,backup, •generator, tape, file verb provide•, sing•,restore, own•, install, replace, ensure, store, secure,switch•● support, encouragement, help || holdup,stoppage, gridlock || standby, reserve, substitute ||copy, duplicate, replica

impairment (n)

adj visual, cognitive, severe, functional, physical,mental, significant, multiple, social, sensory nounstudent•, child•, vision•, blindness, disability,memory•, impairment, individual•, hearing•, field•verb hear•, cause, report, associate, relate,experience, suffer•, result, •limit, identify● damage, injury, hurt, loss, weakening, deficiency

vocabulary (n)

adj visual, common, technical, English, rich, limited,musical, basic, critical, formal noun word, student,•comprehension, language, development, skill, test,list, grammar, knowledge verb use, learn, develop•,read, teach•, •describe, enter•, acquire•, increase,expand● words, language, terms, expressions || word list,dictionary, glossary, lexicon

fold (n)

adj vocal, soft, left, false, thick, heavy, deep, bilateral,rear, front noun skin, •arm, paper, cloth, fabric, seat•,•skirt, •hemorrhage, •dress, fold verb return•, form,hang, tuck, hide•, press, welcome•, disappear•, fold,nestle•● crinkle, crease, wrinkle, pleat, doubling, folding

faction (n)

adj warring, political, various, different, rival,Palestinian, conservative, military, radical, armednoun party, leader, member•, faction, interest, rebel,majority, army, peace, movement verb lead, fight,split•, represent, divide•, form, support, oppose,unite, •head● group, party, splinter group, bloc || conflict,division, disunity, schism

mat (n)

adj welcome, fine, rubber, algal, thick, woven,sleeping, thin, dense, soft noun floor, place•, •board,straw•, bath•, mat, yoga•, window, foot, tatami• verbsit, place, lay, cover, lie, roll, sleep•, form•, weave,spread● rug, carpet, doormat, bathmat || pad, place mat,table mat, doily

setup (n)

adj whole, easy, simple, perfect, experimental, initial,basic, similar, quick, nice noun still-life•, figure, PC,•wizard, equipment, operation, camera, studio,network•, software verb complete, photograph,arrange, test•, install, •consist, weigh, permit, satisfy•,•position● arrangement, system, format, situation || frame,trap, trick, deception

clan (n)

adj whole, entire, rival, traditional, extended, ethnic,tribal, Somali, various, powerful noun member,family, •leader, clan, chief, tribe, •elder, village, rest•,bear verb belong•, gather, control, born, divide,dominate, lineage, unite, •comprise, split● tribe, family, relations, relatives || clique,fraternity, band, coterie

goose (n)

adj wild, golden, Canadian, silly, roast, flying, gray,giant, roasted, resident noun duck, •bump, snow•,•egg, flock•, creek, goose, •hunting, •chase, •seasonverb •fly, kill•, •lay, honk, feed, cook, stuff, •rise,migrate, chase

ignorance (n)

adj willful, complete, total, simple, widespread,blissful, cultural, sheer, basic, mutual noun fear,poverty, knowledge, •bliss, prejudice, arrogance,ignorance, veil•, •lack, superstition verb plead•,claim•, base•, admit•, feign•, reflect•, reveal•, •fear,display, demonstrate•● unawareness, inexperience, illiteracy, unfamiliarity,obliviousness, witlessness

calf (n)

adj yellow, golden, right, left, newborn, dead, twoheaded,fatted, upper, strained noun •muscle, cow•,thigh, leg, foot, hamstring•, ankle, back, knee, calfverb raise, stretch, •born, kill•, rope, feed,accommodate•, brand, wean, nurse•

prince (n)

adj young, handsome, Saudi, royal, German,charming, Italian, imperial, ruling, Arab noun crown•,•princess, king, prince, merchant, frog•, •darkness,palace, Duke, queen verb marry, rule, rescue, crown•,kiss, advise, •glance, Eloise, •gaze, exert● leader, leading figure, leading light, doyen ||gentleman, mensch, trump, brick

accordingly (r)

adjust•, act•, plan•, respond•, treat•, react•, modify•,behave•, adapt•, suffer•, asset, compensate•, dress•,vary•● appropriately, suitably, correspondingly, fittingly|| so, for that reason, therefore, hence

evenly (r)

distribute, •over, divide, spread•, mixture, •between,sprinkle•, split, more•, space, until•, •among, pan,coat● consistently, equally, uniformly, steadily, equably,regularly

separately (r)

each, together, sell•, consider•, analyze•, examine•,meet•, conduct•, analysis, treat•, purchase•, male,report•, female● distinctly, unconnectedly, disjointedly, discretely|| unconnectedly, independently, alone, individually

overhead (r)

fly•, helicopter•, pass•, directly•, sky, cloud•, circle•,plane•, arm•, sun•, hear, star, light, bird•● above, above your head, in the air, upstairs,directly above

downstairs (r)

go•, come•, room, run•, hear, walk•, wait, kitchen,upstairs, door, head•, bedroom, carry, dress● below, down the stairs, down, down below

sadly (r)

head•, shake•, smile•, nod•, •enough, stare•, •mistake,•lack, sigh•, bit•, •neglect, gaze•, •familiar, •ironic● unhappily, miserably, gloomily, wretchedly ||unfortunately, unluckily, alas, regrettably

