Cold War Unit

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Marshall Plan

$13 billion of aid provided by the U.S. to European countries to rebuild after World War II and not turn to Communism.

Tensions in Korea

In June, 1950, North and South Korea were formed and had different types of government. China and the Soviet Union wanted to invade South Korea and have one Korea under Communist rule. The U.S. had helped set up a Democratic government in South Korea. North Korea was a Communist government. China and the Soviet Union backed North Korea, which caused a lot of tension between the two sides. Ultimately both sides wanted a unified Korea under one rule. The U.S. was not going to let South Korea become Communist.

Look through the political cartoons that will appear on the quiz/test!!!

These will be in google classroom under weeks 29-32.

Korean War Facts pt. 2

This whole thing starts because North Korea invades South Korea in an attempt to get its territory. Korea kept changing until it finally spilt into two sections= North and South Korea.

Stuff from the Cold War Escape Room

Truman Doctrine: Tensions between the West and the USSR were already on the rise. The U.S. wanted other countries to be democrats. Greece faced a brutal Civil War. The USSR had been trying to expand influence in other parts of the Mediterranean. $400 million of military and economic aid was proposed by Truman to help Greece & Turkey. The US feared the Communists would support Communists in the Greek Civil War. American & British political leaders believed democracies would be reliable allies in trade and war. Marshall Plan: The Marshall Plan led to a lot of growth of the countries that received aid. It was not isolationist and was rather internationalist in nature. Between 1948 and 1952, Europe experienced a large increase in economic production. The hunger and starvation that people experienced after the war decreased very much. The Marshall Plan helped the developmental process. The Plan aimed to restore the European economies after the destruction of WWII. John Marshall was the US Secretary of State. The US sent food, fuel, and machinery to Europe. NATO and Warsaw Pact: The countries that were in the Warsaw Pact are: Romania, East Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, The Soviet Union, Hungary, Bulgaria, and Albania. The Warsaw Pact was comprised of countries considered "satellite states" of the USSR. They were also referred to as "buffer states" as they were meant to protect the USSR from future invasion. These countries were behind the iron curtain. All these countries were in the Soviet sphere of influence. The countries in the Warsaw Pact were considered behind the iron curtain, allies of the USA, and buffer states.


is the form of government supported by the Soviet Union.


is the form of government supported by the United States.

Vietnam War

-The U.S. said that if the Communists forces invaded South Vietnam they would get involved. -The Southern part of Vietnam were anti-communist. -The anti-communist government in the South fell. - This war was between The Vietnam War changed America because it was an important war that wasn't like all of the other wars. This war changed the voting age to 18 instead of 21 because people thought if an 18-year-old could die in the war, they should be able to vote since they are old enough to die for their country. The war also had huge protests from youth. There was also a culture that formed- they rejected traditional American values and the war. Such as Hippies, Woodstock and Give Peace a Chance. It was also the first televised war. Because it was a war that changed many people's life and in this war, American soldiers found themselves fighting a very different kind of war the U.S. had ever experienced. For example, they were engaged in guerrilla warfare which means that they were against fighters who didn't wear uniforms, walked around the countryside in small groups, and these people could also blend into the civilian population. This made it hard and confusing to know who was the enemy and who wasn't the enemy. Plus, for the first time, it was America's first televised war. Americans watching the war saw horrible things. This made people question whether America should have even been involved in a war like that because it was far from home. People who still remember the war will never forget what happened which is why this war of many firsts is still remembered and cared about today.

Facts about the Korean War

1. A treaty was signed dividing Korea at the 38th parallel. 2. A world organization voted to create an armed force to stop armed force. 3. Many refugees were fed, clothed, and nursed by UN troops were able to return home for the first time since the war began.

Vietnam facts

26th Amendment - changed the voting age from 21 to 18 If you were old enough to die for your country you should be able to vote War Powers Act - limited the President's "war making powers" - - Congress is more involved The War influenced many things: Vietnam's economy American soldiers: dead, disabled, post traumatic stress Mixed feelings among American people about war


A classless society where all citizens have equal status.

The Cold War

A conflict in which opposing sides never fought each other in battle, but tensions and threats were common.

United Nations

A peacekeeping organization that is supposed to resolve issues without conflict.


A political and economic system in which property and resources like farmland is publicly owned or controlled.

Nuclear Arms Race

A race between the U.S. and the Soviet Union to see who could produce the most nuclear weapons.

Iron Curtain

An imaginary barrier between freedom (democracy) and oppression (communism).

