cognitive behavioral therapy
self talk
(cognitions) what people say to themselves when they are thinking
What is CBT?
- type of psychotherapy that deals with our thoughts and behaviors -affective treatment for depression, anxiety, etc. - can be affective at few at 8 sessions -our thoughts effect our feelings and behaviors -we react to our thoughts based on our behaviors and feeling
benefit of the doubt thinking
-always interpreting it as the most optimistic (not in a negative way).
two factor theory of fear
1. classical conditioning 2. operant conditioning
the goal of cognitive therapy
1. correct clients faulty information processing 2. modify clients dysfunctional beliefs that maintain the maladaptive behaviors and emotions 3. provide clients with the skills and experiences that create adaptive thinking
clients cognitions are modified:
1. directly-through cognitive interventions 2. indirectly- through overt behavioral interventions
thought stopping
1. interrupting the disturbing thoughts 2. focusing on competing adaptive behaviors
assessing cognitions
1. self recording 2. self-report inventory 3. think aloud procedures
C- thoughts; feelings--> self talk; automatic thoughts--> core beliefs b- behavioral t-therapy * youtube: therapist aid
Psychological problems-negative emotions and maladaptive behaviors- are maintained by the interpretations that people make of the events of their lives
the role of behaviors
a person is invited out and says no--> this gets them thinking that no one likes them and hates them bc they were not invited again (social anxiety)
personal worthlessness
a specific form of overgeneralization associated with failure
automatic thoughts
a term that emphasizes how clients experience their distorted thinking
are thoughts-including beliefs, assumptions, expectations, attributions, and attitudes.
cognitive intervention
based on cognitive restructuring challenge clients cognitions directly. - therapist provides relevant information about what makes the fear unrealistic -generating alternative interpretations -reattribution of responsibility
becoming aware of how ones emotions (especially negative emotions and also positive ones) are influenced by ones thoughts is central to rational emotive education and rebt
cognitive therapy
besides changing the clients cognitions directly, cognitive therapy changes clients overt behaviors, which indirectly modifies their cognitions and emotions
cognitive behavioral therapy
changes cognitions that play a role in maintaining a wide array of psychological disorders and problem
drawing conclusions that all instances of situations will turn out a particular way because one or two did.
graded task assignments
involve client engaging in a series of small sequential step that lead to a therapeutic goal, which is essentially shaping
involves seeing minor situations as terrible
activity schedule
is a written plan of a clients daily activities and is especially useful for clients who are anxious or depressed
rational emotive education
is an adaptation of REBT for children and adolescence
thought stopping
is designed to decrease the frequency and duration of persistent and intrusive disturbing thoughts by interrupting them and substituting them with pleasant thoughts for them
ellis theory
our beliefs, not the events themselves, are what make us angry, frustrated, upset, etc..
cognitive restructuring
recognizing maladaptive cognitions and substituting more adaptive cognitions for them. it is used when clients problems are maintained by an excess of maladaptive thoughts
cognitive restructuring therapy
teaches clients to change distorted and erroneous cognitions that are maintaining problem behaviors
cognitive therapy
the client and therapist relationship is a key element in cognitive therapy, establishing a good therapeutic relationship is considered a pre-req for effective treatment
imagery rescripting
the client modifies the disturbing thought, image, or belief so it is more tolerable, or present
core beliefs
the core things that shape who they are -they can either super positive about one self or negative -think about it as a sense -the therapist should encourage the persons self talk
REBT continued:
the goal of rebt is to modify irrational beliefs, which is accomplished by 1: identifying thoughts based on irrational beliefs 2. challenging irrational beliefs 3. replacing thoughts based on irrational beliefs with thoughts based on rational beliefs
adaptive competing behaviors
therapists assist clients in selecting one or more adaptive competing behaviors that can be used in the second phase of thought stopping
rational emotional behavioral therapy (REBT)
well known treatment that primarily employs cognitive restructuring to change the irrational thoughts that cause psychological problems, such as anxiety, depression, anger, and guilt