clear (r)

it•, not•, loud•, •why, very•, pretty•, •yet, message,•enough, •exactly, through, quite•, soon•, crystal•

continually (r)

must•, update, •change, •base, •least, rating•,•improve, •remind, •monitor, •seek, itself, •evolve,•reinforce, •shift● repeatedly, frequently, recurrently, incessantly,constantly, persistently

formally (r)

never•, •announce, •recognize, •charge, •introduce,•establish, •adopt, •informally, dress, •declare,•accept, •train, •end, •request● officially, properly, legally, lawfully, correctly,ceremoniously

fabulous (j)

noun Baker, meal, prize, collection, thanks, wealth,restaurant, dinner, T-shirt, dress, weekend, resortmisc look•, fabulous, absolutely•, Oh, sound,wonderful, sexy, terrific, taste•, gorgeous, elegant,•amazing● excellent, wonderful, tremendous, marvelous,magnificent, great

presume (v)

noun Dr•, consent, •innocence, defendant, •guilt,•outcome, infection, existence, elite, juror• miscdead, innocent, guilty, miss, missing, proven,reasonable, unless, drown, moral, judge, otherwise,widely, valid, dare● believe, assume, guess, deduce || venture, dare,be so bold, take the liberty

reason (v)

noun ability, court•, line•, •skill, thinking•, appeal•,capacity•, logic, stand•, others, principle, •analogy,solving, lap•, Mr misc stand, try, enough, listen,recommend, rather, correctly, appeal, doubt, solve,differently, abstract, any, verbal, justify● argue, debate, dispute, discuss || think, rationalize,analyze, deduce

governmental (j)

noun agency, policy, affair, action, organization,institution, committee, entity, power, interest, body,system misc private, local•, public,•nongovernmental, compelling•, economic, various•,corporate, legal, religious, protect, industrial● administrative, legislative, executive,constitutional, organizational, managerial

equivalent (j)

noun amount, level, score, rate, grade, energy,emission, size, term, yield, degree, credit misc •to,•to, roughly•, roughly•, per, per, full-time•,approximately, approximately, taxable, English, total● equal, corresponding, correspondent, alike, same,comparable

thoughtful (j)

noun analysis, comment, person, consideration,discussion, manner, expression, moment, approach,response, gift, look misc very•, more•, most•, careful,serious, intelligent, quiet•, sensitive, funny, thorough,generous, gentle•● considerate, kind, caring || pensive, meditative,contemplative || careful, meticulous, painstaking

polite (j)

noun applause, conversation, society, smile, voice,rating, manner, tone, request, greeting, refusal,stranger misc very•, too•, always•, quiet, unfailingly•,nice, friendly, •respectful, •other, •each, extremely•,courteous● well-mannered, good-mannered, civil, well-bred ||refined, cultured, polished, elegant

geographic (j)

noun area, location, region, society, information,system, distribution, magazine, range, boundary,isolation, market misc national•, social, within,cultural, specific•, ethnic, economic, across•,demographic, broad•, particular•, historical● physical, topographical, terrestrial, earthly,environmental, geographical

encompass (v)

noun area, •range, •acre, •variety, term•, category•,definition, park•, region, district•, view, mile, •aspect,concept, theory misc both, broad, entire, everything,wide, social, square, expand, diverse, cultural,environmental, vast, complex, define, extend● include, cover, take in, incorporate, involve,comprehend

closing (j)

noun argument, time, price, cost, ceremony, day,comment, opening, bell, statement, door, line miscduring•, open•, pm, deliver•, am•, closing, down•,yesterday, past•, ring, quick•, till•● final, concluding, last, finishing, ultimate, dying

primitive (j)

noun art, culture, form, condition, mapping, society,sculpture, Negro, brain, tool, technology, naturemisc more•, most•, modern, relatively•, so-called•,rather•, ancient, living, form, African, •Baptist,primitive● embryonic, primeval, original || simple, basic,uncomplicated || prehistoric, ancient, primordial

amateur (j)

noun astronomer, sport, photographer, astronomy,championship, telescope, association, boxing,athlete, champion, radio, team misc professional,•athletic, win, international•, avid•, compete,amateur, top•, •link, junior•, •observe, accomplished•● unprofessional, sloppy, slapdash, substandard ||part-time, unpaid, nonprofessional, recreational

failed (j)

noun attempt, coup, state, policy, marriage, effort,saving, bank, loan, experiment, bid, relationship miscafter•, after•, several•, •fail, failed, •Soviet, replace•,rescue, •presidential, •communist, due, impose● unsuccessful, botched, disastrous, futile, abortive,miscarried

applaud (v)

noun audience•, •effort, crowd•, •decision, move,foot•, courage, critic, •editor, •initiative, advocate•,cheer, stand, fan•, •mayor misc everyone, stand,laugh, cheer, everybody, enthusiastically, applaud,politely, wildly, loudly, widely, ought, vigorously,warmly, yell● clap, give a round of applause, give a standingovation, show your appreciation || approve, support,admire, celebrate