Even more stuff from the Cold War Escape Room

Arms Race: The United States and The Soviet Union were fighting over the superiority of development and accumulation of nuclear weapons. They kept trying to continue to beat each other with new nuclear developments. Both sides worked to increase their arms stockpile. The U.S. spent six trillion dollars on its nuclear weapons program and built ten thousand nuclear warheads. Although the arms race was meant to increase each state's security, it did not go as it should have. In the 1950s, the Soviets issued nuclear threats against Western allies, including the British and French during the suez crisis. Tensions rose and turned into The Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962, which was the closest the world has ever been to nuclear war. Space Race: Both the US and USA committed to launching satellites into space in 1955. In 1960, JFK announced that the US would put a man on the moon before the end of the decade. This man was Neil Armstrong. He was the first person on the moon but not the first into space. Sputnik was the first satellite launched into orbit in 1957. This was launched by the Soviet Union. The first man to orbit the Earth was from the Soviet Union. The Space Race had big topics become revealed such as struggle for dominance, prestige & influence. Both the US and USA committed to launching satellites into space in 1955. In 1960, JFK announced the US would put a man on the moon before the end of the decade. Sputnik was the first satellite launched into orbit in 1957.

Cuban Missile Crisis

BRINKMANSHIP - being on the "brink" of war. Khrushchev (Soviet Union leader), Kennedy (U.S. leader and Castro (Cuban leader) The Soviet Union had nuclear missiles pointed at us in Cuba. Florida is 90 miles away from Cuba. Kennedy announced that he was imposing a blockade on all offensive military equipping. The U.S. created a blockade around Cuba. In order to establish the blockade, the U.S. navy warships surrounded Cuba. U.S. citizens were FREAKED OUT about a nuclear attack- "duck and cover." No one knew if a nuclear war was near.

Benefits of the Space Race

Congress created NASA. The study of weather patterns improved. Medicine improved. Computers became necessary and popular- they also became smaller.

Vietnam facts

Diem in South Vietnam was a corrupt ruler and didn't implement democracy He took away rights of certain people like the Buddhists The Viet Cong was a group of Vietnamese Communists trying to overthrow Diem & return to Communism North Vietnamese soldiers used the Ho Chi Minh trail that went through the jungles of neighboring countries to sneak into South Vietnam The anti-Communist government in the South fell

More stuff from the Cold War Escape Room

Berlin Blockade and Airlift: The Berlin blockade was made by the Soviet Union to limit the U.S., Great Britain, and France to travel to their sectors of Berlin. All land access was cut off by the USSR. The USSR decided to block off the city because of US economic policies. Even German children went out to meet the planes because pilots sometimes dropped candy and toys. This Blockade represented the first major conflict of the Cold War. Berlin was located in the middle of Soviet-controlled East Germany. The citizens of West Berlin were cut off from food, medicine, fuel, and other basic goods. For close to a year, the US & Britain dropped supplies in by plane. Korean War: After WWII, Korea was divided into North Korea & South Korea at the 38th parallel. The Domino theory rose from this event. People thought that one country falling to communism would lead to more countries falling to communism until all of the countries were communist countries. The U.S. saw this as a huge problem between Communism & Capitalism. The North attacked first and Macarthur wanted a full-out war but Truman was hesitant. After WWII, Korea was divided into North & South at the 38th parallel. The domino theory emerged from this event: the fear one country falling to Communism would lead to more falling. The US saw it as a larger struggle between Communism & Capitalism.

Cuban Missile Crisis Resolution

Both leaders were unwilling to back down but were also unwilling to start a war. Khrushchev agreed to stop sending missiles to Cuba and to return the missiles already in Cuba to the Soviet Union. The U.S. agreed not to invade Cuba AND to take the nukes out of Turkey (pointing at the Soviet Union).


Detente is a release from tension. The enemies tried to reduce the conflicts between them. Detente is the relaxation of strained relations by verbal communications. This is usually political.


Eleven months was how long the Soviet Union had blocked off Berlin

The Korean War Map

For the test, you will be labeling a map.

Warsaw Pact

The Soviet Union, East Germany, Poland, Bulgaria, Romania, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania all made up a security alliance.

Vietnam facts

Guerrilla Warfare is basically surprise attacks by small bands of fighters It is like terrorism, but only directed at the military The U.S. did not have local facilities to train for jungle warfare (we do well in the desert) Every other war had been "your side my side" we fight until one of us takes over the other sides "stuff" The North Vietnamese blended in with the locals The South Vietnamese fought inefficiently

Superheros created during the Cold War

Hulk, X-Men, Ironman, Spiderman, Fantastic 4, Green Lantern, Black Panther.

U.S. Responds to the tensions in Korea

In September, 1950, The U.S.leaders didn't want to lose another country to communism as they did with China so they decided to intervene and protect the Democratic government of South Korea. They saw Korea as the domino theory in action which is why they knew that something had to be done. The U.S. invaded Inchon to help support South Korea get the North Korean troops out of South Korea. The U.S. wanted South Korea to remain a democracy. Needless to say, there were issues on both sides all the Korean War started. President Eisenhower didn't want to lose South Korea to Communism.

