Cold War: Cuban Missile Crisis
Who was concerned invading Cuba would start WWIII?
President Kennedy. He decided to set up a naval blockade.
What was the final agreement made between Soviet Union and USA?
Soviets would remove their missiles from Cuba, USA could never invade Cuba again, and USA had to remove nuclear missiles from Turkey and Italy.
Why did Soviet Union place missiles in Cuba?
They wanted missile strikes so they could hit USA, and Cuba wanted protection from USA
By the 24th Kennedy believed the USA would have to invade Cuba?
Could these missiles reach any point of the USA?
Was a hotline established between president and leader of soviet union after the crisis?
Was this the closest time the USA and Soviet Union have ever come to Nuclear War?
Who was secretly negotiating with each other during the missile crisis?
USA and Soviet Union
When did the Cuban Missile Crisis occur?
1962, when Soviet Union began to install nuclear missiles in Cuba
What would be considered an act of war from Soviet Union?
Any attack on the USA from Cuba
Who was not happy with the final negotiations?
Castro, because he had been left out of them
Which General of the USA called the crisis the "worst defeat in history"?
Curtis LeMay
What happened to President Kennedy as a result of the Cuban Missile crisis ending?
His leadership had grown as well as his confidence in being president.
Where did USA install several nuclear weapons?
In Italy and Turkey, with a range to hit Moscow.
Who wanted to Invade Cuba?
Joint Chiefs of Staff
who wrote a personal letter to Kennedy asking to end the war?
Who was the Soviet leader at this time?
Nikita Khrushchev
What date was it when an American U-2 plane captured pictures of missiles in Cuba?
October 14, 1962
When did Kennedy announce his plan for a naval blockade?
October 22, 1962