Swiss (j)

noun bank, cheese, army, knife, chard, account,watch, franc, guard, ball, German, chocolate miscSwiss, German, French, •pharmaceutical, name,shred, Dutch, alpine, Italian, giant, Jewish, resemble•

problematic (j)

noun behavior, relationship, issue, situation, aspect,nature, relation, concept, approach, identity, status,outcome misc more•, •because, become•, most•,may, particularly•, especially, highly•, prove•,remain•, however, less•● tricky, challenging, sticky, awkward, knotty,problematical

reserve (j)

noun board, chairman, bank, case, system, guard,unit, fund, officer, force, requirement, law miscfederal•, western•, former•, former•, conservation•,military, active, drain•, feed, naval•, reserve, key● standby, fallback, replacement, stand-in, deputy,understudy

rigid (j)

noun body, rule, structure, control, deadline,transmission, distribution, arm, frame, schedule,standard, support misc too•, less•, stand•, order•, in•,flexible, impose, maintain, rather, stiff, fixed, overly•● unbending, inflexible, stiff, firm || severe, strict,inflexible, harsh

atomic (j)

noun bomb, energy, agency, weapon, commission,nucleus, structure, physics, clock, force, power, agemisc international•, drop, molecular, build•, develop•,nuclear, explode, Soviet, destroy, detonate,•biological, peaceful● nuclear, thermonuclear, fissionable || microscopic,submicroscopic, minute, infinitesimal

excess (j)

noun capacity, fat, water, weight, heat, energy, oil,moisture, inventory, body, pound, liquid misc off•,remove•, any•, trim•, cause, drain•, allow•, off, sell•,shake•, reduce, absorb•● extra, additional, surplus, spare, superfluous,leftover

luxury (j)

noun car, hotel, tax, box, suite, item, good, sedan,home, resort, liner, market misc build, buy•, •such,sell, Japanese•, •high-rise, expensive, European•,high-end•, afford, retail, German•

noble (j)

noun cause, savage, goal, purpose, effort,experiment, intention, sentiment, council, character,gas, lady misc less•, noble, beautiful, heroic, pure,brave, worthy, •savage, ideal, wise, ancient, proud● honorable, principled, moral || magnificent,impressive, imposing || aristocratic, patrician, blueblooded

sweeping (j)

noun change, reform, view, power, gesture, law,generalization, floor, motion, plan, vista, legislationmisc most•, •across, pass, •economic, broad•,propose•, wide•, enact, announce•, grand•, issue•,introduce● far-reaching, comprehensive, all-encompassing,extensive || indiscriminate, generalized, general,broad

fried (j)

noun chicken, food, egg, potato, rice, tomato, fish,shrimp, catfish, pork, bread, onion misc eat•, •green,serve, fried, crispy•, hot, fresh, sweet, crisp, mashed,baked, southern•

peculiar (j)

noun circumstance, form, situation, nature, sound,institution, habit, galaxy, sort, odor, combination,shape misc own•, rather•, because•, notice•,particular, strike•, bit•, •historical, peculiar,somewhat, odd•, smell•● odd, strange, weird, unusual || unique,idiosyncratic, local, individual

transparent (j)

noun color, plastic, process, watercolor, layer, glass,light, wall, skin, wash, material, oxide misc more•,become•, almost•, opaque, thin•, nearly•, open, less,clear, cover, visible, completely•● translucent, crystal clear, see-through, clear ||obvious, apparent, visible, plain

renew (v)

noun contract, year, •license, •commitment, •vow,•call, effort, •faith, •lease, •civilization, •interest,•friendship, spirit, •acquaintance, •subscription miscitself, decide, refuse, constantly, recently,continually, renew, decline, vote, restore, vow,expire, automatically, strengthen, unless● return to, reintroduce, repeat || recondition,renovate, refurbish || restore, rekindle, regenerate

respective (j)

noun country, group, role, community, party,position, field, region, sport, discipline, institution,culture misc their•, our•, each, within•, other•,•ethnic, assign•, separate•, mean, exclusive•, review•,another•● own, individual, particular, separate,corresponding, one-to-one

import (v)

noun country, oil, good, food, product, material,•worker, •drug, •ton, technology, export•, region, gas,waste, tariff misc from, into, export, foreign, raw,domestic, abroad, European, Chinese, western,cheap, Japanese, overseas, African, directly● bring in, introduce, trade in, smuggle || bring in,introduce, trade in, smuggle

affirm (v)

noun court, right, •value, decision, identity, appeal•,circuit, •belief, •importance, faith, church,•commitment, truth, principle, •existence misc both,human, cultural, deny, thus, religious, Christian,recognize, Catholic, strongly, repeatedly, swear,constitutional, spiritual, triple● assert, insist, avow, state || confirm, sustain,uphold, support

lively (j)

noun debate, discussion, conversation, music, scene,performance, exchange, spirit, mix, style, ball,dialogue misc bright, fresh•, engage•, colorful, enjoy•,interesting, lively, funny, beautiful, step•, quick•,feature● energetic, sparkling, active, animated, dynamic,sprightly

stack (v)

noun deck, box, wall, book, odds•, table, pile, shelf,paper, wood, •corner, dish, •ceiling, floor, plate miscup, against, high, neatly, top, each, along, upon, atop,carefully, next, favor, wooden, everywhere, beside● pile, load, heap, mound, amass, assemble

varying (j)