Cuban Missile Crisis Timeline

Invasion of the Bay of Pigs: Bay of Pigs is a CIA secret invasion of Cuba Kennedy learns of missiles in Cuba: Cuba is 90 miles off the coast of Florida Kennedy addresses the American public: The American people panicked!!! A U.S. spy plane ends up in Soviet air space Khrushchev removes missiles from Cuba. In return the U.S. does 2 things: Kennedy pledges not to invade Cuba again and Kennedy removes the U.S. missiles in Turkey that were pointed at the Soviet Union. Fidel Castro takes over Cuba: Cuba is allies with the Soviet Union. Soviet Missiles are spotted in Cuba. Soviet Union placed nuclear missiles in Cuba as a result of the Bay of Pigs invasion by the U.S. Kennedy learns of the nuclear missiles & orders the U.S. Navy to set a blockade around Cuba. Soviet ships approach quarantine line: The ships slowed or turned away. A U.S. spy plane is shot down over Cuba by a Soviet office. Nuclear war was avoided. Whew!

Spy Stuff

Spies hid in order to sneak around. They took pictures and used them as advantages. They listened in on conversations and even dropped bombs. There were many spies throughout history that used gadgets/devices that were disguised as other items so that they weren't noticeable.

How was the results of the Korean War significant (important) to the U.S.?

The American people wanted to fight Communism. The results of the Korean War were significant to the U.S. because future U.S. leaders learned to justify entering global conflicts and they also were part of an organization that was created to protect Southeast Asian countries from being invaded by communist powers.

The Cold War Ends, More Facts

The Cold War ended. The Soviet Union was eliminated which meant that the U.S. was the superpower of the world. There was no longer Soviet missiles threatening to strike U.S. cities and there was also no Soviet Union troops to spread communism throughout the world.The Cold war was over. There was no more conflict with the Soviet Union. The U.S. and other nations didn't have to worry about the spread of communism and there was no longer a soviet government to keep peace when ethnic conflicts within the former Soviet republics broke out in violence.

Vietnam facts

The Northern part of Vietnam supported Communism with the leader Ho Chi Minh The Southern part of Vietnam were anti-Communist with the leader of Ngo Dinh Diem Divided at the 17th parallel They were supposed to become united again after elections in 1956, but not under Communist rule

Space Race

The Soviet Union and the U.S. raced to get to space first. The Soviet Union and the U.S. thought that if a country were the first in space, it would show the world that it was more superior. The Soviets kicked our butts and got into space multiple times before we did. (Sputnik) The Soviets were the first to come across the frontier. Americans didn't want the Soviets to win the space race so America tried to catch up. The U.S. feared that the Soviet Union would drop bombs on the U.S. cities. Eventually, the U.S. got to the moon first- so, we say we won the Space Race!

Truman Doctrine

The U.S. and Great Britain gave assistance to Greece and Turkey so they would not turn to Communism.

Vietnam facts

The U.S. did not want to lose Vietnam In '64 President Johnson made plans to bomb North Vietnam to scare Ho Chi Minh (didn't work) The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution allowed troops to be sent to Vietnam because North Vietnam forces had attacked American destroyers in the Gulf of Tonkin In '65 we had 184,000 soldiers involved The policy of escalation means to gradually increase military troops over the next few years - which we did quite a bit!


The consequences of a significant or unpleasant event.


The nation created from part of Palestine for Jewish people to live.


The policy that tried to stop the Soviet Union from growing in land and power.

What were the results of the Korean War?

The results of the Korean War was a stalemate. They ended up back at the 38th parallel (where they started). A peace treaty has never been signed so technically the two Korea's were still at war. Finally, in April 2018, the two Korea's signed a peace treaty ending the 65 year-long stalemate.

Domino Theory

The theory that if one country fell to Communism then the surrounding countries would fall too.

Potsdam Conference

Was supposed to be a discussion of peace between nations, but that did not happen when the U.S. and the U.K. became suspicious of the Soviet Union's motives.

The Cold War Ends Facts

Who: The Soviet Union. What: The Soviet Union was eliminated. When: December 1991. Where: The Soviet Union. Why: Because, each of the soviet republics wanted to be free and break away from the Soviet Union. They did do this and the leader was going to sign an agreement. However, conservative communist officials staged a coup to oust Gorbachev. They imprisoned him and his family at their home. The coup eventually collapsed and Gorbachev resumed his position as leader of the Soviet Union but the position now had no power. The soviet union and its premier had become irrelevant. Yeltsin and other leaders of the other Soviet republics declared that the Soviet Union no longer exist.

The Berlin Wall

a physical reminder of the separation between Communism & Democracy.


competition for the same goal or objective or superiority.

The Yalta Conference

created an organization that would diplomatically solve problems between countries in an effort to avoid future wars.


the U.S., UK, France, Canada, Italy that formed an alliance to protect democratic freedoms.

Berlin Blockade

was the Soviet response to reuniting Germany by stopping traffic on all highways, railroads, and water routes.

Berlin Airlift

when the U.S. and other nations delivered supplies to the Communist controlled part of this city.

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