noun degree, level, size, success, amount, length,condition, age, intensity, shade, result, effect miscwidely•, different, varying, wildly•, reflect•,•depending, express•, diverse, operate•, multiple•,accommodate•, due•● variable, changing, fluctuating, changeable, erratic,unpredictable

graphic (j)

noun designer, design, artist, art, image, detail, novel,text, violence, representation, scene, descriptionmisc chronicle, contain•, violent, title•, graphic,•sexual, visual, display, sexually•, disturbing, •novel,bold•● explicit, lifelike, realistic, vivid || illustrative,pictorial, drawn, diagrammatic

breed (v)

noun dog, animal, bird, variety, horse, species,•captivity, plant, mosquito, familiarity•, •contempt,success, generation, •resentment, violence misc born,wild, selectively, successfully, breed, genetically,born, feed, train, specially, survive, resistant,naturally, endangered, rare● reproduce, have babies, procreate || raise, rear,bring up || create, cause, generate

bark (v)

noun dog•, •order, tree, •command, voice, •laugh,sound, distance, foot, neighbor, bark, leaf, yard,•cloth, •instruction misc bark, hear, start, stop,wrong, growl, jump, furiously, somewhere, suddenly,outside, loudly, leap, whine, crazy● howl, yap, growl, yowl, snarl

harmful (j)

noun effect, chemical, health, substance, drug,consequence, ray, environment, behavior, product,bloom, emission misc potentially•, may, less•,beneficial, reduce•, prove•, protect•, cause,•ultraviolet, •algal, avoid•, contain•● damaging, injurious, destructive, detrimental,dangerous, unsafe

determined (j)

noun effort, face, look, resistance, enemy,expression, opposition, stride, minority, opponent,terrorist, strike misc seem•, more•, very•, •ever,remain•, strong•, quite•, genetically•, pretty•, Laden,culturally•, tough•● strong-minded, resolute, gritty, single-minded,unwavering, firm

inexpensive (j)

noun entree, price, material, product, method,alternative, device, labor, computer, camera,software, option misc relatively•, simple•, easy,•under, poor•, available, buy•, provide•, fair, offer•,produce, effective● cheap, low-cost, low-priced, budget, reasonable,economical

above (j)

noun example, analysis, discussion, level, result,ground, politics, factor, finding, statement, passage,jury misc all•, none•, •mention, base, •suggest,•entitle, •apply, illustrate, relate, repeat, test,implement

frightening (j)

noun experience, thought, prospect, possibility,scenario, sight, aspect, implication, reality, speed,statistics, consequence misc more•, very•, most•, a•,little•, pretty•, less•, truly•, strange•, frightening, bit•,scary● scary, terrifying, alarming, startling, upsetting,fearful

facial (j)

noun expression, nerve, feature, hair, paralysis,muscle, gesture, surgery, injury, body, skin, patientmisc left, facial, cause, •swelling, severe•, perform,complete•, surgical, iatrogenic•, •vocal, traumatic•,•reconstructive

frightened (j)

noun eye, face, boy, girl, look, voice, animal, horse,bird, expression, glance, rabbit misc very•, too•, feel,angry, confused, suddenly, frightened, sound•,scared, badly•, wide•, confuse● scared, terrified, afraid, alarmed, startled, upset

narrow (v)

noun eye, gap, •field, •focus, •choice, search, •list,gaze, •slit, •bridge, •scope, difference, •range, option,vision misc her, down, slightly, considerably,significantly, widen, somewhat, sharply, rapidly,dramatically, suspiciously, dangerously, gradually,pause, substantially● get thinner, get smaller, taper, contract || restrict,limit, narrow down, reduce

widen (v)

noun eye•, gap, smile•, road, circle, •scope, grin,•surprise, mouth, highway, hole, deficit, crack, lead,search misc her, between, reveal, include, slightly,deepen, rich, blue, narrow, slowly, suddenly, narrow,bit, considerably, sudden● broaden, extend, expand, enlarge, make wider,amplify

shocked (j)

noun face, silence, expression, look, reaction,surprise, disbelief, audience, murmur, tone, quartz,suggestion misc look•, shocked, I•, surprised, shock,•angry, pretty•, •sadden, •appalled, everyone, quite•,•amazed● surprised, stunned, dazed || scandalized, outraged,appalled || surprised, stunned, dazed || scandalized,outraged, appalled

absent (j)

noun father, parent, present, list, presence, dad,literature, leave, lover, dialogue, household, absencemisc •from, conspicuously•, present, largely•,notably•, often•, noticeably•, entirely•, totally•,completely•, either•, virtually•● missing, gone, out || inattentive, far away,preoccupied || lacking, deficient, nonexistent

ashamed (j)

noun feel, shame, heritage, lie, gaze misc feel•, shall•,too•, nothing•, •yourself, •admit, ought•, •myself,•himself, embarrassed, a•, •themselves● embarrassed, mortified, humiliated, abashed ||reluctant, regretful, unwilling, uncomfortable

skate (v)

noun figure•, ice, •rink, speed•, roller•,•championship, •association, hockey, pair•, skiing, inline•,•competition, park, sport, •champion miscskate, around, Olympic, figure, thin, inline, swim,ride, bike, dance, by, along, backward, past,backwards● roller-skate, blade, skateboard

prop (v)

noun foot, elbow, •pillow, bed, •wall, •styling, head,door, leg, chair, arm, back, chin, table, knee misc up,on, against, her, himself, open, herself, sit, open,behind, myself, lay, lean, upright, beside● hold up, prop up, sustain, buttress, uphold,support

destructive (j)

noun force, behavior, power, effect, weapon, activity,consequence, nature, use, act, practice, action miscmost•, environmentally•, potentially•, less•,constructive, highly•, violent•, socially•, particularly•,dangerous, ultimately•, ecologically•● damaging, devastating, harmful, detrimental ||unhelpful, critical, negative, damaging

allied (j)

noun force, troop, commander, war, air, bombing,plane, health, attack, power, warplane, soldier miscagainst, •military, Iraqi, German, destroy, attack,Federated, •fly, northern, Persian, •bomb, allied● joined, united, combined, amalgamated ||associated, similar, related, connected

conceptual (j)

noun framework, model, art, understanding,knowledge, structure, modeling, level, artist, design,approach, skill misc provide•, develop, theoretical,base, empirical, •practical, •methodological, physical,present•, relate, identify, linguistic

tax (v)

noun gain•, capital•, •cut, •rate, income, sales•, tax,capital-gains•, percent, benefit, profit, •break, •credit,revenue, dividend misc cut, pay, rich, heavily, tax,deductible, ordinary, raise, middle, regulate, wealthy,fund, twice, fully, finance● overtax, overstretch, stretch || charge, assess, hit|| charge, accuse, reproach

gorgeous (j)

noun girl, hair, view, color, dress, beach, scenery,mountain, setting, mosaic, garden, skin misc look,most•, absolutely•, gorgeous, beautiful, drop-dead•,Oh, •blue, tall, that•, blonde, dead•● beautiful, stunning, elegant, attractive, striking,good-looking

shatter (v)

noun glass, window, •record, floor, •piece, dream,silence, wall, illusion, •myth, bone, bullet, windshield,leg, mirror misc suddenly, completely, forever,fragile, thousand, easily, explode, front, strike, rear,fire, crash, broken, threaten, totally● smash, break, smash to smithereens, splinter ||destroy, wreck, crush, demolish

Polish (j)

noun government, American, army, Jew, immigrant,language, peasant, German, alliance, worker, Italian,border misc •national, polish, Russian, German,Jewish, Irish, Catholic, Czech, •foreign, •ethnic,Hungarian, Soviet

accountable (j)

noun government, action, student, official, teacher,leader, performance, decision, public, crime,Congress, authority misc hold•, •for, more•, shall•,must•, responsible, no, directly•, publicly•, anyone,personally•, nobody● answerable, responsible, liable, held responsible,blamed

corrupt (j)

noun government, official, system, politician,practice, regime, police, power, leader, officer, cop,organization misc most•, •political, influence•, less•,incompetent, inefficient, corrupt, tend•, •act,morally•, foreign•, weak•● immoral, unethical, dishonest, crooked, shady,fraudulent

Saudi (j)

noun government, oil, official, family, desert, force,border, bin, minister, regime, authority, prince misc•Arabian, •royal, such•, foreign, military, Kuwaiti,Saudi, Iraqi, senior•, wealthy•, Islamic, Arab

smoking (j)

noun gun, cigarette, marijuana, pot, cessation, ban,habit, crack, drinking, section, scene, cigar misc drink,drink, quit•, start•, quit•, start•, stop•, stop•, smoking,smoke, smoke, handicapped•

damp (j)

noun hair, air, towel, cloth, hand, cold, paper, earth,smell, skin, sweat, face misc her, still•, cold, cool•,warm•, smell, cover•, slightly•, clean•, wipe, dark, hot● dank, moist, humid, soggy || half-hearted,indifferent, insipid, unenthusiastic

mess (v)

noun hair, •mind, •brain, schedule, •Mr, •me,girlfriend, •pant, others•, guitar, •makeup, •carpet,chemistry misc up, with, around, really, somebody,nobody, anyone, mess, pretty, afraid, anybody, kind,na, badly, totally

thrust (v)

noun hand, arm, head, face, hip, finger, leg, foot,chin, •spotlight, •sword, chest, knife, •pocket, fistmisc into, his, her, out, forward, upon, her, toward,suddenly, himself, itself, deep, aside, onto, inside● push, shove, force, propel || stretch, extend,stretch out, reach

jam (v)

noun hand, •pocket, street, gun, door, traffic, foot,•finger, phone, •brake, radio, mouth, band, floor•,crowd• misc into, against, together, onto, hard,down, narrow, inside, inside, tightly, tight, shut, tiny,jam, beneath● squeeze, cram, pack || fill, fill up, throng || stop,seize, seize up

shave (v)

noun head, hair, •cream, •leg, •beard, face, morning,razor, bathroom, minute, cheese, •stroke, skin,•mustache, shower misc off, off, shower, cut, dress,bald, wear, freshly, wash, Parmesan, wax, shave,smooth, clean, completely● cut off, shear, cut, trim

jerk (v)

noun head, hand, arm, body, •thumb, door, back,foot, leg, car, •wheel, shoulder, •stop, •halt, •motionmisc his, her, back, around, away, off, toward, out,away, forward, awake, suddenly, free, upright, off● yank, pull, wrench || lurch, jolt, shudder || twitch,shudder, tremble

reproductive (j)

noun health, right, woman, technology, success,system, freedom, organ, service, choice, medicine,tract misc sexual, female•, male•, human, including,assisted•, cause•, reproductive, affect•, medical,assist•, increase•● generative, multiplicative, procreative, procreant,propagative

nursing (j)

noun home, care, facility, school, hospital, service,mother, manager, program, assistant, shortage,patient misc skilled•, medical, nursing, require,pregnant•, elderly•, professional•, enter•,orthopaedic•, certified, long-term, reside•

psychiatric (j)

noun hospital, association, disorder, patient,treatment, problem, symptom, diagnosis, care, ward,evaluation, illness misc American•, medical, social,psychological, mental, private•, state•, receive,major•, undergo•, •diagnostic, psychiatric

absurd (j)

noun idea, theater, notion, situation, argument,claim, statement, border, absurdity, belief,explanation, proposition misc seem•, sound•,patently•, absolutely•, absurd, totally•, ridiculous,completely•, laugh, strike•, utterly•, border•● ridiculous, silly, strange, illogical || meaningless,pointless, futile, empty

verify (v)

noun information, •identity, data, •claim, result, test,•accuracy, report, finding, •authenticity, record,•status, statement, inspector•, analysis misc able,whether, independently, impossible, difficult, check,order, in, independent, unable, trust, experimentally,test, verify, empirically● confirm, bear out, prove, authenticate, validate,substantiate

competing (j)

noun interest, claim, demand, model, value, theory,view, force, product, idea, vision, plan misc two•,between•, among•, balance•, often•, choose•,involve•, various, reconcile•, multiple, •conflicting,weigh•● rival, opposing, challenging, contending, enemy,conflicting

select (j)

noun interest, document, term, committee, group,store, intelligence, Senate, house, chairman,member, avenue misc this•, few, available•, select,appropriate, •nationwide, carefully•, permanent•,•multiple, twentieth•, parliamentary•, digital● choice, top quality, first-rate, first-class ||exclusive, elite, privileged, cliquey

thorough (j)

noun investigation, examination, understanding,review, analysis, study, search, job, assessment,discussion, knowledge, evaluation misc more•, very•,most•, conduct•, provide•, require•, •physical, base•,•medical, detailed, fair, careful● methodical, careful, systematic || full, detailed,systematic || absolute, complete, total

Caribbean (j)

noun island, country, cruise, basin, nation, coast,pirate, region, beach, vacation, initiative, immigrantmisc Latin, American, central, royal, African•,eastern•, •international, throughout•, Englishspeaking•,southern, sail•, British

tease (v)

noun kid•, hair, boy, girl, brother, sister, peer, joke,teammate, classmate, fun, nose, kiss, •root, tonguemisc him, about, me, her, other, each, laugh, tease,sometimes, apart, mercilessly, gently, taunt, bully,tickle● torment, harass, pester || joke, laugh, mock ||tantalize, arouse, lead somebody on

lifelong (j)

noun learning, friend, resident, dream, commitment,process, love, interest, Democrat, learner,Republican, career misc become•, develop•, •physical,promote•, fulfil•, fulfill•, pursue•, •fan, lifelong,achieve•, •liberal, embrace● enduring, all-time, lifetime, permanent, ultimate,lasting

dangle (v)

noun leg, foot, arm, hand, cigarette•, •side, earring,•lip, neck, •ceiling, rope, •finger, •mouth, end, chainmisc from, her, over, above, off, front, long, red, left,hang, beneath, tiny, bare, upside, broken● hang, hang down, swing, sway, suspend, droop

useless (j)

noun leg, gesture, object, wing, plastic, metal, junk,waste, resistance, antibiotic, trivia, appendage miscrender•, completely•, virtually•, prove•, •unless,totally•, utterly•, pretty•, nearly•, useless, absolutely•,•dangerous● unusable, impractical, hopeless || inept, hopeless,pathetic || unsuccessful, ineffective, unavailing

miserable (j)

noun life, condition, failure, childhood, weather,existence, creature, being, marriage, winter, bastard,wage misc make•, feel•, •little, pretty•, cold•,everyone, poor, absolutely•, miserable, happy, lonely,wet•● unhappy, sad, fed up || depressing, cheerless,wretched || inadequate, measly, paltry || gloomy,dull, gray

underscore (v)

noun •importance, •need, point, •fact, •nature,finding•, •role, •difference, •concern, •value,•challenge, •difficulty, •commitment, •significance,message misc serve, recent, growing, dramatically,potential, fundamental, merely, continuing,historical, continued, dramatic, thereby, fragile,ethical, inherent● underline, highlight, emphasize, accentuate, callattention to, draw attention to

defy (v)

noun •law, •gravity, •odds, •logic, •order,•expectation, •sense, •description, •stereotype,•explanation, •convention, •court, •authority, death,•wisdom misc seem, conventional, easy, continue,common, anyone, international, openly, simple, dare,traditional, complex, defy, willing, anybody● challenge, confront, disobey, rebel, resist, dare

obey (v)

noun •law, •order, •rule, •command, •authority,Democrat, •traffic, congressman•, •instruction, duty•,•limit, •will, rep, •speed, •husband misc must, refuse,obey, order, force, fail, instantly, honor,representative, respect, moral, reluctantly, promise,command, trust● submit, do as you are told, follow, comply with, actupon, observe

grade (v)

noun •level, school, student, paper, •average, •point,gender•, age•, teacher, grade, test, performance,class, track•, exam misc a, b, grade, level, read, d, B+,x, teach, III, F, preschool, below, II, a-● classify, categorize, sort, group, arrange, order

erase (v)

noun •memory, •line, •deficit, history, record, •image,file, computer, •mind, •difference, •distinction, •debt,•trace, •message, past misc completely, quickly,easily, entire, erase, but, entirely, dry, effectively,accidentally, permanently, forever, somehow,painful, virtually● rub out, remove, delete, wipe out, expunge,obliterate

jail (v)

noun •month, •charge, crime, •murder, prison, judge,Mr, •contempt, dissident, offender, journalist,prisoner, •fraud, criminal, activist• misc to, go, send,off, arrest, haul, sentence, briefly, refuse, ought,rather, beat, fine, torture, order● imprison, lock up, put away, lock away, put behindbars, incarcerate

amount (v)

noun •percent, tax, dollar, loss, •ton, debt•, increase,sales, subsidy, •discrimination, saving, damage•, loan,aid•, •nuisance misc to, what, than, more, about,little, nothing, less, per, nearly, total, annual,approximately, unconstitutional, essentially

empty (v)

noun •pocket, •content, room, glass, bag, water,river, mind, •bladder, bottle, •gun, tank, box, drawer,•trash misc into, out, onto, fill, lots, completely,quickly, except, hand, refill, inside, recycle, clean,rather, tip● drain, pour out, discharge, clear out, evacuate,exhaust

formulate (v)

noun •policy, •plan, question, •strategy, theory,hypothesis, idea, •response, research, model,product, concept, •opinion, rule, goal misc help,specially, implement, following, effective, in, specific,foreign, order, test, terms, attempt, clearly,appropriate, moral● devise, invent, prepare, put together || express,frame, put into words, verbalize

fulfill (v)

noun •promise, •obligation, •need, •dream, •role,•requirement, •function, •mission, •duty,•responsibility, •expectation, •commitment, •goal,•desire, •purpose misc to, their, its, help, able, order,fail, in, necessary, unable, promise, basic,constitutional, lifelong, intend● achieve, accomplish || carry out, execute ||satisfy, meet || complete, finish || fill, deliver ||succeed, do proud

thrill (v)

noun •prospect, fan, •crowd, audience, •seeker,•sight, •ride, •arrangement, •quotient, celebrity,•touch, adventure, excitement misc absolutely,everyone, exactly, discover, excited, thrill, genuinely,alive, surprised, amazed, totally, first, proud, excite,me● excite, electrify, exhilarate, delight, inspire,stimulate

stage (v)

noun •protest, event, •demonstration, •comeback,show, •rally, •area, play, •coup, •attack, •strike,production, performance, •raid, party misc mock,outside, carefully, elaborate, British, annual, protest,accuse, artistic, dramatic, mass, fully, elaborately,remarkable, support● put on, perform, present, show, play, act

cultivate (v)

noun •relationship, land, •image, garden, plant, crop,•sense, skill, farmer•, •friendship, soil, ability, •talent,•contact, •relation misc carefully, wild, seek, positive,actively, plant, widely, spiritual, attempt, inner,fertile, consciously, deliberately, weed, harvest● farm, grow, plow, tend || nurture, promote, workon, encourage

pace (v)

noun •room, •floor, night, •circle, •living, •length,apartment, foot, cell, hour, •hall, •kitchen, •hallway,minute, •sideline misc back, forth, begin, around,around, stop, nervously, fast, yourself, stand, himself,front, across, behind, myself● walk, stride, walk up and down, walk back andforth || govern, regulate, restrict, manage

cruise (v)

noun •ship, •control, •speed, •street, car•, •line, boat,mph, •altitude, mile, knot, •road, foot, •victory,highway misc through, along, around, around, along,past, by, slowly, down, above, cruise, Caribbean,past, aboard, remote-control● voyage, sail, journey, travel || coast, skim, spin,travel

scrape (v)

noun •side, •bit, •bowl, •bottom, •money, chair,•floor, skin, knee, •mixture, seed, foot, paint, knife,pan misc off, off, together, down, away, against, by,stop, until, smooth, across, browned, clean, down,stir● scratch, scrub, flake || rub, scratch, scuff || graze,scratch, scuff

stroll (v)

noun •street, •garden, •beach, park, couple,•sidewalk, •aisle, •arm, •town, •path, •ground, visitor•,•avenue, evening, shop misc through, into, down,along, along, over, around, across, past, down,around, toward, by, up, casually● walk, amble, saunter, promenade, ramble, wander

rally (v)

noun •support, •troop, community, stock•, cause,•deficit, Republican, supporter, nation, market•,leader, opposition, public, •cry, American miscaround, behind, around, against, support, beat,outside, rally, past, attend, support, Arab, organize,round, behind● come together, bring together, unite, call together|| recover, pull through, get better, improve

obscure (v)

noun •view, •fact, face, cloud, •vision, issue, dust,truth, smoke, shadow, •difference, sun, fog, moon•,tree misc by, often, partially, tend, completely, partly,sometimes, thick, relatively, dark, somewhat, totally,but, reveal, entirely● confuse, disguise, conceal, complicate || darken,mask, shroud, veil

locally (r)

produce, •grow, •base, •own, food, available,nationally, globally, sell•, both•, act•, organic, buy•,eat•● nearby, close by, in the vicinity, in theneighborhood

aloud (r)

read•, wonder•, speak•, laugh•, word•, name, book,•whether, himself, muse•, pray•, worry•, cry•, poem•● audibly, out loud, distinctly, noticeably || loudly,noisily, riotously, blusteringly

goodbye (u)

say•, goodbye, wave•, kiss•, hello, without•, thank,everybody, thanks, chance•, •hang, hug•, OK, hello•● cheerio, see you, bye, see you later, ciao, hasta lavista

utterly (r)

seem•, fail, •different, completely, utterly, •destroy,•dependent, •silent, •transform, •ridiculous, totally,•useless, •alone, •beyond● completely, absolutely, totally, extremely, entirely,wholly

afterwards (r)

shortly•, soon•, happen•, immediately•, hour•,month•, conference•, dinner, reporter, afterwards,lunch•, clean•, wash, reception•

underneath (i)

skin, •tree, table, lie, foot, leg•, bed, •surface, arm,wear•, hide•, tuck•, floor, seat● under, beneath, below

loudly (r)

speak•, too•, laugh•, talk•, •enough, complain•, hear,sing•, door, shout•, scream•, •proclaim, cry•, •clearly● noisily, deafeningly, piercingly, stridently ||vociferously, boisterously, raucously, noisily

financially (r)

support, •strap, emotionally, help•, •independent,company, •secure, both•, •successful, struggle•,•strong, •stable, •troubled, benefit•● monetarily, fiscally, economically, money-wise,commercially, business-wise

namely (r)

theory, category•, basic•, principle, variable•, notion,democracy, conclusion•, opposite•, above•, •gender,assumption, dimension•, characteristic● that is, that is to say, viz., specifically, explicitly, tobe exact

technically (r)

though•, •speak, •feasible, although•, •difficult,•correct, •possible, •illegal, even•, •economically,•sophisticated, •complex, •proficient, •competent● strictly, in principle, in theory, theoretically ||technologically, scientifically, industrially,mechanically

undoubtedly (r)

will, •most, although•, •contribute, •true, •influence,factor, •significant, •affect, •reflect, •complex,•intend, •due, •aware● certainly, unquestionably, undeniably, indisputably,indubitably, definitely

independently (r)

work•, operate•, each, live•, act•, develop, exist•,function•, •own, able•, •verify, ability•, evolve•,•wealthy● sovereignly, autonomously, freely || selfsufficiently,self-reliantly, autonomously ||individualistically, freely, individually || impartially,detachedly, dispassionately

round (r)

year•, round, eye•, practice•, opening•, •round, face,circle, •neck, championship•, medal•, pastry•, ball,shoulder● around, about, in a circle, in circles, on all sides

half (r)

•as, •later, •way, only•, •expect, almost•, million,nearly•, •hide, •fill, •likely, •cover, •early, hope

permanently (r)

•damage, move•, change, settle•, •alter, lose,temporarily•, close, remove, stay•, •disabled, •attach,remain•, return•● enduringly, forever, lastingly, for good, eternally,always

fundamentally (r)

•different, •change, •alter, •flawed, •wrong, •nature,•important, •sound, remain•, human, •sound, society,differ•, •relationship● basically, essentially, primarily, deeply, necessarily,profoundly

culturally (r)

•diverse, •sensitive, •specific, •different, student,•appropriate, •competent, politically, •relevant,socially, economically, linguistically, •practice,•responsive● socially, ethnically, in cultural terms, customarily|| artistically, aesthetically, creatively

neatly (r)

•into, fit•, fold, hair, dress, •trim, stack, arrange, tuck,hang, •press, bed, •folded, lay● tidily, in order, carefully || ingeniously, cleverly,conveniently || gracefully, effortlessly, deftly

wildly (r)

•popular, •successful, swing•, around, cheer•,•different, arm, wave•, heart•, vary•, •around, spin•,fire•, gesture•● enthusiastically, madly, passionately, excitedly ||riotously, uncontrollably, noisily, outrageously

statistically (r)

•significant, difference, •between, no•, find, result,no•, effect, •relationship, correlation, show•, group,•different, although•

eighteen (m)

•year, •month, age•, •old, after, •hour, •ago, •later,about•, •minute, hundred, •inch, seventeen•,•thousand

fourteen (m)

•year, •old, age•, •day, •month, •hour, •ago, thirteen•,hundred, •fifteen, •later, twelve•, •minute, since

thirteen (m)

•year, •old, twelve•, age•, •month, •fourteen,hundred, •ago, •later, •hour, •minute, boy, •thousand,•foot

sixty (m)

•year, •percent, about•, •mile, hundred•, more•, fifty•,•ago, •thousand, •day, •second, old, •foot, •dollar

dead (r)

•year, •yet, •day, •against, •right, •remain, •already,•male, •soldier, •soon, •month, drop•, •hour, •anyway

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